103. Tripped! (Part 2)

Tripped! (Part 2)

What started out as a fun family vacation for the Louds took a terrible turn for the worst after their only transportation to their destination was last seen carried off by a man in a car carrier. What's left for this family to do...

[With their mode of transportation gone, the Loud Family is sitting on a curb near the gas station where they used the bathroom. Lynn Sr. just hung up the payphone.]

Lynn Sr.: Okay, guys. I called the cops and they're gonna try to track down Vanzilla.

Lincoln: I can't believe we're gonna miss out on the bumper boats.

Lori: And the horseback riding.

Lola: And the fudge! [Whines] Oh, the fudge!

Laney: Don't give up, you guys! This is our first real vacation in ages! We've faced bigger disasters before! I've still remember the time Lisa accidentally set the house on fire and we had to stay in that motel for two days.

Rita: That's how long it took to get us banned from there...

Lynn Sr.: Laney's right. Our vacation's not over yet. We just need to find a way to get to the hotel.

Lynn: Boom! There's a bus station right down the street!

[The family gets up and cheers as they head to the bus station.]

Lincoln: Alright!

Lori: We can still do this.

Laney: See? I told you guys, all we need is to keep a positive attiude. Weeping Willows, here we come!

Rita: [realizing something] Oh, wait. I just remembered... [to Lynn Sr.] ...your wallet and my purse are both in Vanzilla.

[Lynn Sr. looks over Rita's shoulder and sees a place called The Mud Flap Café. It looks like they are having an open mic contest, and the winner gets a cash prize.]

Lynn Sr.: 'Open mic contest?'[gets an idea] We'll just have to raise some cash. And Ol' Ding-a-ling Loud has a plan.

Lisa: Now, Father, don't be so hard on yourself. Anyone could've lost the van.

Lynn Sr.: What I meant was, Ding-a-ling as in... [pulls out his cowbell] ...my cowbell! [starts playing it.]

Lisa: Ah.

Lola: [as Lynn Sr. plays his cowbell] So, he doesn't have his wallet, but he has his cowbell?

Lisa: So both definitions of "Ding-a-ling" apply.

Laney: Glad I brought this along. [Pulls out her saxophone from her backpack]

Lincoln: Woah. How much stuff did you pack in there?

Laney: You've gotta be prepared for anything.

[Cut to outside shot of The Mud Flap Café.]

Waiter: The Mud Flap Cafe is pleased to present... the Load family.

Lola: Loud!

Waiter: [Thinking Lola means him] The Load family!

[Cuts to the Louds on stage wearing sunglasses.]

Lynn Sr.: [singing] Wanted a family vacation.

Just to get out of town.

Had it all planned.

Packed up the van.

Ended up in a ditch somehow.

We've got the blues, baby.

Those road trippin' blues.

Lori, Leni, Luan, Lana, Lola and Lisa: [singing] Bad, bad news.

All: [singing] These seats smell weird.

The baby is crying.

She's probably mad we left her behind.

Lynn Sr.: [singing] Road, road trippin' blues.

All: [singing] La, la, la.

Lynn Sr.: [singing] AC broke in Vanzilla

Lynn: [singing] The windows won't roll down.

Leni: [singing] The bean chips of doom.

Luan: [choking] They spread noxious fumes!

Rita: [also choking] Can't breathe! [faints]

Lincoln: I think Mom passed out.

Lynn Sr.: [singing] We got the blues, baby.

Those road trippin' blues.

Lori, Leni, Luan, Lana, Lola and Lisa: [singing] Bad, bad news.

[Laney plays her saxophone]

All: [singing] The dog ran off.

The baby's still crying.

At least we didn't forget her this time.

Lynn Sr.: [singing] Road, road trippin' blues.

All: [singing] La la la.

It was one big family throw up.

(Glaring at Leni) From the egg salad gone wrong.

And that's how all of us wound up,

Broke on stage singing this song.

Lisa: [singing] Broke on stage singing this song.

Lynn Sr.: [singing] Road, road trippin' blues.

All: [singing] Yeah.

Lynn Sr.: Yeah.

[Ticket transition; The Loud family are getting ready to head on the bus while Rita does a head count.]

Rita: 7, 8, 9, 10 11... Dang it. Forgot Lily again.

Laney: Nope, right here. [Points to Rita who was holding Lily the whole time]

Lily: [angrily] Goo!

Rita: Oh. So, who are we missing?

[Just then, an electric guitar can be heard playing inside the cafe, which could only mean one thing...]

Family: Luna! [run back inside to get her.]

[At that moment, the bus they were supposed to go on leaves and another bus takes its place, unbeknownst to the Louds.]

