26. Mister Intepreter: Got it all Wrong

Another day has passed since Lincoln created that inspiring idea of Luna dressed as Killer Frost from Justice League. He let his genius idea in superhero work to into his brain yet again, first the Full House gang, and then this. He also began wondering if he can turn his sisters into other super villains and or superheroes like he did Luna yesterday.

Right now, Lincoln was doing a little help with his closest younger sister, Lucy by polishing her fingernails black, her favorite color next to white.

Lincoln was feeling proud of himself for doing this good deed for the Gothic sister of the family. "Alright, now... just a little bit more." He said. He was trying to get a very small spot on her left pinky finger. "And... her we go! New polished nails, Lucy. Ho do you like them?"

Lucy then looked at her black fingernails and made her small smile in gratitude. "Thanks Lincoln. I might have mentioned this before, but I always have trouble with my left hand."

"I know. Don't mention it, anything for my little sister." then he felt himself being hugged by Lucy affectionately.

"You're the best brother any sister can ever ask for." then she gave him the kiss on his cheek, giving him a black kiss mark on it. Not out of romance of course, but because she loved him like her big brother.

"Ah well, you know. I'm always happy to help my sisters if needed." Lincoln said, flushing a little.

"I know. So about that song for Ronnie Anne, it was so amazing." Lucy acknowledged. "I think I even saw Ronnie Anne she'd a tear from her eye with that song you and Luna wrote for her."

"Wait, was she crying with joy?" Lincoln had a raised eyebrow with a smirk on his face.

"Yes. I remember it perfectly at ten party. Oh, she was so touched when you sang the song to her."

It made Lincoln proud to hear that. "Perfect! I did not notice that. Ah, who am I kidding? Ronnie Anne's not one to show her soft side at times, that's for sure."

"True." Lucy agreed. "But she did kiss you out of love and gratitude. Just take it from me, Lincoln. I do know a lot about romance."

"Right, because of Edwin and Grizzilda, right?"

She nodded her head. "Right, and I can hardly wait to see the new book come out."

"Another book is coming?"

Lucy nodded a yes again. "Uh-Huh. It's going to be a two part finale like how they concluded the Harry Potter novels."

"Cool." And he was about to head out the door when he suddenly remember something. "Oh Lucy, I almost forgot, are you still playing Agony?"

"Yes. Best video game ever."

"Right. You still having fun with it?"

"It is a blast. Possessing a demon is so much fun, especially when you can torment martyrs in that form like gouging their eyes, or stabbing their chests with your sharp claws." Then a more evil smile appeared on her face. "But i'm still in the middle part of the game."

"I thought it was only like thirteen hours on me in the gameplay?"

"It is, But there is so much to see in the game, and so many tormented souls to injure."

"Gotcha." Lincoln understood. "Well, glad to see you enjoying that game Lucy."

"Thanks. And Lincoln,"


"I'm sorry if you can't play this game like I can, it's so much fun."

"That's kind of you Lucy, but I don't think I want to play that game ever again for as long as I love. Well... maybe I can be able to watch let's play videos on YouTube, but not play, that's a big no-no for me." Then a chill crept down his spine thinking of the Onoskelis monster from his nightmare that almost killed him in Hell. "And to be honest, I cans till hear that demon's awful shrieking." then he crawled into a ball on the floor, and began rocking back in forth, like he is still traumatized about this.

Lucy sat down next to him and comforted him by gently patted his head. "Shhh.. It's okay, Lincoln. It's just a game."

"Hey Bro, I was wondering if you would like some-" then she noticed Lincoln being in complete terror. "Oh, what happened?" She noticed. Then she sat down next to Lincoln to comfort him as well.

"It's nothing Luna." Lucy explained. "Lincoln's just thinking about that Onoskelis from his nightmare from Agony."

"The shrieking." Lincon said, still rocking in fear. "That horrible, ear-piercing shrieking."

"Shh, it's alright dude. It's not real." Luna reassured him softly, patting his head along with Lucy. "Do you still feel scarred from that game?"

He hated to admit it, but ultimately, Lincoln said "yes. You saw how that demon looks. The face with the mouth that go sideways with sharp teeth, and those horns."

"It's okay, Lincoln," Luna reassured him again. "It wasn't real. Just a dream."

Lincoln got his wits together, and boldly stood back up. "You're right. I'm sorry, just being a sniveling baby for a sec there."

"Nah, don't say that Linc." Luna said. "If there's anything your are not, It would be a baby." And she patted his shoulder three times. "Trust me, there are many things in this evil world that are not meant for eyes like you."

"Yeah, this game is definitely one of those things." Lucy added "you know what, let's just forget about that game."

"agreed." Lincoln and Luna said with a head nod. Then Lucy went back to work with creating dark and evil poems just for kicks. The white-haired boy was feeling much more relaxed now. "Well, glad that's over." He muttered to himself.

Luna wrapped her arm around his shoulder. "So whatcha wanna do now, bro?"

"Hmm... I honestly don't know." Lincoln replied in a frank tone of voice. "What do you want to do?"

Just then, Luna made a yawn. "I'm sorry, Lincoln." She said. "But I think a nap right now. But if you need anything, do wake me up inside and save me from the dark."

"No problem, Luna." The rocker sister promptly went back to her room for a little shuteye for a few hours.

At first, Lincoln felt a little alone, but he knows he is never alone, for he does have quite a large family to look out for him after all. In the meantime, he decided to practice his guitar skills in the garage, like Luna would do in her free time.

Two Hour Later

Luna awoke from her nap, and she looked well rested. She went downstairs and saw Lincoln trying to help out Lucy with some poetry writing. Luna couldn't help but smile warmly at that adorable sight.

"Aww, Thanks my bro." She thought to herself. Then she went upstairs to look at one of her older guitars.

She tried tuning it a bit, but just then, all of her strings broke in an instant. "Ah damnit!" Luna exclaimed. "This guitar's getting too old for me to play." She thought of a few ideas on what to do with it, like give it to charity or just simply throw it in the garbage.

A lightbulb appeared on her head and decided to call Sam. She promptly picked up her phone and tagged her girlfriends number on it. "Hello Luna, what's happening?" Said Sam on the other line.

"W'sup, Sam? Listen, I want to ask you something."

Little did she know that Lincoln was walking right past her and Luan's room.

"Sam, it's not use. He's not so important to me anymore." Luna explained. Lincoln couldn't help but stand against the wall and hear her little conversation. "Yeah, the dude can't be so special as he used to. Yep, i'm Getting rid of him."

Gasping, Lincoln didn't know if he should be hurt, shocked, disgusted, or all of the above. No, Luna would never say that about Lincoln. Or would she?

"Sam, he is just too out of his league now. This guy was great the first time, but now he is completely worthless and old to me."

Now Lincoln felt like shedding a tear from his eye, feeling more hurt than ever.

"Right, so I was wondering if I could give him to your cousin as a gift."

"Gift?" Lincoln said, then he went to his room, silently crying to himself, and began packing his belongings on a case.

Little did Lincoln know that she wasn't talking about him at all. "Ole Stripes here is one of my first guitars I ever got in my life since I became a hardcore rocker."

"Wow, that's very nice of you, Luna. Did you ask Lincoln if he wanted the guitar?"

"No way, Sam." She protested "Lincoln already has a cool guitar, remember? And if he needed a new guitar, I would give him a guitar that sounds so nice and awesome, not something like this hunk of junk like Stripes here."

"I can appreciate that. You really are a great sister, Luna." Said said

"Yep, how great am I?" Luna boasted.

Too bad Lincoln didn't hear that, for he was too sad, packing his things in his case, not really knowing what she was talking about in the first place. Just to tell them, he pulled out a small note and wrote something out.

"I'm sorry, Luna." She sobbed. "I'm sorry if I am worthless to you." Then he promptly went out the front door and thought of wear to stay. He was thinking either Ronnie Anne or Clyde's house, but it wasn't really the same, even if they are his best friends.

He went over to both his friends houses, but sadly, they weren't home. Lincoln called Clyde first, and he said that he was having a long session with Dr. Lopez about Lori. For Ronnie Anne, she was visiting her relatives with Bobby and her mother in another state, and won't be back for three days

Now Lincoln didn't really know what to do now, but then he remembered a small opening and a space under the front door, and decided to stay there until he can figure out where else he can go to, or at least wait for either Clyde or Ronnie Anne to come back home, it Clyde would probably be his best option.

He got his case in the small opening and sat in the back in silence, and began sobbing to himself.

Meanwhile, Luna was just looking for Lincoln right now, and went into his room, seeing that most of the stuff was gone. "What the heck?" She thought. Luna found the little yellow note Lincoln left on the mattress. "What's this?" She began reading it and she gasped. "Oh my god! Lincoln ran away!" She shouted.

Boy oh boy, how will she find Lincoln now? Can she find him before she will never see him again?

"Lincoln?" She camels in a worried voice, "Lincoln?!" At first, she looked at all the rooms and then the attic, and the basement for last. "Lincoln?!" She shouted. "Where can he be?"

"Luna, what's going on?" Asked Lucy. She and the other sisters came in, hearing the commotion.

"Lincoln ran away, dudes!"

all of the sisters gasped and were just as worried and concerned as Luna was.

Lincoln misunderstood a conversation between Luna and and Sam on the phone, and thinks Luna thinks he is worthless, which she was really referring to her old guitar. Now he ran away, and Luna and the sisters are going to look for him. I just kinda thought about that one episode on the Powerpuff girls and why not put it on here as a parody?