16. Chapter 16

It took longer than any of them particularly wanted, but finally, their new home was ready for them to move into.

Surprisingly, it had been Abuela's idea to make the front doorknob for Mirabel and give her the honor of putting it on, but the whole family had been in complete agreement.

As the family gathered around the house, Abuela started explaining to Mirabel that the still needed one thing. Mirabel was confused, but Bruno was there too.

"We need a doorknob." he said gently.

"And we made this one for you." Dolores pressed it into Mirabel's hand.

Mirabel looked down at the doorknob in awe, with tears in her eyes, before looking back up at her family.

"For me?" She asked, in awe, her voice shaking.

Antonio appeared at her side, holding her hand and nodding encouragingly, exactly like what Mirabel did for him on the day of his ceremony.

Dolores and the others stepped back, framing the path to the door for Mirabel, who still was looking around, unsure.

She took one step forward, and then another, Antonio pinned to her side. She met Dolores' eyes as she walked, and Dolores gave her an encouraging smile. At the door, Antonio let go, letting Mirabel approach with the doorknob on her own.

With a shaking hand, Mirabel lifted the doorknob to the door and-

Dolores clapped her hands over her ears, not understanding what was happing right away. Then she saw the golden door and the magic flowing over the house and she understood.

Casita was back. The miracle was back. The gifts were back.

Everything was too loud again, but Dolores had spent over a decade getting used to the noise, and she could already feel herself start to adjust to it as she followed the rest of their family into Casita.

The doors were glowing, like they did before they had gotten their gifts. Mirabel was laughing with Tío Bruno at Camilo and Antonio. Mama and Papa were dancing in the middle. Mariano appeared at her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently, quietly.

They had discussed her ability at length one day, and she explained how overstimulating it could be to hear everybody and everything all the time. She leaned back into him, nodding as she watched her family. They had been dating for a couple of weeks, and she knew that this was the man she was going to marry. She was more sure of it with each little detail that he noticed or acknowledged - the only other person that ever noticed those details was Mirabel.

Even as she thought that, Mirabel was looking at her with concern. "Are you okay, hermana?" She whispered from across the room.

Dolores grinned at her, nodding. Despite how loud everything was, their family was good. Bruno was back. Mirabel was happy. Abuela was learning. Luisa was taking breaks. Isabela was allowing herself to make mistakes. Everyone was learning, everyone was growing.

They would never be what they used to be - they would never be able to act the same with Abuela. They would never dedicate all of their time to the town, ignoring their own needs. They wouldn't overuse their gifts.

They were growing, they were better.

They had committed to changing, all those weeks ago on the floor of the church.

Watching her family interact with each other, Dolores knew.

They had changed. Slowly, not without bumps, they had changed.

And it was good.

AN: And that's a wrap! Thank you all so much for your support and love for this story! I wouldn't have finished it without all of your encouragement and suggestions.