32. Terror Crew part 2

Amplifier couldn't believe her eyes at what had just happened. This was not how she imagined her day going. She originally imagined it as hanging out with her siblings, making out with Sam, and recovering from her injuries from the Replicate battle. But no, as soon as she gets up, Lori tells her that the police chief wants to see them where they find out that three of their most dangerous enemies broke out of prison and when they get to the prison to investigate, she finds out Rubbor is alive. So that wasn't the best surprise. So she then thinks that at the base things would be better. She was wrong. As soon as she and Lori got to the base, she finds out that Lynn is having a internal conflict and later on that Ronnie Anne was kidnapped. So of course they go and try to rescue her, which they do only for the relief to be erased and replaced with dread as she witnessed Johnny Speed bring back Electron. She just wanted this day to be over.

"Electron? That's Electron?" Crystal Princess asks.

"Yeah that's him." Amplfier gulped.

"We destroyed him! How did he come back to life?!" Firecracker exclaimed.

"Allow me to explain Firespark." Johnny said. "When you and Lightning girl blasted our friend here with water and electricity, you didn't destroy him. What you actually did was destabilize him and forcing his electric molecules to fall apart and get trapped in the electric current. Now when i heard that theory, i just had to see if it was true and thanks to Prodigy, Electron is back and better than ever."

"And I just had to make that device." Prodigy groaned.

"That's just great." Parkour groaned as well.

"Oh it is. For us." Johnny said before turning to Electron. "What do you say big guy? Care to join us and eliminate the L-Crew?"

"Yes." Electron answered. "I shall destroy." He then turns to Amplifier. "I shall drain you dry."

Amplfier backed away in fear until Firecracker threw fireballs at the electric monster. Electron staggers a bit from the attack. "Run!" Firecracker told his 3rd older sister.

Amplifier starts to fly away which Electron notices. "I don't think so." He growls. He then goes into a nearby fuse box and suddenly appears im front of Amplifier.

"Crap!" Amplifier exclaimed. Electron swings his arm and backhands Amplifier to the ground. Electron follows her and lands not far away from where Amplifier landed. He slowly walks towards her.

"I will drain you." Electron says.

"I don't think so!" Electron looks up and sees a bumper car flying towards him. He shoots the car and looks to see Prodigy glaring at him. "Although you are an interesting specimen, I cannot allow you to destroy my sibling."

"Then I'll kill you all!" Electron shouted.

"Nevermind the smart mouth i'll Take her breath away." Johnny shouted and ran towards Prodigy, but Speed Queen runs up to Johnny and punches him in the face.

"Not going to let that happen again Johnny!" Speed Queen exclaimed.

"Not a bad punch, blondie." Johnny comments while rubbing his cheek. "You all have gotten tougher. But i can tell you all aren't a hundred percent."

"Doesn't matter." Speed Queen growl. "We're still gonna beat you."

"We'll see." Johnny says before speeding forward and delivering a kick that sends Speed Queen flying.

"Speed Queen!" Parkour shouts. She starts to run towards Johnny.

"Squatch! Mind dealing with droopy hair?" Johnny calls.

"No problem." Squatch answers as he shoulder tackles Parkour away from Johnny. "So what's with the hair? Boy troubles?" He then starts laughing.

"None of your business." Parkour shouted and tackles Squatch.

"That's not enough!" Wildgirl shouted and charged towards Squatch and turned into a rhino.

Squatch throws Parkour to the side and braces himself for Wildgirl. Wildgirl connects and the two are locked in a tough struggle.

"Give up little girl. I know all the animals you can turn into!" Squatch said.

"Never!" Wildgirl shouted.

"Wildgirl!" Crystal Princess shouts. "He says he knows all your animals! Show him how wrong he is!" Wildgirl snorts and goes T-rex, much to Squatch's surprise.

"Huh. That's new." Squatch comments.

Wildgirl roars and grabs Squatch with her mouth and bites down. "Holy crap that hurts!" Squatch shouted in pain as Wildgirl shook him like a chew toy and then throws him further.

"Nice job, but this battle isn't done yet!" Ms. Appear shouted

"You couldn't be more right." Nuke said as he flew forward hitting Ms. Appear with a right hand launching her into a nearby booth. "Who's next?" He scans the lot until his eyes rest Ronnie Anne who's hiding behind the monster truck. "You."

"Uh oh." Ronnie Anne gulps. "Um, can't we just talk about this?"

"No." Nuke answers as he raises a hand that's radiating with energy. "Now that our business is done, I can fry you like I wanted."

"Hey leave her alone!" Crystal Princess shouted and ran towards Nuke with a Crystal hammer.

"I don't have time for little brats." Nuke says as he fires a energy beam at Crystal Princess who deflects it with her hammer. However, unknown to the L-Crew, Ronnie Anne gete hit with part of the beam.

"Ow!" Ronnie Anne said under her breath. However, much to her surprise, she's unharmed. "Wow, that's weird. I'm fine."

"Not for long!" Nuke said and about to fire a energy beam. But Firecracker throws a bunch of fireballs at Nuke. Muiltipe Girl clones herself into ten and thy all charge towards Nuke and beat him up.

"Kick his butt Muiltipe Girls!" Ronnie Anne shouted.

"We are, like, so gonna kick his butt." One clone said.

"I don't think so." Nuke said. He then creates a small explosion sending the Multiple Girls flying. He turns his attention to Firecracker. "I believe that you and I have unfinished business."

