Deal Me Out
[The episode starts at the Royal Woods Mall, where Lincoln and Clyde are in line to get tickets for the upcoming Ace Savvy convention.]
Lincoln: [Slaps down the cash] Two tickets, please.
Clyde: And two programs.
[The vendor hands them two flyers and Lincoln passes one to Clyde.]
Lincoln: "Whoa, check this out! There's gonna be a panel of Ace's arch-enemies. I hope the Old Maid is there!"
Clyde: And I have some questions for the Flash Card. There's a rumor he's getting his own spin-off!
Lincoln: [To the viewers] Clyde and I are going to the Ace Savvy Convention tomorrow. It's one of the most sacred Clincoln McCloud traditions.
Clyde: Hey, there's Lance and Trent. [Goes up to the two boys] Hey, guys. Picking up tickets for the convention?
Lance: Nah, but my little brother is. We're just waiting while he's in line.
[Suddenly, Ace Savvy appears behind Lincoln and Clyde.]
Ace Savvy: Hello, boys. Who wants a picture with their old pal Ace?
[Lincoln and Clyde gasp in excitement and pull out their cellphones to take a picture but...]
Trent: No thanks, dude. We're a little past our Ace Savvy phase.
Lance: Yeah, we gave that up when we were seven.
[Lincoln and Clyde look at each other.]
Ace Savvy: No big deal. Guess it's just not in the cards. [Holds up his set of cards then Ace strikes a pointing pose to Lincoln and Clyde. The boys do the same.]
Lance: And that's why we gave it up. [scoffs] So dorky.
Trent: So, what are you guys doing here?
Lincoln: Uh, us? [He and Clyde look nervous, they hide their programs.] Just hangin' at the mall, like guys do.
Clyde: Yeah, you know, lookin' for chicks, buying aftershave, mature stuff.
Lance: [As he and Trent walk off] Cool, well, see you in school Monday.
Clyde: [worried] Oh no, Lincoln! Do you think they're right? Are we too old for Ace Savvy?
[Lincoln and Clyde looks around to see kids younger than them dressed in Ace Savvy attire.]
Lincoln: Huh. I guess we are the oldest kids here.
Clyde: And we have outgrown our costumes a little.
[Flashback to Lincoln and Clyde struggling to get their Ace Savvy costumes on. Clyde ends up falling backwards; End flashback.]
Lincoln: And according to the program, we're too tall for the Bounce House of Cards. [realizing] Wow. Maybe we are too old for Ace, and we've just been blind to it.
Clyde: Maybe. But what are we gonna do? Quit Ace? It's what brought us together in the first place.
[Flashback to Halloween when Lincoln and Clyde were five, and a seven year old Lynn, wouldn't wait for her brother, who was dressed as Ace Savvy.]
Young Lincoln: [To Lynn] Lynn! Wait up! Mom said you have to stay with me. [Walking along in the opposite direction was a five year old Clyde, dressed as One-Eyed Jack, Lynn hurdles right over him, he looks in annoyance at her running off and returns to his trick or treating, Lincoln is still chasing her, but runs right into what was about to become his best friend. The boys bump into each other, and Clyde's nose starts bleeding, Lincoln helps him up.] Oh jeez, I'm sorry. [Offers Clyde his cape] Here. use my cape. Ace Savvy is always ready to lend a hand.
Young Clyde: Thanks, [The boys shake hands] I'm Clyde, what's your name?
[Flashback ends]
Clyde: [tearing up] Dang it. [uses his flyer as a tissue] That story gets me every time.
Lincoln: I know Ace brought us together, but Clyde, we were five years old. Maybe it's time we move on and find new hobbies. Stuff that's more for kids our age.
Clyde: Dr. Lopez does say 'I can't move forward if I'm always looking in the rear view mirror'. Let's do it!
Lincoln: Aces! [realizes] Sorry, starting now.
[Later, in the park. Laney was painting a picture of her pet pig Squeals]
Laney: Oh, Squeals, you look divine. [Squeals is seen looking like "The Thinker" sculpture. Squeals happily snorts]
Lincoln: Laney. There you are. We were hoping to find you here.
Laney: Oh, hey guys. You want to get paintings too?
Lincoln: No, Laney. We need your help. We want to find new hobbies.
Laney: Why do you need new hobbies? The only thing you guys bond over is your love of "Ace Savvy".
Lincoln: Yeah, we decided to quit Ace Savvy.
Laney: [surprised gasp] Give up Ace Savvy!? But you guys loved that guy!
Lincoln: When we were six! But times have changed since then, Laney. We're getting older and older kids like us can't be seen with something as childish as Ace. It's time for us to move on. Right, Clyde?
Clyde: You are so right, Lincoln. Like Dr Lopez said: "you can't move forward if you're always looking in the rear view mirror".
Laney: I have no idea what that means. But if that's what you guys really want. I guess I can't stop you from growing up.
Lincoln: So what do you think we should do, Laney?
Laney: Well, maybe you guys can try painting. [Holds out some paint supplies and hands them to Clyde and Lincoln]
Lincoln: You bet we can. Painting is the perfect thing for us sophisticated eleven year olds. [He and Clyde began to paint]
Clyde: My dads and I use to paint all the time while we were at a creative arts class.
[The boys continue painting until they were finished]
Clyde and Lincoln: Done! [Laney and Squeals walk over to see the boys paintings and they were crudely painted Squeals gasped]
Laney: Uh, those paintings aren't very flattering. Clyde, I thought you said you painted all the time with your dads.
Clyde: Yeah, I guess I forgot to mention that I wasn't very good. I drew an unflattering picture of the teacher that got me counseling for two hours.
[Squeals slaps the boys for ther unflattring portraits]
Lincoln: How about we try something else, Laney?
[Cut to later, Laney and the boys were birdwatching near a golf course]
Laney: Birdwatching is always a favorite for all kids.
Clyde: Oh, great idea, Laney. Birdwatching is a great way to learn about all the interesting species of birds. [Looks over by a tree] Oh! Like that one! A Yellow-bellied sap-sucker! [Laney looks with her binoculars and sees a pigeon] Uh, no. That's a pigeon.
Lincoln: Hey look! I think I see a robin!
Laney: Uh, no. Another pigeon.
Clyde: But how about that-
Laney: Pigeon.
Clyde: Ah.
Lincoln: Dang it! This is not getting us anywhere!
Clyde: Maybe we need to bring the birds here to us.
Lincoln: Good idea, Clyde. We'll just bring them these crumbs from the sandwiches we made for lunch. [He and Clyde take off small pieces of their sandwich around]
Laney: Lincoln, wait! That's not a good idea!
Lincoln: Why not- [A flock of pidgeons gather around Clyde and Lincoln] AAAHH! GET THEM OFF! GET THEM OFF!
Laney: Hang on! I got it! [Laney grabbed a golf club and tried to shoo away the pidgeons] Shoo! Shoo! [Accidentally hits Cyde and Lincoln in the process]
Clyde: Ow!
Lincoln: Ow!
Laney: Sorry!
[Later after Clincoln McCloud recover from the bird injury]
Laney: Okay, I realize now that I was focusing more on girls hobbies other boys' hobbies. [Zooms out to see that Laney and the boys are on a boat] Maybe fishing is more your speed.
Lincoln: Good call, sis. And bonus, we can cook and eat what we catch.
Clyde: I packed us some sandwiches, but okay. Just then, Clyde suddenly gets a bite on his rod.] Whoa! I think I got something!
Lincoln: Reel it in! That's our lunch!
[Clyde does so and reels in a large, monstrous fish. The trio shriek in terror as Lincoln swats the fish off the boat.]
Clyde: Get it out!
[The boat toppled over as Lincoln, Laney, and Clyde gasped up to the surface.]
Laney: How did that fish get so big!?
Lincoln: Well, the important thing is, we caught one.
Clyde: [Sees the floating sandwiches] Yeah, and we still have our sandwiches for lunch. [Just as he says that, the fish emerged and eats them.]
[Later, the kids are at the skate park.]
Laney: Okay, fishing is definitely a no. But I think you'll be more interested in skateboarding. I assume that what you boys like. I used to see lots of boys your age skate around.
Lincoln: And they shoud. Because that's exactly what kids our age should be doing. [They are now on opposite sides of the half pipe, and Lincoln goes for it.] Hey, I'm doin' it! [High fives Clyde on the other side.] Give it a try Clyde.
Clyde: Here I go! [But then, Clyde slips from his skateboard, Lincoln slips from his own as well, and both crashed each other at the back of their heads, making their helmets break.]
Laney: There goes my deposit on those helmets.
[The Loud House. Laney and the boys were in the kitchen sitting down on the table]
Laney: [sighs] Okay. We tried skateboarding, fishing, bird watching, painting, climbing, decorating, planting, bug catching. Nothing! Heck, you guys even lost all the coins while coin collecting! Clyde, I understand, but Lincoln? How could you screw up? I've seen you collect coins tons of times!
Lincoln: Sorry, Laney. I guess I'm a little rusty. I've been too focused on Ace Savvy.
Laney: Well, I guess that's it. Clearly you guys love Ace Savvy more than anything. Maybe it's best that you stick with it.
Clyde: And be openly mocked for liking childish things? Never!
Lincoln: Clyde's right! It's for our own good. We need to let go of the past. In fact, we need to let go of a lot of other things.
[Later, the boys and Laney are biking down the street with their Ace Savvy stuff.]
Clyde: Are you sure we need to get rid of our Ace Savvy stuff?
Lincoln: I know it hurts, buddy, but now that we have new hobbies, we just don't need it anymore.
Laney: I still not sure you should be doing this, guys. I mean, you like Ace Savvy.
Lincoln: Not anymore, Laney. It's time we move on from Ace. There's just no room in our other awesome hobbies for it anymore.
Clyde: [to his toy] Tell that to my One-Eyed Jack action figure. He's giving me his signature death glare. [Clyde looks uneasy as he stuffed it in the box, he sighed in relief.]
[Cut to the Flip's Food and Fuel sign.]
Laney: What are we doing at Flip's?
Clyde: That's what I'm wondering. I thought we were going to a pawn shop.
Lincoln: We were, I guess I wrote down the wrong address.
[Lincoln and Clyde were about to leave, but Flip stops them off-screen.]
Flip: No ya didn't, chief. You've come to the right place. [Presses the button on his remote witch changes the sign to 'Pat's Pawn Prawns'.]
Clyde: Pat's Pawn Prawn? Who's Pat?
[Flip presses the button on his nametag, switching it to 'Pat'.]
Flip: You're lookin' at 'em. [Walks inside, then comes back out.]
Laney: But, you're name's Flip.
Flip: Nope. Flip's the other guy. Name's Pat, I'm Pat. This here's Pat. [Laney glares at Flip]
[Lincoln and Clyde looked at each other, then shrugged, and walked inside. Once inside, Flip pressed the button reveling various comics and electronics, Flip pulls out a bucket of prawns and munched on one. The boys look at each other again, shrug, and place their stuff on the counter.]
Flip: [Checks the items in the box.] Ehh, let's see here. I'll give ya ten bucks for the whole she-bang. [Pulls out a ten dollar bill.]
Lincoln: TEN BUCKS?!
Flip: [Holds the money out to the boys.] Take it or leave it?! Pat's a busy guy!
Lincoln: [Angrily takes the bill] Fine.
Laney: Guys! You shoudn't be doing this! You can't just sell your collection to Flip!
Flip: [offscreen] Pat!
Lincoln: Sorry, Laney. But remember, for our own good.
Laney: Do you really think it's for your own good?
Lincoln: Of course it is, Laney. [Realizes something else] Wait Clyde, we still have our tickets to the convention.
Clyde: [Sighs] Guess we should sell those, too.
Laney: Your convention tickets. But you guys have been looking forward to the Ace Savvy convention for weeks! You could not stop talking about it!
Clyde: That was before we found out it was for babies! And if there's one thing we don't do, is look like babies!
Laney: Well, that's still no reason for you guys to sell off your tickets to Flip. [Zoom out to see Flip who is now wearing a tuxedo]
Flip: Nope. Who's Flip? I'm Tucker, of Tucker's Tix Tux! [Laney angrily growls at him]
[Later, The kids walk out of the store]
Lincoln: You'll see, Laney. Now that we're free from our silly Ace Savvy obsession, we can finally do things we've never got to do.
