44. Tragic Things in Life

Lincoln was sitting in the living room, watching TV alone in his spare time of relaxing, taking a sip of lemonade with little ice cubes in it. As he was watching Luna couldn't help but sit next to him and enjoy watching the TV with her little brother. While in the climax on the movie "Alien vs Predator" a sudden news flash just appeared on TV.

"What the heck just happened?" said Luna.

"We interrupt this broadcast in this area to announce that the lead singer for SMOOCH, Pucker Uppenheimer, just died of a car crash." Lincoln spat out his lemonade hearing those words. He was in shock, and he could hardly believe what he was hearing, and didn't know what to say. "A drunk driver was breaking the law and suddenly crashed into the limo where Pucker was riding in."

Luna was also shocked and horrified to hear that.

"Other members of the band share their sadness and condolences for the loss of their cherished founder and family member." the announcer continued his announcement. "What's even more tragic is that the other members of the band will break up SMOOCH, for they said Pucker was the heart and soul for SMOOCH, and it will bring the other members too many painful memories."

Poor Lincoln felt like crying his eyes out hearing that his favorite band just broke up, and the founding member died in a tragic accident. How can this possibly happen? was what he was thinking about. "I can't believe it." Lincoln said. "One of my favorite singers from one of my favorite bands, gone." and he laid his hand on his forehead in grief.

Looking at her little brother looking quite depressed again, and scoot over close to him. It was just then the channel turned back into Alien Vs. Predator again, ending the news flash. It reminded her of what happened to Cliff Burton, the original bassist for Metallica after Ron McGovney , who died in a tour bus crash. And it reminded him of how Stevie Ray Vaughn himself died, except it was a helicopter accident.

"Bro, I... I'm so sorry, buddy." she said, trying to sound as soft and tender as possible to Lincoln. She herself felt like crying from hearing the tragic news that just came on seconds ago, but she didn't want to. SMOOCH wasn't exactly one of her absolute favorite bands like Mick Swagger, the Rolling Stones, Guns N' Roses, Metallica, or other of those old school bands or solo artists. Still, she knows they are one of her brother's all-time favorite bands ever, and that was why she shouldn't walk away from this.

"It's over." he said. "I can't believe SMOOCH just ended this way."

"Come on, Lincoln." said Luna. "It's okay, something will turn up for the band.

"No, you heard the announcer, SMOOCH is done."

Luna continued comforting him, and giving him emotional support in this. "It's not the end of the world, bro."

"Yes it is. I grew up listening to SMOOCH. What if rock and metal are dying?"

"Don't say that." Luna said, gently patting his shoulder. "If there's anything Rock and metal are not; it's dead."

"But look at all who died recently:" said Lincoln. "Prince, David Bowie, Lemmy, Tom Petty, many of those guys have recently died, and now Pucker Uppenheimer was next. I mean, what else is on the list?" and a few tears went down his cheeks.

"I know. It's hard for us, bro." Luna admitted. "It deeply saddens me that those are gone now, like nothing else matters. They were so close, no matter how far."

"Look Luna, I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, but I need to be alone." and he sadly got off the couch and gloomily went up to his bedroom. Luna was ever so worried about her brother, and just wanted to barge int here to make him feel better, but alas, perhaps him being alone for a little while was probably the best solution right now.

While on the laptop, Lincoln decided to have a talk with Clyde, and his other friends with his webcam, Liam, Zack, and Rusty. And he was going to talk to Ronnie Anne as well. Sighing sadly, he waited for all of his closest friends to respond to his message. It took a few minutes but they all appeared to him on five different screens. "Hey guys." he said. "Did you see and hear the news?"

"I did." Clyde said with a sad sigh on the other line. "I can't believe that Pucker Uppenheimer just died in that crash."

"Me neither, Lame-o." said Ronnie Anne. "SMOOCH is one of my favorite bands of all time, and I can't believe this just happened."

"First Prince, Lemmy Kilmister from Motorhead, David Bowie, Scott Weiland, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Tom Petty, and now the lead singer for SMOOCH is gone?" and he sighed again. "I'll never forget about the time Luna made my first concert unforgettable, which was SMOOCH, or the time all my sisters put on a special concert for me for helping them with their problems with money, and SMOOCH joined them, singing a song about how I was the greatest brother in the world."

"I know, that was the best concert ever!" Liam agreed with him

"I just wished I was there, and not on vacation to Texas with my parents." said Rusty. "Still, I got to see the video."

"We know how much you loved those guys, Lincoln." said Zack. "We're very sorry to hear that."

"What's even worse, they said the band will split since Pucker was a big part of the band, and the founding member." Lincoln said. "Now what will become of Rock n' Roll now?"

"I just hope it doesn't die." Clyde said. "Thanks to the cruddy artists like Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, or Rhinana, Juistin Bieber, and Taylor Swift."

"Nah, that's silly." said Ronnie. "We still got other rock stars who are popular: Ozzy Osbourne, Avenged Sevenfold, Bon Jovi, other bands."

"Yeah but, apparently, many of the world population prefers the bubblegum pop music instead of good music." Lincoln reminded.

"Come on, it's not the end of the world Lincoln." said Clyde. It was exactly what Luna said to him many minutes ago. "And who cares what many people of the world listen to? Rock's not dead."

"Look, I just thought you should know, and see if you guys heard about the news or not."

"We did, Lincoln." said Zack sadly. "And we are greatly saddened by the lost of another music legend." and they all bowed their heads in sadness, mourning for the loss of one of their favorite singers.

"You want us to come over, buddy?" asked Clyde. "I can make you my world-famous Strawberry tart."

"Yeah, you want us to make ya feel better, Lincoln?" asked Ronnie Anne.

"No." Lincoln replied with yet another sigh of sadness and depression. "I'll talk to you guys soon." And the bit suddenly closed his laptop, and looked up at the ceiling. He wondered how a careless, heartless person could be so stupid or moronic enough to drink while driving a car that accidentally killed one of his favorite singers of all time.

he laid there in sadness for over fifteen long minutes, and then Luna knocked on bedroom door three times. "Lil bro? Can I come in please?"

Letting out yet another sigh, Lincoln replied "Yeah, come on in." And just like that, she humbly entered his bedroom. "What is it?"

"Just wanted to see if you were alright, Linc." Luna replied. "Are you Okay?"

"No," he admitted flatly. "I can't believe this just happened. What kind of a person would even think about drinking and driving?" He got out of bed and became a little more angry. "I mean, I hope that guy gets a death sentence! I hope they have him drawn and quartered! Oh, he would be screaming in pain, and he would Feel how Pucker felt when he got killed like that!" And he began huffing with his face turning a crimson red in anger.

Luna was getting worried, and tried to calm him down. "Lincoln," She said.

"Oh ho, he will be in a whole world of pain when i'm Through with him."


"if I ever see him, i'll Take his soul straight down to-"

"Lincoln!" Luna shouted. "Calm down!"

he realized what he was doing and Lincoln even saw the other sisters at the doorway, looking quite worried about him as well. He finally gave in, and began sobbing, then Luna pulled him in for a hug. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was angry like that."

"Shh, it's okay, buddy." Luna replied softly. "It's okay to get mad."

"I... just can't believe he's gone." Lincoln sniffled.

"I know, Lincoln. I know." Luna continued soothing him. "But come on, we still have many great artists still alive and well. It's not a total goodbye to romance over the mountain."

"Yeah, there's King Diamond, Glenn Danzig." Lucy said.

"Ozzy Osbourne, Jimmy Page, David Lee Roth, and other awesome musicians like them, bro."

"It will be okay Lincoln. Maybe something will turn up." Leni added. And the other sisters gathered around to comfort him.

"As long as there are still people who love rock or metal, those genres of music will never die. And even if those people like Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, John Lennon, or Dimebag Darrel are gone, their legends and history will never die." Luna added, then she winked at him.

"We'll look at out for you, Lincoln." Said Lori. "Literally, we will. So, you want to come watch Dream Boat with us?"

"Yeah, I hear Guns N' Roses are going to perform on the newest episode today." Said Luan.


"Yeah, we thought you would love to watch it with us." Said Lana.

"Yay!" Lily cheered while clapping her hands.

Lincoln smiled and he thought of how interesting it would be to watch one of the greatest bands of all time play on one of his favorite TV shows ever. "I would love to."

"That's the Lincoln we all know it love!" Said Luna. "Come on." And she gently picked him up, along with Leni and placed him on one of their shoulders. "Watch your head."

"Okay." After they all made it to the couch, Lincoln was gently put down back on the floor.

The episode was just starting and they all sat on the couch with Luna sitting next to her brother. "This is gonna be so awesome."

"I know! Hey Luna, thanks." And he hugged her gratefully. "Thanks for cheering me up."

"Oh come here, you." And she hugged him back, and then all the other sisters joined in on this heartwarming moment, and began watching the newest episode together as good siblings would do.