Chapter 8

The dimly-lit room is not very spacious. They do it intentionally, since they don't wish to be caught in the area where they shouldn't exist. However, because of some bad individuals, their existence thus becomes legal.

"It is the Pluto officials who allow us to be here. So strange then, why do we have to sneak around like thieves and make us look like losers."

The one who just speaks out is a Jupitune man in his mid-40s. His face is fierce, savage, and full of readiness to kill. That's right, he has already killed people. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people.

The man next to him looks a little younger, he is also a Jupitune. His face is sharp, his small eyes shape like snake eyes - his face shows that he is a real cunning human. "You are just complaining from a long time ago. So it goes, don't speak out of anger. We are here because we are going to provide enormous aid to this poor and oppressed Pluto."

"Huh, how can I not be mad! That Saturnian is always looking for trouble, now he's late and we have to waste time waiting for him! Just because he is a genius in biotechnology, the commander can even allow him to join in such an important battle although he is just a novice!"

"You know, he is the chief researcher at the Mist Laboratory. So for biomedical matters, it's a real damn thing that nobody is smarter than him, yet the organization really needs a biomedical expert for this research. And he also knows Plutonian language since he has lived here for a long time, we thus really need him."

"I don't like that idea of involving the Lismesans in almost all of our projects! If the government says that they hate Saturn people, then why does the government still appreciate them? It is what makes them have a chance to surpass us?!"

"Ah, so it goes, don't keep that kind of thinking. Remember, what allows us to advance beyond other nations is because we can let the people from other nations side with us and even stab their origin nation. Maintain your old-fashioned thinking, then you will regress in the end, and really lose to them. What you are scared of, becomes reality. Such a shame."

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

Just as the sly-looking man finishes speaking, the door creaks open. The fierce man furrows his brows, he looks very angry.

"Finally, you show up. Don't you know, how long you've kept us waiting?"

From behind the door, Stairmount appears and steps inside. He knows that the fierce man is very angry with him. Yet, Stairmount is used to their rudeness and humiliation. Stairmount is a Saturnian-Jupiterian, and lives in Jupiter, of course, he knows very well that the Jupitune people don't like - if we can't say that they hate - the Saturnians. He knows very much about the racial hatred which often afflicts the ethnic Saturnian. Moreover, due to his participation in the organization which is arguably the most complex and full of twists and turns among all organizations in Jupiter, it then provides him with lots of information being kept hidden from ordinary people, since ordinary people should not know those big secrets which can even change the ruling orders of this planet.

Just because he understands it very well, he finally chooses to remain silent. And looks back at the fierce man with a flat gaze. "I'm sorry. But you have to understand, I have many things to be done."

"Huh!" The fierce man pounds the table. "If this project fails, you must receive the punishment you deserve!"

"I really apologize."

"Okay, okay!" The fierce man throws the laser pen violently towards Stairmount, who hurriedly catches it so it won't fall and be damaged. "This is the project we have to do! Read carefully and do it well!"

Stairmount presses the laser pen, which immediately displays a screen of text documents in the air. The next second, his eyes widen in shock.

If he had heart disease, he would have had a stroke right away, as he is shocked when reading the sentences written on the electric screen.

"This... are... are we really going to do... this?!"

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe