48. Bowling with Rockers

The bowling alley was very exciting, yet so loud considering the fact that many pins were heard being knocked over from the many lanes within the alley. Slash and Zakk Wylde were having fun with these games, too. A couple of paparazzis suddenly came in and asked the two guitarists dozens of annoying questions.

Cameras were flashing and it was just too much. Their security guards had to intervene and push the annoying camera crew away from the musicians. "Back up! Give him some space, people!" Said one bodyguard.

"Get back! All of you morons!" Said another. It took a little while of pushing away and shoving, but the paparazzis all decided to give up, and went out of the bowling alley. "Sorry about that, you guys."

"No problem." Said Slash. "You did good back there, Blaze." And he gave the bodyguard a pat on his back.

"The same with you, Truck." Zakk said to the other guard. "Them paparazzi can be sure as hell irritating." turning back to the kids who laughed at his comment. "Now where we we? Oh yeah. I'm next." then the Berserker guitarist was up next to strike down some pins with his cool-looking bowling ball, which had lines of bloody skulls on it, since his band, Black Label Society, has a human skull with the lower jaw missing.

He took a small breath, then Zakk Wylde threw in a mighty throw with the ball, and it went off in great speed. When the ball hit all the pins in the lane Zakk was playing in, there was a loud sound of the pins crashing down, and it turns out all of them were struck down with Zakk's incredible strength. "Wow, you really got those pins." said Luna. "You got them so they don't know what they're doing."

"Thanks. I have a workout room at home. Love to lift some weights if I am not touring or playing across America." said Zakk Wylde. "Take a look at these guns here." He flexed his left muscle and imitated a shotgun cocking sound to it, and then his right one, doing a gun cock sound for that one as well. "Never mess with me, the Wylde man."

"I'll take your word for it, Zakk." Lincoln remarked. "You look so strong with those muscles. Maybe you can punch a cinder block with those muscles."

"Ha! I bet I would." Zakk said. "I'm no Superman, Lincoln."

"I was just kidding."

"I know you were. I love kids who joke like that." Zakk remarked, ruffing his white hair. "Okay Slash, you're up next."

"Right." and the Guns N' Roses guitarist went up next in the bowling match. He readied his ball which was a green one with roses covering it, looking quite thorny. His ball was also fast, but not as fast as Zakk's one when it was going down the lane. It looked like that only the seventh pin was still standing, but it was staggering as well. Lincoln, Luna, and Sam all looked to see if this pin would go down or stay standing. After five long seconds, the pin ultimately fell to the floor in time with a faint thump heard.

The kids all cheered for Slash and congratulated him. "Way to go, Slash!" Sam cheered him. "I thought you wouldn't get that last one."

The top-hatted guitarist made a smile showing his teeth. "Call me lucky, Sam." he replied. "So, you kids having fun with this?"

"Yeah!" all three of them said in unison.

"Especially being with a pair of very awesome guitarists like you guys." Lincoln said

"Good." Slash said. "Well, it looks like this match is almost over. You're up Sam. Good luck." and he went to sit on the bench behind the bowling table, giving Sam a thumbs up. The blonde rocker girl smiled, and carefully readied her bright pink bowling ball. When she threw it, it turned out to be a seven-ten split. "D'oh man!" Sam said. "I was so close."

"It's okay." Luna said. "It was a good throw, and you gave it all you got." and she gave her a kiss on the lips.

"Thanks, Luna." Sam replied. "You're right, it's just a game, not a big bowling tournament. Well, guess you're up next." and they both kissed on the lips. "Good luck."

"Thanks, Sammy." Luna replied. then the rocker sister was up to do her round. She waited, and took a deep breath. She readied herself in a throwing positions, and rolled her ball into the lane. There was only the eighth pin still standing tall. "Oooh, so close yet so far." Luna said. "Okay, lil bro. You're up last. The best for last."

"Right!" now Lincoln was the final one to strike these pins down. He was feeling a little nervous, nervous enough to be sweating mildly. He almost felt like a statue on the spot, and then He looked at his sister, and winked at him, telling him everything will be okay. Lincoln smiled and focused his senses pm the bowling pins.

he released his ball after he swung his arm upward. Lincoln hoped that he would get a strike, and bit his lower lip. Another loud crash was heard and Lincoln had his eyes closed, too nervous to even see how he did this throw. He peeked one eye and saw that it was a strike after all.

everyone else cheered on for him proudly. Lincoln himself was feeling quite proud of himself as well, and smiled. He felt himself being picked up by Slash and Zakk again. "You did awesome, Lincoln." Said Slash. "I'm proud of you, buddy."

"Yeah, you showed those pins who's boss!" Zakk exclaimed with a hearty chuckle. "Well, come on, I think we should celebrate with drinks."

"Way ahead of you, Zakk." Slash agreed. "Oh, not alcohol of course, yet like root beer or cola."

"We know that." Luna remarked. They all went to the food court and the rock stars were more than happy to pay the concessions woman for the soft drinks for the whole group to consume. All five proposed a toast for that fun bowling game, and drank down their sodas.

"Well, I guess we're done here, right?" Luna said.

"Yeah unfortunately." Said Slash. "But don't worry, we'll see you again."

"We know." Said Lincoln. They all took one last sip of their sodas and went back to the Loud House.

The Next Morning

The morning sun had risen over the earth once again, shining down on mother nature's green grass. Lincoln got up and took a shower to start a brand new day. Then he put on his clothes and went to eat some cereal downstairs.

Lincoln's right arm was feeling a little sore from all that swinging and bowling yesterday. It almost felt like his arms were about to be ripped off of his sockets. Still, it was very fun yesterday and it was better doing it with his sister and those legendary guitarists.

taking his plate to the kitchen to rinse it off. Luna said "Morning, Linc." And had s cup of coffee in her hand. "Sleep Well last night?"

"Yep. You know- Ah!" He felt a mild pain erupting in his right arm.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked with concern.

"Nothing," Lincoln grunted. "My arms just feel a little sore from all that throwing." Then he tried relaxing his muscles, which were pulsing more heavily than before.

"Oh, you're not alone, dude." Luna reassured. "My arms feel the same as yours." And she had an idea in her head. "But I think I know a good way to help relieve that."

"What's that?"

"How would you like to go to the spa with me?"

"The spa?" Lincoln Said with a raised eyebrow in confusion. "I thought it was a girl thing."

"Oh silly, it's not just for girls." Luna said. "The spa is for just about anyone. It relaxes your muscles from all that tension, and makes your worries melt away. Think about it, the steam, the massages, the acupuncture, you'll enjoy it.

Lincoln was a little unsure about this, but he ultimately said "Well, Okay, But i'm Not wearing cucumbers over my eyes, or having a towel over my head."

"That's fine, bro." And she patted his head gently. "We'll go later and enjoy it over there."

"Sure thing." And they went over to the living room to watch a little tv together, sitting on the couch close to one another.