Chapter 18

The bar was packed tonight as it was a Saturday night. Bella squeezed her way inside and began to look around for Greg. She knew that once he was still around, it meant he wasn't spooked and her chances of finding the women would be better.

She walked around the room but didn't see him so she decided to go to the bar to get a drink. As she sat at the counter and ordered a drink she checked her phone. It was at that exact time she saw a text pop up from Kyle.

After reading his message of how he was sorry for what had happened, she put down the phone She didn't want to think about him right now. She spun around and did a scan to see if Gregory had come in and still didn't see him but she saw a familiar face staring at her.

Kyle saw Bella as soon as she entered the bar and was squeezing through the crowd. He assumed she was there to meet someone but after watching her movements and then seeing her go to the bar, he knew she was there by herself.

He quickly took out his phone and messaged her when he saw her looking at her phone. He saw her read it and put down her phone and cursed under his breath.

Bella got up and walked towards him,

What are you? Bella demanded as she stood beside him.

What am I? Kyle asked as he continued to sip his drink

Don't play fucking games with me Kyle, what supernatural being are you? A warlock, a werewolf or a vampire? Bella asked as she stared at him angrily.

Kyle looked up at her and changed his eye color from blue to gold and seconds later he changed it back.

You're a werewolf and you didn't tell me Kyle? Why would you fuck me and not mention that? she continued.

Is that going to be a problem? The attraction is still strong with us whether we're different species! Kyle said knowing that it shouldn't be a problem since she was with his father.

You fucking tricked me into believing that you're an ordinary human and now you're asking me if it's going to be a problem? Are you for fucking real, Kyle? Bella said in a raised tone.

It's not something I broadcast to everyone Bella! Kyle said amazed and not understanding why she was making such a big deal.

I would think that the person you're fucking with isn't just everyone Kyle! Bella answered.

It was just sex Bella, not marriage! Kyle replied.

Are you mentally ill Kyle? I don't understand you. Just forget about what happened with us okay! Bella said and Kyle grabbed her by her waist tightly.

And what are you sweet Bella because you're surely not human alone! Karl said softly against her ear.

He was amazed when Bella was able to remove his hold with minimal effort.

Lose my number Kyle! Bella said as she walked away and tried to get out of the bar. At that exact time she bounced into Greg.

Watch where you're going sweet thing! Greg said in a deep, low voice.

Sorry hunny! She answered and walked away.

She walked to her car and sat for a long time, waiting to see if Greg would come out but he didn't. After several hours, she started her car and drove to the abandoned building to check for activity again and when she realize there wasn't she drove home, showered and went to bed.


Kyle walked out of the bar feeling worst than when he went in. He walked to his car and sat down thinking about the night he had with Bella.

This is all your fucking fault! Kyle screamed to his wolf as he sped out of the parking lot.

Memories of Bella walking away from him flashed across his mind.

Kyle you know what your problem is? Let me tell you! You're always trying to fight me in every decision. Had you marked her the first time you were with her, we would not have been in this mess right now. You bite her alright, but in the wrong place you fucking retard! And then you have the audacity to accuse me of doing such a stupid thing! Kyle's wolf shouted.

Bella is not ours to have Wolf! Shut the fuck up, I can't deal with you right now! Kyle replied.

Me? You cannot deal with me? That's a good one Kyle! His wolf answered and subsided as quickly as he came.

Kyle arrived home during the early hours of the morning and went straight to bed and slept.


At 5am he was awaken by a smiling Karl

Karl it's too early, leave me alone! Kyle mumbled sleepily.

Kyle I've got some great news for you! Karl sang

Kyle jumped up,

Lizzy's been found? Kyle asked excitedly.

No, that would have really been great! Okay some good news for you! Karl rephrase.

You found out who's after the Alphas and we can deal with the problem and get back to our lives? Kyle asked happily.

Ain't you the buzz kill this early morning! No Kyle! Okay I have some news for you! Karl said excitedly.

Well if it's not Lizzy being found or us finding out who's behind a possible attack on father and other Alphas, I really don't care to hear about it Karl! Seriously, get outnand let me sleep! Kyle said and fell back on the bed.

Karl waited several minutes until Kyle fell asleep and slapped him causing Kyle to jump out of bed and look around the room for the attacker.

You better have a good reason for doing that Karl or else you're going to hear singing from the angels in heaven this Sunday morning! Kyle said angrily

Charlie and I are getting married! We're mates Kyle, she's finally mines! Karl shouted grinning broadly.

Kyle was still annoyed at Karl for slapping him but he had to smile and be happy for his brother. He knew how many years they both pretended to not care about it.

Congratulations little brother. I'm so happy for you and Charlie! Kyle said as he went to Karl and hugged him.

Thank you Kyle, I know you would! Anyway we're doing a courthouse marriage next Friday, you being the best man and witness, and then we'll go for drinks! Karl said grinning

I gather you're waiting for Lizzy to return for the ceremony! Kyle stated

Yea, Lizzy would kill us if we did that without her being here! Karl stated.

Okay, I'll be there! Kyle replied and hugged Karl again.

Now get out, let me go back to sleep before I change my mind about being your best man. Kyle continued.

So I gather you got no action last night from your date? Karl said laughing.

Get the hell out now Karl! Kyle barked and fell back into bed.

Karl didn't bother answering but left Kyle's room and walked into the kitchen to make a big breakfast.


When Bella's eyes opened, the first person she thought about was Kyle. She was utterly mad at herself for not figuring him out the instant she met him. That was her main disadvantage of the new powers! Being only half witch before the asteroid hit earth, she could have easily diffentiate who was supernatural from human and what they were from their smell. The other major problem associated with her powers was that she never unleashed all of it together to see what would happen.

She remembered the vacation after graduation, that she took with few of her college friends. They were camping at Bear Lake when they were attacked by an enormous crocodile which devoured her roommate's dog, Gladys. Bella had loved Gladys from a pup and seeing the Crocodile chomping on her had angered her to such extreme that as soon as her other friends took the crying girl away, Bella literally was able to raise the fifteen feet,  over a thousand pounds croc into mid-air and explode in into bits of pieces just by using her finger. That is why she refused to allow herself to get overly angry and resorted to her breathing exercises.

Bella's thoughts was interrupted when she heard a text come in. As she grabbed her phone and looked at it,

Bella, I don't know what comes over me when you're around me to make me act like a jerk but I'm sorry. Please forgive me…..Kyle.

Bella didn't reply but placed her phone on the bed and got up and went into the bathroom. When she was done, she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl with milk and cereal and sat in front of the television. She laid on the sofa for the rest of the day binge watching shows and only got up to make a microwave lunch and dinner and use the bathroom.

When it was around midnight, she got dressed and headed towards Woodford Square but again saw no activity so she flew around for a bit, but it was quiet, and so she went home and showered and went to bed. This was the routine for the next couple of days and had gotten her extremely worried. On Friday morning after reaching back home from her unsuccessful patrol, she decided that she would once again check on Greg at the bar and ensure that he was still around.