Chapter 30

When Mr. Rivers realizes that Stairmount is in danger, he immediately notices that his wife is soon trapped in deep shock, and thus cannot give the solution Stairmount needs. Luckily he is at Mrs. Rivers' side at that time so he can quickly take over the conversation. He knows that the startled Mrs. Rivers won't be able to react properly since she is in great trauma, let alone calm her son who requires protection, and not another additional problem. Mr. Rivers tries hard to control his tension that immediately turns chaotic, so as to prevent all of them from turning chaotic and making matters worse instead. So, when the call is disconnected, Mr. Rivers soon lets out all the tension filling his whole chest. He flings himself onto the chair, whispering worryingly, "That kid... actually what is his reason which makes him so rash?!?..."

"So... Schynn... now... what's going on with him?!?...." Mrs. Rivers can no longer keep her panicked voice from screeching in fear.

"In my opinion, he should escape to Saturn. That's the best solution for him at this time."

"But he said... The members of Chrono become Saturn's main targets... what if they plan to murder him? Does it mean, he was doing suicide?!"

"Fighting against them is similar to fighting against almost the entire Planet. We must find the countries which become their opponents, and for now, there are only two options; Neptune, or Saturn."

"Then, he'd better go to Neptune?!..."

"Worse option. They are really anti-Jupiter right now. Even though Schynn is ethnic Saturnian, he is still the citizen of Jupiter."


Mr. Rivers raises his ultra-cyber minipad, but right at the moment when he is about to press the ultra-cyber minipad button, the corner of his eye catches that shadow. That odd silhouette is standing in front of the window, getting clearer and clearer. Suddenly, Mr. Rivers' heart jumps. His face turns pale.

He whispers in a soft, hoarse voice. "We are... also in danger..."


"Dear passengers, we will land at Tiara International Airport. Please straighten your seat back, fasten your seat belts, and stay in your seats. All the passengers please remain seated in your respective seats, and do not walk along the cabin aisle..."

Jolted in surprise, Daphne soon wakes up from her nap. Before she thought that she would not be able to sleep in such a narrow seat, after all, her mind is also filled with various kinds of turmoil mind. But the long journey from Kharon to Jupiter which takes all day finally forced her to lose her drowsiness. When she wakes up, her whole body is so hurtful it makes her even more uncomfortable than before sleeping. She looks around, then stares at her mother.

"Mom... we will land soon," She whispers in a soft voice.

"Yes." Mrs. Yalle answers. She grips her daughter's right palm tightly. "Relax, Sweetie. Don't worry."

"Yes... Mom..."

Rocket emits a green glow from its wings and tail, signaling that it is landing, it creates turbulence that makes Daphne's body bounce forward. But soon afterward, the turbulence disappears. The rocket rolls smoothly on the airfield, and then, it stops.

As everyone walks out of the rocket, Daphne automatically approaches Stairmount. "Mr. Rivers!..."

Stairmount nods his head. "Yes, Daphne."

"We have arrived..."

"Yes. Welcome to Jupiter."

Daphne bites her lip, trying her best to imitate Stairmount's manner - appearing calm as if nothing has happened. Stairmount is now directing their way to immigration. His calm manner makes Daphne in awe. Mr. Rivers is so cool. He is acting like nothing awkward happens while we are now in disguise and prone to be caught - we are doing something very dangerous!... I should impersonate him... should impersonate him! Don't let my panic attitude ruin everything!...

Daphne bites her lip once again, then makes up her mind to ask, "Ah... um, Mr. Rivers, what should we do next?... Sorry, I never go abroad..." She really feels ashamed to admit that, as if she has just confessed her tacky before a high-status person.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

"Take out the passport I gave you. Then we head to immigration. The officers will check your passport as well as your face, but don't worry. The most important thing is, just to appear confident."

"Ah, yes... al... alright..."

But it is impossible for Daphne not to worry. She tries to get rid of her worries by taking a deep inhaling and exhaling. Then, she forces her shaking hands to take something out of her bag. Her fake passport tablet, which she will use to be laser-checked at immigration in a moment.

Stairmount knows that Daphne and Mrs. Yalle feel clumsy and confused as they come nearer to the immigration. He thus quickly stands in their front. "Look at me. Then just imitate the way how I get through this."


Stairmount's natural appearance quickly makes the officers turn unanticipated. Stairmount hands the officer his fake passport tablet. The officer places the passport tablet in a container that immediately emits a blinding yellow light - which instantly mixes with the green light from the passport tablet. A few moments later they can hear a low 'Pip' sound, and the tablet has been back in the Stairmount's grip.

"Next!" The officer calls.

Stepping forward, Stairmount holds up the passport tablet which has just been lasered towards Daphne with a broad smile, as if he is giving a 'sign of victory.' Confiding herself, Daphne follows his tread. Likewise Mrs. Yalle.

"Aaahhh… I feel like I will be suffocating!" Daphne keeps taking a sigh of relief once they have passed the immigration. Since the three of them don't have any luggage with them, they just go out of the airport. "I never do anything like this before. I am so scared!"

Mrs. Yalle puts her arms around her daughter. "You are doing great, Sweetie. Hang on a little longer." She gazes at the Stairmount. "Mr. Rivers, what else should we do?"

"I'll take you to the Pluto Embassy in Jupiter."

"Eh?! W... why?! But, we are?!..."

"No matter what ethnicity you are, still, you are citizens of Pluto. All governments of the Nature Continent condemn Neptune's invasion of Pluto, they strongly support Pluto and sympathize with all of Pluto citizens. You are the citizens getting the highest sympathy on the entire Planet as everyone wants to be nice to you. Of course including Jupiter. All Jupiterian people are very sympathetic to the miserable fate of the Plutonian people. So they will surely grant you asylum. As for any support later, that is easy to arrange. I will help you."

As soon as Stairmount finishes speaking, a group carrying a round charcoal-grey flag and a sign with the slogan written 'Defend Pluto' pass them through. And as the group left, another group carrying similar kinds of stuff then appears. One similarity between those two groups - behind them is a group busy taking photos or recording pictures of their movements.

"Are they all Plutonians?" Frowning her brows in astonishment, Daphne keeps staring at the gaudy crowds although they have left them far behind.

"No, they are Jupiterians. But like I said, the sympathy for Pluto has increased drastically and even provokes them to do such kinds of things. Just tell them that you are Plutonians, they'll be excited for sure and then get busy taking pictures with you."

"But what has Jupiter done towards us?!?..."

Stairmount immediately puts his finger to his lips, signaling Daphne to stop her talk. Pursing her lip, Daphne shouts her mouth in anger.

"But... don't you say, it is Pluto government that intends to genocide the ethnic Neptunian?... But why do we ask for asylum from them?! Doesn't it drag us back to the tiger's den?!" Mrs. Yalle asks terrifyingly.

"About that, just stay loose." Stairmount utters firmly. "I have the solution for it."

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe