33. Ch 33- Not A Model Model

(A/N: Hey, everyone! Couple of things I just want to say real quick. First of all, hope you guys have enjoyed my Jordancoln week stuff so far. When I saw it appear on Javi's DA page, I figured, why not, you know?

Secondly, you guys have only gone and done it again. Not only has this story passed 100 favourites, but this story has reached a number I never thought possible- Lincoln Gets Limber has surpassed… FIFTY THOUSAND VIEWS! Those two are amazing on their own, but add to that the fact that it's had over 350 reviews, and that I've received my two hundredth follower, and I am so far over the moon, I'm on Mars! Dumb analogy, I know, but it just puts into perspective how happy this makes me, and it's all down to you guys. If not for all the support you guys give, from your faves, follows and reviews to just giving my work a chance and reading it, you inspire me to put out the best work I can, so from the bottom of my heart and soul…

Thank you, and enjoy!)

While the two elementary schoolers were sat downstairs watching TV, their older sisters were busy in Jen's bedroom, looking over their designs, checking they had the right materials and deciding what order to exhibit them. "So, I totes think that we should go with this one first," Leni suggested, pointing at a drawing of a model with an asymmetrical sweater. "It'll catch the eyes of the audience, but won't cause our catalogue to peak too early."

"You're so right," Jen replied. "That's perfect. After that, we should totally go with the Henley with the pencil skirt."

"Ooh! I think I have the perfect jacket to go with that!" The two girls gave an excited titter, before Leni asked, "so, should we go down and get to work?"

"Not just yet." She walked over to the door and poked her head out, making sure that the younger kids weren't around, before returning to Leni with a slightly mischievous face. "Okay, it's just you and me, so spill- how close do you think Jordan and Lincoln are?"


"Yeah! Come on, they have to like each other, don't they?"

"Well, Linky keeps saying that they're just friends, and that he doesn't want to ruin that."

"… I won't lie, that's actually really sweet." She sat down on her bed, planting her palms down on her lap. "But, seriously! Surely, he must like her! Didn't you see the scarf he got for her?"

Leni's smile perked up as her eyes glistened slightly. "I know! Me and Lori took him to Reininger's to try and find something for her, but we weren't able to find anything until Linky found the scarf, and said that he remembered her looking at it."

Jen's grin just grew. "You see? It sounds like she means a lot to him, and just between you and me, I'm pretty confident that Jordan likes him in that way. For one thing, she's been talking a lot more about him for the past few weeks, like how they sat together at lunch, and how she invited him to the mall. She even gave him her number."

"She did?!" Jen nodded, making Leni "Aww".

"I know, right? Not to mention, she absolutely loves the scarf she got him, and she's pretty much made it a part of her ensemble since."

"That's really sweet… but, Lincoln kept saying that he just wants to be friends with Jordan. Has Jordan said she wants to go out with Linky?"

"No, though I don't think Jordan would tell me if she did."

Leni giggled at this, saying, "Yeah. Linky hates when he try and get involved in his romantic life, so I would imagine Jordan would be the same. Still, I kind of think we should let Linky and Jordan figure things for themselves."

"Yeah, you're right. It wouldn't be fair if we interfered." A thought came to her head that made her giggle as well. "Still, wouldn't it be pretty great if he did ask her out?" They both let out a small squeal at the possibility, before Jen stood up and said, "Alright, we better get back to work. I'll grab the designs, you grab the fabrics, and I'll come back for the sewing equipment."

"You got it!" Jen grabbed the design board while Leni grabbed the fabrics, and they left the bedroom, heading downstairs where the two younger kids were sat on the couch, watching TV while munching on some of the snacks Jen had prepared. "Hey, guys!" Leni greeted, getting them to turn their heads and smile at her. "What are you watching?"

"Dream Boat," Jordan replied. "Though, it's a rerun."

"Well, I hope you don't mind if I borrow your friend, sis," Jen told her. "We need to get started on crafting, which means we need our model."

His cheeks heating up, Lincoln sighed. "Might as well get it over with, I guess," he muttered, making the girl next to him stifle a laugh while he stood up. "So, where do you want me to stand?"

"One second, kid." She kneeled down behind the couch, reaching her hand under and pulling out a small pedestal which she slid away so there was enough space. "Hop on here, and we'll get started."

As much as he didn't want to do this, he knew that this was what he had agreed to when he asked Leni to make his costume, so he stepped onto the pedestal without question. "Alright. What now?"

"Well, first, we need to get your measurements," Leni explained. "That way, we can get the right lengths for your outfit."

"Do you need me stood any particular way?"

"Just arms out wide, and legs slightly spread." Lincoln obliged, his body moving to match her request. "Okay. Now, keep still and we'll be done in no time, I promise." He rolled his eyes, but didn't complain. "Just need to go grab the tape measure."

As the two older girls walked away, Lincoln looked over his shoulder and shouted, "Seriously?! You couldn't have had me make this pose AFTER you got that?!"

"Hold that pose, Lincoln! Don't you dare move!" Jen shouted back, ignoring his plight. Lincoln threw his head back and groaned, before becoming aware of the near hysterical laughter of the girl sat on the couch, making him look unamused.

"Is that for something happening on the TV, or because of me?"

"I-I'm sorry," Jordan struggled to get out, a couple of tears coming out of her eyes as she turned around on the couch. "I'm not- laughing at you, I-I swear. I just ca-can't believe that they made you do that."

He merely rolled his eyes and said, "easy for you to say, you're not the one stood here feeling like an idiot."

She brought her laughter to a halt and wiped away her tears. "You're right, I'm sorry. But, come on, it's kind of funny."

"Like I say, easy for you to say. But, yeah, Leni… does have her forgetful moments, I guess. Lord knows she's the sweetest person there is, though."

"You're right there. Whenever I go to Reininger's, I try to always get Leni to handle my checkout, because she's always really nice about it, and she knows straight away if an outfit will work for me."

"Yeah. I can see her really making it as a designer some day."

She gave him a smile. "You know, you're really supportive of your sisters, aren't you? It's quite admirable, to be honest. I can only imagine how overwhelming it must be having ten sisters, and that's without even mentioning that you're the only boy."

He gave a scoff and told her, "you don't know the half of it." She giggled again at this, before he continued to say, "still, as much as it can be difficult keeping up with everything they do and helping them out with stuff, I always say that no matter what, I wouldn't trade it for the world."

To his surprise, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind, which he soon figured out belonged to Leni. "Aww, Linky!" She gushed, nuzzling her cheek against his head. "And we wouldn't trade such an amazing brother like you for anything!"

His heart swelled a bit, prompting him to return his sister's hug. "Thanks, Leni."

"I mean it. An amazing brother like you would have to be worth, like, so much money, but you could never be worth enough for us to give you up."

Jordan, slightly confused by the statement, furrowed her brow. "Uh, Leni-"

"Just ignore it, sis," Jen told the girl, placing her sewing kit down on the coffee table while the two Loud siblings released their hug. "Alright, NOW we can measure you." Resuming his pose from before, Jen took the tape measure from round her neck and began to measure his dimensions, starting with his torso height, then his waist and hips measurements. When she started measuring his arms, however, she noticed that he shook a little. "You okay there, squirmy?"

"Uh huh," he replied, noticeably straining to keep a straight face, which made the older Rosato girl smirk.

"You wouldn't happen to be… ticklish, would you?"

He shook his head in response, but Leni obliviously ratted him out by saying, "oh, yeah. Linky can be so cute when we tickle him."

"Leni…" he complained, his cheeks flushing as both Jen and Jordan stifled laughter at this.

"Well, as much fun as that sounds," Jen joked, "I might not be able to stop if I started, so we'd be unable to get anything done. I'll try not to tickle you, so just try not to move."

"Okay." She resumed her measurements, giving the boy a teasing tickle every so often just to see him squirm, but didn't push it too much lest he decide he had had enough. It didn't take long for her to finish measuring. "Okay, Lincoln. We've got the measurements, now we just need to pick which design for you to model."

He raised an eyebrow. "I thought you already picked that for me."

"Nope!" Leni told the white haired Loud. "We have all the designs ready, and we've picked most of the models specifically for the outfits, but I wanted you to pick which outfit you'd model."

"We've got two in mind for you, Lincoln," Jen explained pointing at the design board. "We're thinking either the western styled epaulet shirt with the combat jeans and boots, or the tunic shirt with leggings and the oxfords. What do you think?"

"Am I allowed to step down and look?" He asked, to which Jen rolled her eyes before nodding. Approaching the board, he looked back and forth between the two designs, but all he could do was shrug and say, "I don't really have a preference."

Jen's eyes went half lidded, a "seriously" escaping her lips, before a mischievous idea came to her mind. "In that case…" Lincoln watched curiously as she walked over to the couch and tapped her little sister on the shoulder. "Maybe you can pick for him, Jordan!"

Both Lincoln and Jordan blushed, the girl shooing her dog off her lap so she could stand up. "W-why me?" She asked. "Surely you two would know better. They are YOUR designs."

"You've got really good fashion sense, sis."

"She's, like, so right!" Leni added. "I've never seen you pick out anything from the store that wouldn't work for you!"

While this only made her blush a bit more, she sighed and told them, "alright." She walked around her couch and stood next to Lincoln, looking at the two designs Jen had picked out. She would occasionally look to Lincoln to try and picture him in the outfits, which made her cheeks heat up a little bit more, before she reached a decision. "I think he should wear the Western shirt."

While Jen simply looked smug, Leni looked at the design again, then back at the blushing boy. "You are so right, Jordan!" She said in approval. "That would be perfect for Linky to wear!"

"Looks like we have a winner," Jen stated, not unaware of the glare her sister was giving her. "Thanks, Jordan." The smaller girl stuck her tongue out, then returned to the couch. "Alright, we've got two colour combinations we were thinking of for that outfit- a red shirt with blue jeans and brown boots, or a light blue shirt with grey jeans and black boots, and a black belt for each." She tapped her finger against her cheek as she tried to decide between the two. "Might need you to try something on so we can decide."

"Okay. Is there somewhere I can get changed?" He looked at Jen, waiting for her to respond, but she didn't. He was wondering if she was going to say something, but then he realised what she meant, and his face lit pure red. "… y-you… you want me to… ch-change here?"

"Sure, why not?" She crossed her arms, a smirk pretty much painted on her face by this point. "Come on, we're all friends here."

His eyes silently glanced over to the girl on the couch, unable to see that her face was nearly as red as his was. When he looked back at his sister, he gave her an almost pleading look. "Come on, Linky, you'll be fine!" She insisted, either ignorant to his plight or secretly revelling in it- the boy couldn't tell, though he was more convinced it was the former. "Jen's right, we're all friends here."

"Yeah, and I'd like it to stay that way!" He insisted, prompting Jen to stifle a snigger, which didn't help matters. "Do I really have to change here?"

"Well, it'll be a lot quicker that way."

"… alright, just… don't look, okay?"

With a roll of her eyes, Jen turned around. As Lincoln began to take his shirt off, she peaked over at the couch, where she saw Jordan with her hands over her eyes, even though she wasn't even looking at the boy, which only made Jen's earlier assumptions seem more feasible. "You ready yet?"

"Y-Yeah," he replied, prompting her to turn around and see that he was now stood without a shirt, his arms crossed to cover his chest.

"Alright, I'll let you try the red fabric first," she told him, picking up the red fabric and holding it against him. "I don't know why you were so shy. You're not in bad shape." Of course, his cheeks only heated up.

"That'll be thanks to your dodgeball sessions, Linky," Leni blurted out. In that moment, any colour in his face drained away, not even needing to question the confusion now on Jen's face.


"Yeah, Linky does dodgeball with Jordan now!"

"Uh, yeah!" Jordan responded, not allowing Jen the chance to. "He does, and he's getting the hang of it too!" When Jen turned her attention to her, she acted fast. "Ooh, it's, uh, getting a bit warm in here. Hey, Jen, why don't we go grab something for us all to drink?"

Before her older sister could ask, Jordan grabbed her arm and dragged her into the kitchen, and whilst Jordan opened the fridge to pull out some sodas, Jen crossed her arms. "What's going on?" She asked suspiciously, eyebrow raised. "I know Leni's not the smartest girl in class, but-"

"Alright, just… just hear me out, okay?" Jordan replied, placing the sodas on the counter before closing the fridge door. She ensured that, when she spoke again, her voice was as low as possible. "So, Lincoln told me that he hasn't told his sisters yet that he does gymnastics, because he's worried about how they'll react."

"That doesn't-" Jordan shushed her, making the older girl roll her eyes before speaking more quietly. "That doesn't make any sense. Surely his sister's wouldn't care what he's doing if it makes him happy, right?"

"I know, and I don't fully get it either, but it seems pretty important to him, so I agreed not to tell anyone in case any of them found out. So, please, don't tell her."

"You're asking me to lie to my best friend?" Jordan looked away shyly, feeling a bit guilty for asking, though rather than be angry, Jen just smiled and said, "seems Lincoln's pretty important to you. You sure he's just a friend?"

"Yes," Jordan stressed through gritted teeth, her cheeks heating up again.

"Relax, I'm just messing with you." She then placed her hand on her sister's shoulder and said, "don't worry. I'll let Lincoln tell her when he's ready to."

Smiling as well, Jordan gave her big sister a hug. "Thanks, Jen."

"Don't thank me yet." Curious, Jordan looked up as she let go of the hug, seeing Jen grab two of the sodas and head back to the living room. Grabbing the other sodas, Jordan followed her, blushing when she saw that Lincoln was still shirtless. "Sorry about that, had to move some stuff around in the fridge to reach them."

"No worries," Leni replied as Jen handed her a soda. Meanwhile, Jordan shyly approached Lincoln, holding a soda out to the equally timid boy.

"H-here you go," she told him.

"Th-thanks," he replied, accepting the drink then turning to Jen. "Can I put my shirt back on?"

"Go on, then," Jen teased, while the boy hurriedly grabbed his shirt from the couch and put it back on. "So, Leni, if Lincoln's going to wear the western shirt ensemble, who should we get to wear the tunic shirt?"

"Hmm… is there anyone we have who doesn't currently have an outfit for the show?" She asked.

"Nope. Now that I think about it, we're actually a model short. Shame, really… I liked that design."

"Me too. Wish we could just find another model."

"It would make things easier…" She teasingly tapped her finger against her chin, turning her head so her gaze was at her younger sister. It only took a couple of seconds for Jordan to realise where she was going with this. "What do you think, sis?"

"No way!" She refuted immediately, waving her hands in front of her. "I'm not doing it!"

"Aww, come on, sis! You'd be helping us out a lot, and you'd look great in it!"

"Please, Jordan?" Leni begged, cupping her hands together.

"But I don't know anything about modelling!"

"We'll help you! Plus, Linky knows so much from coaching Lola, I'm sure he'll help you as well."

"And I'm sure he'd love to have his friend there," Jen added, knowing full well that Jordan was fuming on the inside. "Isn't that right, Lincoln?"

He didn't think his face could get any redder as he felt all three pairs of eyes on him again. In an attempt to make his embarrassment less apparent, he held the soda can up in front of his mouth as he answered, "… I wouldn't mind." He could see that Jordan's cheeks were also heating up, so he quickly added, "it's up to you, though. I don't want to force you."

Jordan felt a little relieved at that, but looking back at Jen, she could tell from her grin that she wasn't going to take no for an answer, so she huffed and pouted. "I hate you right now. Fine, I'll do it."

Leni squealed happily and lifted Jordan up in a tight hug. "Thank you, Jordan! I promise, we're going to make you look so cute!"

"Sure, just… make sure… I can breathe."

Realising that she was holding her too tightly, Leni put Jordan down and let go, allowing her to regain her breathing. "Sorry," she meekly apologised, to which Jordan waved it off. Just then, a car horn outside caught their attention. "Oh, that must be Lori! Guess we should go." She turned to Jen and asked, "should I take the stuff for Linky's outfit so I can get some work done at my place?"

"Sure, and I'll get started on Jordan's," Jen replied.

While the two high schoolers chatted and made their goodbyes, Lincoln approached Jordan and rubbed the back of his head. "So, uh… see you tomorrow?"

"Sure thing. I'll see you at school." He nodded, then followed his sister to the front door, waiting for them to close it on the way out before sighing. "Well, that was awkward." She turned to her sister with an irritated look on her face. "Did you have to embarrass me like that?"

"Come on, Jordan, you know I was just playing," she replied. "Besides, it's pretty clear you like him."

"Yeah, as a friend! Geez, I'm glad I only have ONE sister- I can only imagine how Lincoln deals with ten sisters acting like this."

Jen chuckled to herself, before saying, "in all seriousness, thanks for agreeing to model. You're really helping us out."

"Yeah, well, I guess I kind of owe you one, since you didn't rat Lincoln out. Anyway, I'm gonna try get some homework down before dinner."

"I'll come get you when it's ready," she replied as her younger sister walked away, and once she was out of sight, a smirk appeared on her face. 'Who are you trying to convince, sis… me or you?'