Clyde: Now if you excuse us we're gonna 'catch some mad air on the half pipe'! I've been looking up skateborder lingo. [They leave]
Laney: Those two boys think they're done with Ace Savvy. But I know for a fact that they're not ready to fold just yet. [smirks] And I'm gonna wring that out of them...
[Later, at the park Lincoln and Clyde are carrying their skateboard gear sitting on a bench.]
Lincoln: I don't know about you, Clyde, but I'm loving our new hobbies.
Clyde: Me too, buddy. I am not looking at the rear view mirror anymore. [Pulls out his mirror from his helmet.] Well, I am, but, it's just for safety. [He looks up from his mirror and sees a kid at the sandbox playing with action figures of Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack. Clyde, not wanting Lincoln to find out about this, spoke to Lincoln.] Uh, just realized, I forgot my... aftershave this morning, I should go to the bathroom and dab some on. [Walks off, sneaking past Lincoln on the bench, and goes up to the kid.]
Clyde: Hi there! Mind if I join?
Kid at Sandbox: Sure. You can be Ace.
Clyde: Well, usually I'm Jack.
[The kid hands Clyde a One-Eyed Jack action figure and the two of them start playing. Meanwhile, at the bench, a mother and a son, who is watching Ace Savvy TV show on a tablet walked by, Lincoln took notice of it and followed them.]
Flash Card: [Laughs evilly] Looks like I've got the upper hand, Ace!
[Lincoln starts repeating the line Ace Savvy said on the episode.]
Lincoln: Think again, Flash Card! No one makes Ace Savvy fold! [The kid notices Lincoln behind him.] Sorry, I just really love this episode. You mind turning up the brightness?
[Later, the boys come back to the bench and gasp at each other in surprise.]
Clyde: Sorry it took so long, gone to the bathroom and I realized I haven't shaved, so had to do that first.
Lincoln: No problem, I, uh, was over at the pond, talking bait with some fisherman.
[The boys sit down on the bench smiling nervously, glancing at each other a bit.]
[Later, at the Royal Woods Mall, Lincoln and Clyde are at a car shop.]
Clyde: Just two guys checking out mufflers. What an age appropriate way to spend a Saturday.
Lincoln: Totally, I don't feel bad at all for missing the convention today. [Goes up to a muffler] Ah, here's a beauty, I bet it really... muffles!
Laney: [offscreen] Oh boys! [Clyde and Lincoln turn around to see Laney, who was in her Lady Solitare outfit]
Lincoln: Uh, Laney? What are you wearing?
Laney: It's my Lady Solitaire outfit. I was just on my way to the Ace Savvy convention and I was hoping you two would come along.
Lincoln: Pfft! Like we're interested in that childish obsession. Right, Clyde.
Clyde: Straight up, Linc. Now if you excuse us, we got some mufflers to look at.
Laney: Oh, well. That's too bad. I was gonna get my comic book signed. In case you change your mind they got Ace Savvy comics on sale over by the comic book store. [Leaves]
[Suddenly, Lincoln hears some laughter from kids at the Mega Comics store through the window reading some comics related to Ace Savvy. Lincoln, not wanting Clyde to find out about this, goes up to him, playing with a wrench.]
Lincoln: [Faking a cough] Ugh, I gotta go use the [coughs] bathroom. Bug flew in my throat.
Clyde: A bug? [Drops the wrench, concerned] Are you okay? What were its markings?
Lincoln: [Still fake coughing] I didn't see it, I just tasted it. [Coughs] Ugh, be right back. [Runs off, then Clyde lifts his shirt over his nose, not wanting to be sick]
[At the comic book store, Lincoln is reading Ace Savvy while laughing, meanwhile, at the car shop, Clyde is smelling some car fresheners.]
Clyde: Huh, there is a difference between Douglas Fir and Evergreen.
[Suddenly, Clyde hears laughter from the kids talking to Ace Savvy.]
Kid #1: Cool! Ace!
[Clyde looks around making sure the coast is clear, drops the car fresheners, smiles sheepishly at the viewers.]
Ace Savvy: [Talking to his young Ace fans.] So I threw Wild Card Willy in the clink, then shuffled off to the Fortress of Solitaire.
Kid #2: No Way!
Kid #3: Wow!
Kid #4: Sweet!