"I was kinda hoping that you forgot about that." Firecracker admits.

"I don't forget kid." Nuke said. "I'm gonna-what the hell!?" Firecracker turns and sees the ferris wheel starting to tip.

"Whoa." Firecracker gasps. "What's going on?" He looks closer and sees Squatch at the base of the ferris wheel tipping.

"Try to dodge this L-Crew!" Squatch shouts. The ferris wheel then comes loose and starts rolling towards Parkour and Wildgirl who are avoiding blasts from Electron.

"Parkour! Wildgirl! Look out!" Firecracker shouts. The two turn and see the ferriswheel rolling towards them.

"Crap." Parkour mutters. Wildgirl goes gorilla and she and Parkour try to stop the ferris wheel.

"Come on Parkour!" Wildgirl replies.

"I'm trying!" Parkour said.

Wildgirl then goes brachiosaurous to try to stop the ferris wheel. After some struggling, they stop the wheel.

"Holy crap that was intense!" Parkour panted.

"You're telling me." Wildgirl said when she turned back into her human form.

"But we did it!" said Parkour. "But we have a walking furball to take down!"

Yeah." Wildgirl agrees as she goes polar bear.

"We'll see about that." Squatch shouts as he jumps over the ferris wheel and hits a dropkick on Wildgirl and prepares a back fist to Parkour who dodges.

"Should've stayed in prison." Parkour says as she dodges another swing.

"And what "rot" in there no way." said Squatch.

Speed Queen and Johnny Speed are running through the old amusement park while trying to punch each other. "Give it up blondie. I'm faster and smarter than you." Johnny said.

"I wouldn't say smarter than you!" said Speed Queen.

"You got lucky." Johnny retorts. "Goth girl ain't here to save you."

"Wanna bet?" Speed Queen asks with a smirk.

"A risk taker huh?" Johnny raised his eyebrow.

"While you were in prison. My speed limit has increased." Speed Queen said.

"So what? What do you think we've been doing in prison?" Johnny asks. "Twiddling our thumbs? No, while we were in prison, we spent our time getting better and better so that we could crush you once we go out."

"I honestly didn't take you as the training type." Speed Queen admits. "But that doesn't matter. You are still going back to prison. Black Ice now!" Black Ice appears out the shadows and freezes the ground. Speed Queen stops while Johnny just smirks.

"Not this time." Johnny said as he jumped over the ice.

"Dang it!" Black Ice groaned.

"Wait for it." said Speed Queen.

Then Firecracker tackles Johnny Speed and started giving Johnny firey punches. "How fast are you now Johnny!?" Firecracker shouted. "You were slow to react to that!"

"I will admit you got me." Johnny says. "But not really." He then knees Firecracker in the stomach, forcing him off. He then grabs Firecracker by the throat and lifts him up. "I believe Nuke wanted to play with you." He then throws Firecracker away towards Nuke who catches him.

"Thanks for my playmate." Nuke says. "Now for some fun." He prepares a energy blast but is then hit in the gut. He grunts in pain and sees nobody there. "What the hell?" Suddenly, Ms. Appear appears with her fist in his gut. "The clown."

"I can still find you!" Nuke shouted.

"I like to see you try Nuke!" Ms. Appear said and laughed.

Amplifier is running for her life from Electron. She hides behind a ring toss booth. "Aw man this sucks." said Amplifer. "Two of my worse enemies are back in my life and want to kill me."

"Amplifier! Quit hiding!" Electron shouts. "You are only delaying the inevitable."

"I gotta do something." Amplifier whispers.

Electron wanders through the booths trying to find Amplifier when he is hit from behind. He turns and sees Crystal Princess and Prodigy.

"Instead if focusing on Amplifier, why not focus on us?" Crystal Princess asks.

"Fine, I got some time to kill, before I kill Amplifer!" Electron shouted.

"So what's the plan?" Crystal Princess asked.

"Hm, our 3rd and 6th older siblings have taken Electron down with water. Perphaps we can imprison the monster." said Prodigy.

"Ok." Crystal Princess says. "But I have a question."

"Yes?" Prodigy inquired.

"Why does Amplifier have two arch-enemies?" Crystal Princess asks. "And why are they both monsters?"

"That is a good question. But for another time!" Prodigy shouted as she and Crystal Princess dodged the thrown popcorn machine.

"Ok I'm kicking his electric butt!" Crystal Princess shouted.

"Try to avoid physical contact." Prodigy warns.

"Right." Crystal Princess agrees as she starts shooting crystals at Electron but are doing very little damage.

"You shall all fall!" Electron shouts as he shoots an electric blast at the two young girls.

The two girls get hit by the blast and gets pushed back. "So how can we fight something we can't hit?!" Crystal Princess asked.

"I'll get back to you on that." Prodigy answered as she launches a cotten candy machine at Electron who avoids it.

"You will all die!" Electron growls.

Meanwhile, Amplifier is still hiding behind the booth. "What am I doing?" She whispers. "I'm the second-in-command of the L-Crew. The third oldest of the Loud siblings. Why am i hiding when two if my little sibs are fighting that monster? Why am I afraid?"

"What are you doing?" A voice asks. Amplifier looks up confused.

"Geo? Is that you dude?" Amplifier asked. "Where are you?"

"I'm at the base talking to you through the watch." Geo answered. "Now I ask again: what the hell are you doing?"

"Hiding from Electron because I'm afraid it'll drain me till my light is out." said Amplifier.

"You're hiding while your little sisters are fighting your battle for you." Geo said. "You fought a mutant Charles, Ronzilla and even Beserker did you run and hide!?"

"No I didn't." Amplfier said.

"Then how is this different?" Geo asked.

"Because I can't hurt him!" Amplifier screams.

"You couldn't hurt Rubbor but you still fought him." Geo reminds. "This isn't any different. What are you gonna tell your parents when you kids go home without Lola and Lisa? How are gonna explain to Lana that you didn't save her twin from that monster? You need to shove your fear down deep inside yourself and go show Electron who the real electric user is."

"Your right! Thanks Geo." Amplifier says.

Meanwhile Crystal Princess and Prodigy were cornered by Electron.

"Your finished." Electron growls. He then prepares to blast the two young girls.

"I guess this is it." Crystal Princess says fearfully.

"Indeed it is." Prodigy agrees as she and Crystal Princess hold each other. Electron then fires his blast and the two young heroes close their eyes and brace for impact but nothing happens. The two open their eyes and see a shadowy figure engulfed in the electricity. As soon as the light from the blast dies down, they see that the figure is Amplifier.

"Amplfier!" Crystal Princess cheered and hugged her.

"I would go say thank you for saving my rear bottom." Prodigy said.

Greenthumb patted the ground and thorns come out of the ground and attacks Squatch. "That didn't even hurt!" said Squatch.

"Nice try Greenthumb." Parkour says. "My turn." She leaps up hits Squatch in the face with a hard kick, causing Squatch to stumble back. As soon as he regains his footing, he is rammed in the back. He turns and sees a big-horned sheep standing across from him.

"That little sheep won't save you." Squatch growls.

"You're right!" said Wildgirl as she smirked and turned into a triceptops.

"Damn." Squatch muttered. Wildgirl charges forward but Squatch grabs her by her horns and the two are again locked in a struggle. "I've had enough of your damn dinos." He then slams her down on her side and then lifts Wildgirl off the ground and throws her to the side.

Parkour picks up a bumper car and whacks Squatch with it. "Leave my little sister alone!" Parkour said,

"Fine. I'll deal with the big sister." Squatch growls. He then grabs the bumper car in Parkour's hands and rips it in half. He then hits Parkour with a right hand. Parkour counters with a left hook to the face followed by a uppercut. Squatch then grabs her and slams her down in the ground. "Try getting out of that."

"Come on!" Parkour grunts. She continues to struggle but to no avail. "Dammit. I got no leverage."

"Glad you realize that." Squatch said before hitting her in the head knocking her out. "One down, ten to go."

Speed Queen and Johnny Speed continued their speed fight. You have to be tired by now. There's no way you can outrun me." said Johnny.

"Shut up." Speed Queen shouts. She looks up and sees Black Ice trying to keep up with them. "Black Ice! Freeze everything!"

"Ok." Black Ice answers as she freezes the entire amusement park.

"This is annoying." Johnny growls.

"I say we end this." Nuke says as he blasted another Multiple Girl clone.

"Agreed." Squatch said as he blockes a punch from a gorilla Wildgirl while Greenthumb freed Parkour.

Parkour recovers and sees Greenthumb. "Thanks Greenthumb, she looks around and sees the whole amusement park frozen in ice. "Whoa Black Ice froze the whole park!"

"Bad guys!" Greenthumb babbled.

"Right." Parkour runs towards Squatch but is hit by Prodigy who was thrown by Electron.

"You shall all fall!" Electron shouts. Amplifier flies up and hits an electric kick that does little damage.

Electron laughs and then glares. "You think that electric kick would work on me?" Electron chuckled.

"I got a new move that I used on another enemy!" Amplifer said. "Rocker's roar!"

She lets a mighty scream hits and launches Electron back where he crashes into Squatch who then lands in a nearby booth.

"What the hell!?" Speed shouts. "We're in prison for several months and you kids learn new tricks."

"Relax Speed." Nuke says. "We're not finished yet." Electron and Squatch step out of the rubble of the booth and rejoin Johnny and Nuke. "Since they want to use new tricks, i say we use some of our own."

"Do we have any?" Squatch asked.

"The only move I can do is to take people's breath away." said Speed.

"Sounds boring!" Electron said.

"I have a couple of new tricks." Nuke says. "One is for last resorts another i can use anytime." Nuke then steps forward with a smirk.

"I don't like the looks of this." Firecracker said.

"Me neither!" Muiltipe Girl said.

"Oh no." said Greenthumb.

"We need to stop him!" Speed Queen shouted.

"Too late." Nuke says before blasting a powerful energy blast at the L-Crew. Speed Queen looks down and sees Greenthumb.

"Sorry about this." Speed Queen says before grabbing Greenthumb and throwing her to the side right before getting hit by the blast. When the smoke clears, the four villians see the L-Crew scattered around and knocked out.

"Well, that's that." Nuke says. He then counts the bodies and sees that one is missing. "Where's the baby?"

"I saw Speed Queen throwing Greenthumb out of the way!" Squatch said.

"I'll find her in second." said Speed. "You three make sure they don't try anything funny."

"Don't count on it!" A voice shouted.

The four turn and see Firecracker unsteadily on his feet.

"So Scarface is up and on his feet." Johnny comments. He speeds forward and hits him in the gut. "Stay down kid."

"Hey Johnny! Look what i found." Squatch calls. Johnny turns and sees Squatch holding a terrified Greenthumb. "Want me to squish her?"

"No. I think we can use her." Johnny answers. "She's a baby which mean if we take her in, we can influence her and make her apart of our gang."

"She would be like Poison Ivy but cute." said Nuke.

"But I'm not changing diapers!" Speed said.

"We don't have to." Squatch says. He then to to Ronnie Anne. "We'll take her with us too."

"Even better." Nuke says. The four villians walk towards Ronnie Anne while Greenthumb cries in Squatch's hand, which wakes up Firecracker. He opens his eyes and sees Greenthumb crying and the four approaching Ronnie Anne.

"Lily. Ronnie Anne." Firecracker whispers. He then starts to get angry. "Leave them alone."

"Make us runt." Squatch said. Firecracker then gets to his feet and then something in his mind snaps.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Firecracker shouts, but his voice seemed different. His voice sounded deeper and more malicious. He then engulfs himself in an inferno and flies forward.

"That won't save you." Electron says as he charges forward to intercept him. Firecracker hits Electron with a knee to the face followed by a roundhouse kick, knocking down Electron.

"He just took down Electron like he was nothing!" Nuke said.

"I got this!" Speed said and ran towards Firecracker. "Remember this Flame boy!?"

Firecracker glares at Speed and punches the ground and a firewall blocks Speed. "A literal firewall!" Firecracker smirked as he walked through the firewall.

"How did you?!" Speed questioned in fear until Firecracker punches his knees and gave Speed a firey right hook to the face.

"I'm fireproof. You're not." Firecracker said and blew out the flame on his fist.

"No one hurts my big brother!" Squatch growled.

Squatch drops Greenthumb and charges towards Firecracker and attempts a right hand but Firecracker ducks and hits Squatch in gut followed by a knee.

"I'm number one." Firecracker says. He is then blasted from behind, knocking him to his knee. Firecracker turns and sees Nuke. "You."

"That was quite the display." Nuke comments. "Hmmm, what are you? You certainly aren't Firecracker. You are more vicious. But that doesn't matter."

"We'll see." Firecracker says but before he can do anything, he looks from behind. He looks up and see Squatch.

"You defenantly not the runt." Squatch says. "But i don't care. You have his body and his face. That's good enough for me."

"Then bring it You gorilla poodle." said Firecracker. This angered Squatch and he charges towards Firecracker. "Keep your eye on the birdie." Firecracker smirked.

Am I?" Firecracker asked.

"Johnny it's a trap!" Squatch shouted.

Firecracker went full flame mode and Johnny screams in pain from the burns and Firecracker punches him in the face and knocks him into the spinning cups.

Johnny gets out of the cups with a ticked off look on his face. He runs forward and punches Firecracker in the stomach, knocking the air out and forcing him to his knees and causing his flame to go out. He then shakes his head and groans.

"What happened?" Firecracker asked. He looks up and sees the four villians glaring at him. "Um you guys look mad."

"Time for some fun." Squatch growls. He then punches Firecracker who stumbles into Electron who then punches him. Firecracker then stumbles into Johnny who delivers a right causing Firecracker to stumble into Nuke who lands a energy powered fist.

Firecracker stumbles into a wall and the four villains all gang up on Firecracker. "Any last words Firefly?" Nuke asked.

"I don't have any last words!" said Firecraker.

"Too bad." Johnny said. "We really wanted to put it on your tombstone. Nuke, fry him."

"With pleasure." Nuke said as he prepared a energy blast. However, Amplifier then teleports in front of them much to their surprise.

"Hey dudes." Amplifier says before grabbing Firecracker. "Later dudes." She then teleports away with Firecracker.

"What the hell just happened?" Squatch asked.

"It seems that they are up once more." Electron informs them. The rest of the Terror Crew turn and see the L-Crew are back on their feet ready to fight again.

"Ready for round two?" Nuke asked and cracked his knuckles.

"I was ready when I got up." said Parkour.

"Thanks for holding them off Firecracker." said Ms. Appear.

"I did what?" Firecracker asked confused.

"You held them off." Ms. Appear repeated. "Don't you remember?"

"Not really." Firecracker answers.

"Doesn't matter." Speed Queen says. "Let's finish this."

"This game is over!" Electron shouts. He then discharges electricity, forcing the L-Crew to take cover.

"We need to do something about Electron!" Amplifier shouts.

"We can trap him or something!?" Crystal Princess shouted.

"We can use a bottle?" Muiltipe Girl suggested.

"That's not going to work!" Speed Queen groaned

"Wait. Multiple Girl might be onto something." Prodigy tells them.

"She is?" The siblings say in unison.

"I am?" Multiple Girl asks.

"You are." Prodigy confirms. "If i can get to the cube, i should be able to trap Electron inside."

"Ok. Everyone cover Prodigy." Speed Queen ordered.

Everyone nodded at that order. Crystal Princess shot diamonds as Prodigy ran towards the cube. Johnnny ran but thorns pop out fo the ground and he crashes into the thorns. "Ah crap!" Johnny groaned.

"Nice work Greenthumb." Wildgirl says.

"Poo poo." Greenthumb giggles.

"I've had enough of this." Johnny growls. "Electron! Finish them already!"

"I'm on it!" Electron shouted and walk up t the L-Crew.

"Hurry up Prodigy!" Firecracker shouted as he throw fireballs.

"Working on it!" Prodigy shouts back. "Where is the dang thing?" She continues to look around for the cube but bumps into something. "My apologies." She then looks up to see that the think she bumped into was Squatch. "Oh. It's the brute."

"Last time I saw you, I was going to smash you." Squatch says. "But I never got the chance. Now, i can finish what i started."

"Think again!" Parkour shouted as she threw Wildgirl and she turned into a octopus and attacked Squatch.

"Oh you got to be kidding me!" Squatch groaned.

Wildgirl latches on to Squatch who is struggling to pull her off.

"What? Don't like hugs?" Wildgirl mocked.

"Get off me!" Squatch growls. While this is going on, Prodigy sneaks around him and continues to try to find the cube.

"Where is it?" Prodigy groans.

"Looking for this?" A voice asked. Prodigy stiffens as she turns to see Johnny Speed with the cube. "I'm afraid that i can't give it up yet."

"Dang it!" Prodigy groaned. "I recommend you hand me the cube."

"Or else what you'll reveal my deepest darkest secrets?" Johnny laughed.


"Say what?" Johnny turns and is tackled by Speed Queen causing the cube to go flying. "Look totes, I'm not into you! I prefer redheads!"

"The cube!" Prodigy screams as she chases after it. "Why can't i fly?" Nuke then appears and catches the cube. "Dang it."

"Sorry four eyes, can't let you get the cube." Nuke tells her.

"Not again!" Prodigy groaned.

"What are you going to do now?" Nuke smirked.

"Crystal Buster!" Crystal Princess shouted. Crystal Princess whacked her Crystal hammer on Nuke and he released the cube from his hand. "Quick grab it!" Crystal Princess shouted.

Suddenly the crystal start to crack. "That's not good." Prodigy says. She then sees that Squatch is starting to pull Wildgirl off him. "That is also bad." She then hears grunting and she turns to see that Johnny almost had Speed Queen off if him. "Ok, i only got one chance." She grabs the cube and runs towards Electron who was dealing with the rest of the L-Crew.

"You will all fall!" Electron roared.

"Wrong, Electron!" Prodigy shouted. "It will be you that will fall!"

"What?" Electron asks. Johnny looks up from where he's struggling with Speed Queen and sees Prodigy with the cube in front of Electron.

"What's she doing with that?" Johnny asks. He then gasps. "The nerd is gonna try to trap Electron in the cube!" Johnny then elbows Speed Queen and starts to run towards Prodigy.

"What!?" Squatch shouts before ripping Wildgirl off him and slamming her on the ground before charging at Prodigy. Crystal Princess's Crystal Buster breaks revealing a angry Nuke.

"Not on my watch!" Nuke growls before flying towards Prodigy.

Parkour gets in front of Squatch and whacks him with a lamppost. Greenthumb uses her vines to trap Nuke and Ms. Appear Traps him in a forcefield sphere.

"Can't let these losers get in my way!" Johnny said. But then a firewall gets in the way. "Enough with the firewalls!"

"Awww! Boo boo!" Firecrackers laughed.

Johnny then grabs Firecracker by the costume and pulls him towards him. "I'm gonna enjoy killing you." He said threateningly. He then feels a tap on his shoulder and he turns to see Amplifier and Multiple Girl behind him cracking their knuckles. "Aw crap."

"You mess with our little bro you mess with us!" Amplifer shouted and she and Muiltipe Girl began to beat up Johnny. Then two Muiltipe Girl clones walks up to Johnny with baseball bats and starting whacking him with them.

"Isn't that a little extreme?" Amplifer asked.

"He killed me remember." said Firecracker. "Hey save some for me!"

Meanwhile, Prodigy activates the cube. "It is time to end this." She says. The cube activates and suddenly starts to suck Electron into it.

"What's happening?" Electron asked as he was starting to get sucked into the cube.

"Simple, I'm trapping you in this cube so that you can't get out!" Prodigy answers. Electron is then sealed in the cube. "Electron has been defeated."

"Dammit." Squatch cursed as he threw off Parkour. "There goes our trump card."

"Doesn't matter." Johnny said as he spun around throwing off Multiple Girl, Amplifier and Firecracker. "We can still destroy them."

"Agreed." Nuke said as he freed himself from the forcefield. "But I hear sirens so I suggest that we leave."

"Fine." Johnny grumbled. He then turns to the L-Crew. "This isn't over." Nuke then puts his hands on Johnny and Squatch and teleports away.

"They got away!" Parkour shouted.

"Let them go we'll get them next time." Speed Queen said.

"Take for the save guys." said Ronnie Anne.

"Don't mention it." Firecracker said.

"I got to admit Lame-o that was pretty impressive holding off those bad guys by yourself." said Ronnie Anne.

"What are you talking about?" Fircracker asked.

Don't you remember? You dominated them for a few minutes." Ronnie Anne tells him. "You seriously don't remember?"

"Nope." Firecracker answers. "Not ringing any bells." While the rest of the girls gather around Firecracker and Ronnie Anne, Amplifier, Speed Queen and Prodigy hang back.

"Dudes, this is getting weird." Luna says.

"Yeah. This is the first time he didn't remember a anger spell." Lori agreed. "Lisa, what do you think?"

"Hmm, I don't know." Lisa says. "But I say we look over the tape to see if we can figure out what happened." While they were talking, Luan looked at them with suspicion.

"What are they up to?" Luan whispered.

The L-Crew hung out at the amusement park until the police arrived.

"L-Crew! Is everything alright?" An officer asked.

"Everything's Fine we found Ronnie Anne Santiago." said Speed Queen.

"But the three villains got away." said Firecracker.

That's a shame." The officer sighs. "But we know you kids will catch them. Well we better get Ronnie Anne home." The officers start leading Ronnie Anne to their car.

"Wait." Prodigy says stopping the cops. "Here. This cube contains a creature known as Electron. Johnny Speed freed him from the electricity stream. I have him currently trapped in here." She then hands the cube to the shocked cop.

"Thank you. We'll take Electron to Royal Woods prison and put him in a special cell." The officer said. "He will no doubt be given the same treatment as Rubbor."

"Good to hear." Amplifer said.

"Don't worry we will find those wanted criminals." said Speed Queen.

But unknown to the L-Crew, cops and Ronnie Anne, John was watching the whole thing. "Great just what we need another team after the L-crew." said John and then ran away.

John enters the mansion and he turns back into Hydro. "We got a big problem." said Hydro.

"This better be good because I was in the middle of something!" Carolborg exclaimed.

"Working on Todd?" Hydro asked.

"Trying to." Carolborg groaned. "It's harder without the damn blueprints."

"Whatever. Where is everyone?" Hydro asked.

"Rampage is in the kitchen eating everything in the fridge again." Carolborg answers.

"I just restocked!" Hydro complains.

"Well I'm not going out there!" Carolborg said.

"We'll get everyone down here. We got a big problem." said Hydro.

"Hey everyone get down here!" Carolborg shouted.

Maggie, Sound Diva and Rampage all enter the main hall. "What is it Chandler?!" Rampage asked.


"I can't help it." Rampage says with a shrug.

"Whatever." Hydro groans. "But back to business. When I was out doing some sleuthing, I found out that we ain't the only team of metas out to get revenge on the L-Crew."

"Who?!" They all asked.

"Johnny Speed, Squatch and Nuke. They call themselves the Terror crew." Hydro said.

"They're not going to get in the way of my revenge!" Sound Diva shouted.

"Our revenge Lindsey." said Carolborg.

"Whatever." Lindsey groaned.

"Um, is it really a big deal?" Maggie asked. "I mean is really that if there's another team out there?" Her question is met with a punch in the face from Rampage.

"Shut up!" Rampage shouts. "We spent months getting ready for revenge and we ain't gonna let anyone stop us before we get a chance. Maybe I should get some practice by beating you." He starts to approach Maggie but Carolborg steps in between them.

"That's enough." Carolborg growled. "Back off Rampage."

"Make me!" Rampage snarled.

"Oh I shall!" Carolborg turns her hands into blasters and aimed at Rampage.

"That's enough." Hydro says. The two back down but continue to glare at each other. "Kinda surprised you did that Carol. Getting a little soft?"

"Of course not!" Carolborg protests. "We just don't need dog breath ripping Maggie apart."

"Whatever." Rampage growls. "So what are we gonna do about them?"

"Simple. Nothing." Hydro answered. "As far as I'm concerned, they had there chance at revenge and they blew it. As soon as we get Todd up and running we strike."

"Whatever. I'm going back to my room." Maggie said walking out.

Maggie sat in her room with her book when she hears a knock.

"Who is it?" Maggie asked.

"It's Carol. Can i come in?"

"Whatever." said Maggie. Carolborg enters the room and sits next to Maggie. "What do you want Carol?"

"I just want to check up on you." Carolborg said.

"Well you're not my mom." Maggie said.

"I'm not trying to be." Carolborg tells her. She then holds out a ice pack. "I brought you some ice."

"Thanks." Maggie says as she takes the ice and places it on my cheek. "Why did you do it?"

"Do what?" Carolborg asks.

"Why did you protect me?" Maggie asked.

"Oh from Rampae. I had no idea what came over me." said Carolborg. "But someone needed to stand up to that guy."

"Thanks." Maggie said. "I guess you're not so bad after all."

"Your not to bad yourself." Carolborg said with a smile. "Just rest up ok. Cause as soon as I get Todd up and running, we're gonna go get revenge."

"Ok." Maggie replied. "Oh and Carol?"


"Thanks for being my friend." Maggie said. Carolborg sighs and smiles.

"No problem." Carolborg says.

At the base, Lori, Luna and Lisa watched the footage of Lincoln from the amusement park.

"Dudes, how does he not remember this?" Luna asked.

"Well I'm no brain doctor maybe the attack from Nuke knocked him out and made he angry or something?" Lori shrugged.

"That's the worse theory I ever heard." said Lisa.

"At least I'm trying." Lori argued. Lisa is about to say something but stops.

"We're not alone." Lisa says. "Luna, on your left." Luna looks at her confused but reaches left where she grabs something solid.

"What the hell?" Luna exclaimed. The invisible figure then becomes visible to reveal Luan. "Luan?"

"Um, hi." Luan says nervously.

"Luan what are you doing here?" Lori asked with her arms crossed.

"You two were hiding something and last time I checked we don't keep secrets!" Luan said. "What gave me away?"

"You were thinking about a joke for Lori's theory." said Lisa.

"Dang it." Luan muttered. "But I want answers. What is up with Linc? And why are you three being so secretive? No more secrets."

"Ok. Just calm down." Luna tells her. "We'll tell you everything." The three then proceed to tell Luan everything. From Lincoln first rage after his bad day at school to the Mercer incident to the most recent with Terror Crew. After they finished Luan sat in silence trying to process the information.

"Wow." Luan said. "So if he gets to out of control, he'll create a supernova that won't just kill him but destroy the whole city and possibly the state?"

"Pretty much." Lori sighs.

"Is there anyway we can stop this?" Luan asked.

"Yeah. Lisa thinks she has an idea." Lori answers. "Lisa, tell her."

"Well I'm working on a reactor that will keep Lincoln's flames from getting out of control." said Lisa.

"You sure that's going to work?" Luan asked.

"Yes." Lisa answered. "However it will take a couple months to comeplete so until then we must keep calm."

"That'll be impossible. He lives in a house full of ten inter that drive him insane." Luan said. "Not to mention that incident at school."

"I know Luan but we gotta at least try." Lori said. "But we need you to keep this a secret from the others. Especially Lincoln."

"Ok. I can try." Luan said with a sigh. "But why are you telling me this?"

"Because Lori and I have been talking and we made a decision to make you third-in-command of the L-Crew." Luna tells her. "So when the two of us aren't here, your in charge."

"Sweet! But I promise not to tell Lincoln." said Luan.

"Good to hear sis." said Lori.

"Also, do you guys know where Lynn went?" Luan asked.

"I have a hunch." Lori answered.

Lynn stood on the edge of the baseball field nervously scanning it for Francisco.

"Ok Lynn. You got this." Lynn whispered. She then spotted him getting his gear together and started to walk towards him. "Hey Francisco."

Francisco looked up and saw Lynn. "Hey Lynn. What's up?" He greeted. He then saw her hair. "Um, what's up with your hair?"

"Oh I was doing some experiments with it. Changing my style." Lynn answered.

"What was wrong with your old hairstyle?" Francisco asked.

Lynn sighs and says. "Because you said you hate ponytails."

Francisco stares at her for second and start laughing. "Lynn, I don't hate ponytails on girls." He tells her. "I hate ponytails on guys."

"Oh. I guess I misheard you." Lynn says embarrassed.

"Look, if it makes you feel any better, I'm sorry that i made you think you had to change who you are." Francisco says. "How about I make it up to you." He grabs his glove and a ball. "How about a game of catch?"

"Sounds good but I have to do something first." said Lynn. She runs into the bathroom and when she comes out she has her trademark ponytail back in place. "Much better."

Sarah Sharp sat in the living listening to the news while doing some paperwork.

"Breaking news: last night at Royal Woods prison, there was a break out. Three prisoners Johnny Meekwls aka Johnny Speed, Michael Meeks aka Squatch and Kyle Long aka Nuke broke out and are still at large." The reporter said. Sarah froze up when she heard the first two names.

"Johnny? Mike?" Sarah whispered. "I can't believe it. They've changed so much. But i guess that's to be expected when you haven't seen them for so long."

Flashback- 4 years ago.

Sarah Sharp sat in the living room listening to the rain come down. Her kids had just went to bed and she was about to follow suit when she heard a knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" Sarah asked herself. She approached the door and opened it to reveal a two men. One had fair skin, black hair, broad shoulders and was leaner. His friend had fair skin, was slightly taller than his partner and was bald. Both were soaked and had looked like they had been running. "Mike? Johnny? What are you two doing here?" The two walk past her and go inside the house.

"Sarah we screwed up big time." The black haired man said.

"Johnny slow down." Sarah said. She then turns to the bald man. "Mike explain since you talk slower."

"Ok we were robbing this convenience store with this other guy. As soon as we exited a cop showed up, and our friend may have shot the cop." said Mike.

"What!?" Sarah yelled without raising her voice and waking the kids.

"But we saw this little girl in the car that shouted daddy and he was about to shot her until we stopped him." Mike continued

"Are you two insane?" Sarah asked. "What were you two idiots thinking?"

"We didn't think that would happen." Johnny said.

"That's because you didn't think at all!" Sarah scolded. "Because of you two, a little girl not only witnessed her father get shot but now has to grow up without a father." She took a deep breath and looked at her younger brothers. "Why are you two here?"

"We were hoping we could hide out here until the heat dies down." Mike answered. Sarah couldn't believe what he was asking.

"Guys, the heat won't die down!" Sarah shout quietly. "You two were involved in a murder of a cop. A cop! Do you really think the police are just gonna stop looking for you after all that? Look, i love you guys but things have changed. I'm not a Meeks anymore. I have a family that need me. I'm sorry but you two can't hang out here."

"Sarah." Johnny started. The two then hear the faint sounds of sirens.

"Johnny, we gotta go." Mike said.

"You and mom gave us a home." Johnny said.

"Johnny!" Mike shouted. The two Meeks brothers go through the back door and run away.

"So we're on the run?" Johnny asked.

"Pretty much big bro!" Mike said.

Back to the present.

Sarah sat there staring at the screen when she heard the front door open. "Mom we're home!" Sarah looked up and saw Jay, Jack, Sam and Ashley walking through the door.

"You four are back early." Sarah said.

"Luna had to go home early." Sam said.

"My skateboard broke." Ashley said sadly.

"I went and got dog food." Jack said holding up the bag only to be tackled by Spike and Cassy.

"And I had to serve as taxi." Jay finished as he helped pull the dogs off his brother.

"Well I'm glad your all safe. I heard those three meta humans are still at large." Sarah said.

"Don't worry mom, we know to stay away from Metahumans." Sam said.

"I learned my lesson when Beserker showed up." Jack said.

"Well that's good." said Sarah. "Jay, Sam would you kindly help me make dinner."

"Sure thing Mom." Sam said.

"You got it Mom." Jay nodded.

"C'mon Ash." Jack says. "I'll help you fix your skateboard."

"Thanks Jack." Ashley says. The four kids walk out leaving their mother alone.

Sarah sighs and sits down on a chair. "Johnny, Mike what have you guys gotten yourself into?" Sarah said. "I wish you two walked a different path."

Squatch sat on the couch as Johnny wrapped a bandage around his arm.

"That could've gone better." Squatch growled.

"Your telling me." Johnny agree who had a bandage on the side of his forehead and some bandages around his ribs.

"I mean Firecracker was down and got back up again!" Squatch said.

"He's a threat to us all!" Johnny shouted.

"We need to get him alone and kill him." said Squatch.

"I tried to kill him. Amplfier brought him back to life." said Johnny,

"Would you two shut up!" Nuke shouts. "I'm trying to drown my sorrows and your shouting is making it harder."

"Sorry." The brothers say in unison.

"Whatever." Nuke groaned. "Toss me another roll of bandages. I want to add some more to my wrist." Johnny reaches over and tosses a roll of bandages to Nuke. "Thanks. So do we got a new plan or what?" Squatch and Johnny look at each other with surprise.

"Wait, you still want to stick around?" Squatch asked.

"Yeah. You two are like the brothers i never wanted but is stuck with." Nuke answered.

"That's sweet I guess." Johnny shrugged.

"The ironic thing is, that big foot is the little brother and speedy here is the big brother." Nuke chuckled.

"We get that a lot." said Squatch.

"Whatever, I gotta use it." said Nuke and walked into the bathroom.

"Hey Johnny did that girl we kidnapped looked familiar?" Squatch asked. "I know I seen her before. But where?"

"Now that I think about it, she did seem familiar." Johnny agreed. He thinks about it and then something hits him. "Wait. Four years ago. Remember that robbery?"

"How can I forget." Squatch answered.

"Remember that little girl?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah." Squatch answered. "Johnny, what are you getting at?"

"The fear in that little girl's eyes were similar to fear in that other girl's eyes." Johnny answered. "Mike that we kidnapped, was the same girl that was in the car when that cop got shot."

Ronnie Anne sat on her bed with Carlota behind her brushing her hair.

"I'm just glad your safe Ronnie Anne." Carlota sighed in relief. "I just didn't think I would ever look on your side of the room ever again."

"Yeah I know how you feel." Ronnie Anne sighed.

"So did you really hit that Nuke guy below the belt?" Carlota asked.

"Yep and it was so worth it." Ronnie Anne says with a smile.

"And you wonder why you were kidnapped." Carlota said with a sigh. "You need to be more careful. Aunt Maria was worried sick."

"I know. I'll be careful." Ronnie Anne says with a sigh.

"That's all I ask." Carlota says.

"Carlota! Can you get Carlitos ready for bed?" Frida called.

"Ok Fine!" Carlota groaned. Then she looked at Ronnie Anne. "I'll be right back to finish up and no meta nut kicking."

"Scouts honour." Ronnie Anne replied.

Carlota walks out of the room and Ronnie Anne looked at the readers. "But she didn't say anything about being around and training meta humans." Ronnie Anne smirked and layed down on her bed.

She then hears a buzzing and and she looks and sees a fly buzzing around her head.

"Buzz off." Ronnie Anne groaned. However the fly continues to buzz around her head. "That's it." She grabs a nearby magazine, rolls it up and starts swinging it around trying to hit the fly. The fly then lands on the wall and Ronnie Anne starts to slowly creep up in it. "I got you!" She says while pointing at the fly. However as soon as she pointed, a yellow beam is shot from her finger at the fly, obliterating it. "What the heck?" Carlota then comes running into the room.

"What the heck happened in here!?" Carlota asked.

"I think Lisa made a spy fly and it self destructed." Ronnie Anne lied.

"She's spying on us?" Carlota asked.

"Yes, don't worry I'll have a little talk with her." said Ronnie Anne.

"That's good. But why would she do that?" Carlota asked.

"She always looking for test subjects." said Ronnie Anne.

"Ok." Carlota said with shrug and walks out. After she's gone, Ronnie Anne looks at her finger which she sees is still smoking.

"What just happened?" Ronnie Anne asks.

Author's note: Zachlor16 here and I am here because I need to clear up a few things. First, the Terror Crew and Hydro's crew (who have a name but I won't reveal yet) will NOT be merging or teaming up. Sorry but it's not happening. The reason being is that Smoke and I want to keep our OC villians separate from the canon villians. So sorry. Next order of business. Until further notice, I'm gonna have to request that you stop giving us chapter suggestions. Smoke and I have the next few chapters planned and I hate to say it but these suggestions are inadvertently derailing our plans. Now last but not least, not everyone in the Loud House series is getting powers. Smoke and I have already made our decisions on who will get powers and who won't. So sorry everyone but we have made our decision. Look I know we seem like we're being jerks but we have been very lenient with suggestions. But right now, it's becoming to much. Sorry. But I have something to ask. I decided that I want to know who you think would win between certain characters in our fic. So our first match up is this: who do you would win between Squatch and Rampage? Let know who you think would win if these two fought. So until then farewell.