Chapter 120

George is true to his commitment. No matter how stiff or flat the expression and reaction Daphne gives him, he will still approach Daphne and keeps trying to get closer to her. That is indeed one of the hallmarks of George's nature; he perseveres in struggling for his goals. It is this nature that helps him to get a good position as an Enigma agent. And he has made up his mind; he will make this character bring success to him once again

Therefore, when Daphne finishes her work at 8 pm, George comes to approach her. "Hi, Daphne," He calls.

This time, George has been waiting for her since earlier. He is leaning against the window in a relaxed manner. Seeing him, Daphne forces a stiffened smile, "Ah... hi, George..."

"Are you free today?"


But George doesn't wait for Daphne's response; he thus continues, "Let's go for a coffee, okay."

"... well..." Being perplexed about how to make up her mind, Daphne finally follows him into the cafe.

Once again, their rendezvous is filled with total silence. Actually Daphne is reluctant to go together with George. Her depression is still not resolved perfectly. During work hours, since she has a responsibility to be professional, then she can control her feelings quite well, but after that, she is really eager to be alone, doing contemplation while looking at the sky only by herself.

However, if she is alone again, she will automatically think of Stairmount, and then all of terrible things about him come to her mind, and then she will get into a deeper state of this depression. It's like entering into a vicious circle. And she wants to get out of this vicious circle. That is why she agrees to follow George - even though her conscience totally disagrees with that decision.

George has seemingly got more used to this condition. He thus follows Daphne's attitude - by remaining silent - even when they have arrived at a cafe. He deliberately chooses the cafe since he finds that it doesn't have too many customers. He hopes, by then he can chat with Daphne more freely.

"How are things coming along, Daphne?" George decides to start the conversation.

"Fine," Daphne replies briefly.

"How long have you worked in the restaurant?"

"About three weeks."

"The owner of the restaurant seems to be a nice person, doesn't he?"


Silence for a moment.

"Daphne, do you have a partner?"

George's question this time really takes Daphne by surprise. George has never asked about this before, he only asked trivial things about herself, but why does he suddenly ask her something so personal right now? The question which is very sensitive to be asked, especially right at this moment?

Unconsciously, Daphne puts on a facial expression George has never seen even since he started his approach it makes George quite surprised of it. He gets even more excited to continue his question, "Yes, Daphne. Do you have a lover?"

Daphne makes no reply to this question; she even lowers her head.

And let the atmosphere turn solemn, even though ten minutes have passed since then.

I am really sorry, I can't answer that question, George. That question really hurts me. I can't answer it.

Daphne appears even more depressed than ever, George thus automatically recalls Payneth's words, "... once you try to do it, she will turn away from you completely and will never come back again..."

Copyright © by boundless_universe

Being forced to give up, George returns to the original topic - talking about some trivial and mundane things. This time, Daphne just agrees to have chat with him again - still with her usual stern and flat expression.

And since the conversation doesn't go the way he has hoped even though they have been talking for nearly two hours, George is finally forced to end the rendezvous, thus taking Daphne back to her house.

"Wow, I can't believe it, it gets late, huh," George said. "We should return to our home, shouldn't we?"

Daphne feels that her brain has turned weird; she feels relieved, and even happy as she hears George's last words.

Because, I can get back into my solitude?

But why? Why do I feel unhappy when someone is with me? Why do I instead like to be alone?

Because, by then I can think about Stairmount without restraint?...

Daphne quickly shakes her head. No, the reason why she wants to be with someone else, is indeed to avoid remembering that man. She must get that man totally out of her mind!

But, why does her conscience expect something contrary to the plan she has arranged so well? And thus, makes the plan totally in vain in the end?

When she returns home, and she can immerse in solitude once again by looking at the beautiful twinkling stars in the night sky, one more time, she gets absorbed in her confusion.

She has to forget about Stairmount. It is the very least of what she is supposed to do. The foremost? In fact, she should kill him. To avenge the death of his father, as well as the ethnic Neptunian physician-scientists who have died tragically. For the sake of fulfilling filial piety towards her parents, and defending her blood as well as ethnicity.

But let alone kill that man, she can't even get rid of him from her mind.

Daphne buries her head into her crossed hands. I am really a despicable woman! Love blinds my eyes as well as my heart, and paralyzes my whole body, it bewitches me so much that I turn to be hesitant to avenge my own father, and hence, I have betrayed my own blood and ethnicity!

"No... you're not a despicable woman..."

Copyright © by boundless_universe