12. Foggy Day in Royal Woods

Another day passed since Lincoln's little nightmare about that Hellish game called Agony, and played it when his parents explicitly told him not to do so in the first place. One thing was for certain, Lincoln definitely had one of the worst nightmares he had on his life. Nonetheless. It was all behind him, and it didn't scar him for life (fully)

Right now, Lincoln, who was still in Luna's bed, was still snoozing, softly snoring.

Luna got up before him and slowly sat up with a cute yawn while stretching her arms in the air. She looked over at her little brother, still sleeping under the covers with only, his head still visible, and smiled warmly at him. "Aww, the little dude looks so cute when he's sleeping." She thought to herself.

the next thing she did was gently, and slowly striking his white hair down like a dog or a cat, and then Luna gently placed her hand on his body.

"Lincoln." She sang so softly "Linkyyy."

Her little brother slowly began to stir to, and sighed softly as he was awakening. He slowly opened his eyes, and regained his normal vision thereafter

Lincoln new exactly what was going on. He just slept through the night with his best sister, Luna, as an offer to make him feel better about playing Agony and getting a terrible nightmare from it

"Good morning, Luna." He said in a slight groggy voice.

"mornin',Lincoln." She replied "did you sleep okay last night?"

"yeah, like a baby swan in a beautiful river."

Luna was more than happy to hear that, and was proud of herself for helping Lincoln get a better goodnight sleep, but sleeping with her. Not in a sexual way of course, because they were siblings, she only did it because she loved him like a brother. "Good." She said. "That's all I needed to hear."

She gently have him a head-rubbing on a a playful fashion. Lincoln chuckled. "Thannk you for letting me sleep with you last night."

"Anytime, bro. Anytime." Luna made a small wink at him.

"Speaking of night, I got a joke," Luan said. "What did the mama cow say to the calf? It's way pasture your bedtime! Hahaha!"

Lincoln and Luna groaned I'm irritation. This was all they needed to hear to get up in the morning, Luan telling terrible puns to her siblings.

"Oh! I got another one." Luan thought

"Oh not another one." Lincoln grumbled, landing a facepalm on his face.

"Did you hear about the old man who slept under a tractor?" Lincoln and Luna didn't say anything but rather mumbled in question, obviously not very amused.

"He wanted to get up very oily! Hahaha!"

"I need to go before Luan kills me with her lame jokes." Lincoln quietly remarked

"Same. Wanna watch a movie downstairs in a little while?"

"Sure. Wait! I'm grounded for three days remember? I can't watch TV right now."

"oh yeah." Luna recalled last night about Lincoln's punishment for disobeying his parents about allying Agony.

Lincoln was the one who got out off the top bunk first, then Luna was up next. A little while later, one took a shower, and the other after.

When Lincoln got out of the bathroom, he was Suddebly spooked by a familiar sister. "Good morning, Lincoln."

"Ah! Lucy!" Said Lincon, spooked by her sudden teleportation in front of him. "You just love scaring us like that, don't you?"

"Yep." Lucy replied proudly with a big smile. "It's so much fun, and the faces you guys make are really hilarious."

"Maybe it's hilarious for you, but we hate it sometimes."

"Which makes it funnier for me." She made a small, nonchalant laugh that sounded deadpan like her voice. "But seriously though, are you okay?"

"Of course. Why?"

"I was worried that nightmareyou had might have scarred you in your lifetime, or even after death. You looked really scared and traumatized." The goth girl gently placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm okay, thanks for caring."

"Of course. You are my big brother, and I love you."

"I love you too, Lucy. Wait, I thought you didn't really like love?"

"When it comes to my family, there is always an exception." She made another smile on her fwce, but it was a little smaller than the first one she made, and not so devious-like.

"Oh. Thanks, Lucy." Then there was a pause a little still, and Lincoln asked "sooo, about Agony, you said you liked it, did you play the demo yet?"

"Yes, and I loved it." Lucy replied in a more enthusiastic deadpan voice this time. "Both as a martyr, and as a demon. It was so much fun that when you play as a demon, you can kill tormented souls whenever you feel like it."

"I bet you do."

"Okay, bro." Luna said. "I'm ready to do some jamming with you."

"Okay." Lincoln called back to her. "I can't wait to ham with you some more."

"same, dude! Rock n roll!" Luna exclaimed proudly. "Never fight the music!"

Lucy the said "well, I would like to hear you guys play on the garage. But I have to get to the poetry corner and show my newest, darkest poems to Haiku, and my other goth friends."

"sorry, Lucy, but I am afraid you cannot go." Said Lynn sr."

"Why not?"

"true on the TV." The father warned.

"I thought I wasn't allowed to for three days?" Lincoln asked, feeling confused.

"This is different, sport." Said Lynn Sr. "it's an emergency on the news." All the meme ears of the family gathered around, and crowded the couch, and it revealed to be the news weather report.

A handsome looking man with a macho mustache and a pair of reading glasses cleared his throat, and said "good morning, one and all Royal Woods, I am Zippy Winds, and today's forecast calls for a vey foggy day everywhere around the city."

"Fog?" The kids said in unison?"

"you heard me." Said the weatherman. "People are advised to stay inside their houses, and children, I would highly recommend you do not go outside and do what activities you do outside of home. This fog is thicker than spaghetti sauce mixed with roux, and you will surely get lost in it. If you do go outside, always have a flashlight with you at all times, and be extra careful if you need to be outside."


"and this has been the weather folks, enjoy your day from Zippy Winds!" The weatherman's voice suddenly changed from serious to joyful and cheerful, like he was a completely different person

"enjoy your day, my butt!" Lincoln said. "I was supposed to meet Ronnie Anne today. I hope she doesn't try to pummel me into a pulp tomorrow for not hanging out with her."

"nonsense!" Said Lola. "She probably feels the same way as you do, Lincoln."

"yeah, she'll understand." Lana added boldly.

"I guess you're right." Then Lincoln's phone buzzed, and looked who texted him. It was Ronnie Anne, and asked him to call her. Lincoln dialed her number and tried to get her on the line "hello?"

"hey, Lincoln." Said Ronnie Anne through the other line. "How are you?"

"bummed out about the weather."

"ugh! Tell me about it." She agreed with a chuckle. "Say, I was thinking about coming over to your house today. Do you mind?"

"well, I don't mind, but... I'm grounded for three days with no TV, and I don't think my parents would allow it. Hold on a second," then he looked at his parents

"yes, Sweetie. She can come over, if she is careful." His mom replied. "Like, maybe Bobby can drive her over here. I just hope it's safe to drive."

"thanks, mom." Then Lincoln went back on the line with his girlfriend. "They said you can come over. Can Bobby drive you?"

"he wishes he could, but he can't."

"why not, Ronnie Anne?"

"he... has pneumonia. Speaking of which, he wants to give his regards to Lori. Can you tell her he says hi to her."

"Check, Lori, Bobby has pneumonia, but he says hi."

Lori made a gasp. "Ph poor boo boo bear!" She said in complete worryment. "How's Bobby-wobby doing?"

Lincoln made a small look of disgust. "The nicknames. Ugh!" He muttered. "Sorry Ronnie Anne, she wants to know how Bobby was doing, and she called him 'Bobby-wobby'. So gross."

"Hey!" Lori protested.

"gross! Anyway, Bobby is fine, he just needs to be in bed for at least a week."

"okay." Then he had an idea "hey. What about this? I can go out there. And get you here to save you the trouble for getting lost?"

his family all gasped in horror hearing that. "Dude! Have you seen the fog out there? It's thicker than spaghetti sauce."

"well, you are my girlfriend. I really want to see you."

"aww, Lincoln, that's sweet of you." Ronnie Anne remarked. "But you don't have to do that."

"I want to do that, Ronnie Anne." Lincoln remarked. "A boyfriend and girlfriend must always take care of one another, like we do to our families." His family was flattered and proud to hear him say those words.

"True. Well... okay, but how can you find you're way to my house?"

"I'll... I'll figure something out." Was all he replied. "I'll see you in a little while. Bye."

"See ya, Lame-o."

Then Lincoln hung up. "Bro, this is crazy. going out there in the fog so you can bring Ronnie Anne over here?"

"You could get hurt out there in the fog." said Leni. "There could be wolves out there?"

"Wolves are not supernatural, Leni. They're a common sight in Royal Woods." Lincoln remarked.

"Oh yeah."

"You can get really hurt out there, Lincoln." Lynn said. "This fog looks so spooky and haunting. What if a car came and hit you out of nowhere?"

"Or a truck?" said Luan.

"Even though I wish this was the work of Cthulhu, I would never want you to get hurt out there." Lucy added.

Luna put a hand on Lincoln's shoulder "I know I said this before, dude, but if anything bad happened to you, I would never forgive myself."

"Neither would us." said Lisa. "Normally I wouldn't say this a lot, but... I love you Lincoln."

"So do we." the other sisters said, along with the parents.

Lincoln was more touched to hear this from his family. "Well, I don't want to let Ronnie Anne down. I just wish that there was some way that can keep me from getting lost out there." he was thinking about a plan, pacing to and fro for any idea that might come up to him. He noticed the long, white rope that turned out to be along, ninety-pound, deep-sea fishing wire. Then he got an idea. "I know what to do." he thought."

"What's that?" said Luna

"I'm gonna tie the long fishing wire around my waist so in case I get lost, with the wire, I can find my way back here. I remember reading the story of Theseus and the Minotaur how the hero went into the Labyrinth with a ball of string so he wouldn't get lost."

"Hmmm, that's actually, literally clever." Lori mentioned it "But is it long enough for you to get to Ronnie Anne and Bobby's house?"

"It's not far from here." said Luan. "It's a little close to Clyde's residence."

"Right." then Lincoln pulled out the fishing wire and tied a portion of it around his waist.

"Wait!" Luna said "Let me come with you, please." she begged. "Remember what happened at the camping trip with the wolves, I want to be there for you in case something like that happens again. Maybe not just wolves, but like cars and trucks like the others said."

Her younger brother was a little skeptical about this. But, finally, since Luna cared about him out of his other sisters, he said "Okay. I suppose you can come with me."

Luna was way more glad to hear that. "Awesome!" then she tied a portion of the wire around her waist. "Okay, ready when you are."

"If we can't stop you, we understand." said Lynn Sr. "Just please be careful out there. We wouldn't want you to get lost out there."

"Yes, come back safely." Rita replied.

"We will, just try and keep and eye on the fishing wire while we're out, okay?"

"Okay, Lincoln." said Lana. The family kept hold of the fishing wire while Lincoln and Luna opened the front door, and looked at the very thick mist. Both were a little nervous about going into that gigantic cloud of fog, but Lincoln was determined to have Ronnie Anne over to spend time with him.

"You okay bro?" Luna asked him

"Yeah, thanks to the lure. And at least, if we get lost, at least you'll be with me."

"Same here with me, Lincoln." Luna warmly remarked. Then both of them walked out of the house, into the thick mist, and then they were gone. Honestly the family were scared of what will happen, but hopefully; the fishing wire plan will work.