42. New Girl

Lincoln was at school looking through his locker. He saw his other best friends; Liam, Rusty, and Zack all passing by him. "Hi Lincoln." said Liam. "I see you were looking at that girl Melissa Carmichael in class a few hours ago."

"I can't help it, Liam." said Lincoln. "Have you seen her hair and those green eyes?"

"Nah, we're not making fun of you Lincoln. We're just glad you found a girlfriend." Rusty explained.

"I know."

"But yeah, you gotta admit." said Zack. "The way she walks the boy on her head and how nice she is."

Lincoln began dreaming about this new girl again, and his eyes formed hearts, sighing blissfully in the air again. He imagined him and her skipping along a field of daisies and lantena flowers under the afternoon sun like there was no care in the world

"Uh Lincoln, you okay?" Clyde asked him, snapping his fingers at his face. "You look a little zoned out."

He snapped out of la la land and looked at his closest friends. "Oh yeah, I'm fine." he said.

Meanwhile, Ronnie Anne was walking down the hallway, and was looking for Lincoln. She stopped when she heard him talking about a new girl and decided to listen in on the conversation without them noticing.

"Anyway guys, see you next week." Lincoln.

His closest friends said their buys to him and the three went home, except Clyde of course since he was the closest friend he has.

At the moment, he was going to go home, for it was the end of the day and he got the stuff he needed out of his locker into his backpack to take with him on the road home. Clyde was seen with him, and he was more than ready to walk with Lincoln to his own house. He was lovestruck when he saw the new girl named Melissa Carmichael. Hearts formed in his eyes seeing her walking down the hall with her two girl cohorts. She noticed Lincoln and smiled at him and decided to walk up to him and say bye for the day.

"Hi Lincoln." said Melissa. Her two friends accompanied her.

"Oh, hey Melissa. What's going on."

"Hey I wanted to give you back the pencil you let me burrow for that math test." And she promptly handed him the number 2 pencil and he put it in his backpack. "Thanks for letting me use it."

"No problem, Melissa." Lincoln replied. "Got any big plans for tonight?"

"Nah, just gonna have some ham for dinner. What about you?"

"Just gonna play video games and have fun at home."

The girl made a cute laugh. "That's cool. Well, see you soon, Lincoln." and she went out of the school with her two friends accompanying her. Lincoln sighed blissfully in his thoughts of being with that Melissa girl. He thought of pretty she was with the light orange bow over her brown hair.

"You haven't forgot about Ronnie Anne, have you?" Clyde asked him

"What? Of course not. But me and Ronnie Anne are just good friends, she's my second best friend as a matter of fact. And my best friend on the girls list."

"I don't think you can create a list for girls, can you?"

"Nah, it doesn't matter. She's still a friend."

"I see."

Then they both went out of the school back home for the day. Meanwhile, Ronnie Anne was feeling something bad within her. Seeing Lincoln be with that girl somehow made her jealous. She didn't want to be jealous, but the feeling was in her alright.

"New girl?" Ronnie Anne thought. "Wait, why am I even getting jealous? Lincoln's just a good friend of mine, and we have had alone time on that foggy day, but that doesn't mean anything." then she began thinking deeper in her head. "Or is it?" she was a little confused for a second and then decided to go back home.

The Next Morning

Lincoln just got out of bed and went downstairs to get some breakfast. He had some buttered Belgian waffles with hash browns on the side and orange juice as a drink. "Nothing like a nice morning in the Loud House." he said to the audience. "Just wait until the other sisters wake up, it gets noisy, but that's okay, because that's how a house with a big family like this should be."

After he was done, he decided to do a little jam session with Luna in the garage while playing on his guitar. He was about to go get Luna, but then she found him first. She was already changed into her normal clothes (a different set of course) "Hey Bro. You doing alright?"

"Yep. Just fine." Lincoln replied

"You sleep well last night?"

"Like a baby." Lincoln replied having some popcorn. "How about you?"

"You kidding me? I was sleeping like a slave to the grind last night. It was a very silent lucidity for me." and she sat down next to him. "And hey, that was some Halloween party, huh?"

"Totally! Did you see Hank and Hawk's faces seeing Agony? Hahahaha!"

Luna laughed with him. "I know. That was so funny! I love the way they just barfed like crazy, Lincoln. "Those dunderheads got what they have deserved!" and they both continued laughing at those delinquents misery from the Halloween party. "So did you have the chance to ask the new girl out?"

"No, not yet." He admitted sheepishly. "I really want to ask her out, but I'm shy around her."

"Aww, it's okay Lincoln." Luna reassured, pulling him close to her for a side-hug. "Look, just be yourself, it's all a girl would want from ya. Doesn't she like ya already?"

"Well... Melissa does like me, but only as a friend."

"Just tell her how you feel." Luna reassured.

"Yeah but, I'm afraid of her rejecting me, and it would make me look like an idiot."

Luna stroked his white hair in affection like he was a dog or a cat. "Come on, bro. She'll understand how you feel. And besides, it wouldn't be the end of the world if she rejects you."

"I know. I guess you're right, Luna. I'm just worried about what happened with me and Christina."

"Oh, that Christina chick ain't so hot." Luna doubted. "Besides, she wasn't the right girl for you."

Lincoln made a small chuckle before saying "yeah, that's true. She wouldn't have switched to different classes if she did like me back anyway."

"Too right, mate." Luna said, patting her brother's back. "And you said that you and Ronnie Anne are just good friends, right?"

"Yep. Me and Ronnie Anne are Okay with it. She's like my... second best friend."


He finished eating his popcorn and put the bowl in the sink, then wrinsed it off with the second faucet that moves. After he came back to the living room, he said to Luna. "What should I even say to Melissa?"

"You don't have to create a list, just compliment her and be yourself." Then Luna winked a him to give him some confidence.

"Thanks Luna." No problem, Linc." She replied proudly. "So, you wanna come jam with me?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing, but turns out you beat me to it."

The Rocker girl made a small, cute laugh and said "Right. Come on." But before they could go to the garage, the doorbell rang. Lincoln promotly answered it and it revealed to be Ronnie Anne, having a blank, emotionless look on her face.

"Oh, hey Ronnie Anne. What's up?" Lincoln asked

"Just wanted to say hi and chat a little bit." She replied flatly.

"Okay, chat about what?"

Ronnie Anne was silent for a moment, but she took a small breath, and replied: "Inhesr you're going to ask Melissa out."

"You heard?" He Said. "I know, it's so exciting. All I gotta do is be myself and stand tall."

"Yeah, feel funky." Luna added.

"What do you like about her?"

"What's not to like her, you mean." Lincoln corrected with a bold smile. "She is pretty, beautiful, nice, sweet, kind, caring, and to mention she has a nice orange bow on her brown hair-"

"Alright Alright, shut up! I get it!" Ronnie Anne suddenly blurted, feeling more jealous than before. She covers her mouth and was surprised to say such a thing, realizing that she might make a scene if she did that again.

"Is... everything okay?" Lincoln asked her in concern.

"Yeah, Yeah, i'm Just fine, Lame-o." She lied. "I don't why that just came out of me. Anyway, I just want you to be careful with her."


"Well... ummmm... what's a good way to say this..." the girl was trying to find the right words to lie to Lincoln and she said "She's... probably not going to be what you think. What if she's hiding a dark secret? Or what if she's just using you?"

Lincoln and Luna looked confused and then laughed at Ronnie Anne just theorized. "Dude, that's nuts. You really got me now. You got me so, I don't know what i'm doing." And she was laughing so hard, she collapsed on the floor and Lincoln was feeling the same way.

"Yeah Ronnie." He added. "That's crazy. I mean, what kind of dark secret can she be Hiding?"

"Well... i'm Just saying, she's probably not your type and she'll reject you."

"I... just need to believe in myself."

"Pfft, like I never heard that before."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lincoln sounded a little offended.

"Nothing, nothing." She lied while whistling.

"You saying i'm Not entitled to a relationship, Ronnie Anne?"

"No no no, i'm Saying Melissa is probably not what you're looking for."

"Well what do you know?" Lincoln countered.

"Hey Hey Hey, no need to fight, little dudes." Luna intervene. "Ronnie Anne, I think you should just walk right through the door."

"Okay." She replied. "Sorry Lame-o. See you soon and good luck with you asking Melissa."

"Thanks." And then she left and felt way more jealous than before. "What did I just say?" Was what she thought before walking back home.