
My father was a freedom fighter.

The war may or may not start

My father went to India for training.

Shortly after the completion of the training

From Benapole via Haridaspur,

The whole battalion including Baba entered Jessore.

Divided into different sectors,

Carrying the weapons of war on his shoulders,

Father Came fought in Chittagong.

I heard it from a friend of my father

The story of my father's war.

Where is the father!

He did not tell me.

The father's crime was to go to war,

So Pakhanadar took my mother.

Night after night

Day after day they did,

Torture on the mother.

I heard it in people's faces

Dad or his grief

Parpar left.

Mom, I'm alive

Becomes speechless.

The people in the neighborhood are my mother

Called Birangana.