Bus Driver: [getting out] Oh, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee.

[Luna is still rocking out on stage when Lynn appears.]

Lynn: Luna, we're gonna miss the bus! [grabs her]

Luna: [As her family carries her out.] GOODNIGHT, MUD FLAP CAFE!

Crowd Member: We love you, Load!

Laney: Loud!

Crowd Member: [Thinking she meant him] WE LOVE YOU, LOAD!

[The Louds gets inside the bus.]

Lynn Sr.: Let's save this vacation!

Bus Driver: [gets back on the bus and looks behind him to see the Loud Family.] Oh, I just thought I was transporting one. Oh well.

Laney: Transporting one? What do you mean... [Looks at the back and sees a burly convict handcuffed at the very back of the bus; frightened] Puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh...

[The bus drives off and it reveals that they're actually in a prison bus.]

Lincoln: Where'd all the other passengers go?

Laney: [Still frightened] Puh-puh-puh-puh-puh...

Lola: Who cares? We got the bus to ourselves.

Laney: [Still frightened] Puh-puh-puh-puh-puh...

Lincoln: What is it, Laney? [Sees Laney poiting at the convict growling] Huh. Guess he's taking this bus too.

Rita: Honey, do you think there's something strange about this bus?

Lynn Sr.: Well, I've never seen one with shackles... [holds up a pair of handcuffs] ...but it's probably a safety thing.

Laney: [Still frightened] Puh-puh-puh-puh-puh...

Rita: Or maybe, it's a prison thing.

Lynn Sr.: [gasps] You're right. Which means that guy back there is a...

Laney: [Terrified] PRISONER!

Bus Driver: Hey, quiet back there!

[Rita and Lynn Sr. gasp and look back at the prisoner in worry. Lily is patting the prisoner's face, and Lana is observing his tattoos.]

Lana: Cool tattoos, mister. But I think your tattoo artist forgot to give this lady clothes. Don't worry... [pulls out a red marker] ...I'll fix it. [draws on his arm]

Leni: [to his right] O.M. Gosh. I am totes obsessed with your bracelets. Can I try them on?

Prisoner: Uh...sure. If you can get 'em off me.

[Leni pulls out a hair pin, and unlocks the prisoner's handcuffs. Meaning he is now free.]


[The bus driver stops and drops off the Louds in the middle of a highway. Lily sees the prisoner open the back door of the bus, jump off, and land in the bushes. She giggles at this.]

Lynn Sr.: Chins up, family. This vacation isn't over. Surely, some good Samaritan will give us a ride. [notices a car coming] Oh, here we are.

Woman Passenger: [notices them; nervously] Keep going. Don't make eye contact. [The couple bury their faces in some maps as they drive by.]

Lincoln: Aw, come on!

Lynn: Weak!

Lisa: It's clear what the problem is here. No motorist is going to pick up a family of 14. I suggest we employ a technique known as "Hide the Iceberg". We put our best 10% forward, and conceal the rest.

[Cuts to Rita and Lily standing on the side of the road, while the rest of their family is hiding in the bushes with sneaky looks on their faces. Rita holds Lily out and Lily gives a thumbs up, just as a car comes along. It's revealed there's a man, a woman and a girl in said car.]

Man in Car: [concerned] Oh, look at that poor lady and her baby. [to his wife] Pull over.

[The woman pulls over the car, just as the rest of the Louds come out, screaming. The family in the car gasps, just as Lynn Sr. comes out, wailing and wearing some sort of grass outfit.]

Lynn Sr.: [jumping on the windshield] HI! WOULD YOU MIND PULLING OVER, PLEASE?!

[The family in the car screams and swerves. The lady pulls a lever, and the windshield wipers go off, flinging Lynn Sr. off the car, who lands on his stomach.]

Laney: Pro-tip: when trying to get other drivers' attention, the best way is to not run screaming into their windshield wearing a grass skirt.

Lynn Sr.: Noted.

Lola: Well, how do you think we should hitch a ride?

Laney: Allow me. [She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a sign and a marker and starts writing on it]

Lincoln: Seriously! How much stuff you got in there?

[Laney walks out and waves the sign that said "HELP US". A family with a big minivan pulls over and sees her]

Man in Car: Awww. What's the matter, little girl?

Laney: Well... we were on our way to a hotel for our vacation. But our car got lost and then we tried to take a bus there, but we accidentally went into a prison bus by mistake. And now we have no chance of getting to Weeping Willows before out deadline.

Man in Car: Weeping Willows? What a coincidence! That's where we're going! Say, would you and your family like a ride? [Laney gives her family a thumbs up and they give a thmbs up back]

Laney: Why, that would be very thoughtful. And don't worry, we won't take up much space.

