6. The L-crew

The Louds drove up to the train yard in Vanzlila when they all looked around at the old area where there were no signs of any people for miles.

"Okay," Lori stated. "This seems like the perfect place for practice."

Lisa then took out a radar gun and got a little bit away from the gang as she activated it. "Let's see just how fast you can go."

Lori then nodded and dusted her hands off before she got into a starting position as if she were running a marathon. "Ready."

"Go!" Lisa shouted before in the blink of an eye, Lori shot out like a bullet from a gun leaving behind a massive cloud of dust as Lisa clocked in her speed using her radar gun.

"Whoa that was fast!" Lana said.

"Is that a old warehouse over there?" Lynn asked.

"Huh I never noticed that." said Lisa and looked at the radar gun. "Holy cow. 275 mph that's double the speed of a formula 1 race car." said Lisa.

"Whoa really?" Lori asked.

"Pfft Lori maybe faster, but I'm stronger!" Lynn said and lifted up a freight car

"Ok Lincoln i want you to form fireballs and throw them at those DVDs." said Lisa.

The DVDs were Fant4stic, Dragonball evolution, the last airbender, Hulk, Catwoman and finally ninja turtles 3.

"I'll try my best Lisa. But stand back." said Lincoln.

Lincoln then rubbed his hands together and took a deep breath before he opened his hands and formed two fireballs before he tossed them at the DVDs and they were lit up in flame. Unfortunately, a stray spark bounced off of them and hit Lynn in the shoulder, but she didn't even react to it and just dusted it off.

"Wait," Lola said before sneaking behind Lynn. She then formed a crystal blade on her hand and swung it up against Lynn and it just shattered against her skin. She didn't even feel it as she just watched the flames.

Everyone looked at her with their eyes widened.

"What?" Lynn asked as Lola then formed a crystal hammer before she sat Lynn down on a discarded crate as she tapped it against her knee.

"You feel that?"


She then tapped it harder. "How about now?"

"Not really."

She then used all her strength to swing the hammer down with all her might against her knee and the hammer just shattered into smithereens as Lisa then looked at Lynn in astonishment.

"Lynn has invulnerability," Lisa said before examining her with an X-Ray. "Her muscle tissue is so dense that it takes something of equal strength in order to penetrate her skin."

"So nothing can stop me?" Lynn asked.

"I think internal bleeding is your weakness, but fear not I'll find a way to fix that." Lisa said.

"I guess we could have secondary powers as well." Lincoln said

"I wonder what else we got?" Lana asked.

"We'll figure it out in due time." Lisa replied.

Lucy touched the same crate that Lynn lifted and froze it, but spikes formed around it. "Whoa." Lucy smiled.

"Hey Luc try and creating something with ice." Lincoln suggested.

Lucy nodded and concentrated, and created a skull made of ice and she smiled. "Well I guess you have to start small." Lisa shrugged.

The rest of the afternoon, the Louds practiced with their powers. Lana turned into a gorilla and climbed up the tower.

Luan focused real hard and turned herself and the train car invisible.

Lily moved her arms and the plants that Lisa brought and the plants moved around

Luna breathed out and shot a stream of purple lightning at some empty cans.

Lynn benching pressing a train car placed it back on the tracks. Then Lola shot pink diamonds at the same train car and Lynn glared at her and Lola smiled nervously.

Lisa lifted her right hand and slightly lift a train car off the ground and it drops to the ground and Lisa sighs.

Lincoln is throwing fireballs at the targets and Leni multiplied into five Leni's.

Lori ran from the shack to the old warehouse and back and Lucy shot a ice beam which froze a train car.

When the sun is setting the Louds all return to Vanzilla and drive back home. "Hey guys I was thinking, that maybe we can use that warehouse as our base?" Lincoln suggested.

"Hmmm. A brilliant idea Lincoln, besides we don't want our parents to find out." said Lisa.

"But no one needs to know." Lori said.

"Yeah, we don't want to be opened up in a lab." Lola said.

"That and we don't want anyone to be in danger when our secrets are revealed." said Lincoln.

"I'm already working on the costumes." Leni replied and looks outside and sees the museum door opens. "Hey I think the lights are off and someone is in there." Leni said.

"The museum is being robbed!" Lisa gasped.

"Well it clear what we have to do girls?" Lincoln said and his sisters nodded.

A group of robbers are looking around for something to steal. Then a blur hits one of the robbers in the face and knocks him out. "What the heck?" One of the robbers asked.

Then two other robbers slipped on ice and fall to the ground. Then a fireball hits the other robber in the butt and he felt something punching him in the face, knocking him out cold. There are three robbers left and one of them gets dragged into the shadows.

"Oh man this is not good." said one of the robbers. Then Lynn's arms come out of the shadows and bonked the robbers' heads together knocking them out.

Sometime later the cops arrived and see the robbers all tied up. "Who the heck stopped these guys?" A cop asked.

The Louds all arrived home and when they opened the door they see their parents glaring at their kids with their arms crossed. "Where have you kids been?" Lynn asked.

"We were worried sick about you all!" Rita stated.

"We were at the mall and we lost track of time." Lori rubbed the back of her neck.

"You should of called us first." Lynn Sr. said.

"It won't happen again." Lori replied.

"Good and you're lucky it's a Friday night, now go to your rooms and don't come out for the rest of the night." Rita said and the Loud kids all walked upstairs.

"Work on the outfits designs and I'll join you tomorrow morning." Lisa whispered to Leni and she nodded.

The Louds all went to their rooms and stay there for the night. But Leni went up to her sketch pad and get to work on their superhero outfits.

The next morning, Leni has finished the designs on her sketchpad. "Done." said Leni.

That was when Lisa walks in her room. "Good morning 2nd older sibling unit. Have you come up with the designs?" Lisa asked.

"I worked all night on them." said Leni.

"Shall we get started?" Lisa asked.

"Sure after I sleep." said Leni and fell on her bed and went to sleep.

Sometime later Leni and Lisa have worked on the outfits with the help of the Leni's clones. Then when they're all done Lisa called her siblings to Lori and Leni's room and they put their superhero outfits on.

Lori is wearing a baby blue version of Jessie Quick with a blue mask.

Leni is wearing her take of her 11 of hearts costume, only differences are she has a mask over her eyes and no hearts.

Luna is wearing a purple jumpsuit with purple boots, purple goggles, purple leather jacket with fingerless gloves.

Luan is wearing a yellow biosuit with fingerless gloves, yellow boots and a yellow mask over her eyes.

Lynn is wearing a red biosuit similar to Power Man's from ultimate Spider-Man with elbow pads and knee pads, and a red iron fist style mask.

Lincoln is wearing a orange biosuit, with orange goggles and his hair has been turned to red.

Lucy's hero outfit is based off her winter clothes but black, with a biosuit and black mask over her eyes but you can see it from her bangs.

Lana's outfit s based off Vixen from Dc comics, but blue and wears a mask over her eyes.

Lola's outfit is based off her Queen of Diamonds outfit, but no cape, has a princess mask over her eyes.

Lisa's outfit is a green biosuit with green goggles.

And Lily's outfit with a lavender pink biosuit with a sunflower mask covering her eyes.

"These suits are cool." Luna said.

"Why did my hair changed red?" Lincoln asked as he looked in the mirror.

"I customized your suit, when you put it on your hair will change to red." Lisa explained. "Besides it suits you well."

"We need a team name guys." said Luan.

"How about the L girls?" Leni suggested.

"Um Leni, I'm a boy." Lincoln pointed out.

"Dang it." Leni groaned.

"What about the L-Force?" Lana suggested.

"Nah, I think that name's taken." said Lincoln.

"Dang it." Lana said.

"I got it dudes!" Luna said.

"What Luna?" Lori asked.

"How about the L-crew?" Luna suggested.

"I like it." said Lincoln.

"Same here." Lynn replied.

"I totes agree." Leni said.

"Then it's settle we're known as the L-crew." Lori said.

"Look out Royal Woods there's new heroes in town." said Lincoln.

I would like to thank Ben10man for the trainyard scene. Plus Zachlor16 for the team name, the superhero outfits, the base idea and the museum. Please review.