6. Accidents Happen

Lincoln and Luna were doing a little heavy metal jamming in the garage. Her younger brother was becoming quite a fast learner when it comes to music. "Whoo! awesome jam ses, bro!" Luna congratulated after they were finished

"Thanks, Luna. I couldn't have done it without you." Lincoln replied kindly. "I think I has enough jamming for one day. Wouldn't want Mr. Grouse to call the police on us."

Luna chuckled. "Never mind that old coot Lincoln." she said. "He complains about everything. And, I think I should call it a day myself. Mustn't burn myself out or make my fingers bleed with all that shredding." Then she put her handy guitar in the case, then Lincoln did the same after in his own case.

"oh yeah, really nice playing Loud!" Called out a grouchy elderly voice. It was none other than Mr. grouse. "Now I have to put up with to music maniacs!"

"Oh mind your own business, Mr. Grouse! Don't you have any prune juice to drink?" Lincoln called back to him

The grouchy old neighbor made a slight scowl, and went "bah, why am I wasting my time with you crazy kids." Then he closed his window back, and went back to his own business, grumbling to himself.

"Eh, don't let it get to you, Linc." Luna said. "You know how nosy he can be. He just needs is to take it on the run, baby."

Lincoln made a small laugh. He could never agree with a statement such as that. Indeed, he always gets a feeling that Grouse targets himself more than any other of his siblings. Despite all the digs the old warlock would throw at him, Lincoln would just ignore it. Because what would old man Grouse know?

"I wonder if he is like that to you guys?"

"Believe me, Lincoln." Luna winked at him. "He is like that to pretty much anybody." Then she zoomed in to his ear "except his mom of course."

"Hey!" A voice called "I heard that!" It sounded like Mr. Grouse again. He obviously heard that little joke Luna said about him. "I have ears like a hawk, you know!" And then silence once again.

"how does he do that?"

"no idea, dude. That's what I'm wondering. Well, I'm gonna get myself some puddin'." Then she exited the garage to fetch herself the snack.

"stay chill, Luna." Lincoln called to her

"you too, bro!"

then Lincoln went out of the garage too, going back to his room. He set hid case against the wall, and pulled out one of his Ace Savvy comics from his drawer, a d took off his clothes before reading.

meta-referencing again, he said "you know, I feel so lucky to have an awesome big sister like Luna. Without her, I don't know what I would be. She was even nice to give me one of her old guitars, and one that is not so broken of course. Turns out, if I have any problem, I can easily talk to Luna. Sure I love the rest of my sisters, but Luna seems... special to me, but yet again, this is what life is like within the Loud House."

then he went to reading his comic book, in his underwear only.

The next day

A little before it was noon, Lincoln was playing Soul Sword 6 on his console on the living room.

"hey Lincoln." Said one of his sisters "can we watch a little NFL? I hear it's the Bengals vs the Detroit Lions. Go lions!" It was Lynn, if any sister in the family loved sports in her life, it would be Lynn.

"sorry, Lynn, I'm in the middle of defeating Salamander Man on Soul Sword 6" Lincoln replied to her, so focused on his game. Meta-referencing again, he addressed "This is Michigan, alright, and everyone within loves the Detroit Lions, wouldn't really blame them though, or Lynn, they are actually pretty good, even if I am not a sports fanatic."

"Alright, but can I give you something first?"

"sure, what?"

"a dutch oven!" Lynn exclaimed playfully

Lincoln had a look of horror, knowing what she meant. She jumped on the couch and pulled the blanket had with him over themselves and she farted up a storm within. Lincoln was groaning in disgust as Lynn was laughing her eyes out, obviously enjoying this.

"ah! Get get me out of here!" Lincoln exclaimed.

after many more farting sounds, Lincoln got out of the covers and gasped for fresh, sweet air. After this, he felt like throwing up in a doggy bag."

"Hahahahaha! I love you, Lincoln." Lynn laughed, giving her a gentle punch of affection on his arm. "So, can I play with you of this game?"

"uhh, why don't you watch the football game? I'm done playing that game for one day."

"yay!" Then Lynn switched the TV back to the channels and switched to the big game."

"and our very own Detroit Lions are about to win this amazing match against the Bengals!" Said the announcer through the television

"whoo! We're number one! We're number one!" Lynn chanted a few times with triumph.

Lincoln mildly groaned and went upstairs, thinking about playing his new guitar again, and was about to pull it out. And plug it into his amp, but then he noticed something rather peculiar. He saw something rather... Colorful and shiny in Luna and Luan's room. Curious, he went inside, and noticed that both of the, were not in here. He looked at a really nice electric guitar, a golden Gibson SG to be exact.

Lincoln was really surprised and looked at it in awe. "Wow, amazing. A golden guitar, that is something else."

he heard a buzzing near his ear, and it was a pesky fly swirling around him.

"get out of here fly" don't bother me!"

he wasn't being very careful and was moving around a little to make the fly go away. Then he accidentally tripped and fell on something. The fly flew away, but Lincoln had a look of horror as he saw he accidentally broke one of Luna's most prized axe in her possession.

"Oh no." He said "oh no no no no no nononononono! This is not good." He began to panic. "this is bad, really bad!" He looked around for anything that could fix it and save himself from Luna's wrath.

then he had an idea. He got himself some duct tape and rolled it around the broken neck.

"There, good as new." He said proudly. However, he spoke too soon when the head of the guitar tipped over from the duct tape, causing him to go pale as a bone. Lincoln hyperventilated, not knowing what to do or how to fix this. Then he had another idea. He placed the broken instrument in the closet. Then he went out of the door, and pretending like nothing happened at all. "Nothing to it."

then he went back to his own business, and decided to make himself a smoothie just for the fun of it to take his mind off this little accident.

over an hour, Lincoln was playing Great Zombie run on his little portable game console, and was receiving new high scores, level after level.

"Ahh!" He heard a shriek of horror and dropped his game on his crotch. The scream sounded like Luna's and went out of his room, probably knowing what just happened.

he looked at Luna and Luan's room, and saw a really crushed Luna, holding the remains of the golden SG that he accidentally broke before. "Luna, what happened?" He lied.

"I don't know," Luna replied "I was about to try out this axe, and then it broke!"

now Lincoln was feeling so guilty, that his heart was breaking. How will Luna react if she found out it was him that broke it? She gave him a guitar as a gift, and he ruined one of hers on accident in return. "I... I'm sorry that happened to you, Luna." He lied again

"thanks, bro. It wasn't your fault."

ironically, that was where she was wrong, and Lincoln knew very well that it was his fault, even if it was just an accident. "Oh she's going to hate me when she finds out," he thought to himself.

"well, I might as well try to repair this baby up good as new."

"yeah, you do that." Lincoln blurted

Later that Night

It was that time of week again, the Secret Secrets Club for the Loud siblings where they can talk about their deepest darkest secrets with the others.

meanwhile, Lincoln was still feeling guilt-stricken over what he accidentally did earlier.

"okay, so anyone got any juicy secrets?" Asked Lori. Since she was the oldest, she would be the one in charge of it.

Leni then blurted "no, but I do have lemonade."

the other sisters face-palmed themselves in Leni's stupidity. Of course they all know she can't help for who she was.

Lincoln felt the guilt increasing within him, and heard voices in his head "you need to tell her." It said "tell her the truth. She is your sister. Sometimes you have to face the consequences of your actions, you klutz."

"shut up!" Lincoln blurted. The sisters looked at him in both concern and confusion.

"uhh, you okay, Lincoln?" Asked Luan. "We haven't began to squawk about anything yet, get it?"

the others minus Lincoln all groaned at her terrible joke. Then Lincoln began breathing heavily. He was losing his grip, and the guilt was eating him alive as more voices were coming in his brain. "I can't take it anymore!" He shouted. Then he stormed out of Lori and Leni's room with tears forming in his eyes.

he went back to his room, and pulled the covers over himself, crying to himself. Then he heard the door open slowly.

"Lincoln, what's the matter, bro?" Luna asked him. She sat on the bed and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Luna I... I was the one who broke your guitar." He confessed at last. "There was a fly buzzing around me, and I tripped on it, b it was an accident, I swear!"

his big sister was surprised to hear this, but she however, was not so mad at him.

"Why didn't you tell me that before, dude?" She asked him

"I... I thought you would be mad at me, and hate me forever. It looked so valuable to you, and... I'm sorry." He sobbed "I'm so sorry. I never meant for that to happen."

Luna gave him a sympathetic look. "Lincoln, it's okay."

"No it isn't." Lincoln sniveled. "It was golden, and a golden thing is worth more than anything else in the world."

"Ah, bro." She said "we can always prepare it and fix it. Guitars can't be permanently broken. Yes, but still. I felt like a did a terrible thing to you. You gave me a guitar as a present. And I accidentally broke one of yours in return. What kind of brother am I?"

"shh, don't say that, buddy," Luna soothed. Then she hugged him real lovingly. "It's okay. You said it was an accident, and accidents do happen. We just..l never know when they might strike."

"You- you mean you are not mad at me?

"Of course not."

"can you ever forgive me?"

"of course I can, bro. I know you would never mean that to happen on purpose."

then Lincoln kept sobbing on Luna's chest, and she kept on soothing and comforting him

"shh, it's okay, Lincoln. Your big sister is here." She whispered. After a little while, they broke their hug. "Please, no more tears, Lincoln."

her little brother began to cry less and calmed down.

"feel better?"

"yeah." He replied "I'm actually feeling a lot better. And you know I would never break your guitar on purpose."

"totally, and you are totally not like the Lunatic Fringe, Linc."

"who's that?"

"a song from Red Rider, a very underrated band. Anyway, are you sure you're feeling better?"


then the door went open, revealing the rest of his sisters with worried looks on their faces. "Lincoln, are you okay?" Asked Lori

"yeah. I'm fine."

"would you like to tell a secret to us to make it better?" Asked Lucy. "It's good to get some things off your chest."

"yeah, I guess so, can you just give us a second?"

"sure." Lola replied

"Don't be long, I would love to hear any juicy secrets." Lana added. Then the two siblings were alone again.

"I love you little bro."

"I love you too, big sis." Then they hugged one last time and went back to Lori and Leni's room to continue the club