37. Haunted Theatre Adventure

Lincoln was finally feeling better, rid of the Rhinovirus at last, and no symptoms of this pesky sickness anymore. He was just up picking up Charles' excrement in the backyard, one of his normal, daily chores. Of course, he had a clothes pin closing his nostrils because Charles can create quite smelly feces, probably because Lynn likes to feed him beans for dinner. "Ah, Charles." Lincoln complained while scooping up a huge pile of excrement to the scooper. "Why can't Lana do this job more often than I do?" he thought to himself out loud. "After all, Lana loves these kind of things." Nonetheless, he collected all the poop and put it in a bag, then into the trash can up front near the sidewalk.

Finally, that little annoying chore was finished, and Lincoln went back inside the house for some lemonade to drink after a hard days work, for he also took out the trash and emptied the garbage bins before cleaning all the waste up that Charles left behind.

While taking a little sip of his iced lemonade, he felt like reading comic books in his underwear again. While reading, he heard a small hacking noise coming from Lynn's room. turns out, Lincoln might not be sick anymore, but now Lynn is. Overtime, Lincoln would hear her sneeze once in a while, along with the sound of her coughing. It sounded like the same type of sneezing and coughing Lincoln had when he was sick.

Still, Lincoln just simply ignored it and went back to reading his comics. He was sure his parents were bound to check up on Lynn sooner or later. Luna came downstairs and noticed her little brother reading comics in his undies. "Hey bro, keeping yourself busy again?"

"You know it, Luna." Lincoln replied with a smile. "You hear Lynn dying up there?"

Luna made a small chuckle. "Totally, she sounds like her throat is trying to walk the line with that snot in it."

"Agreed. Well I'm done picking up Charles dropping back there. let me tell you, Luna. It's a job more fit for Lana if you ask me."

"Exactly what I was thinking!" Luna agreed. "Yeah, Lana would definitely love doing that type of chore since she loves to sniff the hair of the dog." and she turned the TV on with the remote control and saw that Smooch was playing live at Manchester England, and she began to enjoy this whole live concert.

"Lincoln! can you please bring me some lemonade?"

The white-haired boy made a groan of slight irritation, and called out "Coming, Lynn!" and he went to fetch her some lemonade, but he had one of Lisa's gas masks with him just in case she gets him sick, and he does not want to have the rhinovirus ever again for as long as he lived. While wearing the gas mask, he saw Lynn looking paler than a newborn giraffe. Mucus was leaking out of her nostrils and her eyes were completely bloodshot. "Here you go, Lynn."

"Wait wait wait." Lynn noticed something. "Why aren't you in uniform?"

Lincoln had a rather confused look on her face. "What? what uniform?"

"Your maid uniform." Lynn said.

"Maid uniform?!" and Lincoln began blushing. "Why- would I- I mean-"

"Ha ha ha!" Lynn Laughed, then she began hacking some more. "Just kidding. Thanks bro."

"No problem." her brother smiled. "Hey listen, sorry if I got you sick."

"Nah it's not your fault, Lincoln." Lynn said in a cracked voice. "I didn't see this coming." and then she sneezed loudly. Yep, it was definitely a good thing Lincoln had that mask attached to his face, because of that. She had a sip and remarked. "Oh man. I wish I can taste this more clearly. Stupid rhinovirus!"

"Get well soon."

"Thanks Lincoln." and then she sneezed again. Lincoln humbly exited the room and noticed Lisa having a gigantic quarantine bubble being carried by a hovering device.

"Is that for Lynn?"

"That it is, Lincoln." Lisa replied. "I have heard how she is having the rhinovirus. She sounds like a sick African bush elephant sneezing, except with no long snout." Speaking of which, Lynn let out another big sneeze. "See what I mean?"

"Heh, that does sound worse than how I was sick." Lincoln agreed with her.

"I heard that!" Lynn shouted from her room.

"Anyway, duty calls." then she continued waddling to her and Lucy's bedroom. Lincoln promptly took off the gas mask and went back downstairs to read some more comic books. Over the course of the hour, Luna kept on enjoying the Smooch Manchester concert on TV, and then Lucy suddenly showed up unexpectedly.

"Hey Lincoln." she said. The boy made a yell of shock and tumbled over the couch. Luna also did the same thing her brother did and her heart was beating in a very fast pace for a second there, until she realized it was none other than Lucy. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you guys."

"As always." Lincoln sighed.

"So anyway Lincoln, I was wondering if you would like to come to a seance with me and Haiku."

"A seance, huh?"

"Yep. It's at the old movie theater that's in ruins since 1979." Lucy clarified. "Me and Haiku wanna contact the spirit who haunts the very place, the poor unfortunate janitor who had a whole theater screen dropped on top of his head in a freak malfunction."

"Whoa, that's crazy, man!" Luna said. "That guy sounded completely unlucky for that happening. Man, if only they would have checked the screen."

"I know, right?" Lucy agreed with a smile on her face. "So, I want to contact the ghost and see if it works.

"Well... I don't know Lucy, it sounds dangerous if it is inhabited by a ghost. What id he wants to kills us if we contact him?" Lincoln remarked with slight fear and uncertainty."

The Goth girl made a small frown on her face again. "Don't worry. I highly doubt that the spirit would even want to kill us if we talk to him."

"I've seen a few episodes of the haunted, and it always ends in disaster when there is a spirit haunting a place." Lincoln said

"Ha! the Haunted show was nothing but fixed, all fake, the same with Lost Tapes."

"Fair enough." Lincoln said. "But still, they know how to scare people. Besides, remember the Michigan Dogman the other day?"

"Don't worry, big brother." Lucy reassured, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. "You got me, and Haiku to help you out. Trust me, it will be fun, and it would make me very happy." And she gave him that cute, glorious Mona Lisa smile on her face. "You'll be fine. Besides, you watched ARGGH! millions of times before."

"Well... they were... staged too." Lincoln admitted sadly. "But... I guess I can come to make my little sister happy." then he felt Lucy hugging her lovingly. "And uh, is it okay if..." he looked at Luna

"Yes, Luna can come." Lucy replied warmly. This made Luna very happy and sat closer to Lincoln. "And besides, even if all the stuff on ARGGH! is staged, you're still an expert on how to keep away ghosts."

"Fair enough." Lincoln admitted. "ARGGH! taught me about discipline and craft. Yeah, I guess I have nothing to really worry about, but what about mom and dad?"

"They're okay with it."

"How do you know that?" Luna wondered with a raised eyebrow in question.

"I asked them."


"So how do we get over there? Lori's off to golf practice again." Lincoln said.

"We'll get Haiku's mom to drive us." Lucy stated.

"Perfect. To the old abandoned theater it is." Lincoln said boldly. And they all waited outside for Haiku's mother to come. It took a little while around thirty minutes, but Haiku finally came and picked the three up. The old abandoned movie theater wasn't that far, for it was near the Burpin' Burger and the mall. The exterior had a leaning sign on top of it, and it looked like those old fashion movie theaters where people would have to put letters on the movie title names, for the electrical ones weren't invented yet.

The ticket booth looked quite dusty with a couple of cobwebs covering the table and on the edges of the ceiling within. A few long-legged spiders were seen creeping around the webs that were still alive. Haiku's mother drove off and told the group she would pick them up in an hour and thirty minutes. The sign on the left one had "Star Wars: A New Hope" on it, but many letters were gone, and the other side had Alien on the other one, with only the "A" missing.

"Well, here we are." Lucy said.

"Thanks for coming with us, Lincoln." Haiku said. "How are things?"

"Doing good. You seen Clyde recently?"

"Uh-huh, we hung out at the poetry corner last monday." the other Goth girl smiled. "I hear you encountered the Michigan Dogman while camping the other day."

"Oh ho, that I did, Haiku." Lincoln remarked. "it was cool yet terrifying. Lisa has body parts from it reserved in her room if you would like to see them."

Haiku made an even bigger smile on her face. "I would love to see them, maybe when we're done here."

"Right." and they all looked at the supposed haunted building again, and a wind began rustling past them. Lincoln still thought this was a bad idea, for this would be considered trespassing, but nonetheless, he wanted to make Lucy happy and spend some time with her and the greatest big sister in the world.

They all approached the left door, and it was locked. "Dang it. The door is barred, dude," Luna said, trying to push the door. "No problem though." Then she pulled out one of her paperclip earnings out, and straighten it before pushing it into the lock.

"Ooh, that's a cool trick, Luna."

"Yeah, I've practiced this lockpicking before, Lincoln."

"useful." Said Haiku.

"Okay, now I just need to... twist this to the left." Luna trying to trick the lock. "And..." then a small but loud click was heard, and Luna pushed the door again, "we're in, dudes! Alright!"

"Awesome job, Luna."

"Thanks, Lincoln," the rocker girl remarked warmly to him. "I'm glad I can come over here with you."

"Well, come on, let's see what the place looks on the inside" Lucy said. "I can hardly wait to see what scary, creepy surprises are in this Old building." She has ahaiku stepped in the darkness like no problem, but Lincoln was shaking with fear a little.

Just then, he felt aluna gently hold his hand for comfort. "It's okay, bro. I promise I will not let any ghost try and hurt you. I'll kill the ghost that hides in your soul."

Lincoln smiled gratefully, and said "Thanks Luna. Besides, I got my camcorder with me."

"And my flashlight." Luna added. She continued holding his hand and they both were ent into the dark building together. Luna pointed her flashlight to and fro at many peculiar sights within. She spotted a pile of very old popcorn, like a small mountain of it. Next, she saw a few large, grey rats scurrying around the floor, making chittering and squeaky noises.

"Ugh, the health department should really clean this up." Lincoln muttered.

"And give it a quadriple F minus for all these rats." Luna agreed. "And don't worry, if any ghosts try to hurt you, I promise you, no more miss nice guy, and no more miss clean. The ghost can be sick and obscene."

"I know. Thank you Luna. I'm glad you decided to come here with me"

"You kidding me, bro?" Luna smirked. "I wouldn't miss it for the better, man!"

"Hey Guys." Haiku called. "Come on, we'll perform the ritual in this room." And they went to a movie room with an old filming camera above. "Ooh, Perfect. We'll perform it from up there."

"Is there a door to the filming room?" Lincoln asked.

"I got it covered." Lucy stepped up. She cracked her knuckles, and then softly touched the glass with one first finger. At first, nothing happened, but then the glass suddenly shattered, leaving the window completely open. "There, now we can climb over it."

Lincoln and Luna were completely amazed by that little trick Lucy just pulled. "How did- How did you do that?"

"Sime things require a magic touch, Lincoln." Haiku remarked. "We Goth people know that better than anyone."

"Fair enough." Luna said. All four of them went over the glass and sat in a circle where Lucy placed the candles in a circle on the floor, and lit them with a match. There was a total of seven candles in place.

"Okay everyone, sat in a circle." Haiku instructed. They all sat on the hard, wooden floor and Lucy was the first to speak with her hands raised. She began talking and chanting in Latin that the other three couldn't understand. All of a sudden, a really small glowing light appeared out of nowhere hovering over the center of the circle.

Over the course of the chanting, the light began to grow even bigger than before. Finally, when Lucy was done with her chanting, the light stopped growing, and a spirit that looked like a middle aged man with a janitor uniform with a handlebar mustache, a unibrow that made him somewhat look like a caveman was hovering right before there very eyes. He was glowing like a night light, and he was the color of indigo, and had hair that was brushed back. His name tag was labeled "Ted" on it. His nose was long and pointy, like Pinocchio's was in the story, minus growing when he lied. His eyes were glowing a yellow color like two suns were shining in them, and had no pupils.

Lincoln could hardly believe what he was seeing, and neither could Luna. Both of them had their mouths wide in horror and shock. Lucy And Haiku However, were very thrilled by this astonishing discovery. To the, The seance turned out better than they thought it would turn out to be.

In a voice that sounded like an echo, the spirit said "Who dares disturb me? The one who has been in this old theater for many decades as a spirit?"

Luna gulped and Lincoln followed thereafter.

"Oh mighty Janitor Ted, we wish to speak with you and know more about you." Haiku Said.

"Speak with me?" Said the ghost. "Why would anyone ever want to speak with a lowly janitor like myself?"

"Because, we are really fascinated by ghosts and anything undead."

"Oh, but I am already dead. At least they laid my body to rest." The spirit had a very stern look on his face, and stated "You Little ragamuffins have quite a lot of nerves to come trespass in my domain."

"Well, we don't mean any offense to you." Lincoln explained. "We were just curious."

"Well, curiosity is no sin, but yet again, curiosity killed the cat."

Lucy and Haiku then frowned, not liking what this spirit was saying. They hoped it didn't mean what they thought it meant.

"Listen man, we don't want any trouble."

"Well, I am terribly sorry to say this, children," said Ted. In a Demonic voice, he said " it you already asked for it!" Then he used his powers to make some things move around him.

