10. chapter 9

heh welcome back and I'm glad I was able to finish this update pretty quick but before y'all read I will just say this now. there been a change in plans, Ronnie Ann won't get in trouble in this chapter, I will explain at the end so make sure you read the ending notes.

Lori and leni was driving block to block in hope of seeing Lincoln, Lynn and Lucy was running along the sidewalks as they ran to the school to check of he was there, and Luna and luan was checking all his usual hangouts while they had decided to split up.

Lincoln was at the park sitting on a bench, letting the rain pour down on him as he subconsciously knew everything in his backpack was ruined but he didn't care, he also didn't even have tears to cry anymore "guess I had cried my last tear..."

Lincoln had looked up at the sky, blinking as rain had occasionally hit his eye's "so this is a broken heart?" He said to himself as he closed his eye's, letting the rain pour down onto him.

Lynn and Lucy was walking the sidewalk as they tried to stay warm by hugging their coats against themselves "Lucy you better be right about Lincoln or I will bleach all your clothes!" Lynn yelled as she was freezing and wanted nothing more to be understand her cover.

"The spirits wouldn't lie" Lucy told her, making Lynn roll her eye's

"Whatever you... Say... " Lynn started but stopped dead in her tracks.

Lucy had accidentally bumped in Lynn making her stumbled backwards a bit "why you just stop like that" she said as she had looked at Lynn who was visibly shaking while she started to growled like a raging bull "lynn" she said as she was starting to get a bit scared of what she was seeing but didn't show it.

"That bitch" Lynn growled as she started to see red.

Lucy had looked at where Lynn was looking at as she had realized they was standing in front of the arcade, she had looked inside and looked around, not seeing anything but she had quickly seen Ronnie Ann and a boy holding each other hand's, smiling at each other. Lucy had gasp and knew why Lynn was ready to kill her.

Lynn had turned and started to walk to the door "that bitch is dying" she growled.

Lucy had grabbed lynn arm to stop her "lynn stop" she said hoping to calm her down

"Why the fuck should I!" She growled as her blood boil like never before.

"What about Lincoln" she said as it had visibly struck a nerve, causing Lynn to look down and Lucy had continued talking "he is missing. What is more important. Killing Ronnie Ann or finding out lost brother" she finished as Lynn had looked at her

"You don't even need to ask that, you know I care about him" lynn said to her as if she was offended by the question

"So let find him now, we will deal with Ronnie Ann later" lucy said as Lynn had pulled on the hood of her jacket and groaned

"Fine but we better get this bitch after we find, Lincoln" Lynn said and Lucy nodded as they both walked away to continue looking for Lincoln.

After 5 minutes of searching with no luck, everyone had returned home sadly as they had took off their jackets and place them on the hat rack "any luck" Lana and lola asked, beaming with hope but didn't see Lincoln causing them to look down sadly since they already knew the answer to the question.

The girls had sat down in the living room sadly as they all was sulking, lily had looked around and crawled to get something, she had grabbed her toy shovel and pail then walked over to Luna "boo boo" she said as she had hit her toys together.

Luna had look at her baby sister and picked her up "sorry little dude, it raining outside so we have to go to the park another day" she told her as it had spark a thought, making everyone think the same question.

"Who had check the park!?" Lynn said as she had quickly stood up.

"I didn't, I thought one of you did!" Lori said as she had stood up as well.

"I didn't, I thought Luna did!" Luan said.

Lynn had quickly ran to the door and pushed it opened, jumping down the pouch steps and bolted to the park, the rest of the sisters did the same while lily, Lisa, lana, and lola stayed inside.

Lynn was able to reach the park first since she had a head start but also because she was a pure blood athlete and could outrun anyone. She had looked around but couldn't see much cause it was storming so it had clouded her field of vision.

The sister's had caught up as all of the girls was wet from the rain but they was on a mission, they all had split up and searched for him.

After searching for 2 minutes Luna had saw something but couldn't make it out, a flash of thunder had lit up the sky making her eyes widened as it Lincoln "GUYS I FOUND HIM!" she yelled as she had ran to him and hugged him tightly, noticing how cold his skin had felt, she had pulled back and looking at his half shock and half dead expression.

"Luna?" Lincoln said as his eyes widened a bit, not long before the rest of his sisters had ran up to them, each of them tackling him in hugs, shocking him more.

After everyone had hugged and tell him worry they was, Lincoln had looked down sadly "I sorry... I never meant to make any of you worried, I just... Just needed some time to myself..." He said as everyone had looked at him sadly, especially Lynn and Lucy since they had a thought about why he was so broken.

"Just don't ever scare us like that ever again" Lynn said as Lincoln had nodded.

"Now let go home and get you out of those clothes cause it look like we all need a hot bath also the girls will be happy to see you" Luna said as she knew without a doubt he was going to have a extreme flu.

As much as the sisters wanted to chew him out about making them worry, they knew he never mean to. Everyone plus Lincoln had walked home, once inside the house the twins eye's widened as they had ran to him "Lincoln!" They yelled as they had hugged him tightly, he had hugged them back, soon they had pulled away, not minding being a bit wet.

Lisa had walked up to him while fixing her glasses and clear her throat causing him to look at her as she had motion for him to lean down, which he did "even though I don't like getting to attached to stuff and people..." she said and took a deep breath before she had quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, shocking him "I... I love you Lincoln... Please don't scare us again, we all care about you" she said in his ear causing his eye's to widened which lily had walked in front of him, clapping her hand's happily.

"L-linkey" she said as Lincoln eyes started to water before he had finally broken down crying while hugging Lisa tightly, soon the rest of his sister's had join and hug him tightly

there we go, I ending it here, I know this chapter is not as long as it normally is and I also know that most of you wanted to see Ronnie Ann get in trouble but come on, how was I supposed to keep writing after this heartwarming moment, so I sorry BUT I am working on the next chapter and I 100% promise Ronnie Ann is going to get what is coming to her, anyway I hope you had enjoyed this chapter. like, comment (cause I love reading what y'all got to say) and enjoy.