46. Brother and Sister Tickle Fight

Listening to the albums that two guitar legends just gave them at the mall, Lincoln and Luna were still loving these cool albums to head-bang to. Yes, music legends from Guns N' Roses and Ozzy Osbourne's solo band never cease to die, like the guitarists said to them in the mall before Lincoln and Luna came home.

Both siblings saw their parents in front of them like they wanted their kids to do something. "Hey ma, pops, what's" up?" Asked Luma

"We'really not in trouble are we?"

"No, of course not, sweetie." Said Rita. "But Lincoln, can you please take out the garbage, then pick up Charles' droppings?"

"And Luna, can you water the plants then vacuum the house, please?" Lynn Sr added. "The sunflowers in the back are starting to wither."

"Okay." Lincoln and Luna said in unison. As both siblings did their chores, Lana was busy rolling around in the mud like a piggy would do, one of her usual things. Charles had a lot of feces he left in the backyard. "Oh, good grief." Lincoln said. "Mom was right to come ask me to do this, Charles. You need to lay off the chili beans for a while."

The family dog just frown and made a small growl, not looking amused as he laid in his doghouse. There were just so many droppings on the grass, and it was a good thing it didn't rain last night, because it would have made it a little more difficult. Still, Lincoln just picked all of them up with his scooper, and put them in a large bag.

"Ugh! Whoo-wee!" he remarked in disgust. "Yeah, Charles definitely needs to stop eating chili or spicy food." then he went to the front to put the bag in the round silver trash can for when the next time the garbage truck comes. That chore was done, now he needed to empty all the garbages in his sisters room, kitchen, and bathroom.

"So Lincoln, was it fun meeting those guys at the mall?" asked Lucy

"Yep, it was fun. I felt like the luckiest boy alive, even luckier than Lynn's lucky jersey collection."

"Nah, nothing is more lucky than those, Lincoln." Lynn said. "But still, I kinda wish I was there."

"Do you even know who Zakk Wylde is, Lynn?"

"No, but I do know who Slash is." the sports girl replied.

"Well, Zakk Wylde is a very awesome guy." said Lincoln. "he is a very skilled guitarist, and a very cool ax of his own."

"He was in Ozzy Osbourne's band for around twenty years." Lucy said. "They worked on really great music together."

"No offense Lucy, but I thought you hate Ozzy?" Lincoln asked her

"Oh no, no, I don't hate him. I love his music, but I just hated that time when he bit the head off a live bat, even if it was an accident." Lucy clarified. "That's why Fangs is afraid of him."

Lincoln smiled. "Oh. Forgive and forget Lucy, forgive and forget."

"I know. Oh, and here's a few candy bar wrappers I had with me earlier." then she handed him a few Kelp Nugget crunch bar wrappers made with dark chocolate as the flavor "I just love this candy."

"Right. Thanks."

"Oh, and I have a couple of empty chip bags for ya, too." said Lynn. The sports sister handed him at least four empty bags of chips to him, big ones. "Thanks."

"No problem, Lynn." Then Lincoln went on to the other rooms and collected the rest of the trash in their own bins. They all haven't offered to give him a little more trash, except for Lola and Lana, who were just finished opening up their new toys that Pop Pop just sent to them through mailing the other day. Still, Lincoln was glad this was done, and he put the big black bag of garbage in the silver can on top of Charles' poop.

After that was done, Lincoln decided to watch a little TV with Luna while sitting on the sofa again. So far, there was hardly anything good on TV, so they decided to jam a little on their guitars. So far, Luna was proud to hear Lincoln getting better and better at it every time he plays it.

It would almost bring a tear of happiness to her eye for making her brother a rock n roll boy. Both she and her brother continued playing in the garage for more than two hours, and rocked the whole area inside.

"That was kinda exhausting."

"But fun, lil bro."

"Totally." and they went inside to get themselves some nice, cold, refreshing lemonade with ice cubes in them to make the cold last longer. "You know Luna, I really thank you for getting me this guitar. I feel a little attached to it now. Maybe not as attached to Ace Savvy, but still, I love it so much."

"You are quite welcome, Lincoln." and she gently ruffed his white hair again. "It's always fun with you jamming with me on that guitar."

"And the same with you. I just hope I can be a good guitarist as you, Luna."

"Ah bro." Luna said as they both sat back down on the couch together. "You're already a great guitarist. I always hear how awesome you sound on there. All you need to do is keep practicing like I do, and nothing will ever change how you play that guitar, minus that you will be better and better on that guitar."

It made Lincoln happy to hear those words from the best dang sister anywhere around. "Thanks, sis. It means a lot to hear that."

"Any time, Linc. Any time." and she gave him a kiss on the side of his face. And after their time watching a little TV together, Luna suddenly had an idea in her head. "Say Lincoln, I got something I want to show you." she had a rather sly smile on her face.

"What's that?"

"Remember that game we used to play when you were a baby, and me a little girl, like Jamie's crying?"

"A game?" Lincoln asked. He suddenly had a realization on what she was talking about, and he slowly got off the couch. "Oh no, you don't mean..."

Luna slowly got off the sofa after him, and had a playfully evil look on her face with a devilish smile. she readied her hands for something as if she was going to do something evil. "Oh yeah. Don't worry, this won't hurt you."

Lincoln backed away in horror very slowly, and with every step Lincoln took, Luna would take one step forward after him in a menacingly type of fashion. Lincoln stood back a little faster now, and so did Luna, and when he was trying to run away, Luna suddenly tackled him and began tickling him with her gentle fingers in a wild fashion.

Her brother was laughing like crazy as he was being mercilessly tickled by his big sister. "No! HAHAHA! STOP IT!" he laughed hysterically. "THAT'S Not FAIR HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Oh, you want more, lil bro? Okay!" and she began tickling him even harder, thus making him laugh even harder than before. "Gootchie Gootchie coo!" she laughed. "Rawr rawr rawr! I'm the tickle monster!"

"Stop it! PLEASE!" Lincoln begged helplessly.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you over how much fun I'm having, man! It ain't no fun when your on the run!" and the tickling continued, and she began making more monster noises.

Finally, after thirty long minutes, she decided to have her fun, and let her brother catch her breath.

"Sorry, dude, but I couldn't resist. It's just so much fun."

"No, I enjoyed." Lincoln replied, catching his breath. He got back up, and stopped his laughing completely. "Mick Swagger?" he pointed his finger over one of Luna's shoulders.

"What? Where?" Luna immediately fell for that trick, and was moving her head to and fro rapidly. It was the perfect moment for Lincoln to tackle her in surprise while she wasn't looking. He began tickling her, returning the favor for the same surprise attack she did on him.

"Payback!" he shouted triumphantly with a hearty laugh.

Now Luna was laughing hysterically, for she was trying so hard to break free from her brother's tickle attack. "Come on, bro!" she begged while laughing. "Please!"

"What's that? you want more? Okay!" he repeated what she said before when she had him in her grasp. "Let's see how you like it, Luna!"

And he began tickling her a little more than she did him, and tears were starting to stream down her face from all of that fun and joy. Lincoln decided to have his fun and stopped tickling her. "My bad Luna." he smirked

"You kidding me, Linc? I loved it! Just like old times!" and she patted his shoulder. "That was fun. Just fun."

"It was." Lincoln admitted. "That was like old times." and they both sat back on the couch, and noticed a documentary showing Metallica in it. "Hey look." he noticed

"Aw yeah, Metallica!" Luna said enthusiastically. Then they both sat back on the couch together, watching the documentary.