31. Sibling Consoling

Lincoln and Luna were jamming a little bit on their guitars in the garage. Luna was certainly having a sweet jam on her ax, and Lincoln the same. Although, admittedly, Lincoln couldn't help but feel guilty about what his other sisters said about him loving Luna more than the rest of them. He wondered how they were all doing. Probably not so good, for they seemed pretty mad at both of them, and how Lori almost got into a fight with him if not for Luna aiding him. Still, he was really thankful for Luna defending him in his time of need.

For Luna, she was probably thinking the same thing as her little bro was, Although not as much.

Trying to strum a good rhythm on his guitar, Lincoln suddenly couldn't get a good note pitch because he was too fixated on what just happened not too long ago. He thought of his sisters hate him because he and Luna got them grounded for a little while.

"Dude?" Luna noticed. The reason she stopped him was because he was thinking so deep, he just kept on strumming the same notes all over again like he was a zombie or a robot. "You Okay?"

"What? What? Oh sorry Luna. I was just thinking about the other sisters." Lincoln noted. "What if I did really hurt them by not showing up to their activities? They all wanted me to come with them for some fun stuff, and I turned them down. I never mean to hurt them. It's just that... you are the nicest sister, and we have something special together.

"Aw Dude." Luna said sympathetically. "Don't be so hard on yourself. Lori, Lynn, Lucy, and the others were just upset. Besides they all dodn't reach out to you like I do at first."

"Fair point." Lincoln admitted. "You did comfort and console with me that night when I couldn't sleep because I thought I wasn't special."

"Yeah, and I was checking on you that day because I love you. Besides, they all didn't really want to go to Dairyland like we did together. Besides, it was really fun being the two of us."

Lincoln made a small look of guilt on his face. "That's true, it was supposed to be a You and me time together, and they were all okay with it."

"No woman no cry, dude." Luna reassured. "Besides, I already asked you if you wanted to come snorkeling with me before Lucy invited toy to come to her seance with Haiku."

"Right. I mean I would have said yes if I could, but it was before you offered me that awesome trip we just came back from."

Luna did her rock pose again with her hands and said "Yeah, it was totally rocking." Hen she suddenly remembered something. "You know, Lincoln, this is kinda like when Clyde snapped at us on the camping trip the other day."

She definitely wasn't wrong, Clyde was pretty jealous that he went off into the woods and we had to rescue him"

"Right," Lincoln admitted with guilt. "Look Luna, I wouldn't mean to hurt the others like this. I- I-"

"Shhh, it's okay, dude. We've been through this before." Luna reassured him with a warm smile, gently holding his right shoulder with her hand. "Besides, I kinda have a hand in this, too." She admitted with a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, But I haven't forgotten about all the things you did for me in the past." Lincoln noted. "Not just the Smooch concert, but remember the concert you gave me when I was only eight years old at my birthday, but I remember when you first held me in your arms when I came home."

"Guilty as charged, my wayward son." Luna said proudly. "I always knew you were special the moment I laid my eyes on you, bro."

"Same. And there was this one time on my baby stroller where you guys were getting ice cream once time, and you were the one that saved me from getting run over by a truck after my stroller accidentally went into the streets."

"Yep. I did what any other good sister would do, Linc." She assured him. "I mean the others could have saved you, but I was the only one that saw you go out into the street."

"Well, i'm pretty sure that Lori and Leni would have done the same thing for me. It's not that they didn't want to help me, they just didn't see me. Anyway, that's why I think we have a special relationship together."

"Yeah Dude! we were meant to be the perfect siblings. Besides, only I came to He,p you and make you feel better when you felt sad that night, and I was more than happy to let you sleep with me after you had that nightmare about Agony."

"Right, and none of the other sisters would have done something like that for me." Lincoln said. And both of them had a small look of sadness.

"But yet, they all love you the same way as I do. And... we haven't been hanging with them lately, and ignored them." Luna remarked.

"Right, well I think we should all say we're sorry, and tell them why we hang out with each other more than the other sisters now. I jus hope they are not mad to try and kill us."

"Nah, as long as mom and dad are still around, they won't let that happen." Luna shrugged. "Besides, I think we kinda deserved to be roughed up by the others and let them seize the day on us."

"We are the ones who have been ignoring them lately." Lincoln sadly admit. "We just gotta tell them how much we are sorry."


Then Luna and Lincoln got up from the chairs and put the amps and guitars away to their rooms. Luna saw a really upset Luan just laying on her bed, scowling with an angry expression on her face,

"Umm, Luan, are you still mad at me and Lincoln?" She asked her uncomfortably

"Oh despite the fact that you and Lincoln are special while you treat us like third wheels, hahaha. No i'm Not mad." Luan replied sarcastically.

Luna made a small frown as she put the amp in the closet. "I'll take that as a yes."


"Wait, no joke this time?"

"Nope." Luan stated flatly with that scowl still on her face. "I am in no mood for jokes since I am grounded in here, thank you very much."


"I just want to be alone right now."Luan stated, turning away from her big sister.

Feeling saddened by this, Luna decided to walk away and leave Luan in Peace like she requested. Luna did feel quite hurt by Luan's words, but she knew it was kinda her fault her sister/roommate is acting like this.

Meanwhile with Lincoln, after he put his guitar and amp away, he slowly opened the door to Lynn and Lucy's room, peeking at how they were both doing. Lucy was just going "Sigh" over and over again while laying on the bed in a vampire position. Lynn was just bouncing a small ball off the wall back and forth over and over again, looking quite bored

"Uhh, guys?" Lincoln said, poking his head through the door.

"What do you want, Lincoln?" said Lucy.

"Yeah, haven't you got us grounded already?" Lynn added, stopping the wall bouncing.

Lincoln felt even more guilty that these two were punished in their rooms so they can cool off, like the rest of the sisters, except Luna. "Come on, I don't love you guys any less. We went to the Royal Woods Comic Con together and we stopped Chandler from winning the costume contest. We all fought Chandler and his goons together as a family."

"That was weeks ago." Lucy said "This is here and now. besides, it's not like we all matter to you as much as Luna anymore, anyway." and she emitted another "Sigh" from herself.

"Come on guys, I'm your brother." Lincoln begged.

"Just get out." Lynn said, shunning Lincoln by rolling over to the other side of her bed, turning her back on him. Their brother just decided to leave the room, feeling hurt.

He and Luna both went downstairs on the couch and felt quite guilty about ignoring the rest of their siblings lately. "Did Luan say anything to you?" Lincoln asked her curiously.

"She's still mad to the bone at me, dude."

"Same with Lucy and Lynn." Lincoln admitted sadly with a sigh. "I feel horrible."

"Me too, I don't wanna be waiting in vain for them to forgive us." Luna said. "Maybe if we just tell them how we feel, maybe they will forgive us."

"Oh what's the point?" Lincoln said. "Let's face it, we have been ignoring them lately, and it's kinda our fault that they are jealous of you being with me more than the others." and he turned the TV on and saw Star Wars: Return of the Jedi film on.

"Yeah, I guess it's just you and me now."

"Uh-huh. Well... at least we have eachother." she gave him a sad smile while wrapping her arm around her brother's shoulders."

Lincoln sadly smiled back at her and just decided to watch the film together.

Many hours pass and the parents came in, and noticed them. "Lincoln, Luna, are you kids alright?" Rita asked them with concern with her and Lynn Sr sitting next to them.

"Just trying to get past living as just two siblings together since the other girls hate us." Lincoln

"What?" the father said in disbelief. "Why would you two even think such a crazy thing like that?"

"They are mad at us because we've been ignoring them lately and not spending time with them, and now they feel left out like Clyde did at me." Lincoln explained. "Remember the camping trip?"

"Oh sport." Lynn said. "We know you would never meant to hurt your best friend like that. We know how much Luna means to you. And besides, she was the happiest when you first came home."

"Totally! I told him he was one of the best things to ever happen to me, along with my younger sisters."

"Come on, now." Rita reassured. "Your sisters were just upset, and just felt left out. They wouldn't actually try to hurt you both like that."

"Yeah, you just need to attend their activities too, and that way, it won't make them so jealous of you two. They are your sisters, too."

"We know." Lincoln admitted. "I just want to tell them how sorry I am for not really being there for them lately."

"Same with me." Luna added, just as guilty as her brother. "But I do 't think they'll listen to us after what we just did."

"Oh kids." Said Lynn Sr in a very sympathetic voice. "Of course they will listen. You just need to tell them you are sorry and Lincoln, spend more time with your sisters, just as much as Luna."

"Right." Luna stated "But it's just that, me and my bro have a special connection with each other, I mean, remember what happened at the truck and the ice cream thing?"

"Oh how we will never forget about that, Luna." Rita said.

"And sometimes, Lori, Lynn, and Lola can be jerks to me sometimes." Lincoln said. "Sometimes it drives me crazy when they treat me like poo."

"Lori's a teenage girl, it's the worst part of her life. Lynn can be a little too playful, and Lola just thinks the world revolves around her sometimes."

"Heh, you can say that again, mom." Lincoln said. "Anyway, can you please tell the others to come out here for a meeting so I can tell them i'm Sorry?"

"Of course." Said Lynn Sr. "We'll get the kids down here now." The. He and his wife went to get the rest upstairs to get them to the living room to hear Lincoln's apology for his neglect.

It took a little while, and when it was done, the rest of the sisters came downstairs and sat and all sat on the sofa. "Why don't you guys work this out for yourselves." Rita suggested. "I need to check on my tomato plants."

"And I need to get in touch with my friends on the phone." Lynn Sr added.

as the parents left, it was just the kids now. Lincoln felt a little uncomfortable about this, for he was standing in front of the small table and Luna was right next to him. The rest of their sisters just sat on the sofa with all their arms crossed. "Guys," Lincon cleared his throat. "Listen, I am really really really sorry about not being with you guys."

"And i'm Sorry if I was hogging him from you." Luna added.

"I never mean to hurt you guys like this. It's just that- I mean-" He kept stammering on and on until Luna had to step in to help him out again.

"What my little bro's trying to say is that me and him are close together, like how you Lola and Lana are close together."

"Right thank you, Luna." Lincoln said. "She's Right. Luna's always been there for me with full support like Clyde would do. Now I know you guys would be there for me too, but t Luna always... steps in for me whenever something goes wrong, and... that day when I thought I was not special like you guys, Luna was worried about me the most out of all of you, and checked on me when I was in the living room in the middle of the night."

"Well, we literally would have checked on you too." Lori defended herself.

"Well you guys were already asleep." Luna said.

"Becasue we were all tired." Lana stood up. "In our defense, we didn't think Lincoln would take it so far as to go down the stairs and watch TV because he couldn't sleep."

Lola then said "I mean, how were we supposed to know that Lincoln would turn into a night owl like that?"

"Okay, granted, you guys wouldn't have known."

"Well, we did check on you the next morning. We all did." Luan noted. "I just thought that I should have waited until morning to check on you and see if you were okay."

"Same with me." Leni said.

"I know. But the point is, we are so sorry for not being with you guys lately. But come on, there's always another day for fun stuff with you guys, too." Lincoln said. "Lucy your seance, Leni your clothes shopping, and etc."

"Totally, And we all just want you to know how much we love you." Luna added.

It was silent for a moment, but Lisa spoke up by saying "Lincoln, normally I wouldn't try and say sentences like this, but we all love you just as much as Luna does, and we all stick together when need be."

"Poo poo." Lily agreed.

"Anyway... we're sorry too." Leni admitted. "We know how totes happy you are with Luna and how much fun you do together."

"Yeah, and besides, remember the Comic Con when we had to fought Chandler and his allies to keep him from sabotaging our chance to win, and we kicked their butts all at once."

Luna boldly stated to them "it was like we really were the Royal Flush Gang out there. We got Chandler what he needed to get his butt whooped, and then some."

The other sisters agreed with them, and remembered how fun it was being the actual superheroes from Lincoln's line of comic books that he created for the Ace Savvy line. "That's very true. It was a fun family time." Lucy remarked.

Lily the baby made cute giggling and clapped her tiny little hands.

"And we literally got to see an awesome performance from you guys." Lori added.

"See? We never meant to hurt you. Now, I promise I will attend your guys' events, and Luna can come too."

they all thought of it, and Leni Said "That sounds fun."

land thy all came up to the two siblings and hugged them in forgiveness. Lincoln and Luna hugged their sisters back in return. "So, you guys all forgive us?" Lincoln asked them when they broke up.

"We do forgive you." Lana said.

"Awesome! we promise that we will treat you as equally as I do for Lincoln."

"Ditto." Lincoln agreed with Luna.

"It's okay. We know two are close together." Lori noted. "We're sorry too."

"Yeah, we were just mad. We didn't really mean any of the stuff we said back there."

"It's totally our fault." Lincoln pointed out. "We were the ones who have been ignoring you lately, and we paid the price for it."

"Same with me."

"We love you guys." Leni said. "No matter what."

"And we love you too, girls." Luna said. "We'll love you with every beat of our hearts, we swear."

"Oh hug us again before I start producing tears on my eyes." Lisa remarked. T

all of them formed a group hug again, and it was official that they all made up and the conflict was resolved.

"Aww, we see hugging!" Lynn Sr Said. He and Rita looked on proudly.

"It makes us so happy you kids are done with this little arguement." Rita remarked. "For that, I think we all deserve something special and to spend time together as a family."

"What's that?" Lynn asked.

"We are going camping at Lake Loogie National Park." Lynn Sr Said. "We can all hang out and interact as a family like we should always do."

The kids all cheered with excitement hearing the news, and they all got back to their normal lives, happiness filled the household once again. For Lincoln and Luna, they both sat on the couch with way higher spirits and watched a little Guns N Roses live on the TV.

"This will be so fun. We can all interact our sisters so they wouldn't feel left out, and maybe we can come to their cool events once in a while?"

"Sounds cool to me, Lincoln. I love you, bro."

"I love you two, Luna." Then they continued watching GNR again with Luna wrapping her arm around her brother.