Chapter 66

"Anti-Neptune cases have become more and more common in recent times, and the longer they harass, the more disturbing and worrying their terrors are."

That is the topic discussed in Neptunian community buildings at Block B today. Meetings are held infrequently, also voluntarily, so if some members are unable to attend, they will not push them to come. It's the same with other Plutonian refugees of Neptunian ethnicity who are not willing to attend, they also won't force them to join in. This is why Daphne feels at ease as she doesn't bring her mother here. Her inner voice refuses to take her mother - because, this community inevitably has a very close relationship with his father, and Stairmount.

"Does it mean that we're not safe here?" Claire asks. "Because after all, the language we speak is Neptunian."

"They can't tell the difference between Neptunian and Plutonian. And they haven't even gotten to that stage yet, their vandal is only limited to sealing off Neptune or Neptunian products or businesses." Mr. Michael answers. "But... if it really increases to that phase... because human thoughts are hard to predict... then show them your Pluto passport tablet."

"Mr. Michael, I don't have passport tablet..." Daphne says slowly.

Mr. Michael's eyebrows squirm, "Oh?"

"Me too, Sir." Damien joins in. "My passport tablet was lost during the chaos of war. When I was on the ship, I hid behind a pile of goods as an illegal immigrant."

A man in his 50s also joins in by nid-nodding his head. It seems that he also has the same problem.

"Well... then... there is only one way; you must keep using Jupiterian language in public, and can't slip away even in the slightest." The advice from Mr. Michael is responded with a groan from Damien and the Mr. 50s-Something-Man who doesn't have passport tablet. Apparently, they have difficulty in speaking Jupiterian.

Daphne automatically looks for Rico's figure. "Rico is absent today?"

"Yes. He reported, his father just had an accident, so he is now busy taking care of him at the hospital."

Everyone instantly has their eyebrows tighten. "When did it happen?" Damien asks.

"When Rico's father was taking a walk yesterday, there was a chase between the mafias. Rico's father was walking on the sidewalk, but the mafia was too eager to chase his opponent, he then drives his car onto the sidewalk, and thus hit Rico's father."

"Is he seriously injured? Can we come to the hospital and visit him?"

"I have to ask Rico first about that." Mr. Michael then sends a telepathic message with his ultra-cyber minipad to Rico.

Inside her mind, Daphne sighs in disappointment. She just expected to get information from Rico's father, but it evidently turns out this way. I hope that the injuries of Rico's father are not serious. And I hope, he will recover quickly. So, I can get the information about my father... and about Stairmount.

"But how come the mafias can chase one another so freely here? How can the situation be so unsafe?"

"Jupiter is not a safe country. Some even say that Neptune is much safer than Jupiter. The first reason is that weapons are freely traded here. The second reason, the law is so horrible. There are also a lot of illegal immigrants here, their lives are even cheaper than a peddler ginger bun. Thunderbolt shootings also often occur. In conclusion, if you want to live here, you have to be very careful."

"It turns out that Jupiter is dilapidated, anyway... but if you listen to what they say, you'll find that Jupiter is incredibly gigantic, great, and superpower, and you won't believe that the situation inside is so awful," Damien says condescendingly.

"Jupiter can become rich only because they pitted a country against another one, or a group against another one in a country, and then robbed their victims' resources while the victims were busy fighting among themselves," Mr. 50s-Something-Man says sarcastically.

"Oh, by the way, will we carry out that movement?"

Damien's question suddenly makes Daphne's heart skip a beat.

"Oh, that movement?" Mr. Michael asks again. "Wait for it patiently. Neptune says, they are working on a strategy for the implementation. After all, Neptune is not a small country which therefore can be easily attacked and crushed by Jupiter as well as Nature Continent. So, whenever they want to do something, they have to calculate it properly. Likewise, the personnel who are got involved, they must be really professional."

So, they are really going to realize that move?! Daphne stares anxiously at Damien who continues, "We've waited too long for this, how long do we have to wait?..." He rests his chin on his palm, face looks displeased. Meanwhile, Daphne feels even more grateful for not taking her mother into this community.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

"You always go outside recently, Sweetie?" Mrs. Yalle asks as Daphne has just returned home.

"I am busy applying for jobs, Mom," Daphne answers.

"Stairmount said that he would give you help for that matters, and his parents agree with their son."

"But, I feel uneasy, Mom..."

"You are going to marry him soon afterward. It is normal if the future husband bears the cost of living of his future wife."

"Well... but after all, we have not yet got married, Mom." Daphne takes her ultra-cyber minipad which beeped just now, and looks at the message on the screen of her ultra-cyber minipad. "I'll take my leave, Mom."

"Hey? Didn't you just come home? You wanna go again?!"

"I have some business at my ex-boss's house." Daphne grabs her coat and quickly goes outside. Leaving Mrs. Yalle watching her with a sigh.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe