Chapter 24

"I was shocked at that time. I thought I have been shot to death."

Daphne can't help but be grateful for her fate. She talks a lot about it even when they are in the taxi to Archangel airport - Kharon international airport. Everything happens so fast that she can't remember exactly what has happened. Thankfully, Stairmount can take care of everything agilely. When Kharon officials direct them to a special refugee tent, Stairmount quickly refuses, saying that they only stop in Kharon temporarily and then depart for another country soon after. Stairmount then calls a flying taxi, whose driver is very happy as he pays with Jupiter-currency money and Stairmount does not ask for change.

"That officer was truly shocking," Mrs. Yalle chimes in. "They are evidently after Neptune's intruder. I almost died of a heart attack because of him."

"Are you refugees from Pluto?" The taxi driver joins the chatter. "Hey, can you tell me what's going on there? Is it really that terrible?"

The three of them nod spontaneously.

"I just watch it from a cyber monitor. My Goodness, Neptune is really brutal, huh! They destroy so many houses, their missiles attack and kill so many innocent people! They should be put on trial at the International Court of Justice and get the appropriate punishment!"

Neptune's invasion is indeed terrible, but not every terrible thing is caused by them, Daphne thinks to herself.

"Alright, we have arrived!" The driver stops right in front of the airport's main entrance. "Miss, is it true that I don't need to give you the change? Yeah... but I don't have Jupiter's change, either..."

"No. You may keep it." Stairmount answers firmly, then gets out of the taxi.

"Well, thank you! Hope you live safely and peacefully at your destination place!" The taxi driver waves happily to his guests who have gotten out of the taxi. A few seconds later, he mumbles to himself, "But, it's strange. It's the woman who gives the money, and the one who manages everything is also the woman. The woman looks cool, just like a real man, while her male comrade acts like a cowardly sissy instead. Is Pluto's culture requires the woman to be gallant as well as holds the power of money while the man is crouched behind the man?... Mmm, really strange..."

Entering the airport, Stairmount goes straight to the ticket counter. And asks the ticket-seller girl, "Can you provide me with the flight schedule to Jupiter?"

"Jupiter? Please wait for a moment." The girl uses her telepathy typing when searching on her transparent-luminous monitor.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

Daphne gasps. She can guess the main reason why they come to this airport, and where they are about to go. She asks Stairmount slowly, "Sir... um... are we going to... Jupiter?..."

"Yes," Stairmount answered firmly.

"B... but... I don't have the money to pay for the tickets..."

"All of these are the flight schedules to Jupiter," The girl shows the results of her search. "To what city do you want to go? And by what rocket?"

"Anything is okay, just give the fastest one so we don't have to wait for too long."

"Well, then... how about this? This rocket will depart in 4 hours to Pearl."

"Are there 3 seats?"


"Okay, then. Give me the tickets."

"Sir!" Daphne squeals in surprise as she finds out that Stairmount will pay for the tickets for her as well as her mother, but when the ticket girl stares at her with a surprised look, she immediately falls silent. Mrs. Yalle quickly drags her daughter away, then scolds her, "Why did you call him 'Sir'? He's disguised as a woman! What if he gets caught?!"

"Aw... sorry... I am just shocked... the tickets to Jupiter must be expensive... but he pays for them... that's why I get surprised..."

Mrs. Yalle bites her lip. When Stairmount finishes taking care of everything, she immediately approaches him, "Um... Mr. Rivers... can you lend me an ultra-cyber minipad battery charge? I'll transfer the cost of both of our tickets to you right away..."

"Don't do that, Ma'am." Stairmount is quick in replying. "Just save your money for your new lives."

"But Sir...!!!"

"Just perceive it as my help for you. Besides, it's not too expensive, really. Don't worry, my income can still handle it."


Stairmount ignores all of Mrs. Yalle's reluctant words; he just replies with a smile. After that, he is busy with his ultra-cyber minipad. From time to time he makes many minipad calls and speaks at length in Jupiterian language. He looks very busy, nobody knows what he is actually doing. And he continues to do so, until the time for them to get into the rocket has come.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe