91. Fool Me Twice

Fool Me Twice

[A Bus stops in the middle of a street and Lincoln comes out, wearing a coat, a hat, and a glasses with a fake mustache, he then hides behind a dumpster, then in a tree, (which he accidentally falls out of) then he rides a scooter to a local highway.]

Lincoln: [Makes a bird call] Ca-ca! Ca-ca! [The Loud family sans Luan appears out of their hiding places in their diguises]

Lynn Sr.: [slowly and with an affected deep voice] What animal does Mary have?

Lincoln: [also with an affected voice] A lamb with the fleece as white as snow.

[The Loud Family, sans Lincoln, sighs in relief and they remove their disguises]

Lynn Sr.: Oh, good. It's really you, son. Are you sure Luan didn't follow you?

Lincoln: Definitely. I took 4 different buses. Plus, I've got Clyde doing some surveillance on her.

[At Sunset Canyon retirement home, Luan is entertaining the elders, with Clyde disguised an elder, monitoring Luan.]

Lynn Sr.: Great! Now let's get down to business. April Fools day is tomorrow, and we still don't have a plan to stop Luan from pranking our butts off! So, who's got an idea?

Lori: Oh, Bobby said we could hide in the basement of the bodega, we just have to watch out for the rat traps...and the asbestos.

Rita: [unimpressed] You're really selling it, honey.

Lincoln: There's an island off the southern tip of Guam. You can only get to it by submarine.

Lynn: [Imitates a buzzing sound] We don't have passports, Stinkin'!

Lisa: Pending some grant money, I could build a ship that could take us to Europa, one of Jupiter's moons.

Lana: Or we can dig a system of tunnels under the house.

Leni: Why don't we just ask Luan to stop, but like, REALLY nicely?

Laney: Guys! You're missing the point! For far too long we let Luan make us her pranking targets! I'd say we prank her back!

Lori: Laney! You're literally forgetting the last time we did that Luan just picked herself back up and vowed revenge!

Laney: I know but maybe it will be different this time. I've been doing some planning since last year. [Holds up some blueprints] Okay, so the boxing gloves will go here then the raccoons will burst out through the bathtub then we...

Lynn Sr.: Laney, please. Nothing we'll do will ever stop Luan. Maybe it's hopeless!

[A movie producer appears]

Producer: Excuse me, do you folks mind? We're trying to shoot a movie here.

[The family walk away]

Lola: Yeah guys! Outta the shot! [Lola poses] Okay, I'm ready for my close up!

Producer: Sorry, little girl, you need to get outta the shot, too. We're filming a dangerous stunt.

Lola: [Scoffs] Your loss!

[She walks away as well]

Director: And...ACTION!

[A man in a red suit and matching motorcycle come crashing through a boarded window on a high speed chase, and leaps over an area full of police cars with an explosion following suite. He crash lands to the ground.]

Director: CUT!

[The man recovers from the crash, and removes his helmet. His appearance is similar to Lynn Sr.'s.]

Lynn: Man, that guy can really take a beating!

Leni: He looks just like Dad!

Lynn Sr.: Too bad I can't just hire him to take all of Luan's pranks for me.

[Everyone stares at Lynn Sr.]

Lynn Sr.: I wasn't being serious.

Lincoln: But Dad, maybe that's the perfect plan! We hire a bunch of stunt doubles to take all the hits for us, and we get off pain free.

Laney: But Lincoln. What about our doubles? We don't really want them to suffer Luan's terrible pranks.

Lincoln: It'll be fine, Laney. Besides, you haven't done a pretty good job stopping Luan. This plan is our only shot.

[The family talks it over and agrees to the plan. Cut to the Louds in a casting studio]

Leni: Wow, these doubles look just like us!

Rita: No, honey. Those are the doubles. [Points towards the actual stunt doubles]

Leni: Oh, well, they're good too.

Lynn Sr.: So, uh, what's this gonna cost me?

[Lynn Sr.'s stunt double hands him the bill]

Lynn Sr.: [Gasps] Is this in dollars?!

Lincoln: I don't understand. Why is my double old?

Lynn Sr's stunt double: You're 11 and you have white hair. I did the best I could.

Lincoln's stunt double: I came out of retirement for this gig. These days, I mostly just sit around reading in my underwear.

Lincoln: Never mind, he's perfect.

Lynn Sr.: Okay, famo. Now that everyone's got a double, it's time to teach them how to look and act just like us. We gotta work fast! Luan gets home at 5, and if she finds the house empty... [Looks at his double] Are you picking up on this? I talk with my hands. Big hand talker right here.

[Later, the Loud Family are teaching the doubles what to do and how to act like them]

Lana: Really get that mud up in your face. Don't be afraid to eat a little.

Lisa: Now in addition to English, I speak Mandarin, Latin, Swedish, and West Cost Rap.

Rita: So, this is the novel I'm working on. In case Luan asks you about it, you probably read the whole thing tonight.

Laney: [Shows her double her paintings] Okay, so here's all my paintings as you can tell I am a great artist.

Laney's Stunt Double: What's with that painting? [Points to a painting of Joey]

Laney: Oh, that.. You see I might have a crush on a boy. He's kinda like my inspiration.

Laney's Stunt Double: Well can't you tell me? Since I'm trying to be you and all?

Laney: Oh, well. Alright...

Leni: Okay, so let's see the walk.

[Leni's stunt double attempts to imitate Leni's walking motion]

Leni: Almost, but you forgot part of it.

[Leni walks and crashes into the wall; Leni's double repeats this]

Lincoln: First thing in the morning, I usually rush to the bathroom to beat the crowd.

Lincoln's double: Oh, same here! There're some pushy blue hairs at the senior center!

Lincoln: Then, before school, I'll sometimes stop for a Flipee. Watermelon Lime's my favorite.

Lincoln's double: It's my favorite flavor of gelatin!

Lynn Sr.: [Narrating] Okay gang, here's the plan, at Midnight, we sneak out of the house, and switch places with the doubles. They'll take it from there.[Rita and Lynn Sr. go to wake up the kids. When they go to wake up Luna, Lynn steps in to help.]

Lynn: I've got this! [Makes a paper airplane, and throws it at Luna.]

[The Louds sneak outside to switch places with the doubles]

Lynn Sr.: Good luck to you guys! Are you sure you're ready?

Lynn Sr.'s double: Don't worry about us, we're gonna be A-Okay.

[Morning. Inside the garage, the Louds peek out the garage, Lynn Sr. is making pancakes, Lily is sitting in her high chair, and Lisa is looking over a giant monitor.]

Lisa: Family, gather 'round. [the family walks up to the monitor] We can follow the action via the cameras I installed in everyone's room last year...[the family look at Lisa with suspicion, and Lisa attempts to correct her blurt.] Er... last night. [notices something] Oh! We have movement in the twin's room!

[Lisa hits a button labeled "CAM 8", and the monitor shows Lana and Lola's stunt doubles about to leave the bedroom.]

Lana and Lola: Here it comes!

[Lana and Lola's stunt doubles exit the room, but mysteriously, nothing happens.]

Lana: Huh. I thought for sure Luan was going to nail them with a bucket of grease.

Lola: Or a sock full of quarters!

Lisa: Old Lincoln is on the move... slowly.

[Lisa switches the monitor to showcase Lincoln's room. Lincoln's stunt double sits up, cracking his back.]

Lincoln: Oh, man, I can't watch. What's happening? Did he get injured?

[Lincoln's stunt double walks out of the room, and still, nothing happens.]

Rita: Well, he did hurt his back, but it seems unrelated.

Luna: [suspicious] What's the dealio? Why aren't they getting pranked?

Lucy: Any why are they leaving the house?

[On the monitor, each one of the stunt doubles is seen leaving the house. Realizing something, the family gasps, and quickly rush to the garage door, and peek out the windows, seeing the doubles head off in different directions.]

Lynn Sr.: [peeved] What the heck?! I paid good money for them to get their butts pranked off!

[Rita has a sudden realization.]

Rita: Wait a minute, I get it. Luan's prank was to not prank us at all.

Lincoln: What do you mean, Mom?

Rita: Ha! She knew we'd go crazy trying to protect ourselves, so she just let us chase our tails.

Lori: Oh, you're right. She is good.

[The family laughs, realizing the trouble they went through.]

Lynn Sr.: Well, I may have burned through all our savings, but at least it's over!

Luan: [off-screen] Over? It's just getting started! [the family turns around, and scream in horror when they see Luan on the monitor, looking on devilishly.] You know, family, I had a whole different plan in mind for today, but I'll save that for next year, because once I saw the amazing doubles you guys found, I was inspired to do something even better. So stay tuned, because the rest of this day is going to be doubly special! [laughs evilly.] Get it? You don't now, but you will.

[The monitor shuts off.]

Lucy: [worried] What is she talking about?

Lynn: [panicking] Ah! Ah! Ah! We gotta stop her! [she tries to open the door, but it won't budge.] She welded the door shut!

[Lincoln and Lana try the windows, but they too won't budge.]

Lana: And the windows!

Lori: I'll try the garage door. Who's got the remote?

Leni: [peeking out the garage window] Oh, Luan does, she's outside!

[The family rush to the garage door, and peek out the windows. They scream in horror upon seeing Luan with the garage remote. Luan, on her jester's chair, turns around, revealing to have Cliff on her lap.]

Luan: Don't look at me, look at the monitors! I put cameras everywhere so you can enjoy the show. Ta-ta! [Luan tries to roll away but she gets stuck] What the? [The chair won't budge] Well, this is embarassing...

Laney's Stunt Double(?): So is this! [Laney throws a pie at Luan's face]

Lynn Sr.: What is Laney's stunt double doing?

Luan: You? But I thought I sent you to Joey's house! [Luan gets off but she slips on a banana peel and down the garage road just as a truck full of trampolines passed by. She bounced off one and landed by the front door] Grr! [Stands up] Listen you! The family may have payed you, but I gave you instructions to go over and humiliate Laney and...

[A trap rope snags Luan's leg and flies her inside the house. She first crashed into the stove where she was mauled by raccoons, then a punching glove punched Luan into the basement and she landed on a bunch of pies. Then the rope pulled her back upstairs and into the living room where she got stuck on sticky flypaper. Then she was pulled upstairs where she got pelted with flour and dust from the vaccum and sprayed by a skunk. The family laughed as they witnessed this through Lisa's security cameras as Luan was being pelted by other pranks offscreen. She landed back on her chair completely bruised, gooped, tattered, and shocked. Laney's stunt double (?) grabbed the remote and opened the garage door. The family cheered.]

Lincoln: That was amazing. I can't believe Laney's double was such pranking genius.

Lynn Sr.: How can we ever thank you stranger that looks like our daughter.

Laney's Stunt Double (?): No thanks needed, dad.

Lynn Sr.: Uh, okay, you can stop pretending now.

Laney: Who's pretending? [Laney wipes off the freckles revealing it was the real her. The Loud family gasped]

Siblings: Laney? [Laney passed the tissue to her double and wipes off the paint revealing her freckles]

Lola: But how the heck did pulled it off? You were supposed to swap with your stunt double like the rest of us!

Laney: Simple... [Flashback to last night; voice over] Just as we all left with our stunt doubles in our places. I got a call from my double saying she overheard Luan's plans for april fools. She was going to use our stunt doubles to humiliate us. And that wasn't a joke at all, more like incredibly cruel and horrible. [Cut to Laney placing traps all over the house.] That's when I got to work on my ultimate plan to prank Luan back a thousand fold... [Cut to Laney shaking with her double and they walked away separately] And then I undid my switcheroo. [End flashback] And I did it! I finally gave Luan a taste of her own medicine! [To Luan] How does it feel, Luan? To be painfully messed and humiliated for amusement? Not good huh?

Luan: I have to admit it, Laney. You've really got into this pranking game. I didn't even know you had it in you.

Laney: Well, I did. And what I did taught you lesson. That your April Fools pranks are insane and harmful, even to your own family. And when you tried to humiliate my family, that was a step too far! I did this to you to show how much you April Fools day rampages hurt each and everyone of us! To make sure that you never go this far to prank us ever again!

Luan: Wow. I never really thought of that. Guys, I didn't mean to harm you all. I mean it's April Fools! My favorite holiday. Well, I might of gone a bit to far.

Lori: A bit!? You litterally took off my eyebrows! Twice!

Luan: Yeah. Look guys, I'm sorry of all I've done to you. I promise to tone it down next year. [The Loud Family chatters in relief]

Lincoln: But wait. What about the rest of the doubles.

Laney: Oh I don't think you don't need to worry about them. I called them all and rerouted their destinations. They're now taking all of your places for the day. But, hopefully you've learned your lesson, Luan.

Luan: Oh, I did. I will never go overboard with April Fools pranks again. [Everyone smiled] Now let's all go back inside. We all got a lot of cleaning to do. [The famliy all went inside leaving Luan the only one outside. Revealing that she had her fingers crossed the whole time; to the viewers] APRIL FOOLS! You thought I was going to just give uo my favorite holiday? What kind of fool do you take me for? [laughs] Get it?

NOTE: You guys had to understand why I had to remix this episode. Because when I saw Luan humiliating her family on that episode, it shocked me. It was badder then the time Lincoln humiliated his sisters back in season 1. Now I'm not sure if there will be another April Fools day episode in the future. But I'll be sure to change the ending as soon as I find out.