4. Chapter 4(2)

The other man as an entirely different story, this giant of a man was named Jack Hanma or Jack Hammer to some. He was around 8'0" or 243cm, with large and intimidating muscles. His eyes were brown with a piercing gaze and short blonde hair with rather large eyebrows. He was wearing a large dark purple shirt, blue shirt with long jeans and large shoes. Right now, he had a bored expression while eating a large steak. He even ate the bones with little effort!

Hanma, that name has a lot of history and those with the Hanma name are quite infamous. However, that is a story for another time. Jack is a formidable pit fighter from Canada, while he knows little to no martial arts that didn't stop him from beating and overcoming very experienced martial artists with just brute strength and brawling. Not too long ago there was a grand underground fighting tournament that Tokugawa held under the Tokyo Dome which many considered the greatest to be ever held. Many fighters came and fought from all different countries and styles, although he did not win and suffered a terrible loss that destroyed his body. Jack was runner up and had not only recovered but made his body stronger than ever. He truly was a monster of a fighter.

Finishing up his steak he began to crunch and eat the bones like it was nothing. When he was finished, he kept giving Tokugawa an uninterested look.

"Look old man, I hate it when my lunch is interrupted. So, if you got something to show me then show me."

Tokugawa chuckled at Jack's blatant response, pulling out his smartphone he handed over to Jack. Which seemed like a small toy in his huge hands, looking down he saw that a video was playing. As it played from start to finish, he chuckled and handed back the phone to Tokugawa.

"Why would I give a shit about some hot shot from America. Sure, he looks tough but I don't see what's all the fuss is about? I'm sure anyone of those weaklings around here would love to fight him, I'm not interested."

Jack expected Tokugawa to show any sign of disappointment, but what he got was the old man grinning like an idiot.

"Well now, I don't think you be saying that for long after I tell you this." Tokugawa grinned before becoming serious. "Tell me, does the name "Shiraga" mean anything to you?"

A bit of a surprised look was on Jack's face when he heard Tokugawa.

"Perhaps you've heard of it in passing, not many today know that name. But us old timers sure do, he was an American who came to our shores after the war. He came looking to understand martial arts and what they meant. At the time not a whole lot of people liked this outsider nosing around, eventually a few martial artists thought it would be good to show this Gaijin what martial arts was all about. You would think this American would be discourage and get destroyed in a proper martial arts maych but you would be wrong, so very wrong. Jack, do you know anything about your grandfather?"


"I'm talking about your grandfather, on your father's side. I doubt you know much but let me tell you about him. Before your father, he was the only other person to defeat the US military with his bare hands. It was during the Pacific war, the battle of Okinawa on April 1st 1945. They remained there until the end of the war and many called it a true hell that lasted months. However, there was an incident following the end of war. A small island about a few miles to the northeast of the main island of Okinawa surrounded by a bunch of other small islands, the US military used a total of 1000 tons of ammunition. It wasn't for the imperial army nor the locals. No, it was for one single man… Yuichiro Hanma! Your grandfather who many back then considered the world's strongest creature."

Tokugawa wasn't surprised to see Jack's eyes widened in shock.

"The island was almost completely destroyed by the bombardment from the sea and air. After that they sent in troops for a simple mission, find the body. Everything was peaceful until they realized what they were dealing with. Your grandfather slaughtered every last one of them with his bare hands. Highly trained soldiers were thrown, dropped, stepped on and twisted. Apparently, he used a special technique that those who lived to see it called it "Dress". The bombings resumed after that loss, this was repeated several times until the commander, Major General James grew desperate and asked for the use of an atomic bomb. However, the end of the war was broadcasted so the use of the bomb was refused and he was ordered to abort the mission. It was then the incident happened."

The old man stopped briefly to take a drink from his tea on the table and continued where he left off.

"Everyone on board the flagship Iowa heard it's impact, no one could believe their eyes. The mangled corpse of the commander was slammed deep into the deck of the flagship. It didn't take long for the entire crew of the flagship to gather on deck, at least more than 2,000 people. Everyone there soon found the culprit and one clearly defined image… unable to remain calm in front of it. The pinnacle of extreme violence, the appearance of a demon. Your grandfather, the width of his shoulders seemed unnatural, his entire body was thick with muscle, his arms, his legs, his neck. The soldiers there saw him as a demon. Soon almost every last member of the crew created an avalanche as they jumped into the ocean to escape. Well… all except one man and few leftover crewmen too stupid or afraid to move."

Looking over to see if Jack was still listening, Tokugawa smiled to see that he was and rather intently too.

