Chapter 46: The Master's Sect Does Not Pass Down the Secret Technique; Little Fairy!

"50 million a pill, non-negotiable." Seeing Yue Lan agree, Gu Zhiqi stated her price outright.

At those words, Yue Lan raised her brows, without a hint of hesitation, she promptly agreed, "No problem."

Phoenix Sleep Fragrance disappeared two years ago, and in those two years, just on the web alone, there were hundreds, if not thousands, of people offering rewards for Phoenix Sleep Fragrance, with the bounty price skyrocketing.

The highest current offer on the web was from someone named West, who had bid 100 million for a single Phoenix Sleep Fragrance pill.

The price Gu Zhiqi offered Yue Lan was extremely low in comparison.

"You take three pills for yourself, and remember to transfer the money," Gu Zhiqi said, then turned away, going back to fiddling with her phone, resuming an attitude of indifferent laziness.

Seeing this, how could Yue Lan not understand?