Chapter 44

Stairmount shuffles along the busy street filled with passers-by. The street is actually very crowded and busy, but for him, it is empty, deserted... and full of suffering. His feet are very wobbly and heavy, as if he is lifting tens, even hundreds of kilograms of stones. His back is hunched, and his head is drooping down. His energy is so drained, runs out to walk, or to do anything else.

But even though he desperately wants to get rid of the conversation with Mr. Landlord earlier, the echo of that conversation keeps filling his brain, over and over again, even to the point that turns him almost go crazy.

"Sir... but you said... nobody will use Sierra Pathogen, and it will only be kept as the last weapon, limited to the act of threatening?..."

"And now Saturn has really attacked us, by cooperating with Neptune. You saw it by yourself, the destruction they do in Pluto, right? If we don't prevent it by fighting back, the destruction will not only happen in Pluto, but everywhere. Jupiter will get the impact. We are the next victims, and so are our families, our relatives... ourselves."

"But... but, Sir... we're going to pass it on to the innocent people?!..."

"Why do you say that?"


"Why do you say the Saturnians are innocent? Are... you defending Saturn, because you're their descendant?..."

"Certainly not, Sir!..."

"Good answer." Mr. Landlord takes another sip of his coffee. "You indeed shouldn't defend Saturn. We should defend the country we were born and grow up. It is also the same for me, I am an ethnic Moon, then I should have defended Moon, but I don't. If Moon dares to oppose Jupiter, then I will immediately destroy them without any further consideration."

Mr. Landlord gazes at the Stairmount, very intently. "You are the citizen of Jupiter, with a Jupiterian identity card. You were born and grow up here. The country which acknowledges you sincerely as their parts are Jupiter, not Saturn, or any other countries. At Saturn, you are labeled as a foreigner. There's no point in defending someone who won't acknowledge you."

"You're right, Sir..."

"Good, you are indeed a wonderful fellow, as I guess."

"But, Sir... this... please exclude ethnicity and nationality first... there must be a lot of Saturnians who don't agree with their government but they have to die... don't they..."

"I just want to ask you one thing." For himself, Mr. Landlord is a person who is very pedantic and not straight to the point when doing a conversation, but for his interlocutor, he does not allow that to happen. "Are you willing to do this task, or not?"

"I can't do it. There are relatives of my father and mother in Saturn. If Sierra Pathogen spreads there, they will die, and I can't see my family die."

"How many people are your direct relatives? Not too many, right? That's easy to arrange. They can be brought here, or to other countries, it's up to you or them to make the arrangement."

Stairmount sighs loudly inside his mind. It's true, he really wants to save his relatives, but he actually uses this reason as an excuse to refuse spreading Sierra Pathogen in Saturn. But it seems that Mr. Landlord has also been firm in his stance. No matter how he refuses or gives any arguments, since in the end they still want to do it anyway, then any kind of persuasion will not touch their hearts, and they can still think of ways to him unable to refuse. However, Stairmount has also been firm with his own decision. He doesn't want to argue any further. "I am very grateful for your appreciation, as well as all of the highest orders, but, I apologize..."

"You have the heart to see your parents die because of you?"

Stairmount's heart seems to stop beating when Mr. Landlord throws the question. The old man's brows furrow sharply. "If you refuse to complete this task, then there is no reason to forgive what you have done in Sapphire last time. And as for that, you must bear the consequences. Since it's a big problem, then we have to follow the policies of the high political elites, and they agree that, your parents should be punished for that. So? You have the heart to see them die, by denying this task?"

Stairmount suddenly feels his lungs fail to take a breath, this feeling even might be worse than the shortness of breath due to heart disease. "Sir... how... how can you say that?!?..."

"We need you, Mr. Rivers." Mr. Landlord said, his voice is full of seriousness. "No one can do this but you. First reason, nobody is as smart as you. Second, you are the creator of Sierra Pathogen. And third, you are also an ethnic Saturnian, the Saturn government will not be suspicious of you. So, everything is in the right place. You are the only one who can do this, Mr. Rivers. Only you."

Stairmount can no longer restrain his anxiety. He inhales a deep breath bluntly in front of Mr. Landlord. But apparently it's still not enough to make his lungs function normally again.

"I am very impressed by your words; That you are the citizen of Jupiter, not Saturn. I am very proud of you, and that's why I make a vow; Although the current situation is difficult for the ethnic Saturnian to get a high position, but I promise, I will help you to get it, because you indeed deserve it. And many of my colleagues in the orders have the same thinking as mine. So. If I am so impressed by your talent, then why don't you fight for yourself? This is a fat chance to be missed! And it is very easy for you to do, I am sure of it. You strike it lucky, Mr. Rivers. So how come you've made a misstep by instead turning to the path of death?"

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

The conversation keeps replaying in Stairmount's head, driving him almost insane. Now, he fully understands the reason why his father forbids him to join Chrono, he has had a full understanding of it. Such a pity. He just understands about it, when everything becomes too late to be changed.

In the end, their lie about Sierra Pathogen which will only be used as the last weapon, and that means it will never be used forever - is now showing the opposite reality.

In the end, he is only utilized by Jupiter to beat Saturn.

In the end, he is only utilized to harm others.

In the end, he is just perceived as a tool.

Stairmount knows that he has to return to Obsidian, pick up Daphne and her mother, and return to his parent's house. But he really isn't in the mood to do so. He really doesn't want to see anyone right now. If possible, he wants to disappear completely from this world.

But he knows, by suiciding then it will instead plunge his parents into the valley of death.

He has been trapped to carry out that cursed task. There is no other choice.

"Daaaaaamn!!!" In one of the deserted, trash-filled alleys, Stairmount kicks a large trash can all the way to the ground. So frustrated he is, he then acts like a madman just to vent all of his frustration. And he keeps doing that, until his strength has been completely drained out, and he is thus forced to sit limply on the ground.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe