Just mine

I will not let anyone be your partner.

You are mine only mine

I will not allow anyone else to be a claimant.

You are the most beautiful in the creation of the Creator

Don't tell me you're someone else's.

You are all over my heart

I will give everything to you.

I don't expect anyone's mercy,

I want to expect love from you.

Not out of compassion, but out of desire,

Not in rudeness, but in love.

I will put you in the throes of marriage

Whatever the trouble in the world.

I'll find you, I'll keep it to myself.

You are my pursuit, my worship,

You are my prayer to Allah.

I'll take you far, far away

Tell me how far you want to go.

I gave you a bunch of roses,

Picked it up in your hand.

Will you ever forget me?