31. Chapter 31

June 28, 2014 – You know, I spoil you all rotten by posting daily and the ONE time I indulge in a cliffie, you turn on me! LOL! I will say that I've been rather entertained by all the whinging. But hey, I wrote this thing 10 years ago and that chapter break has always been right there. Be thankful you don't have to wait several days like the original readers did. So quit pouting and start reading.

Chapter 31

The moment had come. Finally, after all of the months of repressed desire, it was time. Darcy continued, "I promised you at the beginning that I would stop and ask you if you wished for me to proceed. Do you wish it, Elizabeth?"

Darcy held his breath, waiting, dreading her reply. After what seemed an eternity, Elizabeth looked up. Expecting to see scorn in her eyes, he was taken back by the look of deep affection they contained. "Please, I do wish it."

Overcome, Darcy rushed to where she sat and dropped down on his knee before her. Taking her right hand in his, he began.

"Dearest, loveliest Elizabeth, the way you have borne the ramblings of this lovesick fool brings joy to my heart. I told you that you are unlike any woman I have ever known. You forced me to look deep within, to consider the man that I thought myself to be. What I saw there saddened me and I determined to become the man that you could respect and hopefully, one day, love. I do not care any longer about connections, about fortunes, about the approval of the Ton. I cannot see my future without you by my side. I love you. Deeply. Passionately. I will never be complete without you. Elizabeth, will you honor me and become my wife?"

Overcome, joy lit up her face. She reached her right hand and gently ran her fingers down along his jaw line. Darcy leaned his head into her simple caress.

"Yes, Mr. Darcy, I will be your wife."

"Call me Fitzwilliam, Elizabeth."

"Fitzwilliam," she smiled.

Darcy rose and sat next to Elizabeth taking her in his arms. Their lips met in a tender first kiss, forever sealing their future.

After a few minutes so agreeably engaged, Darcy began to chuckle.

"Do my affections amuse you, Fitzwilliam?" she teased.

"Umm, I like to hear you say my name," and he kissed her again.

"Then what is it that diverts you so?"

"I just realized that with your sister's marriage to Bingley your connections have improved dramatically! I had no reason to count that against you, dearest Elizabeth."

That was followed by another kiss.

"I also realized that by marrying you I could grant Miss Bingley's fondest wish by becoming brother to her 'dear Charles'" Darcy responded roguishly.

"Fitzwilliam Darcy! How dare you bring that woman's name up on this happiest of days!"

"You are happy then?"

"Could I kiss you that way if I were not?"

Darcy was silent.

"Fitzwilliam, I have something I need to tell you."


"I love you, Fitzwilliam. I have loved you for a long time, I believe, though I have only just recently allowed myself to accept it. But I have always understood my situation. I would never have presumed that a man like you would lower himself to choose a woman like me. I scarcely ever allowed myself to dare to hope for your notice."

"Elizabeth, listen to me. Never, ever, think like that again! I am a gentleman; you are a gentleman's daughter. We are equals. Indeed, in many ways I am not your equal. I have money enough for both of us. Your mother was a little low estimating my annual income, my dear. What I do need is a woman who will stand beside me, inspire me, challenge me, love me, and bear my children. You, Elizabeth, are all I need in a wife. Tell me again you love me. It is all I need."

"I love you with all my heart, Fitzwilliam."

It was a while before any more words were necessary.



"As much as I would like to shout it from the hilltops, I do not think we should say anything about our engagement at present. I am afraid of what Lady Catherine might do. She seems to like you now but surely that will change when she hears we are to marry. Besides, I do need to procure your father's permission first."

"I do not think THAT will be a problem, Fitzwilliam! But I agree with you about Lady Catherine. It is a shame, because in my own way, I like her too. Besides, I think Colonel Fitzwilliam would hate to see such discord at this delicate time." They shared a knowing smile.

"I believe you are right. Perhaps I could provide a nudge."

"A nudge? How would you do that? I have a difficult time picturing you as a matchmaker!"

"With your permission, I will tell him of our engagement and suggest, as Georgiana did to me this morning, that one wedding tends to lead to another."

Elizabeth burst out laughing. "What would you do without your sister, Fitzwilliam? You may tell her as well. I doubt you would be able to keep it from her in any case. I will not tell anyone at the Parsonage, though."

"You are right, Georgiana will be full of questions when I see her later. I think you are wise not taking Mrs. Collins in your confidence. I am sure Georgiana will want to see you tomorrow. Where shall I tell her you will meet her?"

"At the temple. It is nearly time for lunch, though. We must be getting back. I do love you so."

"And I you. When may I see you again?"

"I like to take short walk before breakfast if the weather permits."

"Then I shall pray for sunny skies! Good day, Elizabeth."

"Yes, a very good day, Fitzwilliam."

"Until tomorrow."

With one last kiss the couple went in opposite directions on the path, Darcy to the unavoidable conference with Lady Catherine, Elizabeth to the confines of Hunsford Parsonage.

Darcy made his way back to Rosings. His heart was overflowing with joy, yet he knew that he must put his famous Darcy mask on before he went inside. It took all of his 28 years' worth of self-control to keep from smiling.

He made his way back to Georgiana's room. Inside he would find a very curious sister and he pondered whether to toy with her or not. Realizing the futility of such an exercise in his present state, Darcy knocked on her door and quietly identified himself.

"Please come in, Fitzwilliam."

Darcy quickly entered and closed the door.

"Fitzwilliam, come sit on the bed and talk with me."

He did as she bid.

"Brother, I beg you, do not keep me in suspense. Did you ask her?"

"Ask who, what?"

Georgiana hit her brother playfully on the arm.

"You did, did you not"?

He simply nodded.

"And what did she say?"