Man in Car: Oh, I'm sure that won't be a bother. How big is your family anyway?

Laney: I have ten sisters and one brother.

Man in Car: I'm sorry, did you say ten sisters?... [The rest of the family minus Lynn Sr. comes out and the man and woman looked at each other in worry]

Laney: So, what do you say?

Man in Car: [Nervous] Uh... I just remembered that we have a deadline at the hotel and we don't want to waste any time so... [Lynn Sr. pops out still wearing his grass skirt]

Man and Woman in Car: Aah!

Lynn Sr.: You have to take us! Please!


[The Man and Woman quickly drove off]

Luan: Well, that was a wash. [Laughs]

Lynn Sr.: Too soon, honey.

[The Loud Family sit on the ground. Lana's stomach starts acting up.]

Lana: Excuse me, guys. I gotta lighten my load. [Walks in bushes] Whoa! You guys have to see this!

Rita: Just fill up the hole, sweetie. We don't need to see it.

Lana: Not that. I found our ticket out of here! [her family walks in the bushes] Though, watch your step. I also pooped.

[The Loud Family looks to see that Lana found an aircraft plane and is sitting on it.]

Lucy: Pfft, that thing will never fly.

Lana: Leave that to me. [pulls out her tools] I'll have her up and running in no time!

Luna: Well, even so, who's gonna fly it?

Luan: How about Lori? [Lori smiles at this suggestion] She's been crop-dusting us all day! [The whole family, except Lori, laughs at Luan's joke.]

Lori: [offended] Excuse me. I told you it was the seat!

Loud Family: Riiiiiiight.

Rita: I can fly the plane. [hands Lily to Lynn Sr.] Pop Pop taught me he flew jets in the military.

Lincoln: Mom, that is so cool!

Rita: That's nothing. You should see me pop wheelies in a tank, baby.

Lynn Sr.: [gasps] Is there anything else we don't know about you, honey? Honey? Rita?

[Cuts to the plane all fixed up with a diaper attached to it.]

Lana: Some parts were missing, so I had to improvise.

Lola: With a diaper?

Lana: A night time diaper. For extra strength. I even found some paint to give ol' shakey a face lift. [The front of the plane has an angry face.] And I painted Lori on the crop-duster.

Lori: [scoffs] It doesn't even look like me.

Laney: But it sure smells like you! [The family except Lori once again laugh]

Lori: Ugh!

[Rita puts on airline goggles and starts the plane with her family on it.]

Lynn Sr.: Uh, you sure you know what you're doing? Got our whole family in here. [Rita stops the plane and on top of it, she notices...]

Rita: Ah! Except Lily! [She gets her down as the others glare at her.] Hey, that one is on all of you! I'm flying the plane here. [starts the plane again]

Lincoln: Mom? You, uh...see the silo, right?

[Rita doesn't seem to notice, and everyone starts panicking, but Rita pulls up just in time and the plane flies over the silo and take to the skies. The family sighs with relief. During the flight, Lily sees something on the road.]

Lily: [Points down] Ban-zilly.

Family: Aww.

Rita: Actually, sweetie, this is an airplane.

Lily: [With a more serious tone] Ban-zilly! Ban-zilly!

Luna: [Looks to where Lily is pointing] Whoa, the Chill-ster's right, dudes. Look over there!

[The family look, and see the car carrier that has their beloved Vanzilla.]

Lynn Sr.: My baby! After that car carrier!

Lincoln: What about our 8:00 check-in time?

Lynn Sr.: The way your mother flies, that shouldn't be a problem.

[The car carrier driver blows his horn at another driver on the same road.]

Driver: Move it, slowpoke! I'm behind schedule! [He goes around the driver and sees a sign.] Speed limit enforced by aircraft? Yeah, I'll bet. [Through his carrier window, he sees the Louds' plane.] Dang it! If I get one more ticket, I'll be driving a golf cart!

[The driver drives fast and goes through a corn maze.]

Laney: He's going through that cornfield!

Rita: Don't worry. Pop-Pop taught me how to handle wise guys like this. Let's take it to him! [She flies after the driver.]

[On the car carrier, some of the Louds' stuff on top of Vanzilla start flying out.]

Luna: [Notices her drum cymbals] My hi-hat! Bogus!

Lynn: [Notices her exercise equipment] My kettlebells! Crud!

Lynn Sr.: [Notices something] My puzzles! Ding dang darn it! [Instead of catching them, he ducks.]

[The driver goes through a barn, causing all of the Louds' stuff to fall off and Vanzilla to lose its top half.]

