demon sister Jamie has completed her mother's funeral, now she is looking for the suitcase which her mother told them about.
the demon was on his date with a girl who was invited to the devil's party of the Illuminati.
the demon told Jamie to call him when she finds that suitcase.
girl:- I never told you my name, it's Cali.
demon:- so cali may I have the honour to know about that lucky guy, in the who is your boyfriend.
girl:- I never except you would be interested in me.
demon:- you are an interesting girl, if you are a subject then I am a topper.
girl:- stop it, you are making me embarrassed, I don't have a boyfriend, and my father doesn't have a son or any other child who can carry on my father's business, he loves and I love him too, I am trying my best to make his life easy because he works day and night, I want to make him proud so all the responses have fallen on my shoulder.
demon:- he is a lucky man to have a daughter like you, and he must be very happy to have you, I am very curious how he became so influential that he has a direct connection with illuminate.
girl:- no one becomes a member of illuminate, only illuminate decides who can rise or fall, my father's company works on medical that can cure aids, but in doing so they have created a slow poison that can kill million people in two months, what special about that poison is that nobody can trace that poison even after postmortem, our government want to sell this medicine, but my father was against it, so he rebels, illuminate shut him down, in exchange for power and money, now illuminate possess that poison, my father didn't like it, but if he doesn't do what they say, they will kill us, but once we join them, our all problem is finished, we don't have to worry about finance, company survival and competition.
demon:- your father has all my respect, now what your father does for illuminate.
girl:- father didn't say much about illilumante, only I know he go there every year, for some kind of voting, when he got back he became so depressed and my mother also become so sad, he tried everything to stop me, but I registered myself without telling him, he is so angry with me, that why I tried my first drug on that day when I meet you.
the demon knows she doesn't have any Idea what happens there, by the way she talk demon know she is childish and immature and a spoiled brat of her father, that mean her father will be looking for someone for her safety, now demon just have to give little fire to fuel.
demon:- you are really a brave girl, you will become a best wife anyone can have, you are so caring, intelligent, clever, sweet talker, what else a man could ask for, I want to meet your father
girl:- wait its to early for marriage for me.
demon:- you have best sense of humour, I want to have his acceptance for go out with you, I don't want him to sue me for abducting you or anything.
girl:- I was joking I will take you to him