Chapter 12

When Daphne tells her mother about Stairmount's suggestion, the middle-aged woman takes a long, deep breath.

"I've also got the idea to evacuate, but as our other relatives and I said; if we don't have families or relatives in other countries, then don't evacuate. They only give us help for a while, at most if only for a month. But after that, we will become scum there. If evacuating were a good thing to do, of course even before Neptune invades us, we would have already departed from here a long time ago."

Daphne falls silent for the second time.

"I appreciate your lecturer, he is indeed very kind. But he doesn't get the idea about the real situation. Anyway, he's a Jupiter, but why doesn't he go back to Jupiter? Why does he still stay here? It's strange, isn't it? Doesn't it prove that evacuating is a difficult thing to do?"

Daphne remains silent. That's right, she forgets to consider the paradoxical reality. Even though Stairmount always suggests she evacuate, he doesn't go back to his country instead. She should stay here because she is a Plutonian, it has become her duty to defend her country, but for Stairmount, what kind of duty does he have so that he should keep staying here?

Mrs. Yalle rises to her feet. "It's time for dinner. I want to prepare some dishes first..."


The long siren rings again. They have been used to the siren since they are used to the curfew, but there is something very different about this siren. And, it continues with a knock on their door.

"Who's that? Is it now the moment of the curfew?" Frowning, Daphne rises to her feet and heads to the door. But Mrs. Yalle soon holds her back.

"Don't open the door!" She hisses in a small voice, and looks panicked.

"Why..." But Mrs. Yalle has covered her daughter's mouth tightly. She whispers, "Don't open it! Now people should have gone back to their homes. Maybe... it's a robber!..."


BANG! But before they can even move, the door has opened forcefully it makes the hinges fall off, causing the door to fall with a thud. In the next second, a group of unknown men quickly approach the very frightened mother and daughter.

"You are Mirinda Yalle and Daphne Yalle?" One of the stocky, army-like-posture men asks, his tone is full of demands.

"Y... y... yes..." Stammered, Mrs. Yalle answers.

"Then, go with us!"

"W... w... what?... What do you mean?... Who are you?..."

"We are the military unit of the central government security. We are here to ensure your safety. We will take you to a safe place."

"Re... re... really?..."

"Ma'am, this is all for your own safety, what do you still doubt about?" Another soldier exclaims in exasperation.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

"Bu... but... isn't it the time of the curfew? We have to stay at home, we can't go anywhere..."

The stocky soldier immediately grabs Mrs. Yalle and pulls her out, while another soldier grabs Daphne rudely. It seems that they are really eager to quickly finish their work, so they don't like the actions of Daphne and her mother which they perceive as buying time.

"Say no more. Go!" Now they are pushing Daphne and her mother out of the house.

Mrs. Yalle suddenly finds her courage. She shouts, "Since your purpose is to bring safety for us, then you mustn't be rude towards us!"

SLAP! The group leader whacks Mrs. Yalle. Daphne shrieks.

"Don't you dare to make any argument, or else the punishment you get will be much more severe!"

The expressions of those who had caught them are so fierce they even seem to be ready to kill. Fear overwhelms Daphne and her mother completely, thus draining all of their energy. Limping in terror, they are forced to follow the dreadful group that drags them to an unknown terrible place.


From a distance, Stairmount watches in horror as Daphne and her mother are being dragged into this public park. At that time, his face is covered by a mask so that no one will recognize him, and he wears ordinary clothes it makes him look different from other soldiers. But of course, he knows clearly about those who are being dragged by those traitor Pluto troops who collaborate with Chrono - one of the most elite but full-of-horror organizations in Jupiter. He can see every one of them - the victims who will be brutally executed soon afterward, according to the instructions of the highest commander. He watches the soldiers treat Daphne and her mother, as well as the other victims, harshly and viciously.  They will kick anyone who walks a bit slower. They will slap those who moan or cry. It isn't the cold, piercing wind of the night that makes Stairmount shiver with the cold - it is the fear that grips all of his organs that makes him tremble violently.

"Don't sway while standing, or else you'll be scolded by the chief again." Personnel who is standing next to the Stairmount reminds him.

"Ah... al... alright..." There are still good people in Chrono Organization who can even care about their colleagues. Even though they'll commit big savagery soon afterward... Stairmount thinks as he tries to straighten himself up and correct his posture, but it doesn't work. That overwhelming fear has too much control over his whole mind.

As the most famous elite organization on the entire Planet, and also the sword arm of Jupiter, Chrono's reputation can't be easily underestimated. By using some unknown methods only God knows, they manage to captive all Neptunians who domicile scattered in Sapphire just in a short time, despite the fact their neighbors may not recognize them as Ethnic Neptunians, since the faces between Neptunians and Plutonians are quite hard to distinguish. Such kind of brilliance, maybe even the Angels will tremble when watching them it. But such a shame, their brilliance is not following the conscience. Even though they will do something truly extraordinary assholes, however, they are still allowed to carry it out, by using that 'permitted' brilliance.

It seems that God has allowed them to commit that crime.

Why does God allow the bad guys to win, while the good ones are allowed to be sacrificed, to be allowed to suffer under their crimes? And no one dares to help these poor people? Including him...


"Shut up, all of you!" A soldier shouts harshly, and forces the captives to stay quiet in fear. Including Daphne and her mother. Daphne is now staring at the soldiers with wide eyes. She can sense that something strange is going on here. The soldiers are not taking them to a safe place, on the contrary, they are about to do something dangerous. However, she has no idea about what the dangerous thing actually is...

Now it is the commander-in-chief's turn to step up. He turns out to be the fierce man who becomes Stairmount's leader. He nods his head, looking at his captives one by one.

"Such a surprise, there are lots of Neptunians in here..." His bright yellow eyes narrow. The corners of his lips began to curl up, forming a sinister grin. Then, he begins scratching each of his hands, as if they are very itchy and he needs to do something to relieve the itching. "There are too many of you, pal... How can the central government not be afraid that you will conspire with separatist groups..."

Although the fierce man speaks in Jupiterian language, but because Jupiter is a great nation and its language has a great impact on the whole Planet, then many of them understand his words. But even though some of them are really urged to express their thoughts, but due to the fear of losing their lives, no one dares to even open their mouths.

"Do you know what your sin is? Your sin is, because of Neptune. Neptune has caused a lot of savage destruction on Pluto, they have destroyed houses, they have forced many civilians to be homeless, and some of them are even murdered - even the children and babies are also murdered. Neptune is truly unforgivable! And you, as Neptunian-Plutonians, conspire with Neptune in attacking Pluto - attacking your own homeland." He raises his electron gun. "Because of that sin, you deserve to die here!!!"

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe