9. Clyde Snaps

Ah, the great outdoors. Home of the trees growing as high as a two-story building, and home of the animals such as the bears, raccoons, wolves, foxes, and other woodland creatures. Yes, it was a beautiful summer day for Lincoln and Clyde in their little bro-camping trip together, the same for Harold and Howard McBride, and Luna all at once. Nonetheless, Clyde still has a little bit of jealousy and sadness because of Lincoln and Luna hanging out together. Still feeling neglected, he was determined that Lincoln and Clyde have the best camping trip of their lives.

the campfire was just about finished, just a few more rocks and a few more branches and twigs then it will be completely finished to start the fire.

at last when it was finished, Luna promptly swiped her hands in triumph, for she was the one to carry the last stone to the fire. "Cheers, mates." She remarked in her British accent with the devil born gesture formed on her hand.

"well, very nice job, everyone." Said Harold. "Now this is a campsite.

"oh Harold, it looks so much nicer than I expected it to be."

"me too, Howard, me too." Then the gay fathers hugged and kissed each hers cheek like a person from France would do as a greeting or something complimentary.

"thank you so much for letting me come here little bro." Luna gave Lincoln a gentle pat on his shoulder with affection. "We came here at the right time and day."

"yeah, it a cloud in the sky."

"sweeet emotion." Luna agreed.

"so, what do you guys wanna do first?" Clyde asked them

"how about canoeing? Just relaxing on the lake's waters, looking around the shores and seeing many fish swim by us, and maybe some fishing?"

Clyde's fathers came out of the tent with fishing wear. "Exactly what we were thinking, son." Said Howard.

"do we have any fishing stuff? a hat, and fisherman's clothing?" Lincoln asked curiously.

Luna nodded and pulled out her hat and fishing vest. "Right here, Linc."

Both Lincoln and Clyde smiled and they were all ready to try out for any fishing. When they all arrived at the lake, it was so peaceful and serene. The waters sparkling under the sun, and the summer breeze hitting against everyone's skin

Lincoln looked into the waters, and saw a small bunch of fish, htjnhe could 't really tell because of the sun's reflection distracting him sometimes

his best friend was trying to know how to work a fishing lure, and the wire. Clyde was holding a dead cichlid in hand, and gently pushed it against the hook. However, because of his clumsiness, he accidentally locked his finger.

"Ow!" He exclaimed, putting his finger in his mouth to make it stop hurting.

"Here, let me help you with that son." Said Harold.

Clyde's father was showing him how to properly prepare a fishing rod, and it was fixed for him. "Thanks dad."

"no problem, son."

"hey Luna, is that the rocket fishing rod like we seen on tv?" Lincoln noticed

"yep, this baby is awesome. It's so much easier to handle than any ordinary fishing net, no mess or problems."

"isn't that thing a little loud that it might scare the fishes?" Asked Howard

"heck no." Luna retorted "one of my friends has one and she said it is perfect for fishing. She even caught a lot of fish with it."

"ahh, well if that's the case, go for it."

"Alright! Rock n roll!" Then they all began there fishing. It all took a while, but the main key for fishing is patience. Something will come, big or small, they might never know what.

overtime, most catches were on the small side, like cichlids or fish that looked like sardines, guppies, and some trout. There were a few large fish like a sockeye salmon from Luna, and a bass from Clyde.

just then, Lincoln felt his rod being pulled, and almost got thrown overboard, but Luna, Clyde, and his fathers pulled him back in. The mysterious fish was putting up quite a fight, trying to pull Lincoln overboard like this,

"Fish on!" Lincoln exclaimed. He was reeling in the our as fast as he could, but the beast was indeed, putting up quite a fight.

he was pulling himself back, gritting his teeth as he was using as much strength he can give to the fish.

Lincoln was starting to lose, and when it was lost, Clyde came and helped him pull the lure, and then !una stepped up

"Don"t worry, Lincoln, We got your back!" Said Clyde

all three were all pulling the fish back to see who it was. Thanks to the extra muscle provided by Clyde and Luna, the beast was the one who was starting to lose now.

after one hundred and twenty seconds, they finally got the creature on the boat. They all could hardly believe what they were seeing, a lake sturgeon about five feet long, and had yellow eyes.

"whoa! A sturgeon." Lincoln said.

then the others cheered in victory.

"should we eat it. It looks good." Said Howard.

"well..." Lincoln looked at it and through it's eyes, hearing the fish's heavy breathing, he was just gasping for air. "Nah, just let it go. Besides, aren't these fish kind of endangered?"

"oh! Of course," said Harold. "I must have missed it. Then all five lifted the sturgeon, turning out to be heavier than they thought it would be, and threw it back to the water.

"well that was fun." Said Lincoln.

"let's hear it for Lincoln for catching the biggest fish ever!" Said Luna with cheer. Then she and the other three praised Lincoln for having a river monster such as a sturgeon. Then they all went back to fishing.

After an hour and thirty minutes, they were all finished and had their fun, and then docked the boat back to the shore where the campsite was.

after they took off their fishing gear, Luna then said to her little brother "that was awesome little brother. I never thought you would catch a fish like that. Congrats, Lincoln!" Then she hugged him as another reward.

Lincoln was touched and hugged Luna back. "Thanks, Luna."

"no problem, dude."

When Clyde saw that, he felt more jealousy and anger building up inside him. Nonetheless, he went up to his best friend and stated "and what about me? I am your best friend."

"of course, Clyde." Lincoln said. "I really thank you too. I couldn't have done it without you. Out of you." Then they all formed a great hug.

meanwhile, Harold was tending to Howard as the dewlap of his right ear was bleeding, because he was a little clumsy with the fishing pole and accidentally got the hook caught on his ear flab like an earring, a lure earring. "Hold still, Howie, hold still."

"Ow, it's fine. This kind of stuff happens all the time."

It was the evening at last, and the campfire was crackling in the center of the campsite. All five of the campers were all sitting together on logs with Lincoln sitting with Luna and Clyde was sitting with him also, but on the opposite side.

Harold and Howard McBride were sitting by themselves on a log, having some s'mores.

"here's a marshemellow, Clyde." Lincoln passed the white fluffy treat to his beast friend. Clyde was more than grateful.

"thanks, buddy.""What about me, bro?"

"oh yeah of course." Then Lincoln gave another treat to his big sis.

then they all were having some s'mores. What would be camping without any s'mores around the campfire? A rather unusual camping spot, that's what.

After that little evening snack, Howard then asked Luna "say, do you think you can play us a campfire song, Luna?"

"oh yeah!" Then he pulled out an acoustic guitar, feeling more than ready to play a song on this fine night.

After Luna was pitching her strings to the right type of sounds, she played Ghost riders in the Sky, a camp story classic.

when the song was over, they all clapped their hands and cheered for her, minus Clyde, who was now more than jealous, and then the other three stopped their praising

"wow, Luna, you are the best!" Lincoln cheered.

After hearing that, Clyde could hold it on no longer. "Her? The best?" He said in a voice that sounded like he was angry. "What about me, your best friend?"

"what?" Lincoln said, really confused.

"oh please. You guys have a special connection together while I am being a third wheel. I can't believe I said you can come, Luna! Thank you so much for ruining everything!"

Luna was offended and had a feeling of hurt and confusion.

"Clyde McBride!" Harold scolded him deeply, looking rather stiff. "What is the matter with you?"

"This was supposed to be something between me and you, Lincoln! Only us, no one else! And yet you had to bring her to ruin everything! Ever since you and Alina were closer, you started treating me like a third wheel! And I am so sick of that!"

"Clyde! Calm down!" Lincoln said

"No! I'm done, I... I just can't be near you right now!" Then Clyde moved his eyes toward Luna and rudely said "oh and again, thanks for ruining this trip." Then he walked into the woods through the bushes.

"Clyde McBride, you get back here this instant, young man!" Said Howard

"No! I need to be alone!" Clyde replied. His voice sounded a little on crack, like he was crying.

"Listen to your father young man!" Harold said.

however, Clyde didn't reply back. Both his fathers tried calling his name, but to no avail. Now they were both really worried.

"What have I done?" Lincoln said. "I knew Clyde was jealous." He buried his head in his legs sadly.

Luna put her hand on the back of his head, touching his white hair. "No, it's my fault bro."

"why you?"

"Well, I knew that if I came here, it would make Clyde even more jealous." Luna admitted sadly.

"no Luna, you're my sister. I'm sure Clyde was just overreacting." Lincoln pulled his face back up. "Well, I guess I better look for him."

"wait, what about me?" Luna said

"no, I have to do this alone. Only I can talk some sense into him."

"but, it's dangerous after dark, like there can be wolves, bears, cougars, elk, moose, and other dangerous animals out there." Luna urged.

"Clyde wouldn't have gotten that far. Don't worry, I'll be back."

"No! If anything happened to you, I would never forgive myself." Luna argued.

"Luna, please! I'll be okay, this will only be a few minutes and I have a flashlight and a pepper spray for protection."

his big sister was persistent, but she finally replied "okay, but please be careful, I don't wanna lose you."

"I will." Then Lincoln went into the woods to look for his best friend.