"Uh-oh." Lucy said.

"Run!" Luna screamed. All four of them Exited the booth and ran for their dear lives throughout the abandoned theater. Lincoln was with Lucy, and Luna was running with Haiku. Seeing that the spirit was coming behind them with an evil grin, Lincoln ran as fast as he could while holding Lucy's hand.

In a desperate attempt, Lincoln went into a small room, and quietly closed the door behind him.

"What are we going to do, Lincoln?" Lucy asked him, becoming scared.

"Ummm..." And he saw a big locker and hid in it, and Lucy stepped in after him. He closed the locker door very quietly. "Shh, stay very Still," he whispered. And he turned his flashlight off.

Silence filled the area and after three long minutes, there was a "bang" sound, and the another. The ghost was trying to break down the door, making Lincoln and lucy's Hearts best like a death metal drum.

It took about five hits, but the spirit broke the door down. Lincoln was capturing every moment of this on the camcorder. "Hmm, I know you're around here somewhere." Said Ted.

"Please don't look in here." Lucy thought with swear running down her face. The light was glowing brighter and brighter, and the sound of another locker door opened.

"Bah, i'll Found you little brats." Said the spirit, and he exited the room.

Lincoln and Lucy never felt so relieved in their entire lives. Of course, they stayed in the locker a little longer to make sure he was truly gone.

"After exciting, they both went to look for Luna and Haiku. "Lincoln." Lucy said. "I am so sorry I put you in danger like this. I never mean for this to happen. Now I think we're going to die here, and it's all my fault."

"Don't say that, little sister." Lincoln reassured. Black tears were dripping down Lucy's face with guilt and began to sob. "Look, we need to find the others.

"You're right." Lucy wiped a tear from her face. "I just hope they're okay."

"Come on." And they both looked around the theater for their friends, and finally, they found them hiding in the manager's office. "Oh thank goodness." Lincoln Said in relief. "Are you two Okay?"

"Yeah, we were hiding from that evil spirit. I should have known this would end horribly." Haiku Said.

"Yeah Lucy, this is all your fault we are in his mess!" Luna said. "Now there will be raining blood all over the sky because of you!"

"You watch your mouth, Mick Swagger wannabe!" Lucy said. Both sisters were growling into each other's faces while gritting their teeth.

"Guys!" Lincoln Said. "Arguing solves nothing."

"Lincoln's right." Haiku agreed. "We have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Both Luna and Lucy stopped their fighting and tried to get out. Lucy suddenly remembered a spell to cast this spirit away, and pulled out her book of spells from a great grandma Harriet.

"Imgot an idea." She Said.

Just then, the spirit was seen, charging towards them. The Goth girl began chanting another spell, also in Latin, and the spirit stopped right where he was. Then he began fading away from existence.

"Nooo!" He screamed. "I'll get you got this somedaaaaaay!" And with a big flash of light. He was gone.

All four kids cheered and hugged one another with great relief. "Thanks, Lucy." Lincoln said. "You saved our lives."

"You're welcome. Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, but we need to get out of here." Luna said. "I've had enough of this place."

"Ditto." Said Haiku. They all went out of the theater and never felt so relieved to see the sunlight again. Lucy didn't really like the bright sunlight, but in this case, she made an exception.

"Lucy, you Okay?" Luna noticed her crying softly.

"No. I almost got us killed." She admitted with more tears going down her face. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen."

Lincoln then hugged her for comfort. "It's okay Lucy, we all make mistakes.

"Yeah sis." Luna agreed. "Despite almost getting killed, that was pretty fun."

"So... you guys aren't mad at me?" Lucy asked.

"No." Haiku Said. "It was like being in an actual horror movie."

Lucy made a small smile and felt so grateful for their forgiveness. "Thanks Guys." She said. "Let's Just go to the cafe. All that terror made me hungry."

"Heh. Same with me." Luna said. And they all went to the cafe just across the street. She looked at Lincoln and asked him "You Okay, bro?"

"Uh-huh. Never better. I thought I would lose you guys forever."

"Same with me." And she hugged him and Lucy close to her. "I love you guys."

"We love you too, Luna."

while hugging, Haiku smiled at that warm moment while the were all sitting down. This day was definitely something they will remember throughout the rest of their lives. Maybe it was best for them to forget about this was what they were all thinking.