Chapter 6

Bella arrived at the bar and sat in her car for quite a while doing surveillance on the bar and it's surrounding areas. She saw lots of young girls going in with men and was sure she was in the correct place to get answers.

She got out of her car and shook out her hair from the bun and decided to leave her jacket behind since she knew she had to use her beauty and shape of her body to her advantage to get answers in these kind of places. Fortunately for her, she was a woman who could take care of herself so she wasn't scared at all. She grabbed her bag and locked her car and walked inside.

As soon as she arrived inside and sat at the bar she saw several men approach her like a swarm of flies, asking her to purchase her drinks. After fending them off with the story of her being a lesbian and having her partner with a family at home, they finally gave up and continued harassing other female customers.

After a few hours of sipping several Long Island Ice Tea and doing some surveillance inside of the bar, Bella noticed a large Caucasian man checking out young female girls and writing something on a piece of paper. She eyed him intensely but was distracted for a few seconds when she noticed several eyes on her. She quickly averted her eyes back on the suspect but tried to recall where she knew one of the male observers from who were all eyeballing her.

Bella assumed it was probably college and concentrated on what her suspect kept writing down. As soon as he was finished, Bella observed that the Caucasian man then walked past another brown skinned guy and slipped him the piece of paper.

Interesting! She said to herself, but unaware the beverages she drank had taken quite a toll on her, and that she was indeed speaking loudly. As she pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of the dark skinned man she felt hot air against her ears.

 Yes I would say it's quite interesting that a beautiful woman like yourself is sitting here and talking to herself. Karl said as he waited for the bartender to finish his order of drinks.

 You are such a cutie pie with your baby face but unfortunately I'm actually into women. Bella said and smiled as she finished her drink.

 Oh that's wonderful doll because I'm actually interested in the woman sitting next to me at the table and my brother is gay! How about you join us? Kyle asked and gave a bright smile.

Your girl is beautiful! But I'm sorry as I was just about to leave. Early day tomorrow and I have some errands still to run.! Bella said

Please today is our first day in the city and you'll actually be the first to welcome us. Just one more Long Island Ice Tea, I promise. Besides my brother just broke up with his boyfriend and is awfully sad. I'm sure meeting a new friend will cheer him up! For all you know he could turn out to be your best friend seeing that you have so much in common. Karl pleaded.

You sure do love your brother even though I'm not his type. It's kind of sweet so I'll just have one more drink and I'm leaving okay baby cheeks. Bella said.

Bella only agreed because she was curious as to find out where she knew his gay brother's face from. It bothered her immensely seeing a familiar face and not knowing where to place it. She helped the muscular young man take the drinks over to his table as well as her drink.

Hey everybody, this is …., Karl said and looked at the woman to the side of him.

Bella, she answered as she placed the drink on the table and kept hers in her hands and sat down on the empty high chair.

Bella.... I'm Karl, this is Charlie and that is my brother Kyle. Hey guys, don't you think Bella resembles our friend who we met by accident years ago. Karl said smiling brightly and making Bella wonder if he was of sound mind.

 Nice to meet you all! Bella answered and saw when Kyle's eyes kept staring at her.

 Hi Bella, it's a pleasure to meet you. And yes I agree Karl, Charlie replied.

Hi, Kyle said since it was the only thing that could have come out his parched throat.

 So I was now telling Bella that we've just arrived at this new place and she's the first person we're actually interacting with. Karl said while Charlie and Kyle gulped their drinks and nodded their heads.

So where are you all originally from? Bella asked

 We're from Saint Park not far from  famous Dark Moon Mountains! Charlie blurted out quickly before Karl or Kyle had time to answer.

 Sorry, I'm not accustomed to drinking, Charlie continued when everyone was staring at her.

It's okay, me too! Bella said and laughed softly.

 Yea I know where that is! It's like twenty minutes before the mountains? Bella continued.

