37. Resettling(2)

"Maybe I can forgive them at some point..." Lincoln reached forward and switched the light off. "But I don't see myself doing that anytime soon though..."

Either way, Lincoln was pleased to get a dreamless rest that night. Right after propping his door shut with his chair.

Better safe than sorry...

A/N: Next chapter will have several other characters reflecting on Lincoln's decision to come back home. He is definitely shedding the 'fear' factor in his psyche, constantly throwing his sisters' off their game by being more open than one would think. But a more aloof persona is beginning is making itself known. Now, don't go thinking Lincoln will end up forgiving all of his sisters by the end; damaged family ties is one thing if it's mostly verbal. Physical abuse is something else though. By the way, if you manage to figure out what kind of poison was used to kill Lincoln during his daydream, you get a virtual cookie. :P

I do apologize for the long wait, and part of that blame falls to Borderlands 3 being released last month (Moze Main here). Still on the hunt for that elusive Super Shredifier. Also really hope Iron Bear gets it's armor adjusted, because Mayhem Mode pisses me off by how many badass enemies appear [WITH FREAKING ROCKET LAUNCHERS].