6. Ch 6- The Weekend Arrives

(A/N: Hey, guys. Couple of things after the last chapter. First off, a couple of people asked about this in reviews, so I'll explain here- a taster session is like a trial run. I don't know if it's a British saying or not, but it's called that because it allows someone to 'get a taste for it', if that makes sense.

Secondly… wow, you guys are blowing my mind. Five chapters in, over fifty reviews already! Thank you so, so, SO much! It really makes me happy that you guys have so much to say about my work, so seriously, thank you!

So, now that that's out of the way, please enjoy!)

Three o'clock eventually came around, and not long after that, students were practically fleeing from the elementary school, eager to enjoy their weekend. Among them were the Loud siblings, who fortunately didn't have to wait long, as they saw Vanzilla pull up in front of the school, their older and youngest sisters sat in the rust bucket. Lori opened the driver side window and stuck her head out. "Alright, get in," she ordered. "I have a shift in an hour, so I don't have time to mess around."

The four younger Louds knew better than to waste Lori's time, so they didn't waste time getting in the van, with Lucy helping the four-year-old get in. Before the eldest could drive off, however, they heard a familiar voice call to them. "HANG ON!" The girls all watched as they saw their white-haired brother run towards the car, quickly getting in and shutting the door. "Phew. Thought you were going to drive off without me."

"And I thought you quit track, brah," Luna joked. "You were like a bat out of hell!"

"I thought you were supposed to be staying late again?" Lori asked, looking at him through the mirror. "You know, trying new sports or whatever?"

"Coach told me I tried everything, so nothing I could do."

She rolled her eyes. "If that's what you're going to tell mom and dad, I literally couldn't care."

The blonde then began to drive off, the rest of the Loud siblings doing their own thing as the van drove along towards home. After about a minute, Lynn leaned forward to talk to her brother, who was sat in front of her. "So, bro, since Pakowski's got nothing for you, how do you fancy trying your hands at roller derby?" She offered. "It's normally all girls, but they said they wouldn't mind having you try it out."

"Thanks, but that's okay," he replied. "I actually have something. A friend of mine told me about something that I can try this Sunday."

"Oh, yeah? What is it?" Lincoln opened his mouth to answer, but as he then realised something, he smiled and began chuckling to himself, much to the confusion of Lynn and a couple of the other sisters listening in. "What, what's so funny?"

"It's just… I've only just realised that she didn't actually tell me what the session was." He chuckled again for a few seconds, until he realised that most of his sisters were looking at him now, save for Lori, whose eyes were on the road, though she was definitely listening. "What?"

"Who's she, Linky?" Lola teased. It only took a second for Lincoln to realise what she was referring to, and groan upon doing so.

"Really? That's what you're asking me? I admit that I don't know what I'll be doing, but that's what you pick up on?" He rolled his eyes upon seeing them nod eagerly. "Fine. It's Girl Jordan, alright?" They all opened their mouths to say something, but he beat them to it. "And no, I do not have a crush on her. She is a friend at most, and that is that. Are we clear?"

"But, Linky, you two would be so cute together!" Leni pleaded. "And she has such good fashion sense." Everyone then turned their attention to the fashionista, curious about the second point she made. "Its true. Her and her older sister are, like, totally my favourite customers." She looked back at her brother. "Seriously, though, you should totes ask her out."

"I don't care! Friend- that's it. Capiche?" They all agreed, though their faces showed that they didn't believe him. He groaned again, putting a hand to his forehead. "Sisters…"

After a carefree Friday and a mostly uneventful Saturday, Sunday came around. After a quiet lunch with his family, Lincoln packed his gym clothes into his bag, grabbed a bottle of water, and was ready to be headed on his way. He walked into the kitchen, where his mother was finishing the dishes from lunch. "Hey, mom?" He called, getting her attention. "I'm heading to practice."

"Alright, honey," she told him with an encouraging smile. Her son had explained everything to her and her husband yesterday, and though she would have liked to know more about it, they were willing to let him try it out. "Try and have fun, okay?"

"Will do." After that, he went out the front door. Girl Jordan's house wasn't too far from his own, and his sisters all had their own thing going on that day, so they wouldn't pay too much attention to what he was up to, which meant he didn't have any need to rush. As he walked along, he felt the cool air breeze past him while the sun was shining down from the clear skies. Every so often, he took a deep breath, feeling oddly alive. He arrived at the house about five minutes before two o'clock, walking up to the door of the white walled, red roofed house, and rang the bell. It wasn't long before the door was opened and he saw Girl Jordan, who smiled upon seeing him. "Hey, Lincoln," she greeted. "Come on in."

"Thanks," he replied, accepting her offer. While she shut the door, he walked into the living room, and couldn't help but be in awe. "I never knew your house was so cool!"

It was no secret that Girl Jordan's family was one of the more well off families in Royal Woods, especially since they were the only family Lincoln knew that had their own pool, though this was the first time he had seen it from the inside. While it wasn't exactly posh or lavish, it was well decorated, with a landscape painting over the fireplace on one wall, a large flatscreen TV on the other facing the black couch, with a couple of good quality speakers either side of it, and a Blu-Ray player on the cabinet beneath it, which probably contained a decent selection of Blu-Ray DVDs. At the far wall was the glass door which led to the back garden, as well as the pool.

"You get used to it," was all she said on that matter. "So, I'll be honest. I'm a little surprised you showed up."

"Well, my parents were curious about what I would be doing, but they were just glad I'd be trying something. So, since I kinda forgot to ask on Friday, what is the session for?"

"Didn't I tell you?" He shook his head. "Huh. Weird. Well, it's-" She was interrupted by the doorbell ringing again. "I'll get it!" She called as she walked off to answer the door. It didn't take long for her to return with four girls, who Lincoln knew hung out with Jordan- one was a fair skinned girl with long, raven hair, wearing a red shirt under a darker red jacket, a black skirt with grey polka dots and red shoes with white socks; one was a fair-skinned girl with long, brown hair, wearing a pink turtleneck, blue jeans and white sneakers; one was a dark skinned girl with black hair held in pigtails, wearing a lavender long sleeved shirt, a purple necktie, a dark purple skirt, and purple shoes with lavender socks; and the other was Mollie, a fair skinned girl with short, brown hair, wearing a pink shirt under a purple blazer, a red skirt with purple stockings, and brown boots. Lincoln knew Mollie better than the others, because of their 'cannonball rivalry'.

Upon seeing the white-haired boy, Mollie smirked. "Well, well!" She said. "I didn't believe her, but Jordan wasn't lying! What's up, Girl Guru?"

Lincoln threw his head back and groaned, the girls giggling at his embarrassment. "Really? How much longer before that gets forgotten?"

"Given how stupid it was," Joy, the dark skinned girl, answered, "probably never."

Girl Jordan simply shook her head. "Girls, lay off him," she requested. "Let's not make him regret trying this before he actually tries it."

"Yeah, speaking of that," Lincoln interjected, "are you planning to tell me what it is?"

"Well, it's-" Jordan was cut off again, this time by Kat, the girl with long black hair, pulling her to one side, with the rest of the girls forming a huddle with them. Lincoln couldn't tell what was being said due to the volume of their whispers, but when they turned back to him with smirks on their faces, he had a feeling there was a certain level of mischief behind their motives. "Actually, why don't we just show you when we get there?"

Knowing he wasn't going to get anything else out of them, he sighed. "Sure, I guess. So, uh, when do we leave?"

"Yeah, since we're all here now, we can go if you want." She walked over to the couch and picked up a bag, which he assumed had her change of clothes in- much like how the other girls' bags probably had their change of clothes- and led her friends towards the door. "Mom! We're heading out!"

"Okay!" They heard a woman call from upstairs. "Have fun!"

So, after Jordan shut the door on their way out, the six of them began walking. "So, Girl Jordan," Lincoln asked, "how long have you been doing… whatever this is?"

"I've been doing it for about six months," she replied. "Joy has been doing it for longer than the rest of us, though."

"Yeah, I've been doing it for just short of a year. A couple of months later, I got Sadie and Kat to try it out, and then a few months after that, we convinced Jordan and Mollie to try. Artie's been doing it longer than me, though."

"Wait, Artie does this too?"

"Yeah," Mollie told the boy, "that's how we actually got to know him." She smirked at him. "What, were you afraid that you were gonna be the only boy or something?"

His cheeks heated up a little from embarrassment. "I mean… it wasn't my main concern, but I did think about that a little, yeah. I'm mainly just kind of curious what we'll end up doing, I guess."

"Don't worry, Lincoln," Girl Jordan assured. "You and Artie will probably be the only guys our age, and I don't know if you'll be the only guys at all or not, but I still think you'll enjoy it. If it helps, the instructor's a guy."

"I'd say it doesn't, but after what happened at racquetball, it does help a bit."

"What happened at racquetball?" Sadie, the girl in the turtleneck, asked.

"Well, it was Ms Dimartino who led the practice, and…" His cheeks heated up even more. "Let's just say I got kind of distracted, and the ball hit me right on the nose. Knocked me out." He rubbed the place on his nose where the bandaid had been two days ago, the bruising no longer there. "That kind of put a damper on things for me."

"I still don't get why all the boys have a crush on her," Joy pointed out.

"Remember how you acted around your tutor, Hugh?" Jordan argued, grinning smugly as her friend began blushing.

"W-w-well… Kat acted the same way…"

It was Kat's turn to blush at that comment. "No I… didn't…"

Lincoln found himself chuckling at this. "Don't worry, all of my sisters had the same reaction when he was tutoring me. I almost wasn't able to get anything done because they kept trying to get close to him, and they ended up chasing him off. Literally."

This was how the rest of the walk went, with the six of them sharing pleasant talk. Lincoln tried from time to time to get the girls to give him clues about what they would be doing, but they refused to yield, leaving him in the dark. The only thing Girl Jordan told him was that, "it's not like the other things you've tried," which left him with more questions than answers, so he decided it was better to just wait and see. Eventually, they arrived at the sports complex- from the outside, it was a large building that took up a whole block, including the parking lot to the side of it. When they walked in through the front door, however, it appeared a lot more inviting, with sky blue walls, and a number of pictures in the walls. On either side of the opening hallway, there were trophy cabinets, with photos of teams that looked like they dated back a really long time, since they were in black and white.

"Looks like they do a bunch of different sports here," Lincoln mused to himself, though Jordan overheard it since she was right by him.

"Yeah. The ones I remember that they have are basketball, badminton, and I think they do indoor soccer too. There's a bunch of others too, but I only ever came here for this."

He turned to her. "So, are you finally going to tell me what we're doing?"

She put on a big smile and tapped at her chin, teasingly pretending to think, before looking at him and saying, "nope!" He smirked, shaking his head lightly, causing her to giggle. "Well, it's not far now, so why tell you when you can see for yourself?"

"That's fair. So, which way is it?" She walked side by side with him, the others right behind them as Girl Jordan led him through one of the corridors towards a set of double doors. She gestured that it was right ahead, so he walked ahead a little bit, and when he pushed through those doors and saw what was on the other side, his eyes went wide, seeing something he never would have expected. "Oh, my!"