112. Multiverse war part 3(2)

"Damn it!" Ms. Appear groaned. "That was my ticket home!"

"What was that?" Leni asked.

"A Multiverse Portal." Mako said pushing his way through the Louds. "However it's not from this universe but from another."

"Yeah but why did it open for Tetherby and Jenny though?" Ms. Appear asked.

"Enemies from your universe perhaps." Lisa guessed.

"Looks like it." Ms. Appear said.

"Who would want Tetherby?" Leni asked.

"I don't know. But when I get back to my universe, I'm going to get some answers." Ms. Appear said.

"Until then we will help you get home." Ninja Luan promises. "Together."

"Thanks." Ms. Appear says.

"Then we must make haste my students." Mako says as he walks forward. "We must find the portal Tetherby was working on."

"Right. Whatever he's been working on could be your ticket way home." Lori said.

"Let's get looking and fast." Ms. Appear said.

Bobby, Sam and Ronnie Anne stood in Carol's room as she played with her baby brother Timmy on floor as they tried to recruit her. Her answer surprised them.

"What do you mean you won't help us!?" The three shout in unison.

"I'm quitting the hero business." Carol said. "My back has been broken like by Squatch. I can't do it any more."

"But we need you. My moon is somewhere across the multiverse, we need your help." Sam said.

"I get that." Carol said. "But getting destroyed by Squatch made me realize that this isn't the life for me. I never wanted this life and I was reminded why I wanted out in the first place. I just want to be normal."

"You can't have have a normal life, when the universe is on the verge of going into chaos." Bobby said.

"I don't care." Carol said. "Carolborg is no more."

The three heroes look at each other sadly before turning to Carol. "Look we get it." Ronnie Anne says. "Getting your back busted by Squatch was traumatic. Trust us we get it. But we really need you Carol. The fate of the Multiverse is at stake." Carol doesn't respond. "At least think about it ok?" The three turn to walk out when Sam stops.

"You know if the universe goes, so does Timmy." Sam reminded her. "And Jack." She then goes after her teammates leaving Carol with her brother and her thoughts.

At the base, Clyde was communicating with Road Hazard on the monitor. He was going over the recent events that had happened over the past few hours. "So that's what's going on. So can you help us?" He asked. Road Hazard rubs the back of his head and sighs.

"Man that's a lot to take in." Road Hazard said. "All I got from that is that you're a friend of the Louds and you need my help. Here's the thing kid I'm kinda far."

"How far?" Clyde asked.

"I'm in Kansas." Road Hazard replied.

"So you're really far out there? It'll take you two or three days to get here!" Clyde exclaimed.

"Listen listen listen." Road Hazard soothed. "There is a slight I can make it. I've done some upgrades to the Road Rage and I can make an attempt to get there. But I make no promises."

Clyde let's out a sigh. "Ok. Hopefully you can get here before it's too late."

"We'll try kid." Road Hazard said before hanging up.

"Did he say 'we'?" Clyde questions. He hears footsteps and sees Soothsayer and Mr. Cuddles coming over. "Any luck with Maggie?"

Mr. Cuddles shakes his head. "She didn't respond. But honestly she probably won't come. I mean isn't she a pacifist?"

"Indeed she is." Soothsayer replied. "Hopefully Bobby, Sam and Ronnie Anne were able to get Carol." As if on cue, the three named meta humans walked in but with no Carol. "No luck I see."

"The Squatch incident messed her up emotionally." Sam told him. "While yeah Mr. Cuddles was able to fix her, she was still traumatized by it."

"So now what?" Ryker asked from the living room. "Y'all got a back up plan?"

"We don't." Clyde sighed.

"What about the L-Angels and those other heroes the Louds met on their way back home?" Sam asked.

"We won't have enough to time to gather them." Mr. Cuddles replied. "I don't think the L-Angels can handle a multiverse problem."

"So you mates a hosed then?" Jack asked.

"I guess we are." Ronnie Anne said with a sigh. "We have no other options." The room goes quiet till a voice speaks up.

"Um, we might have one other option." Sam said meekly. Everyone turns to her surprised.

"We have another option?" Bobby asked and Sam nodded. "Well this is great! Who is?" Sam hesitates to answer before finally giving in to the pressure.

"My dad." Sam told them. "Replicate."

Smoke: Hey everyone. Sorry it took so long, we wanted it to be done in March, but this site can't go one month without a problem. I haven't gotten any email alerts and looks like other outlook users like myself suffer the problem. But enough about that, I just want to say this. It was great bring back Loud Ninjas, this was a story I tried doing but couldn't get it off the ground. It felt great breathing it new life in Multiverse war. But I promise next time we'll have the new chapter within May or June.

Zachlor16: Yeah sorry about the long wait. Sleep also hasn't been kind to me so a lot of that was me trying to catch up on it. But we will try to get the next chapter out soon. Maybe. Probably June.

Smoke: Work has been pretty hard on me as well. But I don't want to talk about my personal life. So in the meantime. Please read, review, stay safe and pray for Ukraine.