Laney: Wow, Ace you are amazing! [Holds out her comic book] Can you sign my comic?
Ace Savvy: Anything for a fan. [As Ace signs the comic book Laney smirks at Clyde who appears next to her]
Clyde: Uh, I wasn't obsessing over Ace Savvy. If that's what you're thinking!
Laney: Sure. Say, do you mind if you hold my spot while I go to the bathroom?
Clyde: Sure. [Laney leaves and hides at the back at a cardboard cutout of Ace Savvy. When the coast was clear, Clyde approached Ace] Excuse me, Mr. Savvy, big fan here, can I get a quick photo? [Takes photo with Ace] Now I just have a few questions. [Pulls out a long list] Starting with episode one… [Laney looked on and smiled to see her plan working]
[Cuts back to the car shop, Lincoln and Clyde got alarmed meeting back with each other.]
Lincoln: [Faking an excuse] Sorry that took so long, that bug was really stuck in there good.
Clyde: [Also faking an excuse] That's okay, a bug actually flew into my mouth, too. I went into a different bathroom. Well, guess it's time to buy one of those mufflers.
[After purchasing the car mufflers from the shop, the boys ran into Laney once again with some kids by her side]
Laney: Hey, boys. Last to go to Savvy Con with me. I heard rumors that The Flash Card is getting his own spinoff.
Lincoln: Thanks Laney, but no thanks. We're just on our way out with our mufflers for our auto body hobby.
Laney: Really? Because I thought you'd be more interested since you read one of Ace Savvy's… [reaches into Lincoln's pocket and pulls out an Ace Savvy comic] comic! [Clyde gasps and pretends to be shocked]
Clyde: Lincoln!
Lincoln: Uh! It's not what you think!
Laney: Why are you so shocked, Clyde. When I saw you taking a picture with Ace himself!
[Lincoln then gasps pretending to be shocked as well]
Lincoln: Clyde?
Clyde: I uh… Wait! [To Laney] How do you even know about that?
Laney: Well, I was just on my way to the bathroom and uh…
Lincoln: Aha! So that's your plan! You're trying to convince us that we still like Ace Savvy!
Laney: Wow. Great detective work. Just like-
Lincoln: Enough! I'm telling you for the last time, we're done playing Ace Savvy! And there's nothing you can do that can make us say different!
Clyde: Yeah! Come on, Lincoln. Let's go grind... or shred... or you know, wh-whatever it's called. [The boys left in a huff]
Laney: [sighs] Well, I gave it a shot. But I guess they really are done with Ace Savvy. Oh well, I guess if they really want this I guess I can't stop them. Besides, I can have just as much fun at the convention without them. Right kids? [The young kids cheer] Come on! Let's deal out some justice! [Laney and the kids then left for the convention]
Lincoln: Boy, look at Laney acting so childish with all that Ace Savvy nonsense.
Clyde: Yeah. Who needs that noise, am I right?
[The boys nervously laugh but then stop and their smiles slowly start to with sadness and disappointment as they start to recall their childhood memories together as Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack. Cuts to a flashback with them solving the case of the muddy footprints.]
Young Lincoln and Clyde: [First they investigate Charles' feet.] Nope. [Then Cliff's] No. [And then Baby Lana, the boys gasped in surprise figuring out the case.] Jackpot! We've got two of a kind! [Gave each other a high-five while Baby Lana shrugs.]
[Cuts at the table where Clyde is trying to fix Lincoln's Ace Savvy action figure.]
Young Lincoln: And then Lynn came out of nowhere and roller-skated right over him!
Young Clyde: It's okay. [Glues the arm back on] I can fix him, though I'm not sure he'll ever shuffle again.
[Lincoln hugged Clyde in gratitude. Cuts to Laney's room where the kids return a teddy bear to Baby Laney]
Young Clyde: We solved the case of the missing teddy bear! [Gives the teddy bear to baby Laney]
Baby Laney: Walter! [Hugs the teddy bear] Thank you Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack.
[Young Lincoln and Clyde high five. Cuts to the kitchen where Lynn Sr. is washing the dishes.]
Young Lincoln: Dad, One-Eyed Jack and I solved the case of the missing bologna.
Young Clyde: [Holds up Cliff] We've got the culprit right here.