Lynn Sr.: [Horrified about the half broken van.] AAH! MY BABY!

Leni: Yay! Now it's a convertible!

Lynn: Man, nothing stops this guy!

Lincoln: Wait a minute, we have a crop-duster.

Lori: [Still offended] Ugh! Why are you guys always piling on me?

Lincoln: Lori, I'm talking about the plane!

Lori: [gets it] Ah.

Lincoln: Get in front of him, Mom!

[Rita flies the plane in front of the driver.]

Lincoln: "Eat hot fertilizer!" [He turns the knob and green fog comes out of the crop-duster. The fog covers the driver's windshield, causing him to scream and crash into a bale of hay.]

Driver: [gets out and runs] You'll never get me, po-po!

[The family cheers in victory.]

Lisa: Flying H!

[Rita lands the plane and they rush over to the van.]

Lynn Sr.: Okay, people. We've got a check-in to make! [looks at Vanzilla close up] Ah-uh, it's okay. It's just a little scratched.

[Hops, El Diablo, and Bitey pop up and are happy to see Lana again.]

Lana: [hugs them] My babies! I thought I lost you!

Lola: [sarcastically] Wouldn't that have been tragic.

[Lily sees another bale of hay roll up to the plane and it reveals the prisoner from earlier. He gets on the plane and flies away. She giggles at this once again.]

[Nighttime. The Louds drive up a hill and finally make it to Weeping Willow with what's left of Vanzilla. Eventually, the tires give out.]

Lynn Sr.: It's one minute to 8:00. We're gonna have to hoof it! [They get out and run inside the resort. Once inside Lynn Sr. puts some money on the front desk.] Lynn Loud Sr. checking in.

Concierge: [types on her computer and notices something.] Oh no. I'm so sorry, Mr. Loud. But you missed your check-in time, and we gave away your rooms.

Lynn Sr.: But, but- But, but it's 8:00!

Concierge: Actually, sir... [points to the clock] ...it's 8:35.

Lynn Sr.: [looks at his watch, only to find out it's broken.] Oh, my watch stopped. How did that happen?

[Flashback to when they were on the plane.]

Lynn Sr.: My puzzles!

[When he ducked, it turned out one of the suitcase's wheels managed to break his watch and he looks back. End flashback.]

Laney: You had to go get your puzzles...

Lynn Sr.: Ah, please, can't you give us another room? We'll take anything you got!

Concierge: [looks at the results] I'm so sorry. The entire hotel is full.

Luan: You don't know what we've been through.

Luna: I've got a song about it!

Rita: Not now, honey.

Concierge: I'd love to help you folks, but there's really nothing I can do.

?: But there is something I can do.

[The Louds turn around and it reveals to be the farmer they helped earlier.]

Lynn: Farmer Speedy?

Farmer: If it wasn't for you guys, I probably would've missed the check-in myself. So, the least I can do is help you folks out. You're staying with me.

Lola: Well, that's sweet, mister, but we're a pretty big family. How would you have enough space for all of us?

Farmer: Oh, not a problem. I've got the whole top floor. Let me introduce myself, I'm Jerry Kling, the cherry king. [holds up a jar of his company-branded cherries.]

Lynn Sr.: [gasps] What? I-I cook with your cherries all the time.

Jerry Kling: Well, come on, folks. Let me show you to your quarters.

[The Louds chatter in excitement.]

Luan: Aw, this was very cherry-table of you. Up until now, this vacation was the pits. [laughs; Laney shoves some cherries into Luan's mouth]

Laney: Have some cherries...

[And so the next day, the Louds enjoy their vacation at the Weeping Willow. Lori, Leni, Luan, and Lucy are riding horses, but Leni is facing the wrong way. Luna, Lynn, Lincoln, Laney, Lana, and Lisa are on tubes in the lake squirting each other with water guns, Jerry and Lola are snacking on some of his cherries at the dock, and Rita and Lynn Sr. are relaxing while Lily makes a sand castle.]

Lynn Sr.: Well, honey, we made it. Our first real family vacation.

Rita: I think we should make this a Loud family tradition.

[The couple clink their drinks together. Far away, the prisoner is still on the plane they used, celebrating his freedom.]

Prisoner: [laughs] I'm free! Woo-hoo!

[Just then, his celebration is cut short when the plane runs out of fuel and the engine shuts down. The plane starts to fall while the prisoner is still above the sky.]

Prisoner: Dang it.

[He falls too and lands back in the local prison and a gate clanking shut is heard. Camera pans over to the crop-duster as well as the other parts of the plane in the trees and the crop-duster farts one last time.]