"Now, what I'm about to tell you is from on hand accounts from a few crewmen who stayed behind and saw what happened. So, bear with me…"

Flashback, Long Ago On The Flagship Iowa

Many of the crew jumped overboard as he appeared, the demon.

An avalanche of highly trained sailors and soldiers ready for war retreated in absolute terror. All because of the sight of this man. No, this demon who was a very large muscular man with exceptionally large broad shoulders that didn't look to be human. He had dark colored hair which was tied in a simple ponytail. He wore nothing but a pair simple drawstring shorts. Though he was terrifying for his size it was his back which terrified all of them, because his back muscles looked like a demon. The way he was smiling didn't help as he looked very laid back considering what he's been doing.

Facing the full might of US military and killing soldiers left and right like it was nothing.

Only a few men remained on the deck, either too afraid or stupid to run. However, there was one man among them that did something very shocking. He began to slowly approach the demon.

He was only a young sailor, just recently stationed on the flagship Iowa with the rank of Seaman. No one really knew him very well because he mostly kept to himself and was a hard worker. He was a well-defined muscular man with broad handsome facial features and unnatural short white hair with large tuft that stuck up, he wore a regular sailor uniform. He looked to be around in his early or late 20s. As he drew closer to the demon, he took off his shirt revealing a plain white shirt that showed his muscles and abs. The body an athlete would have been the best description. His fellow crew members still on deck yelled desperately for him to stop, yet he continued on with no sign of fear on his face.

The demon smirked as the man drew closer.

Then in the blink of an eye the man appeared in front of the demon shocking everyone, including the demon. The man quickly delivered a right hook that staggered the demon a little, he then went for an uppercut which landed. The demon's smirked faded as he grabbed the man by his shirt and prepared to throw him or twist him like the other soldiers he's killed but just as he grabbed a hold of his shirt, the man slipped out of it and gave a swift kick to the balls causing the demon who recoil with a pained and shocked expression.

Those remaining on deck couldn't believe their eyes. They were watching one of their own fight the very demon that has killed so many of their friends with ease. Just who was this man?

The demon had enough and gave a powerful backhand that sent the man toppling to the ground. He spat out a little blood but kept on the attack, he quickly dodged a powerful punch from the demon by ducking under the attack. He then got behind the demon wrapping his arms around his waist, what he did next shocked everyone once more. Performing a wrestling move called the German suplex, where the user lifts the target up and fall backwards while bridging the user's back and legs, slamming the opponent hard on the ground. The ground in this instance being the wooden deck, the man yelled as he slammed the demon with everything he had.


With all of the man's power, the demon was slammed hard into the wooden deck! Almost as hard as the commander's corpse, the demon's head was lodged into the deck of broken and destroyed wood. The man was panting heavily as he rolled under out of the demon's massive body, whose head was embedded into the deck and body rested in an unnatural way like he was sleeping on his back but not all the way as he head and massive neck held it up a bit off in the air. The demon was seemingly lifeless as everyone looked on with bewildered expressions. Even the man was shocked by what he just did, but he was more shocked by what happened next.

In a shocking twist that almost seemed to have come from out of a horror movie, the demon's body slowly moved as he used his massive arms to push him up with great strength that his head, which was embedded in the deck of the flagship, broke free and he stood up.

There was barely a scratch on him it seemed, only a few scratches on his face. Slightly cracking his neck, the demon spat out a tiny glob of blood as he smirked at the crewmen and man who were all shocked.

There was no way this guy was human.

While the rest of the crewmen shook or screamed in fear, the man got up and got into a boxing stance. The demon shook his head with a slight chuckle, he then slowly marched over to the man with a killer intent. The sheer amount of intimating aura coming from the demon caused one fearful crewman to piss himself.

Only the young seaman kept his nerve, he let out a yell as he rushed the demon.

Giving it his all in one last attack, which was a straight punch from the right arm aimed for the demon's face. Almost immediately he made contact with his punch to the demon's face, hitting him directly on the nose! The punch rocked the demon's head back a little as the sounds of bones breaking were heard following the punch!

The man knew something broke as he felt something breaking on impact, he could even feel blood. Sadly, as he looked closer his eyes grew wide in shock, something indeed broke but it didn't belong to the demon. No, it was the sailor's fingers, knuckles, and hand that were completely broken. It was a grizzly sight; the fingers were twisted in different angles and the middle finger was an open fracture. Which was a broken bone of the finger that tore through the skin causing blood to gush out. There was a delayed reaction of pain as the man tried to pull away his broken hand but the demon stopped him by firmly grabbing a hold of his arm.

Before the man could react or even scream from the pain of his destroyed hand, the demon performed a heavy Judo throw slamming the man hard on to the deck! The sheer force of impact broke the wood of the deck and bounced the man up slightly before landing on the broken pieces of wood, he cried out while coughing up blood from the impact.

That's when everything got quiet, the demon stood tall looming over the man who was very injured. The onlookers were unable to move as they were too afraid. Looking down at his down opponent, the demon's smirk turned into a frown.

Next, the unexpected happened.

The demon slowly turned around and started to leave, astonishing everyone but none were prepared for what happened following that.

"Get… back… here!"

Stopping in his tracks, the demon turned around with a surprised expression that many of the onlookers shared. The brave and injured sailor slowly rose up off the broken deck and was barely standing, a fire was in his eyes as he locked eyes with the demon. It almost looked like the man was possessed as he slowly got into a boxing stance with his uninjured fist while the injured one was hanging limp along with the rest of his arm.

"You think… a weak throw like that is going to take me out!" The man screamed spitting out any stray blood left in his mouth. "Show me the fucking demon that you are… the fucker who murdered my fellow sailors and soldiers! I came here for a war… show it to me you motherfucker!"

Everyone stood in shock as the man let out a murderous and unhinged grin, almost as scary as the demon. It almost looked like the sailor was a crazed murderer from a horror movie. The demon stood there in shock until a dark look loomed over his eyes, he then marched towards the injured sailor.

"Yeah… that's right!" The man chuckled darkly. "Give me everything you got!"

The remaining crew wanted to do something to help but were unable to. Many of them were ashamed as this young man had the bravely to face such an overwhelming force alone. They've all seen war and death, seen friends and comrades butchered and done terrible things in return. However, this was too much for any of them, except him.

This brave young sailor facing the pinnacle of extreme violence and strength.

As the young sailor watched the demon approach him, his grin let up and he sighed. The demon now standing only a few feet from him lifted his right arm, seemingly preparing for a powerful attack. The sailor smiled while closing his eyes, oddly enough when he did, he saw something very strange. It was the image of the most stunning woman he's ever seen. She had blonde hair and the most beautiful smile; soon other images flooded his mind. Him and the woman falling in love, making love, getting married, having a beautiful family together. His kids having their own families and giving him beautiful grandchildren that were all precious to him. But one grandchild caught his attention, he had white hair like his and with a tuft. The boy was smiling at him like he was there, soon the boy grew into a splitting image of his grandfather. Almost like looking into a mirror.

Whether the young sailor wanted to or not, a single tear fell from his face as he smiled.

'Well, I'll be damned. It would have been beautiful… my life.'

The young sailor waited for end, and waited. Suddenly he felt a hand pat his shoulder. Opening his eyes, he saw the demon smirking at him, but no longer was he ready to attack. No, now he was patting the young sailor's shoulder. What he did next only shocked the young sailor further.

"You know, you're pretty tough for an American." The demon stated in English while still smirking. "What is your name?"

No one said a word as the young sailor and his fellow sailors were completely speechless. Soon the young sailor decided to answer.

"My name… is Albert."

The demon chuckled upon hearing the sailor's name, no doubt by how strange it sounded to him. He smirked as he placed both hands on the sailor's shoulders.

"Albert… such an odd name for such an odd but strong man." The demon chuckled while shaking his head a little. "My name is Yuichiro Hanma and I acknowledge your resolve and strength, Albert. I hope we can meet again someday. Also, you got a mean right hook."

Upon finishing what he wanted to say, Yuichiro turned around and left still smirking but not before blowing a bit of blood out of his nose. Leaving Albert and his fellow sailors shocked beyond belief but were more confused than anything. Albert quickly snapped out his shock and confusion to call out to Yuichiro.


Yuichiro stopped once more to turn his head toward Albert.


"Tell me, how does someone reach your level?" Albert asked desperately. "How can I become strong like you?"

Yuichiro looked surprised by the question before chuckling.

"If you wish to know the answer, come to Japan after this and search for the meaning of martial arts. Fight and live like us martial artists for a period of time, afterwards come find me and tell me what you've found. Until then… farewell Albert."

Then in a blink of an eye, Yuichiro was gone as there was no trace of him. Only the destruction he and Albert caused. Albert was reeling from the answer he got from Yuichiro but before he could think more on it, his legs finally gave out and he slowly lost consciousness. As he was falling, he heard his fellow sailors call out to him.

'Martial arts…'

Not long following that, Albert welcomed the darkness after that single thought.

In the days following that incident, the American government would classify the whole thing including the deaths. Those that were killed like the commander and soldiers were officially labeled KIA, killed by enemy forces that weren't aware that the war was over. The damage to the flagship Iowa were labeled accidents, while the survivors were sworn to secrecy under orders and threat of court-marshal. Though years later a few would spread the story of what really happened. The day the US military was attacked and defeated by a single man, while many ran away in terror or died. One brave sailor faced the danger alone, one that the US government and military would recognize and officially award Albert the navy cross. The navy cross being the second-highest decoration awarded for valor in combat for the US Navy. Those who were able to watch the battle between Albert and Yuichiro called Albert a hero, those who also fled said the same thing. Many said they owed their lives to him. Eventually the entire ranks of military would hear and respect him. Including five-star general Douglas MacArthur and the president himself who awarded the navy cross to Albert

Whether he wanted it or not, Albert was a war hero.

Although Albert himself didn't think so, he only did what was expected of him when he enlisted in the military. Still, he accepted the navy cross, the praise, and respect because that's what was expected of him. After the fight he was told he was being sent home because the war was over and so his injuries could heal. Shockingly, Albert asked for reenlistment after he was healed and to be stationed in Japan, the top brass was shocked by this and asked why? All they got from Albert was that he needed answers. They almost refused; Albert knew they had every right to refuse him if they wanted. However, they agreed to let Albert reenlist and be stationed wherever he wants but he would need to accept a promotion of rank. Not just that but he would have to accept an undercover mission where he would need to figure out how such a person like Yuichiro became so strong.

Albert accepted the terms and was on his way to Japan.

Where his journey to becoming a legend would begin.

End of Flashback

"When Albert came to our shores, he set out to discover the meaning of martial arts, though there are countless martial arts around the world with deep roots spanning across history. All of them have different ideas of the meaning behind them. I've seen multiple martial arts and countless fights, even I can't tell you the true meaning behind it. Albert spent years here trying to find the meaning behind it, fought countless martial artists and fighters from here to all over the world. He frequently fought at my arena creating classic matches with men like Rikigouzan, Doppo Orochi, Goki Shibukawa, Kanji Igari, Mount Toba, and quite a few other names would you know. Eventually he went to another underground fighting organization. While trying to find the meaning of martial arts, Albert became a legend among martial artists, fighters, brawlers, and athletes."

"Is this man still alive?"

Tokugawa couldn't help but smirk at the hungry look in Jack's eyes.

"Yes, although I'm sorry to tell you he is no longer a fighter. After traveling around, he grew tired of this life and decided settle down. Last I heard he met a beautiful woman while traveling around his home country, eventually they fell in love and got married. Just about everyone Albert had met or fought while on his travels were there in attendance, a who's who of martial artists, fighters, athletes, business moguls, assassins and even a few celebrities. Of course, I was in attendance, it was a beautiful ceremony and I'm man enough to admit I was a little misty eyed. Not just because of the wedding, though it was quite beautiful. No, I was crying because I knew Albert had enough of fighting and would settle down. It was such a shame to see such strong and brilliant fighter lay down his arms."

The hunger in Jack's eyes quickly faded and turned into disappointment.

"Don't look so disappointed my boy, for Albert's legacy continues to this very day."

Jack gave Tokugawa an odd look before realizing what he was talking about.

"That white haired guy in the video."

"Yes, that boy's name is Lincoln Loud and he is indeed Albert's grandson." Tokugawa smirked with a loud laugh. "Hehe! He came by a few years ago and I got the chance not only to talk to him but also saw his skills up close. That boy is sure a chip off the old block, not only does he have Albert's brilliance about martial arts but he has his tenacity too. I'll be the first to tell you that video doesn't show nearly everything that kid knows. I be willing to bet if he had entered the maximum tournament, he would have been the winner and not your brother."


Tokugawa looked over and saw the glass drink Jack was about to drink shattered in his hands. He broke it like it was nothing. The look of hunger in eyes had returned but along with a bit of annoyance.

"Tell me old man, if I get on a flight to America and I find this guy. Will he be everything I hope for or am I going to be disappointed?"

The look Jack had would have anyone shaking in fear, thankfully Tokugawa wasn't just anyone. Though he was a little afraid knowing full well what Jack could do. He kept smirking at Jack as he pulled something from out of his pockets and placed it on the table. Jack looked down seeing it was airline ticket, the destination being Los Angeles, California.

"How about you go and find out."

A look of surprise hit Jack before it turned into a big grin, showing his teeth that could crush bones and tear flesh with ease. Standing up from his seat, Jack bent over picking up the ticket and started to leave.

"Thanks for the meal old man." Jack grinned as he left Tokugawa alone at the table. "If this guy is really everything like you've told me, I can't wait to meet him."

Eventually Tokugawa was alone, he sighed and took a look back at his phone. He couldn't help but chuckle seeing Lincoln get beat down and keep getting back up. Along with that savage grin of his.

'Just like his grandfather…'

Tokugawa knew that Jack wasn't the only one seeking out Lincoln. If the rumors he was hearing were any indication, a certain rival organization were interested in the underground fighting scene and business dealings in America. Such a shame he didn't have the same idea, alas his underground arena was here in Japan. It would be too much of a bother to set up another underground arena in America. For now, he could only watch and see what happens. If Lincoln proved himself against the ones seeking him, perhaps there are more fighters of his caliber in America. Hidden and are just waiting for the chance to reveal themselves.

"Looks like things are going to get interesting, I can hardly wait to hear what happens."

Los Angeles, California USA

Back in the states, in another luxury hotel not too far from Lincoln's hotel and the hotel where his sisters were staying. A man was having a conversation on his phone outside by the pool where other guests were swimming or lounging around. He was seated at a small table with a drink in his free hand.

"Yes sir, everything is set in motion. The companies in not only the United States have taken notice but those in Canada, Mexico, and whole of South America have as well. I've already heard rumors of companies searching and hiring fighters. The young man you told us to keep an eye on is showing promise. Although I'm afraid he hasn't show us all his skills yet. With your permission I would like to have my affiliated fighter test him… yes sir, thank you. I will give you more updates as they come, goodbye sir."

The man hung up his phone and smiled slightly.

This man was around his early 60s with an intimidating aura, he wore a dark maroon suit and tie. He was Japanese, he had a bald head and very intimidating face. This man's name was Gen Shikano, he was the CEO of Gandai. A Japanese toy company that also produced anime and tokusatsu programs along with video games. His company is worth billions, not only was he a rich CEO but was also a member of The Kengan Association, an underground organization consisting of illustrious business owners, large corporations and influential people. All of whom deal with their business struggles and obstacles by hiring affiliated fighters. These fighters will fight in illegal matches to win for their employers. There are over 400 members and a number of factions with their own agendas, but they all answer to the chairman of the association. The man that Shikano just had a call with and the one who sent him here.

Ever since that mysterious American came to The Kengan Association long ago, where he fought under the alias "Shiraga". The chairman had always had an interest in America, where Shiraga hailed from. Shiraga fought for anyone willing to pay for his services but always made sure his employers were honest and weren't planning anything underhanded. If they weren't honest or didn't meet Shiraga's standards, he would quit and take his money whether they agreed or not. Shiraga had turned a lot of heads back then. He fought plenty of tough opponents long ago who are now considered legends. It seemed like he was unstoppable, sadly that all changed when Shiraga announced he was retiring. He returned home to America and got married, starting a family afterwards.

From what Shikano had seen in that fight, it looks like Shiraga's legacy is strong just like him. Maybe even stronger.

Sadly, that was going to be put to the test. The chairman wanted to see if America was truly a wise place to expand operations here. Money was no problem; it was the number of members they were lacking for such an expansion was what the problem is. Although they had some American companies in the association, they were too few in number to properly have matches with one another. It was a stroke of genius of the chairman to send an envoy to convince Nasbro to set up a match like the Kengan matches to settle a dispute with their rival company. The chairman knew the CEO of Clincoln McLoud Entertainment would seek out the boy as a fighter. Truly the chairman was a shrewd and brilliant man, one would be correct to assume that's how come he's been the chairman for so long.

"Hey Shikano! Did the old man give us the go ahead?"

Breaking away from his thoughts, Shikano looked to see his affiliated fighter walking over to him.

"Yes, the chairman has given us permission to proceed. Where have you been?"

"Ha! What can I say, pro wrestling fans are a lively bunch Couple of hotel guests recognized me and wanted autographs and selfies. It wouldn't be right for a Pro Wrestler to say no. Haha!"

Shikano couldn't help but shake his head at his affiliated fighter's antics and boisterous laughter.

"Jun Sekibayashi, you are man true to his profession."

Jun Sekibayashi is a monster of a man with a dense heavy-set musculature befitting his power as a professional wrestler. With broad facial features, cauliflower ears, with dark brown shoulder length hair which was styled into cornrows. He had determined eyes and a distinguishing tattoo around his left eye. He was in his casual getup which was a SJPW t-shirt, a pair of sport shorts and some sandals. His nickname was Hell's Angel and rightfully so. In Japan he is one of Super Japan Pro Wrestling's top stars, he is well known for death matches and classic pro wrestling matches. He is one of the biggest names in combat sports. Another thing about him is that he takes his job very seriously especially out of the ring. He is Gandai's affiliated fighter and has won plenty of Kengan matches.

Truly he was a force to be reckoned with.

"I live and breathe pro wrestling, you know this Shikano. From what I saw on that video you showed me I'm not the only one. That kid has some good moves, hard to tell what kind of training he's had but I know a pro wrestler when I see one. Hehe, I love America! If there are more guys here like that kid then I can't wait for the association to expand here! Honestly, what I'm really excited about is getting a chance to fight that kid! When can I face him?"

"Easy there Jun, I think it would be best to let the boy recuperate a little before you go and fight him." Shikano sighed knowing his affiliated fighter's proud and fiery personality. "Give it a few days, then you can approach him whenever you wish. Just make sure you don't start a brawl in broad daylight at some public place. Last thing we need is you getting arrested."

Sekibayashi simply laughed and began to walk away, with a big grin and wild glint in his eyes.

"Don't you worry, I'll give that a kid a glimpse of what it takes to be in the big leagues. You can count on that."

Looks like those wanting a shot at Lincoln were closer than he would soon realize.

At The Loud Sisters Hotel

Lucy Loud was walking towards the hotel's bar. She was looking for a certain someone and that's where they no doubt would be at. Didn't matter if it was morning, not for this person. Lucy was in her regular set up and seemed to be in a gloomier mood than usual. After some time, the young goth woman had arrived at the bar, scanning around the large room she saw who she was looking for at the bar sitting on a seat with a glass of whisky in her hand.

Lynn Loud, she was the only one here.

Letting out a sigh, Lucy walked over and sat right next to her on an empty seat. Lynn either didn't notice yet or didn't care. Lucy was pretty sure it was the latter. Neither one of them said a word, it was only natural since it had been some time since they last saw or spoke to one another. Neither of them had been in a room alone together for so long. Not since that fateful day.

The day when Lynn got that scar.

Things were still quiet among the two until Lynn took a big shot from her drink and huffed.

"What do you want Lucy?"

The tone in Lynn's voice wasn't hostile but it wasn't friendly either.

"Did you notice Lily was missing?"

"Hmm… nope." Lynn answered gruffly while pouring herself another drink. "She's probably off messing around in the city; god knows with our family shit she just needed to blow off some steam. After that whole outburst she had days ago it's no wonder she wanted some time alone."

After saying her piece, Lynn expected Lucy to leave but she wasn't leaving. Knowing this just wasn't about Lily, Lynn took another shot from her drink. Afterwards she looked over to Lucy with a glower.

"Something else you wanted to say?"

Knowing this was going to be hassle, Lynn again poured herself another drink. Much to Lucy's annoyance but she masked it well under her gloomy expression.

"What are you doing here?"

Raising an eyebrow at Lucy, Lynn took a drink before answering Lucy.

"I was having a nice drink alone before you came. Though something tells me that's not what you're really asking. I think you're asking why am I here in general. I'm not going to insult your intelligence because we both know what I'm doing here. I'm here to bring our brother home… something I've spent years trying to do while you and the others have been busy with your jobs and personal shit. That's what we're all here for, to bring Lincoln home. At least that's what I to like believe… unless you have something to say otherwise Lucy?"

Both sisters knew where was this was going. Out of everyone here, no one was more passionate about finding Lincoln and bringing him home than Lynn. Lucy on the other hand was a different story. She loved her brother and wanted nothing more than to find him and get on her knees begging for his forgiveness. Unfortunately, that's not how things work in the real world. Since the very beginning Lucy knew the world was ugly and full of hate. Many would think that's why she was a goth and so gloomy all the time. No, they were wrong because Lucy was just honest with herself. Deep down Lucy wanted to have her big brother back just like the rest of her sisters, but that wasn't going to happen. They hurt him more than anyone ever could and they were still paying for it to this day. The best thing would to let him live his life and let him be happy.

It's such a shame the rest of their family were too stubborn or clueless to know this.

"I love Lincoln just like the rest of you, I want nothing more than to have him back but I know that's not going to happen. I wish you and the others weren't so stubborn to see that. Do you really think all of this going to end well for any of us? Lincoln ran away for good reason; do really you think he wants anything to do with us? After everything we put him through… what are you all going to do when he says he wants nothing to do with us?"

"I'm going to bring him home… no matter what." Lynn stated without missing a beat while pouring herself another drink. "I've spent years preparing for this, I've shed blood and tears to get here. I'm going bring him home, Lucy. Even if I have to break every bone in his body to make it happen."

There was now a tense silence between both sisters. Lucy could tell Lynn was dead serious, even after taking another shot from her drink. Letting out a sigh Lucy stood up and gave Lynn a very scathing glare while Lynn poured herself another drink.

"You honestly think I'm going to just stand by and let you hurt him again?"

Lynn stopped herself from taking another drink with the shots glass a few mere inches from her face. She put the shot glass down and stood up, her piercing gaze aimed directly at Lucy.

"If I remember correctly, you and the others were right there beside me." Lynn retorted with a smirk. "Besides, what the hell are you going to do to stop me… little sis?"

Clenching her hands into fists, Lucy lowered her head. However, that quickly changed as she looked back up at Lynn with an expression that sent a chill down her spine. A rather sweet yet chilling smile that you would never see on Lucy. That glint in her eye almost made Lynn recoil in fear and that never happens with someone like her.

"Oh, my dear big sister… you aren't the only one who's spent years preparing for this." Lucy smiled, unnerving Lynn some more. "I'm not that same helpless little girl who couldn't do anything to stop you, 11 years ago I gave you that scar but I still couldn't stop you. I think it's long overdue we have a rematch, don't you think?"

For a moment Lynn thought Lucy was crazy given the smile and glint in her eye. Unfortunately, Lynn knew full well that Lucy was dead serious, she wanted to fight. And Lynn was being honest with herself, she wanted this as well.

"Before we all came here, I heard from Lori that you were in Japan training and not just sightseeing, I don't know who trained you or what you learned and honestly it doesn't matter. If you do this Lucy I'm not going to hold back, even if you are my sister."

Trying to further intimidate Lucy, Lynn took a step closer and was staring down at Lucy. Much time may have past but Lucy was still a bit shorter and small compared to her older sister. Regardless, it didn't matter to Lucy because she took one of her master's saying to heart.

'It doesn't matter whether if a person's body is muscle or fat, in the end flesh is flesh.'

Like Lynn just said, it doesn't matter. They could stand here all day comparing the training and obstacles they've faced. All that matters is what happens between them in a proper fight. Neither of them wanted to fight each other, after all they were sisters and still loved each other. Deep down however they had a strong and primal desire to see which of them was stronger. They also knew this was the only way for the other to see their reasoning. The reason for that desire was their training, whether or not people would deny it. Martial artists, fighters, brawlers, and even athletes all had the deep desire to prove themselves against one another.

To see who is stronger.

"I think we should do this at a less conspicuous area, we don't want to cause a commotion or have anyone stop us. Last thing we want is our sisters getting involved too." Lynn stated the obvious while frowning. "Don't want to cause more drama for our family. Unless, you want to start here right now?"

As much Lucy would try and deny it, it was rather tempting to start right here in the bar. Sadly, that would cause too much commotion and no doubt get their sisters attention.

"As tempting as that sounds, I'm afraid I have to agree with you. Thankfully, I had Haiku book a sizable meeting room in the hotel with no tables, chairs, or anything else to get in our way on one of the higher floors. No doubt our little spar will be over before we attract any unwanted attention."

Lynn smirked at Lucy, it appears Lucy had all this planned out and thought everything through.

"Lead the way."

Not saying another word, Lucy started to leave with Lynn close behind following her. The aura between the both of them was suffocating and very tense. There was no doubt both sisters were very strong, the only question both young women had in their minds right now was who is stronger.

It was time to find out.

With Lori

While Lynn and Lucy were dealing with their own drama, the eldest sister Lori Loud was dealing with some drama of her own. Currently she was in the same meeting room she and the others had met in days ago. Unlike last time, Lori looked very displeased as she was staring at the person sitting right next to her at the meeting table. With a frown on her face, Lisa kept her eyes shut as Lori had her gaze on her.

"I'm very disappointed in you Lisa, very disappointed." Lori stated while giving Lisa a slight glare. "I thought you of all people would be on board with this plan, after all you are the one who helped plan it. Why did you do it?"

Lisa remained silent as Lori's glare didn't go away.

"We already have enough problems as it with getting Lincoln back and our family drama. Sending away Lily to warn Lincoln was a mistake, telling her our plans only puts more risk on this plan. A plan we've so spent much time, money, and recourses to make possible. Do you know how many promises and backstabbing I've done to get us here? All the sacrifices we've made, and you just risk it all and for what? Your conscious! A little too late for that to happen don't you think?"

The words Lori were very true. A lot was riding on this plan to work, years of planning and money all on the line. The amount of sacrifices that not only Lori and Lisa had suffered but their entire family as a whole. Hearing it now Lisa wanted to say Lori was right but she remembered another sister's words that hurt worse and were also true.


"I am not a fool who carelessly forgets Lori, I know full well what was done to bring us this far." Lisa replied with a frown while staring back at her older sister's glare. "I want our brother back just like the rest of you… but I no longer want any part of anything involved that will cause him anymore suffering. I love Lincoln and want to make up for what we did to him, sadly I don't want another loved one of ours to hate me for it."

Just as she was finished, Lisa could tell Lori was still not pleased even with the explanation she gave. Expecting more harsh words and glares, Lucy braced herself by closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. However, none of that came except something Lisa found quite odd.

Laughter, Lori's laughter.

Understandably, Lisa gave Lori an odd look even as the laughter stopped. No longer was Lori frowning or glaring but smiling which slightly unnerved Lisa.

"Oh Lisa… I knew Lily's outburst would give you second thoughts. At first, I hoped your more reasonable and intelligent side would make you see reason but I had to prepare for you to do something foolish. That's why I made a backup plan. Something that even you can't stop, no matter what you told Lily or what you do now. I didn't want to get them involved unless absolutely necessary but you forced my hand. In fact, they should be here any second now."

Lisa kept giving Lori a confused look until the meeting door was opened and the rest of their sisters came rushing in with frantic expressions. The only ones not here were Lynn, Lucy, and Lily for obvious reasons.

"Like have you two seen what's been flooding the news feeds?" Leni asked frantically with her phone out. "Lincoln is on the news!"

Lisa's eyes widened in pure shock before looking at Lori to see her reaction, it was also shock but Lisa knew that it was fake. Years of being a shrewd businesswoman had given Lori the ability to mask her true emotions very well. Only reason Lisa knew that Lori was faking it was because she's seen her do this quite a lot when dealing with business associates and opposing company representatives. Neither Lori or Lisa had time to say anything as Leni showed them the video playing on her phone. As both watched the video played out Lisa was shocked by what she was seeing while Lori kept up her façade. When it ended Luna was the first speak.

"What the hell are we going to do?"

That was the question on each of the sister's minds right now, Lisa looked over to look at Lori who now had a serious expression on her face that she knew wasn't fake.

"We do what we came here to do in the first place, we're going to get our brother back."

Looks like Lori was right, there nothing Lisa could do to stop her now.

To Be Continued

Important AN: Hello, I just want you all to know I am still accepting OCs for fighters. I've only received two at the moment and I will need more in the future for something involving all the characters. Something very big, though they won't all appear at once I can guarantee they will show up when the time is right. If you like to send your OC do it by Private Messaging on this site. It doesn't really matter what your OC is as long as they aren't totally OP, of course they have to be reasonably strong and can fight. They also don't have to only rely on martial arts and combat sports training to be a fighter, they can use brute force and muscle power alone if you want. They can be whatever you want, I'd love it if all of you would make them unique in their own way. They can be good guys, bad guys, and whatever else in between. Here's what you should do if you want to send me an OC through PM.

Name: Here's where you put their name.

Gender: Male, Female, Transgender or whatever you like.

Age: Here's where you put their age.

Race/Nationality: Here's where you put Race and Nationality of course.

Occupation: Here's where you place their occupation if they have one, if they fight for a company place Affiliated Fighter and name the company they fight for.

Martial Arts/Fighting Style: If they only rely on Brute Force or something else then place that here for example.

Background: Their past, personality, likes, dislikes, goals, hobbies, strengths, weaknesses, and their reasons for fighting.

Physical Description: Be Specific as possible please, don't be vague.

If you have ideas for rival companies and CEOs, I'd be happy to hear them as well.

If you have any ideas, questions, or helpful advice then leave them in a review. Also, I've recently been ordering commissions from talented artists to draw fan art for this story. If you wish to see them and where to find the artists go to my Amino on The Loud House Amino where I'm called ChubbySnorlax there. Expect more fan art in the future whenever I can get my hands-on more money to pay for more commissions. That's it for now, how did you enjoy the chapter? I'm sorry if there wasn't enough action but I promise you all, the next chapter will have plenty of it. It will be sister vs sister, Lynn vs Lucy. Be sure to leave a review, expect the next chapter soon as I'm finished updating the rest of my stories. Also sorry for any mistakes and errors, I still don't have a Beta reader yet to help out. Anyways, be safe and see ya!