35. Cool Dream

Lincoln was still sick in bed with the rhinovirus, but it was no problem, for he was just taking a nap, dreaming the day away. This time, Luna wasn't with him at the moment, for she had a few other things to do, such as help out with her roadie, Chunk, and other things. It wasn't really a problem, he knew that he can just give his sisters a text whenever he needed any of them for anything.

The chicken noodle soup Luna made for him personally was really good and juicy, and Rita took the empty bowl and silverware back fl the kitchen when he was done an hour before.

Rhinovirus was definitely not a fun thing to get with all the symptoms it brings onto it's victims. It probably would have been more fun if it actually did turn people into rhinos for a while, at least a little funny.

While in his slumber, Lincoln was in a rather big city in the middle of the night, and found himself to be in the cool, superhero world of Ace Savvy, and was just minding his own business

Eating an ice cream cone with Clyde in the parlor, he heard a cry for help. "Help! Someone help me!" A woman screamed in desperation, the sound a damsel in distress would make.

"Uh-oh. That sounds like trouble!" Lincoln said boldly.

"Right, you know what that means!" Clyde remarked, sounding just as bold as his best friend was. They all rushed out of the parlor, leaving behind their ice cream in the process, and transformed into Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack themselves in a dark alley where no one would know their secret.

"Are Savvy to the rescue!"

"And One-Eyed Jack!" Then both boys rushed to where the sound of the scream came from.

"Somebody save me!" The woman shouted again. As fast as they could, they rushed to an empty warehouse building, or at least, looked abandoned for quite a long time by how crooked the sign looked, and how rusty and old the wallpaper was. Lincoln took the liberty of trying to break the door down five times, and when he finally broke it to the floor, he saw nothing but darkness.

Both Ace and Jack kept their wits about in the dark, empty warehouse. "Stay sharp, One-eyed Jack." Ace Savvy said. "The damsel in distress could be anywhere." All of a sudden, in a flash, a spotlight appeared out of nowhere, revealing a girl that seemed to look like Ronnie Anne. She was tied to a chair with rope tying her torso to the arms. She had a short green dress and a black mask like Ace Savvy has to cover her face

"Hey, doesn't that look like Ronnie Anne?" Lincoln thought to himself in surprise.

"What's that, Ace?"

"Nothing, nothing?"

"Hey, you lame-os!" said the Ronnie Anne look-alike. "Aren't you gonna give me a hand or aren't ya?"

"Right, sorry." Lincoln said. Both he and Clyde went over to her aid and got her untied. "There."

"Who are you?" Clyde said.

"Name's Roulette Girl. A new superhero to this city."

"Roulette Girl?" Lincoln raised his eyebrow in question. "That would be a perfect name for a new superhero in addition to my next Ace Savvy entry. Oh Bill Buck would love this."

"What you say?"

"Nothing, nothing. Anyway, Roulette girl. How did you wound up here in the first place?" in a big flash, a dozen more lights lit on, blinding all three heroes temporarily. When they regained their eyesight, it revealed to be a tough, muscular bald man with big brown eyes, and a small goatee that made him look like Vladimir Lenin a little. He was shirtless ans a small breast plate on his left chest, and a mechanical left arm. He had a scar over his chest, making him look more fierce and terrifying.

His henchmen looked really bulky and strong, like any villain's hit-men. They all wore Russian Ushanka hats, hinting they were from Russia or Kazakhstan, or any other country that used to be apart of the long dead Soviet Union. "Ah, Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack, welcome to my little trap." said the tough bald man in a low, thick Russian accent.

"Russian Roulette!" Lincoln and Clyde both said in Unison.

"That's right, it is I! The marvelous Russian Roulette."

"What are you up to?" said Lincoln

"Oh, nothing much." said the Russian Super Villain. "Just having a little chance of revenge. You know what they say, Revenge is a dish best served cold, hahaha."

"You'll never get away with this, Roulette!" One-Eyed Jack said.

"I already have, Jack." Russian Roulette said deviously. "Comrades, now!" All of a sudden, a bunch of henchmen sneaked up behind Lincoln, Clyde, and the Ronnie Anne look-alike. The three brutes grabbed hold of the three heroes, restraining them with their bulk, abnormally thick arms. "Now, for the final touch." then he leaped off of the catwalk he was standing on and walked up to the heroes. He readied his bionic arm, and a gleaming light was charging from his bionic hand.

"I guess this is it, buddy." Clyde said. "Been nice knowing you.

"Da Svadania, Ace Savvy!" he let out a cackle and was about to finish the three off when the garage door broke down. It was Vanzilla, Lincoln knew exactly what this meant.

In an instance, The Royal Flush gang, all of Lincoln's sisters came out of Vanzilla and came to the three heroes aid.

"You get your hands off of our bro!" Said Luna. "Or you're gonna go off the rails on a crazy train!"

"Drat and double drat!" Russian Roulette cursed. "Not the Royal Flush gang!"

"Don't forget about me, Russia's Roulette." From behind the sisters was Wild Card Willy, the hero that was once a super villain, and looked like Principal Huggins.

"Wild Card Willy?" Said the Russian villain. "Ha Ha Ha! I always knew that you would never be supevillain material anyway."

"I'm nothing like you, Jacob." Wild Card Said with spite. "I am someone with honor!"

"Honor?" Said Russian Roulette. "Who needs honor when you can have everything you want, and take whatever you want?"

"That doesn't sound Soviet of you, Russian Roulette!" Lisa stated.

"The Soviet Union has been dead for decades now. Money is all that matters to me."

"Not where you're going." Lori said. "And That is literally jail!"

"You'll never take me alive, Ace Savvy!"

And an all out fight erupted between two sides. Despite the henchmen Of Russian Roulette being more powerful and stronger, they were all no match for the superheroes, for they were all far more stronger than these stupid brutes that Russian Roulette had hired.

Seeing as he could not win, Russian Roulette certainly had no intention of going to prison for a long time, and tried to make a quiet escape by using the back door, but he was suddenly stopped by Roulette girl.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Said she. She charged at him with her fists, and gave him a painful blow to the face. Despite how painful it was however, Russian Roulette engaged her in a hand-to-hand combat.

Ronnie Anne was quite a fighter Alright, and Roulette Girl was just the same. She dodged a powerful leg sweep, and gave him a karate kick to the head.

The super villain then grabbed her by the neck, choking her, and threw her at a great distance. Lincoln and Luna saw her screaming and flying above them.

"Don't worry, Roulette Girl!" Ace Savvy Said. "I'll save you." Then he flew in midair, and caught Roulette Girl before she could land on the ground hard. "You Alright?"

"Yeah, Thanks." Said She gratefully.

"Hey Bro. Am I interrupting?" Said Nightclub.

"Not really."

"I can really use some help here."

"Coming." He gently put her down and they both went back to the butt kicking. It took a while, but every last one of the henchmen were all beaten and couldn't fight anymore.

"Hey, Russian Roulette's getting away!" Lucy noticed. Indeed. The villain was making a break for it.

"Oh no he's not!" Lana said.

Lincoln, Luna, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne chased after him, the rocker girl used her powerful amp to send Russian Roulette flying into a break wall, hard. Dizzy, the brute couldn't really think of running, and tried to regain his balance.

"Not so fast, Russian Roulette." Said Willy. "You're going to the big houses!" And he pulled out a pair of handcuffs and bounded his wrists together. Now Russian Roulette couldn't do anything, for he was defeated.

The cops arrived thereafter, and booked the villain and his cronies to jail. "By Leon Trotsky's beard!" He exclaimed. "I'll get out of these, Ace Savvy and One-eyed Jack! This is not finished, do you hear me!"

"Da svidanya." Wild Card Willy Said teasingly. All the police cars soon went off with the crooks serving time.

"Well, once again, the day is saved." Lincoln said triumphantly. "Great job, guys."

"Ah well, that's what friends, and or family do." Said Willy.

Lincoln laid his eyes on Roulette Girl. "So listen, you fought pretty well back there. And I was maybe hoping... we can be." Just then, the Ronnie Anne look-alike pulled him in, kissing him to show Thanks.

All his sisters gasped and shrieked with excitement.

"Thanks, lame-o." Roulette Girl replied. "We make a pretty good team, dom't we?"

"You can say that again."

"Well, if you need me, come find me, or I'll come find you, either way, we'll see each other again. See you all soon." Then she did parkour on buildings and leaped through many tall buildings with astonishing speed.

"What a woman." Said Clyde.

Lincoln suddenly awoke from his dream, and saw Luna, Leni, and Lucy all there to check on him.

"Hey bro, did you sleep well?" Luna asked him

"Yeah, as a matter of fact. I just hatched an idea!" Lincoln Said with excitement. "How would you guys like to be in another comic as the Royal Flush gang?

the three gasped with surprise and smiles crept on their faces. "Really? That's totes amazing." Said Leni. "I always loved being the 11 Of Hearts!"

"Yeah, it might make us even more famous." Said Lucy.

"Care to tell us your idea?" Luna said

"Yeah." Then he explained his entire dream, and his three sisters loved every detail of it.

"Wow, that's so cool, Lincoln." Luna admired. "I think it would be an awesome comic book. You should totally write it! We'll support you all the way."

"I don't think I can write in this state." And he made a loud sneeze. "Since I feel like crud."

"Right." Said Lucy. "That's probably a good idea to wait."

"So would you like some lemonade?" Leni offered.

"Sure. Thank you, Leni."

"No problem, Linky." And the dumb blonde happily went downstairs to fetch him his request.

"Luna, thank you so much for playing some songs for me."

"Of course. But i'm far from finished." And she pulled out her ax. "I can play all day for ya if you want, dude."

Lincoln smiled at Luna's usual sweetness. "And I can read you more of my poems if you would like." Lucy added sweetly.

"So Lucy, can you please give me some more aspirin to take for my headache?"

"No problem." Then the goth girl went to the bathroom to fetch Lincoln his pills.

"Luna, do you think you can play me some White Lion on your guitar?"

"You wish it, You grant it." Luna accepted. "Just sit back, relax, and let your big sis soothe you with the soft tone of my guitar." And she began playing her guitar on and one for quite some time. Lucy would read some of her new poems to her big brother, and Leni just stayed in his room to give him some support.