Chapter 54

Passing through the remaining three days before his departure to Saturn, Stairmount takes advantage of it by getting himself as happy as possible along with the people he loves.

He has told his parents that he will depart to Saturn, but on the behalf of state duty. As expected, his father seems unhappy when hearing about this. But Stairmount hides the real reason by explaining the same to Mrs. Kenns'. That his departure to Saturn is at the behest of the Jupiter government which plans to establish cooperation with Saturn in the issues of prevention and control of the disease.

"Jupiter's government commits to helping the people of Saturn. Moreover, there are still many people prone to get infected with Fuxa, especially its new type - Fuxa Z," Stairmount explains. At that time, he and his family are gathered at Mr. Rivers' house, with Daphne and Mrs. Yalle also there.

"Wow, that's amazing, Schynn!" Mrs. Rivers looks happy, she is seemingly very proud of his son's achievement. "Mom will tell this to your relatives. If you have time, you can meet with them!"

"But I can't speak Saturnian, Mom. Don't you remember? I just kept quiet when I met with them last time?"

"Then how will you communicate with them?" Mr. Rivers joins in.

"This is a high-level international cooperation, they must be able to speak Jupiterian."

"Well then, that's good. I'm just worried that you're going to be a dum-dum there."

Stairmount doesn't tell his parents that Chrono has instructed him to learn the Saturnian language. Since Saturnian language is very difficult, it is impossible for him to master it so quickly while he also has to learn many other things, therefore the study will be in a long-term period, and he will continue the learning even after he arrives at Saturn. So, he is certain that he won't become a dum-dum there. However, he will pretend that he can't speak Saturnian, so as to catch Saturn off guard and let them divulge the secrets of the Saturn government in Saturnian language - this is also included in the instructions. Stairmount only nods obediently in response, yet he is determined not to reveal to them even if he manages to obtain Saturn's government secrets in any form.

Stairmount has also asked his parents to look after Daphne and Mrs. Yalle after he leaves Jupiter.

"You can take her with you, can't you? She is a Neptunian, anyway?" Mr. Rivers asks.

"Saturn is alien for me, Dad. Things are different there. And my departure relates to state duty. It won't appear professional if they spotlight me with a Neptunian-Plutonian woman. Because they say, this event is going to be an international blow-up."

"But, why should they blow it up?"

"Because Jupiter wants to show that they are willing to help Saturn even though Saturn is against Jupiter."

Mr. Rivers retorts with an irritated grunt.

"Mr. and Mrs. Rivers, please have no worries. I won't bother you... I'll find a part-time job..."

Everyone immediately turns their gazes toward Daphne. The young woman is speaking in the Jupiterian language.

"It's okay, Dear! Schynn has told us that he will help you with your accommodation. Just the two of you, it's not a big burden for him at all. So, don't worry about that, okay?" Mrs. Rivers quickly refuses Daphne's intentions.

Daphne turns silent. Stairmount's parents don't know that the fortune of their son comes from the bloodshed from many other people in the future, that's why they can take it easy - for Stairmount personally (Stairmount's father still refuses to accept the money from his son). But it is impossible for her to say about it now. Later, I will find a part-time job by myself, She thinks.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

"But I do agree with you, you indeed have to learn Jupiterian language. Because you'll be living here," Stairmount replies, also in Jupiterian language.

"Yeah... Mom and I are also speaking in Jupiterian language." Daphne says once again. Mrs. Yalle nods her head with a smile.

"Both of you, just take it easy. And you too, Schynn." Mr. Rivers says seriously. "If you need something, just contact us."

Daphne and Mrs. Yalle thank them politely, while Stairmount nods and curves a smile.

Besides having dinner parties with his family and some close friends, Stairmount also spends time shopping, mainly for the necessities he will bring to Saturn, as well as the needs of Daphne and her mother. Stairmount is still worried about both mother and daughter. He asks about their needs, about what they want, and as much detail as possible.

"Don't worry about us, Sir. We have been convenient here. After all, Jupiter is a country filled with various ethnicities, and its majority is even Jupitune people - same with us. Just concern with yourself, since Saturn is a land that will be very different from Jupiter." Daphne heartens Stairmount to care for himself. "Come on, let's buy some clothes for you yourself. How can the leader of the delegation representing Jupiter health department shows up in such worn-out clothes?" She thus pulls Stairmount into a luxurious, branded clothing store.

"Wow, you young girls are very great at shopping." Stairmount chuckles as he notices the results of Daphne's shopping for him, which does make him look much more awesome - but at the same time, it can instantly make people with mediocre salaries fall into poverty in sudden, fortunately, it does not apply to Stairmount. "My gosh, this is all so cool. Wow, in such a situation, Saturnian celebrities might lose to me!"

"But you say, you are about to become a celebrity, right? Of course, you have to dress up like a celebrity!" Daphne smiles wittily. "Please give me your autograph, Megastar Stairmount Rivers!"

Stairmount nudges Daphne's head in jest. Daphne giggles.

They are still hanging around for a few moments to buy various necessities such as suitcases for traveling, and so on. Their shopping in the end results in lots of goods and stuff.

"Wow, it's beyond number. How can I carry all of this?..."

"Don't worry. I'll help to tidy up later." Daphne says assuredly, but she has no experience in organizing suitcases since in previous times she has never been out of town, let alone go abroad.

They put their merchandise in the trunk of the flying car. It has been dusk, and is quickly going to turn into night.

"Alright then. Now, we will go to a spot." Excited, Stairmount gets into the flying car, and thus turns it on.

"Where will we go?" Daphne gets into the seat next to Stairmount.

"That is, a place I've always wanted t

o go to... with someone special."

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe