25. Convoy

Lincoln sat in his room reading a comic while Charles laid down next to him. However, Lincoln wasn't reading with usual enthisiasm. Instead, he was reading with a frown.

"You alright buddy?" Charles asks.

"I'm fine. But ususally the comics are boring." Lincoln sighed.

"Maybe they're boring because you are living the life of a hero now." Charles suggested.

"Maybe." Lincoln sighs. "But I still love Muscle Fish and Ace Savvy though."

Maybe you should take a break from comics." Charles suggested.

"I guess I can but what do I do in the mean time?" Lincoln asks.

"You've been taking art classes. Why not do something with that." Charles suggested. Lincoln thinks about it and nods. He then heads to the corner next to his desk and pulls out a canvas with a tarp on it. Lincoln pulls the tarp off and Charles notices that Lincoln already started something. "What's that, Linc?"

"It's a work in progress." Lincoln said.

"Come on you can tell me buddy." said Charles.

"Sorry buddy but it's a surprise." Lincoln says.

"Ok." Charles says. "But what you got so far is pretty good. I guess you found your passion."

"I don't know about that." Lincoln sighs.

"What do you mean? You haven't found your passion yet?" Charles asked.

"No I haven't. I suck at drawing, I'm not smart to be a astronaut, and there no job for testing video games." said Lincoln.

"Don't say that pal." Charles tells him. "It's still early. Look at Luna. She didn't find her passion til she was thirteen. You still have time."

"But what if I don't Charles?" Lincoln asks. "I haven't found anything. My younger sisters have found something they're passionate about. And like you said, Luna found her thing at thirteen. What if i don't find my thing? What if it's already to late?"

"Never say never Lincoln, you got plenty of time." Charles said, "Tell you What I'll let you work on your art work."

"Ok." Lincoln sighs. He opens the door and Charles walks out. After Charles is out, he closes it. Outside, Charles sighs and turns to the readers.

"So your the people Lincoln and few other people talk to." Charles observes. "Names Charles but you probably already knew that. And you all probably saw what just happened with my best bud. Now, I wish I could help him. But this doesn't seem to be an issue I can help with. This is a human problem. And for this issue, I need humans. And luckily for me, I have ten humans on this very floor."

Charles runs up to Luna and Luan's room, he whimpers and stratches the door.

Luna and Luan answer and see Charles.

"What's up pooch?" Luna asks.

"Gather your sisters. I'm calling a meeting." Charles tells them. "Don't tell Lincoln."

"Sure thing." Luan said.

The sisters all gathered in Lori and Leni's Room and Charles said. "Now I called you all here for a good reason."

"It better be Charles." Lola says. "I was preparing for a pageant."

"I was fixing the toilet." Lana whined.

"First off, quit doing that." Charles tells her. "That's my second water dish."

"Charles, that is literally disgusting." Lori tells him. "But why did you call us here?"

"Lincoln lost interest in a comic today." Charles informed them.

The sisters all gasped at this and they couldn't believe what they heard. "Linky lost interest in something he loves?" Leni asked.

"That's horrible!" Lola exclaimed.

"Comics are what make Lincoln well, Lincoln!" Luan wails.

"I know." Charles says. "That's not the only issue. He's worried that he'll never find his passion and that it's to late to find it."

"He hasn't found his passion!?" Luna exclaimed.

"Well he didn't want to be a ghost hunter after finding out it's fake." said Lisa.

"Yeah and he thinks his drawings are terrible because someone told them that they stink and look like a one year old drew then." Lana says.

"Lola." Charles glared.

"Don't look at me!" Lola replied.

"He doesn't have the grades to be astronaut." Luan said.

"Wow. Lincoln's dreams are basically done." Lori says sadly.

"Poor baby bro." Luna says.

"We need to go help Linky!" Leni cries. The girls all try to make a dash to the door but Charles stops them.

"No! You guys can't confront him about this!" Charles shouts. "If he doesn't talk, you'll force him to talk and that never works."

"Then what do we do?" Lucy asks.

"Easy, nothing." Charles said.

"What?!" The Louds sisters said.

"Let him come to you. It's that simple." Charles replied.

"Are you sure?" Lana asks.

"Well you girls always meddle in his life." Charles said.

"We were right about Ronnie Anne." Lori said.

"Just let him come to you." said Charles.

"I'm not sure." Lisa says. "Are we really sure that our canine companion is correct?"

"Look, you can ignore me and meddle in his life with risk of incineration. Or, you can listen to me and let him come to you with less risk of incineration." Charles tells them. "Your choice."

"I think we should listen to Charles." said Lana.

"See Lana agrees with me." Charles said. "Now if you excuse me I'm going to get a drink." Charles walks out of the room.

The girls then hear slurping coming from the bathroom.

"Gross." Lucy says.

"So we need Lincoln to come to is." Luna says. "How?"

"What if we take the subliminal approach." Lori suggests. "We ask him how his day is and if anything is new. But for now, we need to head to base and get ready for patrol. Can one of you get Lincoln?"

"I'm on it." said Luan and walks to Lincoln's bedroom.

When she reaches the door, she knocks. "Hey Linc! It's Luan. You in there?"

"Yeah. Just give me a second." Lincoln calls back. Luan then hears a sound that sounds like Lincoln moving a bunch of stuff around.

"What is he doing in there?" Luan asks herself. "Everything ok in there?"

"Yeah. Everything's fine." Lincoln answers.

"Just letting you know that we need to go on patrol." Luan said.

"Ok. Give me one second." Lincoln says. A few seconds later, Lincoln opens the door and the first thing Luan notices is that Lincoln was filthy.

"Lincoln, why are you so dirty?" Luan asked.

"No reason." Lincoln said. "Just let me get cleaned up."

"Ok." Luan says not fully convinced. "So anything interesting happen today?"

"Nope." Lincoln answers. "I'll come down in a couple minutes." He heads to the bathroom while Luan looks on.

"Hmm, this is gonna be tougher than I thought." Luan says.

"Charles! Quit drinking from the toilet!" Lincoln shouts.

At the base, Sam in lying in the therepy couch while Clyde is sitting nearby.

"Now, how did your family react when you came out to them?" Clyde asks.

"Well my mom had her doubts but she loves me no matter what. My brothers were split about about it and my sister was okay with it." said Sam. "But they're really supportive of my choice."

"What about your dad?" Clyde asked.

"My dad walked out on us when I was four." Sam answers. "It came without warning. I still don't know why."

"I see." Clyde says as he writes down the info. "You said you were four when he walked out on you and your family. How was your relationship with your father before he walked out on you?"

"It was pretty fine, he got me into music when I three and one year later he left a few months before Ashley was born." said Sam.

"So Ashley doesn't know about her dad?" Clyde asked.

"Nope and I plan on keeping it that way." Sam answers.

"Can you tell me why?" Clyde asks.

"Me and my older brothers all agree nerves to let Ashley find out that our dad is dead beat father." Sam explained.

"She'll find out eventually." Clyde points out.

"Not on my watch." Sam tells him.

"But she will find out the truth you better have a back up plan for that." Clyde said.

"Don't worry about it." Sam reassures him. "My brothers and I got this covered."

"Whatever you say Sam." Clyde says.

They then hear Vanzilla pull up outside.

"Looks like the Louds are here." Sam says.

"Yep. We'll do another session next week." Clyde tells her.

The Louds all enter the base, Luna kisses Sam. "Hey guys." said Lori.

"Here for patrol?" Clyde asked.

"Why else would we be here?" Lori asked.

"So where's Bobby and Ronnie Anne?" Sam asked after she and Luna separated.

"Bobby is still recovering from the whole Berserker incident and Ronnie Anne is taking care of him." Lori explained. She then turned to Sam. "Mind overseeing our training until Ronnie Anne gets back?"

"Sure." Sam says. "Ronnie left her training plan here so I can use that."

"But it can wait because we have to go on patrol." said Lisa.

"That's fine." said Sam.

"Ok. When we get to the city, we'll split up into five groups. Luan and Lincoln will be one group. Lisa and Lynn will be a group. Leni and Lola will be a group. Luna and Lucy will be a group. And Lana and Lily will be with me." Lori announces. "Any questions?"

"No!" Lana replied.

"Ok let's get to work." said Lori. They all suit up and get ready to go. Lori stops Luan and whispers. "Keep an eye on Lincoln and make sure he talks about his future."

Luan nods and they all head out.

Four of the five groups stood outside a bank waiting for Ms. Appear and Firecracker to report in.

"Where the heck are they?" Speed Queen asks. "I'm getting worried."

"Don't worry. I'm sure they're on their way now." Amplifier assures her.

"Here they come!" Wildgirl announces.

They see Firecracker and Ms. Appear come straight towards them. "Anything to report?" Speed Queen asked.

"Nothing much." said Ms. Appear.

"Can I please use the bathroom now?" Firecracker askes.

"Right. Yeah sure." Ms. Appear answers.

"Finally!" Firecracker shouts before flying off. After he's gone, Speed Queen turns her attention to Ms. Appear.

"Any luck with getting him to talk?" Speed Queen asks.

"No." Ms. Appear sighs. "I tried asking him about how he's been, but he answered normally."

"He's hiding it, he doesn't want to admit it." Parkour said.

"Well I'm not reading his mind. I will not be incinerated." Prodigy replied.

"Well we have to keep trying." Speed Queen stayed.

"Guys. Linky is coming back." Multiple Girl tells them. The girls turn and see Firecracker coming back carrying a guy in a lab coat.

"Hey girls I met this guy in the washroom and he has a job for us." said Firecracker.

"That's weird dude." Amplifier says. "So who are you sir?"

"I am Professor Johnson with Tetherby Industries." The man introduces himself. "And I require your assistance."

"What seems to be the problem?" Speed Queen asked.

"You see, we have a shipment going out of town and we would like you to escort it to its destination." Johnson explains.

"Where is it going?" Crystal Princess asks.

"It's going to a factory in New York City." Johnson said.

"There's a Tetherby Industries in New York city?" Speed Queen asks.

"Yes." Johnson answers. "So will you do it?"

"Give us one second." Speed Queen says. The team them huddles up. "So what do you guys think?"

"It sounds like a long way to fly for me." said Wildgirl.

"It' been quiet so far." said Firecracker.

"True." Speed Queen agrees. "We need more details."

"Agreed." Prodigy says. They break from the huddle. "Why do you need us to escort the truck?"

"Well there's this motorcycle gang that loves to steal our tech and others competitors." Johnson said.

"That's It?! A motorcycle gang!" Crystal Princess exclaimed.

"Yes. They are extremely dangerous." Johnson tells them. "They are called the Backwoods Devils and their leader calls himself Ribshot."

"Why because he tells jokes?" Parkour jokes.

"No because he breaks people's ribs." Johnson answers. Parkour stops laughing.

"Ok. That took a turn." Parkour says.

"Huddle up again." Speed Queen orders.

"The motorcycle gang changes the complexity a little bit." Firecracker says.

"Yeah. But I think we're forgetting one detail." Amplifier points out.

"What do we tell mommy and daddy?" Crystal Princess asks.

"Guys, we still haven't agreed to do this." Speed Queen reminds them.

"But guys, this is New York city!" Multiple Girl tells them enthusiastically. "The city of fasion!"

"And great music dudes." Amplifer said.

"Plus all the late night shows are played there!" Ms. Appear said.

"Not to mention, they have sewer gators I can wrestle!" Wildgirl said excited.

"Plus, I can get NYC perfume." Speed Queen says excitedly. "It's literally the best perfume ever!"

"I want to visit Yankees stadium!" Parkour announces.

"Plus the science tower!" Prodigy adds.

"Don't forget the pageants!" Crystal Princess says.

"Poo poo." Greenthumb babbles.

"Plus there is so much inspirations for poems." Black Ice says. The girls turn to Firecracker and notice that he's been quiet.

"Bro, don't you want to go to New York city?" Amplifier asks.

"Well I do." Firecracker said.

"But?" Multiple Girl pressed.

"There really isn't anything for me there." Firecracker says.

"Don't worry about it." Speed Queen tells him. "You can still have fun. After the mission of course."

"Ok." Firecracker agrees. "But what do we tell mom and dad?"

"Well it's Spring break, we can tell them we're going on a road trip." Speed Queen said.

"That's will do." said Amplifer.

"So we're all agreed?" Speed Queen asks.

"Yep." Her siblings answer in unison.

"Ok then it's settled." said Speed Queen. The L-Crew all looked at Johnson. "We'll do it."

"Perfect." said Johnson. "I'll give you the time and place tomorrow."

"Thanks." Speed Queen says. She turns to her siblings. "Time to head to base. We have to get ready."

"Right!" The siblings all said.

At the base, Lana and Lisa were looking at Lynn's ATV and Leni's go-kart. "So remind me why are we doing this?" Lana asked.

"We need to make sure that the go-kart and ATV can handle the trip from here to New York." Lisa explained. "So we are going to make some last minute upgrades to the vehicles."

"Gotcha." Lana said.

"New York!?" Sam exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I'm going to bring you back a sourviner." Luna said.

"I would like that." Sam said.

"You kids can't go!" Charles yells.

"We need you!" Cliff adds.

"Your parents don't know how to take care of us!" Walt points out. "Your dad used Geo as a can opener."

"Don't remind me." Geo shuddered.

"Don't worry guys. You'll be fine." Lincoln tells them.

"Yeah. Clyde said he'll come by and help take care of you guys." Lynn tells them.

"Do you really have to go Lana?" Hops asks.

"Don't worry Hops. I'll be back and we'll be eating crickets and playing again in no time." said Lana.

Lucy is in a dark corner with Fangs. "I wish you didn't had to leave." Fangs said with sadness in his eyes.

"Fangs don't give me look." Lucy replied and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I'm sorry. But you practically raised me." Fangs points out. "And I'm going miss you."

"I'll miss you too." Lucy says. She turns to the other pets. "I'll miss all of you."

"Same here Lucy." Geo said.

"New York?!" Ronnie Anne exclaimed

"Yeah." Lincoln says over the watch. "Gotts escort a truck there."

"Lucky." Ronnie Anne mumbles.

"No offense or anything but you don't have any powers and someone needs to keep an eye on Bobby." Lincoln replied to her.

"I guess." Ronnie Anne sighs.

"How about I get you a souviner." Lincoln suggested.

"That would be great no snow globes and you think Lori can get a souvenir for Bobby?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"Way ahead of you!" Lori shouted.

"Thanks. I gotta go. Dinnertime." Ronnie Anne tells him. "Smell ya later, Lame-o."

"Smell ya later!" Lincoln said and hung up.

"And that should do it." Lana says.

"Siblings, our vehicles are set for long distance travel." Lisa says.

"Yay!" Leni cheers.

"Sweet." Lynn says.

"Now we must get permission from our parents for the road trip." said Lisa.

"That's gonna be tough." Lynn says.

"But, we have to try." Lori points out.

"New York city?" Lynn Sr. asked surprised. He and Rita were sitting on the couch while their eleven children were standing in front of them. "You kids want to go to New York city for Spring Break?"

"Yeah It would be great place for sightseeing and shopping." Lori said.

"I don't know. New York City is a big place." Rita said.

"Don't worry mom. We'll do the buddy system." Luan reassures her.

"How are you gonna get there?" Lynn Sr. asks. "You kids might not have school, but we have work so we need Vanzilla."

"We'll rent a van and promise not to destroy it." said Lori.

"I don't know." Rita says.

"C'mon honey, let them go." Lynn Sr. tells her. "It could be a bonding experience for them."

"I guess you're right." Rita agrees. "But I'm setting some rules. Lori and Luna are in charge. You will listen to them. I want a phone call every morning and every night. As for Lily, you will all work together to take care of her. However, Lincoln and Lynn don't have to change Lily's diapers because they did their quota for the month. So no tricking them. Do i make myself clear?"

"Yes mom!" The Loud kids all said.

"Oh and don't forget to take pictures." said Rita.

"Also get me a New York city snowglobe." Lynn Sr. requests.

"Sure thing dad." said Lori. "Come on guys let's get packing."

The kids head upstairs and to their rooms to get their stuff together. As Lincoln packed, he kept casting glances at his painting that he started.

"Should I bring it or no?" Lincoln asked. "No, it would get ruined."

"You're probably right." Lincoln turns and sees Charles. "But are you at least going to tell them about your painting?"

"No, I'm not going to tell my sisters about my piece of art." Lincoln replied.

"I figured that much." Charles says jumping up on the bed. "Look, I just want you to remember that you can trust your sisters. Maybe they could help."

"I know but I just don't want them to meddle in my life." said Lincoln. "They might pressure me to make me do their thing and all that."

"You don't know that." Charles argues. "Look, I just wanted to see you before you left tomorrow morning."

"That's great buddy." Lincoln said.

"Just try to come home in one piece." Charles requested.

"Can do." Lincoln promises.

"Also, bring me back a New York city bone." Charles requested.

"I'll do that Charles." said Lincoln.

"Lalo will be so jealous!" Charles replied.

The next morning, the Louds made their way downstairs with there suitcases and duffle bags and see their parents waiting for them.

"Well we're off to New York." said Lori.

"Well I made you some breakfast burritos for the road." said Lynn Sr.

"Thanks." Leni says taking the burritos.

"Have fun kids." Rita says. "And please don't arrested."

"And don't trash the hotel you're staying at!" Lynn Sr. statet.

"No worries pops." Luna assures him. "Lori and I got this covered."

"Yeah and we promise that we will behave." Lincoln promises.

"And if we misbehave, I'll wear pink for a week." Lucy says.

"Anyway we should get going see ya!" Lori said and the Loud kids exit the house.

The kids head to the bus stop. As soon as they are out of sight, they suit up and head towards base.

At the base, the L-Crew were making some last minute preparations before meeting up with Professor Johnson.

"Hey Lori. Are you going to be ok running all the way to New York city?" Luan asks.

"I'll be fine Lisa gave me these energy bars for me to run fast." said Lori,

"That's good. Just don't push yourself." Luan tells her.

"Don't worry. I won't." Lori reassures her. Nearby, Lola and Lana were loading their bags onto Leni's go-kart.

"Are you sure you'll be fine flying so far?" Lola asked.

"I'll be fine." Lana tells her.

"I'm just looking out for you." Lola said.

"I know." Lana smiled.

"Just promise me that if you get tired you'll rest on either Lynn's ATV or Leni's go-kart." Lola requests.

"Ok. I promise." Lana promises.

"Ok good." said Lola.

"So who's riding with the non fliers?" Leni asked.

"I have Lisa." Lynn said

"Leni, you'll have Lily and Lola." Lori tells Leni.

"Fun." Leni says excitedly.

"At least I don't have to carry anybody." Lucy said.

"Same here." Lincoln agreed.

"Alright team let's go." Lori said.

When the kids arrived at the place Johnson told them to meet him at, they saw the professor standing next to tall man with broad shoulders. He had fair skin with a scar over his right eyebrow. He also wore a jean jacket and cargo pants.

"We're here Johnson." said Speed Queen.

"So this guy is the truck driver?" Ms. Appear asked.

"Indeed." Johnson answers. "L-Crew, meet Daniel Mason. He's one of the best drivers in the country."

"He's big." Firecracker says amazed.

"Look at those biceps." Parkour says in awe.

"Wicked scar." Amplifier compliments.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Mason." Speed Queen says.

"Please, call me Daniel." Daniel says with a deep voice.

"He sounds scary?" Wildgirl whispered to Crystal Princess.

"He sure does." Crystal Princess replied.

"It's nice to meet you Daniel." Speed Queen says.

"Likewise." Daniel says.

"So what's the plan?" Parkour asked.

"Just stay close to the truck and perhaps keep a look out for the Backwood Devils." Daniel tells them.

"Sounds like a plan." Firecracker says. "So where are we gonna stop at nightfall?"

"Well I found this motel we all stay in. I have one room and your team can stay in another room." said Daniel.

"Rockin dude." Amplifier says. She then turns to Johnson. "We got this covered dude."

"I can't thank you enough for doing this." Johnson says.

"Don't mention it." said Speed Queen.

"We're heroes it's what we do," Firecracker replied.

"So are we ready to go or not?" Daniel asks impatiently.

"Yeah. We just have to put Greenthumb in her carseat." Speed Queen answers.

Speed Queen places Greenthumb in the car seat. "All set?" Muiltipe Girl asked.

"All set." said Speed Queen. "We're ready to go!" She called out to Daniel.

Daniel nods and prepares to hop into his truck. Prodigy then hands Daniel a comlink.

"You can use this to keep in touch with us on the road." Prodigy explains.

"Thanks kid." Daniel says.

Prodigy walks back to Parkour's atv and they all took off.

The convoy made their way out of Michigan and started to head into West Virginia. As they contimued on, the girls were still determined to get their brother to talk to them.

"Ok, so who wants to try now?" Ms. Appear asks. "I've tried twice already."

"I'll give him a talk." Wildgirl said in eagle form. She flew towards Firecracker. "Hey Linc."

"Sup Lana. Need something?" Firecracker asks.

"Just want to talk." Wildgirl answers. "So, what's new?"

"Nothing much." said Firecracker.

"Play any new games lately?" Wildgirl asked

"Nope." Firecracker answered. "Anything new happening with you?"

"Yeah! I got to see a bunch of baby birds hatch a couple days ago!" Wildgirl says excitedly.

"That's cool." Firecracker said.

"So anything else that's new?" Wildgirl asked.

"Nope." Firecracker answers. Wildgirl narrows her eyes and goes back to flying next to Amplifier and Ms. Appear.

"Well, anyone else want to try?" Wildgirl asks.

"Let me try." Amplifier volunteers.

Amplifier flies up to Firecracker. "Hey little bro." Amplifier said.

"Oh hey Luna." Firecracker greeted.

"So anything new with you and Ronnie Anne?" Amplifier asked.

"Nope. Same old same old." Firecracker answers. "How are things going between you and Sam?"

"Going pretty good." Amplifier answers.

"Cool. Hey Leni! How are things beteen you and Kody?" Firecracker asks.

"Dang it. He's trying to get the attention off him." Amplifier thought. "Maybe Leni will notice."

"Everything is Fine!" Leni replied.

"Dang it." Amplifier muttered.

"He did the sweetest thing yesterday." Multiple Girl continues. "He pulled a flower out from behind my ear."

"And later that day, she came to me and asked me to see if there was a garden behind her ear." Prodigy says.

"That figures." Firecracker said.

"So how's school going?" Parkour asks.

"Ok I guess. Ever since Chandler and Papa Wheelie became villains i haven't been bullied that much." Firecracker said.

"Cool." Parkour says.

"See any good movies lately?" Crystal Princess asks.

"No." Firecracker asked with an annoyed tone.

"Just asking." Crystal Princess says.

"So Luna, you said that Sam has been acting weird for the past few days?" Speed Queen asks trying to change the subject.

"Yeah. She's been acting all weird since Berserker." Amplifier says. "She won't tell me what's wrong."

"I wouldn't worry much about it." Speed Queen assures her. "She's probably dealing with stuff at home." She then turned to Prodigy. "Anything on the radar?"

"Nothing yet, but I'm keeping a watchful eye on it." Prodigy said. "Besides someone has to keep a watch on trouble."

"Ugh. Escort missions are so boring." Parkour complained.

"Speaking of which, Daniel what exactly are we hauling?" Speed Queen asks.

"That's classified." Daniel answers. "Classified as in not even i know."

"Great." Black Ice groans.

"Must be a powerful weapon of some sort." Wildgirl guessed.

"That's my guess." Firecracker said.

Then Prodigy looks at the radar and sees some dots on it. "Oh dear." She said. "We got company!"

"How much?" Amplifier asks.

"Hard to tell but we are heavily outnumbered." Prodigy tells them. As soon as she finished saying that, the team heard the sound if multiple motorcycles approaching.

"That doesn't sound good." Crystal Princess says.

"Poo poo." Greenthumb babbles.

"Alright team. Protect the truck at all costs!" Speed Queen shouted.

"Finally I was getting bored!" Firecracker said.

"Pull over now!" The lead biker shouted.

"Not happening bub!" Crystal Princess shouts back.

"Ok boys, let's take the cargo for ourselves!" The lead biker shouted and drove towards the truck.

"Don't count on it!" Black Ice shouted.

"Can't we just handle this peacefully?" Multiple Girl asks.

"Ugh. Fine. Daniel pull over." Speed Queen says.

"Fine Speed girl." Daniel replied and pulled over to the side of the road.

The L-Crew do the same and the bikers immediately start to circle them. After a few seconds of circling they stopped and surrounded the convoy.

"Ok which one of you guys is the leader?" Speed Queen demanded a answer.

One of the bikers got off his bike and approached the L-Crew. The first thing that they noticed was that this guy was big. He was as tall as Daniel. He had fair skin and a gotee. He wore sunglasses and wore a leather vest with a small patch that said 'President'. He also had a tatoo of a devil.

"That'd be me." The man said in a voice that could rival Daniel's.

"You're Ribshot?" Speed Queen asks.

"That's right and this is my crew." said Ribshot. "I'm going to get right to the point. You give me that cargo or me and my boys here are going break every bone in your bodies."

"That's not very nice." Multiple Girl tells them.

"Of course not." Ribshot says. "So who the hell are you anyways?"

"You want to know who we are?" Multiple Girl asked.

"Yeah." Ribshot answered. The siblings look at each other and nod. They then line up.

"1! Faster than light! Speed Queen!"

"2! Split like a personality! Multiple Girl!"

"3! The electric rocker! Amplifier!"

"4! The invisible trickster! Ms. Appear!"

"5! As Strong And Durable As Steel! Parkour!"

"6! Blazing Courage! Firecracker!"

"7! The Freezing Darkness! Black Ice!"

"8! Instincts Of The Wild! Wildgirl!"

"9! Sharp And Beautiful! Crystal Princess!"

"10! IQ off the charts! Prodigy!" Greenthumb babbles something and Ms. Appear translates.

"11! The adorable Botanist! Greenthumb!"












"Eleven siblings fighting evil as one!" All eleven yell in unison. "We are the L-Crew!" They then each do a pose while the Backwoods Devils look at them like they are crazy.

"What the hell did i just watch?" Daniel asked himself.

"Hey the Power Rangers called they want their pose back!" A biker shouted and all of the Backwood Devils bursted into laughter.

"You know what, these guys are right." Firecracker says. "That was just weird."

"Yeah dudes. I felt ridiculous." Amplifier agreed.

"I thought it was fun." Multiple Girl tells them.

"Well, thanks for the laughs." Ribshot thanks. "I'm so thankful that I'm gonna let you go."

"Really?" The twins ask.

"No." Ribshot answers.

"I knew he was going to say that." said Prodigy,

"So we'll be taking that truck and let you live or take it by force." Ribshot said.

"We choose or else." Speed Queen answers. "Firecracker now!" Firecracker then punches the ground and fire shoots up from the ground.

"Gah!" Ribshot exclaimed. "Stupid kids!"

When the smoke clears, they see the convoy driving off.

"Boss! They're getting away." A biker shouts.

"I can see that!" Ribshot yells. "Get them!"

The Backwood Devils get on their motorcycles and chase after the convoy.

Up ahead, Crystal Princess peeks over the back of the go-kart and sees the Backwood Devils giving chase.

"Uh oh." Crystal Princess says. "Speed Queen! They're coming after us!"

"Black ice freeze the road!" Speed Wueen shouted.

"Right." Black Ice says. She freezes the road, causing several of the bikers to slide. "There are still coming."

"You kids better have a plan." Daniel tells them.

"We have a plan." Wildgirl tells him. She them flies higher up. A few seconds later, a brachiosaurous comes falling from the sky and causes a shockwave which takes out a few bikers.

Amplifer charged up her hands and fire electric balls at the bikers. "Rocking." Amplifier smirked.

One of the bikers starts to get close to the truck, but Ms. Appear kicks him.

"Show no mercy boys!" Ribshot shouts.

"Multiple Girl! Try to drive straight!" Crystal Princess commands. She climbs onto the back of the go-kart and starts shooting crystals at the bikers. "Eat crystal!"

The crystals hit some of the tires and she laughs. "Save some for me!" Firecracker shouted.

"We need to lose them!" Daniel tells them. "Take out the bikes!"

"Firecracker! Can you do your exploding trick?" Speed Queen asks.

"Yeah but i can't fly and focus at the same time." Firecracker answers.

"I got you!" Wildgirl yells. She goes pterodactyl and flies under Firecracker who turns his flame off so he can land on her.

"Get me over them!" Firecracker orders. "I should be able to get the majority of them."

"I'm on it!" Wildgirl shouted and flew closer

Firecracker focuses on the motorcycles in the front. As soon as he feels that the fire energy within the motorcycles, he snaps his fingers. A few seconds later, the bikes explode.

"Alright!" Firecracker cheers and jumps off Wildgirl.

"Nice one Firecracker!" Ms. Appear shouted.

"Thanks." Firecracker says. He looks behind them and sees that the Backwoods Devils weren't behind them. "I guess we showed them."

"Don't be so sure." Daniel warns. "Ribshot isn't one to give up so easily."

Back at the wreckage, Ribshot is looking at the wrechage with rage.

"Damn it." Ribshot curses.

"What now boss?" A biker asks.

"Get our backup bikes." Ribshot orders. "I want that cargo!"

"But what about the meta humans?" The other biker asked.

"We'll figure that out as soon as possible. Get the bikes now." Ribshot replied.

Back with the convoy, Speed Queen and Wildgirl were starting to slow down.

"My arms are tired." Wildgirl whined.

"I'm literally getting tired." Speed Queen stated.

"Yo Daniel!" Amplifier called. "How much farther til we reach the motel?"

"Still got a few miles left." Daniel answers. "Why?"

"Speed Queen and Wildgirl are getting tired." said Amplifier.

Daniel narrowed his eyes and looked in his mirrors and saw that Wildgirl was struggling to stay in the air and Speed Queen was starting to slow down. Daniel sighs and stops the truck. He steps out and everyone looks at him in confusion. He walks to the passenger side and opens the door. He turns to Wildgirl and Speed Queen.

"Get in." He says.

Speed Queen and Wildgirl get in the psssenger side of the truck. "Thanks." Wildgirl said.

"We literally thank you." Speed Queen said.

"No problem." Daniel says. "We need to get moving. No doubt that as soon as the Devils fix their bikes, they'll be after us."

Daniel started up the truck again and they moved on out.

A few hours later, night had fallen. The convoy then pulled into a decent looking motel.

"This is the final rest stop before we hit Pennsylvania." Daniel told them. "We should be able to make it to New York city by tomorrow."

"That's good to hear." Speed Queen said.

"Yeah I just want to sleep in." Crystal Princess said.

"Don't sleep to long." Daniel tells her. "I want to be in New York before nightfall."

"Got it dude." Amplifier says.

They exited the vehicles and entered the office to check in to their rooms.

The convoy split up and each head to a room. When the L-Crew entered their room, they were amazed with how big it was but frowned when they saw only one bed.

"Great I have to share a bed." Crystal Princess sighed.

"I should of packed the noise b gone earbuds." said Firecracker.

"I thought you got rid of those?" Lori said. Lincoln thought about it and realized she right.

"Right. I did get rid of them." Lincoln said. "For two reasons. One, it caused me to accidentally ignore you. And two, they gave me an ear infection."

"Right. So how are we gonna do the sleeping arrangements?" Lana asks.

"Well Lily had her crib so that's one of us out of the way." Luan points out.

"Also no eating meatball subs Lynn!" Lincoln said.

"You got to be kidding me Lincoln?!" Lynn exclaimed.

"Actually Lincoln has a point." Lori said.

"Ok." Lynn says giving in. "So what do we do about sleeping?"

"I'll be fine." Lucy said. "I made myself a bed." Lucy then shows them the ice bed she made.

"How about Lana, Lola and Lisa sleep in the bed." Lincoln suggested. "The rest of us can either sleep on the floor or the couch."

"I can't sleep on the floor!" Leni said. "I'll take the couch."

"I'll take the floor." said Lynn.

"I'll take the spot closest to the door." Lincoln offered.

"Why the door?" Luna asked.

"Just in case someone tries to get in." Lincoln answered.

"Ok." Luna said while looking at her brother suspiciously.

"Well, it's still early. Let's relax a little before bed." Lori suggests.

"Good idea Lori." said Luan.

They all try to get comfortable and pull out the things that they brought to entertain themselves with. As they do that, Lynn notices that Lincoln pulled out a book.

"Hey Linc, didn't you bring any comics with you?" Lynn asks.

"Nope." Lincoln answered.

"Then you brought a chapter book?" Lynn asked.

"Yeah it's called mind your own business." Lincoln replied.

"Is it good?" Leni asks.

"Leni, he's telling us to butt out." Lori tells her. Lincoln then taps her shoulder. She turns and he shows her the book who's title is actually 'Mind Your Own Business'. "Oh. It actually is called 'Mind Your Own Business'."

"I have no joke on this." said Luan.

"Yeah. I have literally nothing to say about this." Lori agrees.

"I was just asking Linc." said Lynn

"Yeah I know. Now let me read Mind Your Own Business in peace." Lincoln says before heading outside.

"I want to read it when he's done." Leni said.

"Leni, that's not the point!" Luna shouts. "He's starting to catch on. At this rate, he'll never come to us about what's bugging him."

"I don't even know anymore." Lori answers. "We just have to be patient. Let's just try to get some sleep."

Lori couldn't sleep. She didn't know if it was worry for her brother or the burritos she ate. Either way, she was awake again.

"This is literally annoying." Lori whispered. She got up and headed towards the bathroom. A few minutes later, she came out and looked over her sleeping siblings, but she realized one was missing. "Where's Lincoln?" He wasn't at his spot at the door and she was starting to get worried. She walked over to Luna and shook her. "Luna, wake up."

"I'll give you a encore." Luna muttered in her sleep.

"Luna." Lori angerly whispered.

"What is it Lori?" Luna asked.

"Lincoln isn't here." Lori tells her. "Wake the others. We have to find him." Luna nods and starts waking up the rest of the girls.

"This better be good." Lola groaned.

"Lincoln's missing." Luna said.

"Ok that's not good." said Lola.

"Everyone split up." Lori ordered. "I don't think he's left the motel lot so he must be nearby."

"How about i just go bat and use my echolocation to find him." Lana suggested. "Fangs taught me how to do it."

"That'll work." said Lucy.

Lana turns into a bat and starts flying around, and using her echolocation to try and find her brother. A few seconds later, she got something and flew back to the others, landing on Lucy's head.

"Well?" Lola asked.

"He's on the roof." Lana tells them.

"At least he's not far." Lori sighed.

The kids climb up onto the roof and see Lincoln sitting and looking at the stars.

"Hey bro you Ok?" Luna aske,d

Lincoln turns and sees his sisters. "Yeah. Just couldn't sleep." He answers. "I thought coming out here would help."

"Mind if we join you?" Lori asks.


The sisters all sat next to Lincoln and looked at the stars. "Do you guys think Gram Gram is up there?" Lana asked,

"I think so, Lana." Lori answers. "I think so."

"Sure is nice out tonight." Lynn says.

"Yep." Luan agrees.

"It's a starry night Alright." Luna said.

"Got that right. Right Linky." Leni said

"Yeah." Lincoln agrees. They sit in silence for a few seconds until Lincoln breaks it. "Can i tell you girls something?"

"Sure." Luan answers while the others nod.

"The day we accepted this mission, i lost interest in a comic." Lincoln admits.

"No!" The girls said In shocked.

"But you love comics." Lola said

"Yeah. Charles says that it's probably because I'm now living the life that Ace Savvy and Muscle Fish live." Lincoln tells them. "But that wasn't the first time. I actually lost interest a few times even before we got our powers."

"It's probably a sign that your growing up." Lori says.

"You think so?" Lincoln asked.

"Take me for example back in my awkward age I used to my own jewellery." Lori said. "But until I realized they stink."

"But that was you." Lincoln points out. "I have found nothing. My younger found their things already." He looks at the sky. "What if i don't find my thing? What if I'm only known as 'the Loud sister's brother'?"

"Don't like that bro." Luna says. "I didn't find my thing until i was Lynn's age. You'll find it. And if you don't find it, it'll find you."

"But when though?" Lincoln asks. "What of i find nothing?" The girls don't know how to answer their brother. As they try to think of an answer, they hear a new voice join the conversation.

"That's the funny thing about life." The kids turn and see Daniel joining them. "It works in mysterious ways."

"What are you doing here Daniel?" Lori asked

"Heard you kids talking." Daniel says. "You kids are loud."

"Sorry." Leni apologizes.

"Mind if i join you?" Daniel asks.

"Go ahead bro." said Luna

"Thanks. I heard that you're talking about your future Pyro." said Daniel.

"Yeah." Lincoln sighs. "I'm just worried i guess."

"I see." Daniel says. "You know, i was just like you when i was your age."

"You were?" Lincoln asked.

"Well when I was your age I didn't know what I wanted to do." said Daniel.

"Well what happened?" Lincoln asked.

"I found something that i was really good at." Daniel says. "But, it wasn't as good as i originally thought."

"What was it?" Lisa asked. Daniel hesitates for a second before answering.

"You ever heard of the criminal Road Hazard?" Daniel asks.

"No." The Louds all replied.

"Well I was Road Hazard." Daniel said. "But there was something you should know."

"What is it?" Lola asked.

"That biker gang that you fought on the way here, who do you think the founder was?" Daniel says. "I'll give you a hint, it was me." The Louds gasp at this revelation.

"You created that biker gang!" Luan shouts. Daniel nods.

"It was years ago. Even before half of you were born." Daniel explains. "We stole, we caused chaos and we didn't leave a town until we were done." He then frowns. "But one member of my gang didn't like where were going. Thought we should be doing more. I'll give you a guess on who that was."

"Ribshot." said Lucy.

"Correct. He challenged me for leadership and I lost." said Daniel.

"Why? Why would he do that?" Lola asked.

"He felt that the gang was getting soft." Daniel said. "So one day, we were in a bar and attacked a man with a crowbar. The guy was just a innocent bystander and Ribshot just attacked him. That same day, he took my leadership."

"Way harsh dude." said Luna.

"Are you sure you should be harsh that he lost his gang?" Leni asked.

"No sis. I'm saying that Ribshot was harsh in taking Daniel's gang." Luna explains. "What happened after that dude?"

"Went to jail." Daniel answers. "While i was in prison, i thought about life and i realized that i needed to change. So after i got out, i became a mechanic and opened up a garage. Over time, i eventually got my trucker's licence. But i learned something."

"What is it?" Lincoln asked,

"Nothing is set in stone." Daniel tells him. "You can find something you love to do, but that can always change. You can be a great dancer and love doing it. But then you find out you love painting more and you decide to do that. Nothing is set in stone. It's your life. You choose how you live it." He looks at Lincoln. "Just promise me you won't end up like me."

"I promise." Lincoln says.

"That's good pyro." Daniel says. "I've made my fair share of mistakes and i keep my costume in my truck to remind me of my mistakes."

"So you keep your costume to remind yourself of the mistakes you make." said Lisa.

"That's deep." Lucy said.

"Yeah brains. I keep it in my truck so that it reminds me to never go back to that life." Daniel says. He turns back to Lincoln. "Live your life kid. You still got a lot of time. I'm heading to bed. Don't stay up to late." With that, he gets up and leaves the roof.

"Thanks for the advice." Lincoln said. "Yeah I have plenty of time to figure it out."

"Feeling better Linc?" Luan asks.

"Yeah I do." said Lincoln.

"That's good." Lori says. "Just be patient. You'll find your thing and you will be great at it."

"You think so Lori?" Lincoln asked.

"I know so." Lori said.

"If you want, we can help you find your thing?" Lana offered. Lincoln thought about it and shook his head.

"No. I need to find it on my own." Lincoln tells them. "But Daniel is right. I just need to be patient."

"That's good Linky." Leni says.

"Look guys, we should get some sleep." Lori says. The Louds get up and climb down from the roof and head to their room. Meanwhile at the truck, Daniel climbs in and pulls out a box. He opens the box and holds up a helmet.

Daniel looks at his helmet and looks down at his costume.

The next day, the L-crew All got ready and were waiting for Daniel. "Where is he?" Firecracker asked.

"I know. He was the one who wanted to be in New York city before night fell." Crystal Princess complains.

"Sorry I'm late." The L-Crew turn and see Daniel coming towards them. When he steps out of the shadows, they gssp at what he was wearing. He was wearing a gray tanktoptank top with a leather vest over it. On the back of the vest, there was a patch that said 'Road Hazard'. He was wearing ripped black jeans and was wearing combat boots. He had fingerless gloves on his hands and wore a biker helmet on his head with sunglasses.

"Dude why are you wearing that?" Amplifier asked.

"You weren't kidding." Firecracker said.

"Simple, i think it's time Road Hazard made up for his past." Daniel says.

They all hit the road and continued to travel on until they see a road block.

"What's with the road block?" Multiple Girl asks.

"Don't know but, wait a minute that's the Backwood Devils!" Prodigy shouted.

"Damn." Road Hazard cursed. "Alright we're going to pull over and deal with this. Everyone understood?"

"We got it." Speed Queen nodded and so did everyone except for Parkour.

"Fine." Parkour muttered under her breath.

When they reached the road block, Ribshot stepped out from behind the block and faced the L-Crew with a smirk. A few seconds later, several other bikers surrounded them. Road Hazard stepped out of his truck and glared at Road Hazard.

"Been a while Road Hazard." Ribshot says.

"Yeah I know." Road Hazard said. "But I have a delivery to make."

"These kids made you more soft." Ribshot said.

"I was never soft Ribshot." Road Hazard told him. "Things were going fine until you took it too far."

"The gang was getting to soft for my liking." Ribshot says. "So I took action. And the result was leaving you lying on the floor broken. Now, give me the cargo."

"You don't even know what it is. Why do you want it?" Firecracker asks.

"Think or it like Christmas or our birthday. But we get to spread pain and fear!" Ribshot says.

"Really? Is that why you changed your name from Rumpshot to Ribshot?" Road Hazard asks.

"Wait, you went by Rumpshot?" Parkour asks.

"That is literally the dumbest name ever!" Speed Queen exclaimed and laughed.

"Yeah, what did you do?" Firecracker asks. "Look in the mirrior and say 'You know what would be a fun name? Rumpshot!'" The L-Crew and the Backwoods Devils laugh even harder as Ribshot get annoyed.

"It wasn't that bad." Ribshot shouts.

"What was your second choice Buttface!" Ms. Appear laughed.

Everyone laughs to a point where half of the bikers on rolling around on the ground laughing. Ribshot turns to his gang with a glare.

"SHUT UP YOU NUMSKULLS!" Ribshot shouts. He feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns and Road Hazard punches him in the face.

"C'mon! Let's move." Road Hazard orders. He jumps into his truck and gets moving.

The L-Crew took off as Ribshot got up. "After them!" Ribshot shouted.

The gang get on their bikes and chase after them.

"Here they come dudes!" Amplifer reported.

Protect the cargo!" Speed Queen shouts.

"On it!" Black Ice said and froze the tires on some of the bikers.

The bikers go off the road. Amplifier fires a electric stream at a group of bikers. One biker pulls up near Speed Queen and swings a chain at her, wrapping it around her legs.

Speed Queen fell down, but she quickly recovers and grabs the chain.

"You are literally going to pay!" Speed Queen yells. She speeds forward with chain in hand. She whips it at the biker and knocks him off the motorcycle. Multiple Girl drives her go-kart between two bikers, allowing CrystalPrincess to take them out with her hammers. While this is going on, Greenthumb starts babbling and giggling excitedly, getting Crystal Princess's attention.

"What is it Greenthumb?" Crystal Princess asks.

"Maybe she wants to fight some bad guys?" Multipe Girl guessed.

"Ok." Crystal Princess says. She unstraps Greenthumb from her carseat and holds her up. Greenthumb raises her hands and plants come out of the ground. Greenthumb then lowers her hands, causing the plants to come down on a group if bikers. Greenthumb giggles and claps her hands at this.

"Poo poo." Greenthumb babbles while giggling. Crystal Princess lowers Greenthumb down and puts her back in her carseat.

"Great job Greenthumb." Multiple Girl says. She looks at her dashboard and sees a button. "What does this button do?" She presses the button and several blasters pop out and start firing at the bikers. "Best button ever!"

Ms. Appear turns invisible and the bikers are confused. "Where did she go!?" The biker asked.

Then two forcefields hit the two the two bikers and Ms. Appear reappears. "Not my best, but what the heck?" Ms. Appear shrugged while riding on her forcefield hover board.

She smacks the bikers with her board and kicks another in the face. Wildgirl flies above a couple bikers and goes gorilla. As soon as she's on the ground, she holds her arms our and clotheslines the two bikers. She then picks up one if the motorcycles and throws it at another biker.

Wildgirl roars and sees another biker coming towards her. But Wildgirl punches the biker in the face and then turned into. Eagle to fly off.

Firecracker fires several fireballs at the bikers and then shoots fire from his mouth.

"This is fun." Firecracker says as he kicks another biker. Down on the ground, Ribshot is catching up to Parkour.

"You got some skills kid." Ribshot tells her. "Why not join my gang? It'll be fun."

"I protect people not hurt them, Rumpshot!" Parkour said.

"That's it! I'm going to turn your bones into powder!" Ribshot shouted.

He pulls out his crowbar and swings it at Parkour who ducks. She then turns to Prodigy.

"You drive." Parkour ordered.

"How?" Prodigy asked.

"Just keep it straight and push that little lever to move." Parkour tells her.

"Whatever you say!" Progidy exclaimed and took the wheel.

Parkour ducks all of Ribshot's swings from his crowbar. But Parkour managed to punch Ribshot in the gut. Ribshot managed to hit Parkour with his crowbar. Byt Parkour turned her head and glared at Ribshot.

"Big mistake bud." said Parkour.

She punches Ribshot in face and kicks the bike, causing Ribshot to stagger and pull away from Parkour.

"I took down Ribshot!" Parkour shouted and took control of her ATV once again.

You mean Rumpshot!" Firecracker shouts, causing everyone to laugh. Inside the truck, Road Hazard chuckles.

"You kids are alright." Road Hazard says. As they drive, Ribshot steps up from where his bike crashed and glared in the direction of the truck.

"I'm not done yet." Ribshot growls. He grabs a bike and goes in the direction of the convoy.

The convey made it to New York and they were on the bridge. "Maybe we can go Central Park!" Wildgirl suggested.

"I want to see the Statue of Liberty." Firecracker announces.

"Guys, we'll be able to see everything once the mission is finished." Speed Queen tells them.

"We should be approaching the factory soon." Road Hazard said.

"Plus we don't have to worry about about Rumpshot." Parkour said.

They arrive at the factory and Road Hazard backs in. After he's backed in, Wildgirl hops in the back and goes gorilla to push the crate to Parkour. While they are doing that, Amplifier hears the sound of a motorcycle approaching. When she turns, she sees Ribshot coming their way.

"Dudes! It's Ribshot!" Amplifier screams.

"You got to be kidding me!?" Firecracker shouted.

"This guy doesn't even give up!" Ms. Appear exclaimed.

Ribshot pulls into the factory and glared at the convoy.

"I'm taking that cargo weather you like it or not." Ribshot growls.

"Not going to happen punk!" Firecracker shouted.

"We'll see about that." Ribshot says. "You may have taken down my gang, but as long as I'm still standing the Backwoods Devils will be forever."

"Not unless you're behind bars." Road Hazard says, stepping in front of the L-Crew. "And I'm going to be the one to put you there."

"Then let's end this Road Hazard!" Ribshot shouted and charged towards him.

He throws a punch but Road Hazard sidesteps causing Ribshot to miss. Road Hazard then delivers a knee to the gut.

Ribshot staggers a bit and takes out his crowbar, but when he's about to swing Road Hazard grabs his crowbar and break it in half.

"What!?" Ribshot gasps.

"He broke it in half!" Speed Queen shouts.

"What do thing I've been doing in the joint?" Road Hazard said.

"I think he could take Parkour on." Wildgirl says.

"Doubt it." Parkour scoffs. "But that was cool."

"You have caused enough problems Ribshot." Road Hazard says. "He have harmed innocent people just for a laugh. You have ruined me and now I'm gonna finish this." He then hits Ribshot with a hard right hand to the face and then hits a jumping knee.

Ribshot is flown back and hits a lamppost on impact. "Ugh!" He groaned.

Road Hazard walks up to him and punches Ribshot in the face knocking him out cold.

"You will harm nobody now." Road Hazard tells the unconscious Ribshot. He turns around and sees the L-Crew staring at him. "What?"

"That was awesome." Firecracker tells him.

"Thanks pyro." Road Hazard says. "Now who are you kids?"

"What do you mean?" Black Ice asks.

"I mean, what are your names?" Road Hazard explains. "The names given to you by your parents."

"If you promise not to tell." said Crystal Princess.

"I promise." Road Hazard said.

"I'm Lincoln Loud." Firecracker said and took off his goggles.

"I'm Luan Loud." Ms. Appear said as she took off her mask.

"I'm Leni." Multiple Girl said and took off her mask.

"Luna." Amplifier says as she takes off her glasses.

"Lynn." Parkour said and removed her mask.

"Lola Loud, pretty one." Crystal Princess said and removed her mask.

"Lana." Wildgirl said and removed her mask.

"I'm Lucy," Black Ice said and removed her hood and mask.

"Lisa Loud at your service." Prodigy says taking off her hero glasses and replacing them with her normal glasses.

"I'm Lori." Lori said as she took off her mask. She then picks up Greenthumb. And this is Lily."

"Huh. Nice to finally meet ya." Road Hazard says as he holds out a fist.

The Louds all gave Road Hazard a fist bump. "You too Road Hazard." Lori said.

Road Hazard walks to his truck and turns to face the L-Crew. "Want to see something cool?" He asks.

"Yes." Luan answers. Road Hazard presses a button on the side of his truck. The truck then start to morph. A few seconds later, the truck turned into a bulky vehicle with large tires and a sliding hatch on top of the vehicle.

"Whoa! That looks like the batmobile!" Lincoln says excitedly.

"This is my baby." Daniel says. "This is the Road Rage. Made her from spare parts. The fastest vehicle in the country."

"Cool." Lana says. "So are you going back to Royal Woods?"

Daniel shakes his head. "Nope. I go where the road takes me. And the road isn't taking me to Royal Woods."

"It 's was nice working with you Road Hazard." Leni said.

"Sure was Leni." said Daniel.

Lori walks up to him and hands him a watch. "If you ever need us." She tells him.

"Or if you ever need me." Daniel says with a smile.

Daniel turns on the engine and takes off while the Louds all wave good bye.

"He was so cool." Lana says.

"Do you think we'll see him again?" Lola asks.

"Yeah. I think we will." Lori answers. "Now, let's go take Ribshot to the cops and tell them where the rest of the Backwoods Devils are. Then we'll go check into a hotel."

They see Lucy freezing Ribshot. "Just so He won't get away." said Lucy.

"Good thinking Lucy." Lori said.

"Let's get Ribshot to the police station." Lincoln says. He then realizes something. "Um, where is the police station?"

"We can either ask someone or call them?" Leni suggested.

"Wait. I see a police car right over there." Lana says.

They all put their masks and goggles back on and Lynn carried the frozen Ribshot t the police. "Here you go officers one frozen Ribshot." Lynn said.

"Ribshot!" One of the officers exclaimed. "We've been trying to arrest him and his gang for years!"

"Well there you go. The rest of the miscreants that Ribshot worked with are outside the city unconscious." Lisa told them.

"We can't thank you enough L-Crew." The other officer says. "Is there anyway we can thank you?" The L-Crew think about it and they come up with something.

"Do you know any good hotels?" Leni asked.

"Sure we do." The officer says.

The Louds gasped in awe at how big the room was. They were even more surprised to see that their was three beds.

"Finally three beds!" Leni squealed.

Lana jumped on the bed and lied down. "Oh yeah." said Lana.

"So how are we gonna do sleeping arrangements?" Lincoln asks. "Lily has her crib and Lucy makes her own bed. So how are we gonna do this?"

"Simple. There are nine of us. So three for each bed." Lori answers. "But who sleeps with who is the question."

"I'm not sleeping with Lynn." Lincoln tells them. "Never again."

"What's wrong with me?!" Lynn asked.

"You gave me Dutch ovens and snores like a chainsaw!" Lincoln shouted.

"He's right." Lucy tells her.

"Ugh. Fine." Lynn groans. "So who's sleeping with who?"

"Siblings, i have a way to figure this out." Lisa announces. "I have decided that with being the oldest, Lori, Leni and Luna will each get a bed. Lana, you have run to Lori's bed due to nightmares so you will sleep with Lori."

"Well of course." said Lana.

"I'm getting a bed with Lynn am I?" Luan asked.

"No. Lynn will be sleeping with Leni while you be sleeping with Luna." Lisa answered.

"That's good." Luan sighed.

"Lola will be sleeping with Lori while i shall sleep with Leni." Lisa tells them.

"So that means that I'll be sleeping with Luna and Luan?" Lincoln asks.

"Correct." said Lisa.

"Don't worry I got you some headphones for Luan's jokes and my singing." said Luna.

"Ok. I guess it won't to bad." Lincoln says. "I mean it isn't like there's some way i can get payback on you if i don't get any sleep."

"Please don't little bro." Luna begged.

"Sorry." Lincoln says. "But i appreciate the headphones Luna."

"Don't mention it." Luna says.

"Alright everyone, tomorrow we will go and see everything that NYC has to offer." Lori announces. "As for now, let's rest up."

Way ahead of you." Lana said.

"Night Leni." Lori calls.

"Night Luna." Leni says.

"Night Luan." Luna said.

"Night Lynn." Luan says.

"Night Lincoln." Lynn said.

"Night Lana." said Lincoln.

"Night Lola." Lana said.

"Night Lucy." Lola said.

"Sigh, night Lisa." Lucy said.

"Night Lily." Lisa said.

"Poo poo." Lily said.

Over the next few days, the Louds made it their mission to see every attraction and go to as many stores as they could before they had to go home.

They went to see the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Yankees stadium and a few stores. But when the day comes to go home something hits the Louds.

"We're out of gas!" Lynn shouted.

"You have got to be kidding." Lori yelled. "Lisa, can't we just fill up at a gas station?"

"Negative. The vehicles take special gas." Lisa answers.

"Well I can't just run and carry you guys! I'm not Supergirl!" Lori exclaimed.

"Might i point out that we only have a couple days to get home before Spring Break is over and that we have no more money left." Lisa points out.

"We're trapped in New York!" Lincoln shouts in a panic.

"Lincoln calm down!" Lori told her brother to calm down. "We just need a plan."

"I don't know New York is a togugh crowd when it comes to entertainment." said Luan.

"We're going to be stuck here forever!" The twins wailed.

"We can call Road Hazard." Leni suggested.

"He could be in another state by now." said Luan.

"Sigh. There's no hope." Lucy laments. Lily, feeling the hopelessness of the situation starts crying.

"Don't cry Lily." Luna soothes. "We'll think of something."

"Fear not siblings." said Lisa and presses a button on her watch.

The siblings look around, but nothing happens.

"Uh Lisa? What's happening?" Lynn asks.

"Give it a minute." Lisa replies. A few minutes later, they hear something approaching from the sky.

"Is that the Jet?" Lincoln asked.

Indeed it was it was black and looked a little bit like the blackbird from X-men. "Rocking!" Luna shouted.

"That is literally amazing." Lori exclaims. The jet lands in front of them and everyone heads in.

"Whoa. This is a mazing. Plane and simple." Luan laughs. "Get it?"

"We get it Luan." said Lisa. "Now let's load the ATV and Go kart into the jet."

Lana and Lynn drag the two vehicles into the jet and strap them down. The Louds then head towards the seating area where they see that there is no pilot.

"Um, who's flying the jet?" Lola asked.

"It's on auto-pilot." said Lisa.

"Sweet." Luna says.

"Now while we are still to young to fly this jet ourselves, we will eventually need to learn." Lisa tells them. "All of us."

"Even Leni?" Lori asked.

"Even Leni." Lisa sighed.

"Yay!" Leni cheered.

"Girls, I'm frightened." Lincoln whispers.

"So am I." Lori gulped.

"Poo poo." Lily said.

"It's about time we finish the jet." Lola said, "Now fly us home!"

"Of course Miss. Lola." The computer tells her.

"It speaks?" Lola asked.

"Correct. It took me awhile during my free time." Lisa explained,

"Please be seated." The computer voice says.

"Does the computer have a name?" Lori asks.

"Maybe Cal?" Lynn suggested.

"Hmm I'm not sure." said Lisa.

"Might I make a suggestion?" The computer asked.

"Sure." Leni answered.

"Is there someone the eleven of you miss that you would like to name me after?" The computer asked.

"What about after grandma?" Lana suggested.

"Ok Gram Gram the computer it is." Leni nodded.

"No Leni, not like that." said Lincoln.

"I think Lana means Gram Gram's name." Lynn says. "Martha."

"Martha will do. Miss Lynn." said Martha. "I will fly all back to Royal Woods."

"Thanks Martha." Lincoln said.

"Your most welcome Mr. Lincoln." Martha said.

"So what do you guys think was in that crate?" Lucy asks.

"Probably something nerdy or something." Lynn shrugged.

"But it's out of the hands of evil." said Lisa.

The jet takes off and flies straight to Royal Woods.

Night had fallen over New York city. Outside Tetherby Industries, three figures stepped out of the shadows. One was wearing a full body wetsuit with a full face mask. Another was a tall blonde woman with several robot parts on parts of her body. The final figure wore a black sweatshirt with black hair. As soon as they stepped out of the shadows, the dark haired figure collapses but is caught by the blonde.

"Easy Maggie." The blonde tells her. "You used alot of energy to get us here." She then turns to the other figure. "Alright Chandler, now what?"

"Simple Carol, we take what's in the crate and be on our way." said Hydro. "Now all you have to do is hack into their systems and make sure the alarms are out."

"I'm on it." Carolborg said.

She walks over to the counsel and plugs her finger into it and starts hacking into the security.

"Well?" Hydro asks impatiently.

"Give me a minute." Carolborg says. "Ok I'm in. Now I was able to shut down the motion sensors and put the cameras on an endless loop. However, to open the doors you need a card."

"A card?" Hydro asks. He looks around and sees a guard. "Bingo." He then silently sneaks up on the guard, knocks him out and takes the card off the guard. "Thank you sir."

Hydro uses the keycard to get into the building. "Ok show me the way." said Hydro.

"I have the blueprints downloaded into my systems." Carolborg said on a commlink.

"Ok, right now I'm in a hallway near the entrance." Hydro told her. "Where's the crate?"

"It's in the lad area. First head straight and then make a left." Carolborg says.

"Right." Hydro says moving.

Hydro walked straight and then turned left. But he sees two guards. "I see two guards at the door to the warehouse." Hydro said.

"Looks like the beefed up security." said Carolborg.

"I'll take them out." said Hydro and then turned into a puddle and moved towards the guards.

The guards look and see a puddle.

"We got a leak somewhere?" One guard asked.

"I don't think so." The other guard answered. The puddle leaps out and hits both guards.

"There. Your leak problem is fixed." Hydro says. He walks towards the door, he uses the card. When the door opens, he sees ten guards. "Dang it."

"Freeze! Put your hands behind your head!" The guard shouted.

"Make me." Hydro said.

"I got this clown!" The other guard shouted and walked towards Hydro.

"Oh no. Whatever shall I do?" Hydro say mockingly. He then creates two water fists and takes out the guard.

"He's a meta! Open fire!" A guard shouts and they start firing. Hydro turns his body into water and the bullets go right through him.

"My turn." Hydro says. Suddenly, something blasts through the wall. When the smoke clears, we see Rampage and Sound Diva standing where the wall once stood. "What are you two doing here?"

"Carolborg send us." said Rampage.

"More metas!? A guard exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Sound Diva shouts and shoots a soundwave at the guards.

Rampage tackles some guards down and snarls at them.

Hydro creates two water spheres and throws them at the remainder of the guards.

"That was fun." Rampage says. Carolborg then comes in supporting Maggie.

"So where is this crate that you wanted so badly?" Carolborg asked.

"Over there." Hydro answered while pointing at the crate.

"It better be worth it!" Rampage growled.

"Rampage, open the crate." said Hydro.

"Carolborg should do it!" said Rampage.

"I'm supporting our gloomy friend!" Carolborg tells him.

"Just open the dang crate!" Sound Diva shouts.

"Don't tell me what to do runt!" Rampage growls.

"Just open it!" Hydro shouted.

"Fine!" Rampage growled and walked towards the crate and rips it open.

Hydro looks into the crate an smiles.

"So what's in crate?" Sound Diva asks.

"Something that will help us get payback." Hydro answers. He then reaches into the crate. "Welcome to the team," He then pulls a robot head. "Todd."

Author's note: Zachlor16 here. Co-writer for Loud Heroes. Now, Smoke and I would first like to thank our readers for reading this fanfic and sticking with it for all these chapters. Now, time to address a certain matter: Infinite is dead. No matter what you think, Infinite is DEAD. He will never return. Ever. Thank you for reading and we'll see you next time on Loud Heroes.