Lynn Sr.: [Gives them a thumbs up and a wink] Good work, boys! You've done it again!
Young Lincoln and Clyde: [Jumping for joy] ACE AND JACK FOREVER!
[Flashback ends where Lincoln and Clyde are feeling regretful for their decision of giving up Ace Savvy.]
Lincoln: Clyde, I can't do this anymore! So what if we're too old for Ace? I'm just not ready to give him up.
Clyde: Me neither! I don't care what Dr. Lopez says! [Pleadingly] Please don't tell her I said that, I don't wanna hurt her feelings.
Lincoln: Clearly this makes us happy, so I say we enjoy it as long as we want to. [Determined] Let's go get out stuff back!
Clyde: And our tickets! We can still make the convention! Let's just hope 'Pat' and 'Tucker' are both working today.
[Cuts to Clyde slapping the $10 bill on the counter to 'Tucker' at the shop.]
Clyde: Here's the money you paid us for the tickets. We'd like to buy them back.
Flip: Hold up, chief, prices changed. You're forgetin' 'bout the handling fee, the storage fee, and the resale fee. [Raises his eyebrows]
[Lincoln and Clyde looked at each other and groaned.]
Flip: Hey, I'm the nice guy here. Wait'll you try to get your toys back, then you're gonna have to deal with Pat, and he's in a mood.
Lincoln: [Suddenly gets an idea] How 'bout we trade you a new muffler for them?
[Flip smiles in agreement as a cash register sound chimes.]
[Cuts to the Ace Savvy Convention, named Savvy Con, Laney walks out of a booth when she sees Lincoln and Clyde in their costumes]
Laney: [gasps] Lincoln! Clyde! You guys made it after all! [Runs up to hug them]
Lincoln: You were right, Laney. We just couldn't stay away from our favorite hero. You should've seen us back there. The Flash Card said Clyde asked him a good question!
Clyde: Yeah, I didn't even mind that he called me 'Clade'. [Just then, he saw something from his eye patch.] Look, there's some kids from Lori's class!
[Points to said kids; Becky, Chaz, and Joey.]
Laney: How do you know there from Lori's class?
Clyde: [Covers his mouth, nervously.] No reason, I'm not saying I memorized her yearbook or anything. [Laney raised her eyebrow at him]
Lincoln: Uh, they must be here with their little brothers and sisters.
[The boys are scared as the teens approach them, but Laney stood proud]
Clyde: Oh, geez. They're walking this way! Get ready to be teased.
Laney: Let them mock and laugh, boys. They can't take away your childhood. That's the parents job. [With that, Lincoln stood firm]
Lincoln: She's right, Clyde. [Flips down Clyde's eye patch] We can get through this.
Becky: [To Laney] Wow! I like your costume! So original.
Laney: [surprised by the compliment] Huh. You usually don't say that when your making fun of someone.
Joey: Hey One-Eyed Jack, that utility belt is rad. What booth did you get that at?
Clyde: Oh, actually I made it.
Joey: No way! The detail is amazing!
Clyde: Thanks. It even fires poker chips. [Fires one. The guys are astounded by it.]
Joey: Sick!
Lincoln: Wait, you guys are into Ace Savvy?
Becky: Yeah! Whadya think we're doing here? [She along with Chaz and Joey show their Ace Savvy T-shirts to Lincoln, Laney, and Clyde.]
Chaz: We've been into Ace since we were like seven!
Lincoln: Really, You never felt like you were too old?
Becky: No way. We'll never be too old for Ace.
Laney: Wow! Someone older than us likes Ace Savvy! This changes everything!
Lincoln: Yeah. I guess we were worried for nothing.
Chaz: [Points] Look! They're selling One-Eyed Flapjacks! We gotta go snag some! [Runs off]
Laney: Deal me in! [Dashes off after Chaz]
Joey: [To Lincoln and Clyde] You guys wanna join?
Lincoln and Clyde: Yeah!
[Becky and Joey walks off to catch up to Chaz.]
Lincoln: Hey Clyde, can you spot me some money? I spent all of mine on mufflers.
Clyde: No problem, buddy. One-Eyed Jack is always ready to lend a hand.
[They both locked arms with each other having a great time.]