5. Chapter 5(2)

Although Leni didn't specify who she was asking. Leni could see that all her sisters were thinking about it, Lisa was the first to say something as she walked over to Lucy while carrying a large first aid kit.

"Unfortunately, I can't really give a clear diagnosis since I wasn't there. I can say given what I saw in the video, our brother was injured but nothing really serious. No doubt at the end he sought out medical assistance, which means he is very likely in good condition. At the very least physically anyways, what state he is in mentally is another story."

Neither of Loud sisters knew how to react to that, while they were all glad Lincoln will be okay. They didn't know how what to think of the mental state their brother was in. The entire video showed them a side of their brother they never thought was possible.

"Lincoln certainly has changed, just like the rest of us. It may not be what we expected but it's understandable on some level." Lucy spoke as she coughed, clearing up her air passage ways. "After what happened to him, he would need to find some way to cope with it all. From what we've heard before he ran away, he was practicing boxing while he was at that foster care facility. We should have expected he would be earning a living somehow."

"Yeah but as a street brawler?" Lola asked still trying to make sense of it all. "It just doesn't make any sense, Lincoln never seemed like the type to go on and punching people for a living!"

Truthfully all of them felt the same way. Far back as any of them could remember, Lincoln never really seemed the type of person to be fighter of any sort. They always knew that he wanted to be a cartoonist, video game tester, detective, an astronaut or even a ghostbuster of all things. Never did any of them imagine their brother living this kind of life. It sure didn't help them feel any better as they all blamed themselves for pushing Lincoln to such a living. To have robbed him of having a normal life.

"Sometimes our lives don't always end up where we think or want, I learned that first hand." Lucy said before swallowing the meds Lisa gave her. "Each of us pushed Lincoln down this path, we should be grateful he's at least alive and well."

Each of the sisters in the room thought about what Lucy said. While they hated to admit it, they had indeed put Lincoln in this position because of what they did. It was a blessing he had not ended up at a worse place. Like a drug addict or something worse, they all shuddered at the thought.

"I just noticed something at the end of the video, he looks sad."

Everyone looked over at Leni, she sat there looking at her phone with a downcast expression.

"Lincoln looks so sad at the end of the video, I don't why but I can see it in his eyes. It's not just because he's hurt either. He looks so alone and hurt; it breaks my heart seeing him like this. He should have never ended up here… hurt and alone. I can't help but think what would have happened if we were there for him, if we hadn't hurt him and pushed him away. I think of that every day… I wished things didn't end up this way."

Leni held back a sob as she cried a little looking at the paused video, paused at the moment where Lincoln is walking away all bloodied and hurt. The atmosphere in the room became more depressing. They all saw the end of the video just like Leni, they saw how their brother looked so hurt and bloody. How all alone he looked. Deep down it hurt each of them to see their brother in that state. What hurt more was that this was all their fault.

As Leni continued to cry, she suddenly stopped when a caring and strong hand touched her shoulder. Turning around to look, Leni saw Lana giving her a very sympathetic look. This didn't stop Leni from crying but it made her feel better, just a little bit as she grabbed Lana's hand and held onto it. Leni smiled softy as she began to wipe away her tears.

"Thank you, Lana." Leni smiled before looking around at rest of her sisters with an embarrassed look. "Sorry for crying like that guys, sometimes my emotions get the better of me."

"You have nothing to say sorry for Leni, with how things are going on around its understandable." Lola reassured her older sister with a soft smile which slowly turned into a frown. "It's only been a few days and things are falling apart. From us fighting with each other to Lily going missing and we're no closer to finally reuniting with Lincoln. Speaking of Lily, does anyone know where she is? It's safe to say we're all getting a little worried by now."

Those in the room with exception of Lisa couldn't help but agree. Lily had just up and disappeared, they were all out looking for her until they all got the news about Lincoln. Lisa of course knew where Lily was but was currently debating with herself if she should tell them or not. The only thing stopping her was the thought of one person, that person being Lori Loud. It was silly to admit but Lisa was understandably afraid of her big sister. In fact, Lisa was astute enough to see that all her sisters were intimidated by Lori, even though some of them could no doubt obliterate her with complete ease. While it was Lori's fighting prowess that frightened them, it was her overwhelming aura. Since they were children, Lori had an unrelenting aura she would use to assert her authority. Losing her temper only intensify that fear but after the bad luck incident, it somehow got even more terrifying. What was probably more terrifying is how Lori used that to become the tough and shrewd business woman she is today.

Lisa had no clue what Lori's plans were and that frightened her, Lisa was a genius but Lori had completely predicted her plan like it was child's play. It was understandable for Lisa to be hesitant to tell her siblings of Lily's whereabouts. Luckily for Lisa, she wouldn't have to say anything as a familiar voice spoke up.

"If you all are wondering where Lily had run off to, I'm afraid to tell you all she jumped the gun and went off to meet Lincoln ahead of time." Lori announced as she unexpectedly entered the room with a grim expression. "It looks like she left in the middle of the night, all her luggage is gone from her room. A few hotel staff saw her leaving in an Uber car, since she wouldn't simply go home it's a safe assumption she went to find Lincoln."

"WHAT!" Everyone except Lisa and Lucy yelled in unison.

"But why would she do that?" Lana asked at a complete loss. "I mean, it's not like we know where Lincoln is. Except you and Lisa all we know is that he's staying close by in some fancy hotel."

A look of alarm quickly appeared on Lisa's face as her sisters agreed with Lana. She quickly did her best to hide her alarm but both Lucy and Lori caught onto it. They didn't do or say anything about it but they noticed it.

"From the looks of it, Lily figured it all by herself. It really isn't that difficult to figure out Lincoln's location if you know what you're looking for. She's a smart kid after all. Still, it doesn't matter how Lily did it. What matters is that Lily is with Lincoln now without a doubt. We need to accelerate our plans which is no problem, I hope in the meantime we can save all the needless drama until all this is over."

It was pretty obvious that last part was aimed at Lucy. The way Lori's eyes narrowed in on her was a dead giveaway. Lucy seemed very calm on the surface but what she was hiding what she truly felt. Under Lori's gaze, Lucy felt a considerable amount of pressure. It reminded her of being scrutinized by her mentors for making a mistake during her training. That's how it felt to Lucy when catching Lori's ire. She never wanted to find out when someone truly gets her mad.

"I don't need to remind you all that we have a lot riding on this. We can't be distracted by past grudges, if we all want this to work then we all need to be on the same page. We also need to be in perfect health to see this through. Lisa, what's Lucy's diagnosis? Will she be alright?"

"Nothing serious that would cause alarm, normally Lucy would need to take it easy for weeks if not months given the state, she's in but with the treatment I have planned she will be in near peek condition sooner rather than later. Regardless of the treatment I have planned, she will need to rest for a day or two at least until I get everything set up."

That certainly brought a smile to Lori's face while the rest of her sibling save for Lisa were quite shocked.

"What many of you don't know is that Lisa is quite a brilliant doctor, her breakthroughs in physical therapy and recovery treatments is astounding. With her treatments she can heal broken bones or dislocations in less time than any normal treatments that are available. Our medical research divisions are also coming up with remarkable breakthroughs. Although we haven't publicly announced our breakthroughs it is expected to turn to medical community upside down and give us quite a profit. If any of you do get injured then you are certainly in safe hands with Lisa."

It was true, Lisa is a skilled and brilliant physician with a sizable amount of successes. In the beginning, Lisa didn't show much interest in medicine or the human anatomy. That changed when it dawned on her how some of her sisters were involved with marital arts or combat sports. If they were to get hurt then they would suffer quite a bit through normal treatments, being able to lessen their pain was enough for Lisa to become a physician. It didn't take long for her to earn her M.D, D.O, and few other degrees she thought would be interesting. There was no doubt, Lisa was a genius in just about everything.

"It's good that Lucy will be up in no time since what I have planned will require her. I know all of you can't wait to find Lincoln but we must be careful. There's no telling what state Lincoln is in, Lily being with him only complicates things further. Still, I don't think Lincoln will skip town or anything like that. Something tells me he's had plenty of chances to do that so far. Once the others get here, we'll discuss the plan. Is that clear?"

Understandably a few of them were still bothered by the whole situation but they all knew best than to go against Lori. The others might have a few words but will no doubt agree with them. It wasn't all bad, they were all excited and very much nervous about reuniting with their brother which seems closer than ever before. However, Lucy and Lisa were having second thoughts but said nothing. Both girls knew that there wasn't a good ending for what's coming. The only thing they can both do is hope that no one gets seriously hurt by the end of this, and that wasn't even a guarantee.

At Lincoln's Hotel

While the Loud sisters were planning and dealing with their own family problems. The two other Loud siblings were dealing their own problems.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to stay in your room?"

Both Lincoln and Lily were unpacking Lily's luggage and stuff that recently arrived. Right now, they were both in Lincoln's suite. It had only been a few hours since news of Lincoln had surfaced, resulting in Clyde and Penelope forcing Lincoln to lay low in his room. Something the young brawler didn't have a problem with since he was still recovering. He also wanted to get Lily's living situation squared away and spend some much needed quality time with her too.

"Sure, I have enough room if that's what bothering you but if it's the whole staying with a boy thing than we can find you another room if you want. I'm sure it won't be—"

"NO!" Lily yelped with a blush. "I mean, I lived with dad so it's not so weird but… I don't want to be a burden to you."

Lincoln looked surprised this, he then let out a small smile as he walked over to Lily and placed a kind hand on her shoulder.

"You are not a burden, you're my baby sister." Lincoln softy reassured Lily with a smile. "And don't you forget that."

Lily had no idea why, but hearing those words and feeling the warmth from Lincoln's tone and smile washed away those negative thoughts she had. All of this was strange to Lily, it had been ages since she felt like this. The only time she could remember feeling this way was when things were normal with her family. Before she discovered their dark secret, those were the times Lily considered normal. Although it never really felt that way. Growing up she somehow knew her family was hiding something and were hurting on the inside because of it. All these years Lily just thought it was because Lincoln was missing, eventually she found out that was only half of the whole truth.

It wasn't long until Lily found herself frowning as she remembered those times she spent with her family. Lincoln was quick to notice this.

"I'm guessing something else is bugging you, do you wanna talk about it?"

At first, it seemed like Lily was hesitant but after seeing how Lincoln was looking at her changed her mind.

"Um, it's just hard to remember anything fondly with our family now that I know what I know. I've been struggling with it for a few months now, ever since I found out what they did to you. I know you said I shouldn't hate them but it's a lot harder than it sounds. Lincoln, am I a bad person for feeling this way?"

When Lily said that in her shaky and hesitant tone, Lincoln knew that she was really struggling with this. Knowing he needed to help her, Lincoln sat down on his bed and patted on a spot right next to him. Seeing that Lincoln wanted her to take a seat, Lily did just that.

"You aren't a bad person Lily, you're just human. It's alright to have these kinds of thoughts and feelings. You're mad and hurt because they kept things from you and it hurt when you found out. Having your trust broken is hard enough when it isn't your family, the ones you trust the most. I should know because I've been through what you're dealing with right now. It's an ugly feeling and it hurts, hurts you right to your heart. The first thing you want to do is hate whoever or whatever gave you that feeling. For a long time, I've struggled with that feeling. It's not easy to deal with a heart break, I hated them for hurting me and breaking my trust. Most of all though I hated how they broke my heart. It's easy to hate and throw blame rather than deal with the pain. A lot of people deal with in their own ways, it took me a while before I dealt with it."

The look Lincoln had was a cross between regret and acceptance, it was difficult for Lily to describe.

"How do you deal with it?" Lily asked hesitantly, unsure of Lincoln's answer. "This ugly feeling… what do you do about it?"

"You cry…" Lincoln answered without any hesitation as he looked at Lily with a sad smile. "You can't stop a heart break, holding onto that feeling hurts more than anything. At first you can try and deny it, ignore it and keep it buried. That's what I did until my boxing teacher helped me. Opening your heart helps, crying helps… it's okay to cry."

Just as Lincoln was finished talking, Lily hugged him and started to listen to his advice.

Lily started to cry, in her brother's arms.

Lincoln kept smiling sadly while holding onto Lily as she wailed in his arms. He hated seeing her cry, it hurt more than anything. Worse than any fight he's had. She needed this though, Lily needed to deal with this. The last thing Lincoln wanted was for her to suffer more. Just like last night, Lincoln kept hugging Lily until she stopped. Unlike last time Lily didn't fall asleep. She simply wiped away her tears to look at her brother with a grateful smile.

"T-thanks, I'm sorry for being such a crybaby."

"Hehe, it's okay Lily." Lincoln chuckled wholeheartedly while patting Lily's head. "There's nothing wrong with letting out your emotions. Like I said, it helps. You know what, give me a second to dig through my stuff. I got something that will probably cheer you up."

Without another word, Lincoln got up and walked over to the nearby closet where his stuff was. He then proceeded to dig through his bags until he found what he was looking for. When Lily saw it in her brother's hands, she saw that it was a fairly large book of some kind. Once it was in his hands, Lincoln returned to his spot on his bed where Lily was waiting for him.

"This is something I've been working on ever since I finished my training with my second mentor. I'm pretty sure I started after I saw you, right after I left that necklace for you on your birthday in fact. Anyways, this book here is what you might call my scrapbook I guess. All the memories I've made are in this very book. Here, go ahead and take a look."

Handing off the book to Lily, Lincoln watched as his little sister was looking down at the book in awe. She then quickly opened it and was ready to see what awaited her in this book of memories.

The first thing Lily saw was small letter written in crayon which was glued to the book, she was confused at first before realizing what this letter meant. It was the very first letter she ever wrote to Lincoln! Lily vaguely remembered how she wrote this letter, she remembered her family asking her to write a letter to her big brother who was away. They helped her with it a little but she wrote everything herself. It was barely readable but Lily understood what the letter said. On the next page were a few pictures of Lily throughout the years, one showed blowing out the candles of her 9th birthday cake, the next was her graduation from middle school and the final one was of her leaving for high school for the first time ever.

"Wow! I can't believe you were there for all of these!"

As Lily kept going through the book, she discovered more mementos and photos of not only her best the rest of her family. She was shocked by each page she turned and kept going through them all. The first pages were of her until they went to everyone else in their family, from the youngest to the oldest. There were photos of Lisa accepting an outstanding science award, Lola winning the Miss America pageant, Lana helping their dad give Vanzilla a tune up, Lucy graduating high school with a genuine smile. One showed Lynn having a random bar fight with at least 6 guys while grinning, Luan going on a date with Maggie, Luna performing at a concert, Leni sitting at a fashion show as models showed off her fabulous designs and the next showing Lori hosting her first ever press conference as CEO of her company. The final photos were of their parents sitting on the front porch of their old house, embracing each as they looked out at the sunset. The next one showed Pop-Pop kissing his girlfriend Myrtle, better known as Gran-Gran to the rest of the Loud family.

"Usually I would pop in to check in on you guys from time to time. Just to see how you guys were doing. After I finished training with my second mentor, I had a lot of free time on my hands. It wasn't until I ran into my third mentor and deciding to become his student that my visits slowed down for a while. Luckily, I still checked in on you guys in-between my training when my mentor would let me. Anyways, I think that's enough for today. You can check this out more after we get you settled in. When we have free time, we'll go through it together. And I promise I'll tell you anything you want to know, okay?"

For a mere moment, Lily looked bummed out that they needed to stop and put away the scrapbook. But she quickly smiled, she was excited that they could go through it again later when they had time. She could be very patient when needs to be.

"Okay, I can't wait to keep going through this!" Lily replied still smiling as she stood, she then walked over to where her luggage with a pep in her step. "Let's get everything squared away."

A small chuckled and smile escaped Lincoln's lips as he watched his little sister resume unpacking. It made him happy to see Lily in such a great mood, these past few days have been difficult for her. Sadly, Lincoln knew things were probably going to get more difficult not just for her but everyone else in the days to come. He wished he could make things easier for not just Lily but everyone else too. Too bad he could only do so much, even with all the fighting experience he had gathered these past few years.

Lincoln was only a man.

'At least she's happy and safe, and that's okay with me.'

With that final thought, Lincoln went to help Lily unpack. The sleeping arrangements would be Lily on the bed while Lincoln takes the sofa. She tried to make Lincoln take the bed but he insisted so much that Lily sighed and reluctantly accepted his decision. They resumed unpacking after that, neither one of them thought of anything troubling that could or would happen.

They just enjoyed each others company.

On Route To California

While the Loud siblings were dealing with their own drama. A private jet was traveling to California from Great Lakes City, Michigan. This jet was owned by Casagrande's Bodegas, therefore owned by Bobby Santiago. Right now, he was lounging in his seat while looking out his window, contemplating about something as he watched the bright blue sky and the ground below. He wasn't alone in the jet, he had other people traveling with him.

"Geez, how long are you going to keep watching that video Ronnie? You've been watching it ever since we took off."

The one to say that was an Asian woman with light-skin and long brunette hair and freckles. She was wearing a blue slouchy turtleneck sweater and white earrings, with black pants and black mid-heel high boots with red socks. This woman was very attractive with a bit of a bookish look. Her name was Sid Chang, longtime best friend of Ronnie Anne.

"Ah, forget it Sid. She's so focused on that video you'd think she was analyzing her next opponent in the ring."

This voice came from a woman sitting right across from Sid, she was also attractive too but had a street-smart look about her. She seemed quite tall given how she was sitting, she had short blonde hair with bangs covering her right eye. The clothes she had on consisted of a baggy blue and white hooded jacket with the hood down. She wore navy blue jeans that were slightly torn up and pink running shoes. This woman was also a longtime friend of Ronnie Anne, her name was Nikki.

"Ladies, why do you look so glum? You should be excited going on a trip with such a handsome man like El Puma!"

Both women only let out a collective sigh as they looked over at the person who spoke, who just so happening to be sitting right across from Bobby. This person was a man, a slightly short man with an impressive physical physique and he looked to be Latin-American with dark tan skin. He looked very distinctive to say the least, for he wore a purple luchador mask that resembled a puma. He wore a stylish black suit with matching pants and shoes, the only thing that didn't match was a purple tie he had on. This man was none other than Carlino Casagrande, otherwise know as the "Breathtaking El Puma".

"Come on primo, leave the girls alone." Bobby sighed taking his eyes off his window to look at his cousin "We still got quite a flight ahead of us."

"Oh come on Bobby, I'm only messing around. This flight is pretty boring so far, I still can't believe you asked me to come. I might not have any shows or anything major coming up but I rather be chilling out at home. Why the heck am I here for cuz, don't tell me it's just because you missed me?"

"Look, I just feel a lot better if I had some muscle I can count if this thing gets ugly. You already know we're looking for an old friend of mine and Ronnie Anne's that's been missing for a few years. We never thought we'd hear from him again. From what we've been hearing lately, he's changed a lot since we last saw him."

Carlino let out a grin while looking at Bobby.

"No shit eh? From what I've seen in that video, your buddy seems very skilled. It was hard to tell what kind of style of fighting he was using. At the start it looked like boxing or MMA but as it went on, I saw some Pro Wrestling moves. Strangest thing I saw was how he changed right as he was getting pushed back from that guy in the diaper. That sudden expression of his reminded me of some crazy guys I've wrestled or seen in other matches. I'm going out on a limb and say you're a little worried that your buddy might be dangerous. Which is why you brought me along, right?"

A serious look was on Bobby's face as he stared at Carlino, but before he could speak someone familiar beat him to it.

"No, you're here because of me."

Everyone on the plane turned to look at Ronnie Anne, she was busy staring at her phone before looking up at her friends and family. While still having her short black hair still in a ponytail, she was wearing her casual clothes since she wasn't working out or in a fight. She had on a black sports tank top which was under a dark purple stylish sleeveless hooded jacket along with some fingerless leather gloves. The last of her clothes were black and purple cargo pants with black and purple Nike shoes and black socks.

"I haven't seen Lincoln in years, not since he was taken into foster care away from his no-good shitty family. We were pretty close before he left, so close that I've always thought of him before I get into the ring. For 17 years he's been haunting my dreams and thoughts. For 17 years I've been thinking of what happened to him, now all I can think about is one thing… and that's what am I going to do to him once I see him again?"

The chill in Ronnie Anne's voice sent shivers down everyone who heard it. The icy look in her eyes as she stared at the video playing unsettled them a little. Even Bobby seemed unsettled by his little sister's words and tone. Although he wasn't all that surprised, he knew how close Lincoln and his little sister were. She was right to be so rightfully angry. The disappearance of Lincoln hit her just as hard as the Loud family, Bobby saw firsthand how it affected them. He remembered how the woman he loved changed so drastically after it happened. It was like she was a completely different person. Upon thinking of this woman caused Bobby to return staring out at his window, this time with a very regretful expression.

'Lori… I can't help but wonder if you're already ahead of us and looking for your little bro? You changed so much after your brother was taken away, it only got worse after you heard he ran away. Still, I stayed by your side throughout that whole thing. All the way through college, even though my family hated it. I still loved you… I still do. I wish things could have ended differently on that day, the day at that hospital.'

Bobby closed his eyes trying to distract himself away from those thoughts. Eventually he began to wonder what was going to happen once they reached their destination? He hoped it would all end up okay but he knew better. Things were never simple when it came to these types of situations. It would also be stupid to think this wouldn't end in a fight in someway.

Yeah, and they weren't the only ones heading to California. Things were going to get a lot more difficult for Lincoln.

Three Days Later

Los Angeles, California

It was getting late in the city of angels, for one Lincoln Loud it was pretty boring Right now, he was watching some TV on his room's sofa while Lily was peacefully asleep on his bed. The last two days were pretty uneventful, although his newfound fame was still buzzing around. Lincoln stayed in his room laying low just like Clyde and Penelope ordered but it was kind of getting old fast for the young brawler. Still, it wasn't all bad. It gave him a chance to catch up with Lily, they've been talking about a lot of stuff since she settled in with him. Nothing major like their family drama or anything, just talking about what they've been doing these past few years. Although Lincoln decided to keep his training and mentors silent for now, something Lily wasn't all too happy about but she relented and decided to wait whenever he was ready.

That's what Lincoln loved most about Lily, she was understanding and patient. At least with him.

Things weren't so boring, Lily decided to go out and do some shopping when Lincoln was taking a nap yesterday. By the time he woke up she was already back and with bags of clothes and other stuff for Lincoln. Lincoln was a little confused by this since he already had some clothes, apparently Lily thought it would best for her brother to get some new clothes. She also got him some grooming products and other such products since she thought Lincoln shouldn't look like a bum. A little harsh but Lincoln understood what Lily was talking about. He's been so used to roughing it out by himself and not caring for his appearance that he needed a new look.

So, Lincoln decided to shave his nine o'clock shadow which was slowly growing into a beard. He even trimmed his hair back to way it looked like back in the old days, it was a funny feeling to see himself in the mirror. He almost looked unrecognizable from the way he looked days ago. Probably for the best, he was now a bodyguard/affiliated fighter for the CEO of Clincoln McLoud Entertainment so he should look the part. Besides a new look wouldn't make him so recognizable from that video still buzzing around the net and news.

'Geez… I'm so freaking bored.'

That single thought summed it up as Lincoln slumped down deeper in the sofa. He looked at the time on his newly bought smartphone that Clyde got him, it was close to midnight but Lincoln wasn't even close to falling asleep. He knew that recovering was needed after a fight like that, he's had some bad fights that required longer recovery times. Still, it was boring. Suddenly Lincoln had an idea, maybe he should check out a local bar?

His sister and friends would be pissed if they found out he took off but he needed to get out of this hotel room. At best he would find a place to get a drink and let loose, then he would be back before anyone even knew he was gone. However, he would need to lay low while doing it since not a whole lot of young guys are walking around with noticeable white hair like his. At least to his knowledge anyways. Finally, after giving it some thought Lincoln decided to get ready.

Putting on his new clothes, which were an orange and black buttoned dress shirt with a simple white undershirt underneath. Since it was night and a little chilly, Lincoln decided to wear his new orange and white hooded varsity jacket over his shirts. Down below he wore black cargo pants, with orange, black, and white Air Jordan basketball shoes. To help hide his identity he placed on his old white beanie in case anyone saw a little of his hair they would just assume it was the beanie. He thought about putting on some sunglasses but it was night and he didn't want to look like an asshole. Seeing himself in his new threads caused Lincoln to smile, he was ready.

As Lincoln was heading off towards the door, he stopped to look at Lily still peacefully asleep. He chuckled softy as he walked over to her and leaned down to give her a kiss on the head. He then made sure had everything he needed before finally leaving the room. The walk over to the elevators were quiet, the ride down was also quiet. Once he reached the lobby, he only saw one or two hotel staff walking around. Smiling at his good luck, Lincoln left the hotel and hailed a nearby taxi. He entered the taxi and looked the taxi driver.

"Where to pal?"

"Take me to the closest bar, a place not too fancy and cheap please."

The taxi driver simply nodded and started to drive off towards the nearest bar. While the taxi was taking off, a hotel staff member who was lurking in the shadows came out and pulled out a cellphone. Pushing the speed dial, he brought the phone up to his ear.

"He's on the move, he's in a yellow taxi going south from the hotel. Plate numbers are 522016."

Lincoln wasn't as oblivious like most people, he noticed that guy lurking in the shadows. While training under his third mentor, Lincoln learned a thing or two from him about being aware of your surroundings. Made sense since his third mentor was a master assassin. He sighed as he knew that someone would be following him, it could be a number of people but he bet it was his sisters doing no doubt. Either way, Lincoln was going to try and enjoy the night as long as he could. After a couple minutes later, the taxi stopped in front of some dive bar that was quite away from the fancy hotels. Lincoln smiled as he paid the taxi driver, he gave him a little something extra that caused the driver to smile.

"You have a good time out pal."

"Thanks for the lift."

Getting out of the taxi, Lincoln walked over to the bar's entrance and then entered through the doors. He was welcomed by the sight of a not too shabby bar with a few patrons drinking, eating, or having a good time. Not that many people noticed him as Lincoln walked over to the large counter where the bartender was at. Taking a seat on the bar stool, Lincoln called over the bartender.