Yup, that's right. You've ever been there or close to the mountains? Karl enquired

 Yea but that was a very long time ago. Bella said being careful with giving out to much information.

Hey Kyle, what College did you go too? Bella turned to Kyle and asked.

 Santana State University! Kyle answered slowly.

That's probably where I know your face from. Bella muttered under her breath.

 What's that? Kyle asked, unsure if he heard correctly that she said she knew his face from somewhere.

Oh I said I went to Montana Tech and you look like one of my school mates. Bella said and smiled and Kyle felt his chest begin to constrict and his wolf getting aroused.

 So where are you guys staying in town? Some of these areas you have to be careful about. Bella asked.

We're at the Regency Hotel! Kyle said not wanting to give away their location.

Fancy indeed! Bella said and smiled again causing Kyle to take another large gulp of his drink and completely drain the glass.

Bella felt sorry for Kyle. Off course she didn't know what it was like to have a boyfriend but the way he was trying to drown his woes with alcohol made her sad for him. She quickly finished her drink and got up from the chair.

 Well guys it was nice to meet you and I hope to see you all around again, Bella said.

 Are you sure you want to leave on just one drink Bella? Karl asked and flashed his best, panty dropping, smile.

We agreed to only one drink Karl! And  yes I have to go as I have to meet up with another friend. Bella said apologetically.

Well it was wonderful to meet you Bella. Thanks for hanging out with the newbies. Karl replied.

You're welcome! And Kyle he isn't worth you drinking yourself to a pulp. I'm sure you can do a lot  better off with him out of your life. Bella said and walked away.

What? Who's he? Does she think I'm fucking gay? Kyle asked Karl confused.

Amm I might have told Bella that you were gay to get her to come to our table because she said she was a lesbian but she's definitely not! Karl said and wickedly grinned

You sneaky, fucking bastard! Why the hell couldn't you tell her you were gay? Kyle shouted

Oh for sure now I'm sending this recording to dad! Just for doing what you did you dumb prick! Kyle continued as Karl laughed loudly.

 I'll get the next rounds while you settle this! Charlie said laughing as she walked to the bar.

As soon as she placed her order, a dark skin man approached her.

Hey beautiful,  I'm Zack! The man said.

Hey, I'm Charlie! Charlie said politely.

Beautiful name for a beautiful woman! Anyways Charlie I have a friend who is a famous photographer and would pay a lot of money to take some photos of you. What do you say? Zack asked with a lazy drawl.

I'm actually here with my friends at the moments and I'm not really interested in your offer so I'll pass. Charlie said and attempted to leave.

Here sugar, take my number incase you change you mind okay as I'm just a phone call away for some good money. I swear he pays a lot. Zack said and handed her his number on a piece of paper.

Charlie took the paper with her drinks and left the bar and returned to the table with Kyle and Karl feeling totally uneasy by the man and his behavior.

What did he want Charlie? Karl asked as jealousy overtook him when he saw the guy harassing her.

Oh the rogue just offered me an opportunity to get my picture taken for a lot of money! Charlie said showing them both his number.

Well hold on to the number because it could possibly be the only information we get on this surveillance tonight. Kyle said.

Several hours later, Kyle drank down the last of his drink.

What do you say we call it and head back to the house? I'm beat! He continued

Yes I'm ready to go! Karl said and consumed the remainder of his drink

Since it seems I'm out voted, let's go! Charlie said and got up.



As soon as Bella arrived at her car she took out her phone and called a college class mate that worked in the police department in the area

Hey Chris, it's Bella. I'm on a new case and have a picture of a man that I need checked from your records please. Bella asked.

Sure, send me it as I'm on duty tonight so I can check it and give you a call if I find anything. Christine answered.

Thanks a million girl. I'll send it now to your phone. Bella said and hung up.

She then reversed from the parking lot and drove home replaying the interaction with the strange new group of people she met earlier that didn't seem normal to her. A younger version of Kyle's face she definitely knew and wasn't quite certain it was from college.