"Get me a rum and coke on the rocks please."

The bartender nodded as he went off to prepare Lincoln's order. Eventually he came back and handed Lincoln his drink, with a smile Lincoln proceeded to drink. Seeing that he had a satisfied customer, the bartender went to check on his other customers. While he was drinking, Lincoln noticed a few attractive women at a nearby table taking glances at him while whispering to each other. Lincoln smiled with a slight chuckle. Maybe on a different day and when he didn't have Lily at his room, he would try his luck but he was happy just enjoying his drink.

Time went by until something happened, a person had walked into the bar that caused a few of the patrons to take notice. This person walked over to a table at the far corner of the establishment, the bartender walked over to take their order.

"What can I get you sir?"

"Just bring over a bottle of whisky, and it better not be any of that watered-down shit."

Lincoln didn't bother to turn around as he was enjoying his drink but that didn't mean he didn't notice that person was watching him very intently. Soon another person entered the bar, this one also got a few people to become silent. This new person walked over to the far end of the counter and took a seat. The bartender walked over to their newest customer while they were preparing the last person's order.

"What can I get for you sir?"

"I'll take the best tequila you have, no ice."

"Okay, give me just a moment sir."

The bartender went on to give the last person who ordered their drink, a bottle of whisky. He then went back to the bar to start up the newest order. Lincoln knew that the new guy was taking glances at him, Lincoln didn't care as he was trying to enjoy his drink. It didn't take long for another person to enter the bar, and this one got everyone silent. Even the bartender stopped preparing the order briefly to gape at the newest customer. This person walked over to the other far corner of the establishment and took a whole table for themselves. Everyone could hear the chair making a slight noise as they sat down.

It was at this time a few of the people in the bar started to get up and make themselves scarce. The bartender finished with the tequila order and served to the person at the far end of the counter. He then walked around the counter to go and ask the recent customer's order. However, the bartender was very nervous as he approached the table.

"U-um, what can I get for you sir?"

"If you're still taking orders in the kitchen, I'd love some meat. Bring me whatever you got and keep them coming, get me pitcher of water too. You get all that?"

"Uh, yes sir! That will take moment to prepare, we'll bring it out to you straight away."

"Please, take your time. I have all night."

The bartender quickly scurried away off towards the kitchen behind the bar. It was at that moment Lincoln started to take notice of the pressure in the air, it became tense for everyone. Even Lincoln couldn't ignore it, he knew full well that the newest guy that entered the bar was watching him. Just like the last two guys to walk in. as time passed, more and more people left as they couldn't handle the tense pressure. Eventually it was just Lincoln and the three other guys, the bartender came back holding a large tray with the last guy's order. There were at least four plates of large steak, along with a pitcher of water. The bartender didn't seem to notice that almost all his customers had left. Walking over to the table where the newest guy was waiting his order, the bartender carefully placed the plates of food and pitcher of water on the table.

"Please enjoy sir, just to let you know this is all on the house too!"

"How gracious of you, keep the food coming."

Not wanting to be told twice, the bartender scurried off towards the kitchen to tell his staff to keep the food coming. When the bartender left the table, the newest customer began to eat their food. From the sounds of the eating, Lincoln could tell the guy was tearing it up. Still, Lincoln went on to try and enjoy his drink but found it hard with all the attention on him. It looked like Lincoln couldn't catch a break as another person had entered the bar. This person got the last three's attention as they walked over to the opposite far end of the counter, they took a seat and had their eyes on Lincoln.

'Well shit, pretty sure I'm boxed in on all sides. Knowing my luck, this is only going to get worse.'

From the looks of it, Lincoln was correct as the doors of the bar opened. Lincoln didn't need to turn around as he could hear this newest person wasn't alone. Given what he could hear there were at least 4 or 5 people standing at the door, he didn't know why they were just standing there. The others in the bar noticed but seemed more focused on their orders or on Lincoln. Finally, the group that recently came in made their way towards a nearby table that so happened to be close to Lincoln. From the sounds of it, they took their seats at the table and were no doubt looking at Lincoln. It seemed like everyone in the bar had eyes on the young brawler. Lincoln knew that it was only a matter of time before this gets ugly, which is why called out for the bartender.

"Hey, bartender!"

Hearing someone calling for him, the bartender quickly came back from the kitchen and was shaking like a leaf. The pressure filling the bar would make any normal person cower in fear. Somehow the bartender kept it together as he slowly walked over to Lincoln.

"U-u-uh, y-yes sir?"

"Uh, yeah I hate break it to you but things are probably going to get really ugly in this fine establishment of yours. I'm pretty sure you noticed it already. Unless you wanna get in the middle of a battle royal I would skedaddle out of here."

"Oh… s-should I call the cops?"

Before Lincoln could answer, the doors of the bar were kicked wide opened and familiar voice that Lincoln remembered all too was heard.


Lincoln let out a large sigh as he grabbed his drink and finished it in one gulp. Placing the empty glass on the counter along with all the money he had on him, Lincoln looked at the bartender with a sorry expression.

"You should probably call the national guard instead, you better run or duck for cover."

The bartender didn't argue as he yelped in terror while running for the exit in the back. Along the way the entire kitchen staff quickly followed their boss. Seeing that all those who could get hurt in the fighting were now safely gone, Lincoln stood up and took a look around the bar.

At the far end of the counter on Lincoln's right was Carlos Medal, he was in a stylish dark green shirt with black business slacks and black smart shoes. On the far end of Lincoln's left was none other than Jun Sekibayashi, at the far corner eating was Jack Hanma and at the other far corner was Adam Dudley. What really got Lincoln's attention were the recent people to show up, first was the group that had entered together.

When he saw them, Lincoln felt a heart wrenching pain in his chest.

They were his sisters, not all of them but some of them. It's been some time since he last saw them but Lincoln instantly recognized them. Sitting at the table staring right at him were Leni Loud, Luna Loud, Lucy Loud, Lana Loud, and… Lynn Loud. Lincoln stood there looking at them for the longest time until he looked to the most recent arrivals. Upon looking he felt his heart wrench once more, he hardly recognized her but he knew it was her.

Ronnie Anne Casagrande and she looked very pissed, standing next to her was Carlino Casagrande who seemed very lost by what was happening. Lincoln didn't say a word as he took off his beanie and jacket off placing them on his seat. He then took a look around at the various fighters around him.

"Sometimes I just have the shittiest luck…"

To Be Continued

AN: Hello, I just want you all to know I am still accepting OCs for fighters. I've only received a few at the moment and I will need more in the future for something involving all the characters. Something very big, though they won't all appear at once I can guarantee they will show up when the time is right. If you like to send your OC do it by Private Messaging on this site. It doesn't really matter what your OC is as long as they aren't totally OP, of course they have to be reasonably strong and can fight. They also don't have to only rely on martial arts and combat sports training to be a fighter, they can use brute force and muscle power alone if you want. They can be whatever you want, I'd love it if all of you would make them unique in their own way. They can be good guys, bad guys, and whatever else in between. Here's what you should do if you want to send me an OC through PM.

Name: Here's where you put their name.

Gender: Male, Female, Transgender or whatever you like.

Age: Here's where you put their age.

Race/Nationality: Here's where you put Race and Nationality of course.

Occupation: Here's where you place their occupation if they have one, if they fight for a company place Affiliated Fighter and name the company they fight for.

Martial Arts/Fighting Style: If they only rely on Brute Force or something else then place that here for example.

Background: Their past, personality, likes, dislikes, goals, hobbies, strengths, weaknesses, and their reasons for fighting.

Physical Description: Be Specific as possible please, don't be vague.

If you have ideas for rival companies and CEOs, I'd be happy to hear them as well.

Hope you liked this chapter, not that much action but don't worry. As you could tell the next chapter will be quite the doozy one. I hope you aren't all mad about how the fight between Lucy and Lynn ended. Some might say Lynn won that one but remember that both of them didn't go all out. If they had, pretty sure no one would have walked away in one piece. You might call it a cop out but come on, do you really think they'll let go just like that? You can bet there will be a rematch in the future. Poor Lincoln, sometimes he can really be unlucky. I'm sorry for any mistakes or errors, maybe I should look for a beta reader? What do you all think? As always leave your thoughts, suggestions, and questions in a review. I'll answer when I can through a PM, if you guys are still curious about the fan art, I've been commissioning from talented artists be sure to check out my Amino on the Loud House Amino. I go by ChubbySnorlax over there if you want to take a look, I'll try to upload them on my Tumblr where I go by chubbysnorlax619 there. Anyways, be sure to leave a review and send an OC if you want. Remember to list everything like I showed above and send it through a PM. Expect the next chapter whenever, I've been doing lessons online and trying to get a job but it's been difficult. Be safe out there, see ya!