"Would you like an exact quote?" he said in a serious tone.


"She said, 'Yes, Mr. Darcy, I will be your wife.'"

At this, Georgiana threw herself at her brother and gave him the happiest hug she had ever dared.

"I take it that this unusually ardent display of affection means you approve?"

"Oh brother, sometimes you are impossible. Of course I approve! Why do you think I have been playing matchmaker between the two of you since November?"

"Ah ha! So you finally admit it! I could be angry with you if I were not so in love with Elizabeth. Now then, tell me truly, how are you feeling?"

"I would be feeling better with your news alone. I have always wanted a sister! But I started to feel better 20 minutes ago. My headache is still present, but it too is getting better. I think I should stay in my room for now, but I hope to be able to come down to dinner. I must say I am surprised Aunt Catherine has not visited me."

At this Darcy smiled sadly.

"You know how many times I have told you that I would do anything for you? Well, this morning I think I finally reached my limit."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Lady Catherine accosted me right after I left you. In order to keep her away I referred to "our dear Anne" and somewhat implied that you could be another daughter in the future."

"You did not!"

"Yes, dearest, I did. I am not afraid to allow Lady Catherine to remain under the delusion that Anne and I would marry. Anne and I have spoken of this many times and we agree it is for the best even though neither of us has ever wanted to marry the other."

"Because Anne prefers another cousin."

"Yes, and this is why we must keep news of my engagement from becoming known. Things are at a delicate stage right now and it is best to let the storm brew a bit longer."

"I agree, Fitzwilliam. Will you tell Richard? He has not much time left."

"As a matter of fact I will. Lady Catherine and I are going to be holed up in the study this afternoon. I am going to suggest that Richard take Anne for a drive… and to suggest that one marriage leads to another."

The siblings shared their amusement and soon Darcy left his sister to prepare for lunch.

Fortunately, Darcy was able to find the Colonel in his room before heading down to lunch. With great joy he relayed his news and his plans for suggesting the ride in the curricle.

"Is there any reason you wish me to take Anne out, Darcy?" he eyed his cousin suspiciously.

"Why would you say that Fitzwilliam?"


"Richard, we leave the day after tomorrow. How many more chances are you going to get?"

"She may not want me, Fitz."

"Hhmm. The only way to find out is to ask. I doubt you will be disappointed."

"You seem very sure of yourself!"

"Richard, for once in your life, trust me on this!"


"Let us go down to lunch"

Lady Catherine was pleased with the diligent care of Darcy for Anne in suggesting the afternoon ride. Anne acquiesced with little outward signs of pleasure.

The Colonel saw this and felt a loss of confidence, but his years of army training came to the rescue and his happy manners reappeared.

Once they were safely away from Rosings, Anne let down her guard and began to smile.

"Oh good, I was beginning to worry about you, Anne."

"Whatever for, Richard?"

"You appeared as though you did not wish to be here, but were instead resigned to your fate."

"Richard, have you not learned anything from your time here? I put on a mask around my mother, just like William. It is my way of coping with her. Georgiana and William know the truth, and so do your parents I might add."

"They do?"

"Yes, they do. Now let us enjoy the time we have together today. You will leave the day after tomorrow," she added sadly.

'Yes we do,' he said to himself.

They rode along in silence for a few minutes.

"I shall miss you, Richard."

The Colonel looked over towards Anne but she would not look at him. Skillfully he led the curricle to the side of the path and halted.

"What did you say, Anne?"

Still she would not look at him.

"Anne, please, say it again."

Finally, she turned to look at him and he saw the tears running down her cheeks.

"I shall miss you, Richard," she whispered.

The colonel gently wound his arms around her and pulled her to himself.

"Anne, I am so sorry. Until this year I never took the time to try and know you. Imagine my surprise when I discovered an intelligent, wonderful woman bursting to get out. Anne, let me take you away from here. I know that I have always said I needed to marry a woman of fortune. I know that if you accept me your mother may try to disinherit you. I do not care if you have Rosings or not. All I want is you… Anne, sweet, wonderful Anne, will you marry me?"

"Oh, yes!"

"I love you, Anne."

"I love you, Richard."

Timidly the Colonel leaned down to kiss his new bride-to-be. One swift, gentle, kiss led to another and before he realized what was happening Anne had deepened the kiss and began to kiss him back with unrestrained passion.

Suddenly amused, the Colonel pulled back and looked at his beloved. "My love, you surprise me. What else have you been hiding?"

Cheekily she grinned back. "That is for me to know, and for you to find out."

"I look forward to it!"

The couple spent more time 'getting to know each other better' before they grudgingly admitted they should return to Rosings. Anne soon discovered the news of Darcy and Elizabeth's engagement.

"Are you pleased, Anne?"

"Most definitely. They will do very well together. I am glad William was able to get past his pride to see what a prize Elizabeth Bennet is."

"We, for obvious reasons, need to keep this from your mother. And while I am on the subject, I think I should wait to talk to your mother about us as well. With your permission, I should like to talk with my father first. I am not marrying you for your money but I do not want to do something rash and lose it if a better way can be found. Rosings should be yours, Anne."

"I know" she sighed, "and I think that is a very good plan. When you have talked with him and have decided on a course of action, have your mother write to me. Mother does not bother with her letters to me. I think it the only safe way to proceed."

"You are right, as usual, as I am beginning to see. Darcy is going to ask me about today. May I tell him?"

"Of course! I think we are going to need his help in the long run anyway. But enough about our family, tell me how you came to love me, Richard!"

He laughed and began his tale, much to the delight of his lady until they were once again back at the house slipping into their accustomed roles, playing their parts to perfection, each knowing that this necessity would soon be a thing of the past.

So maybe Anne and the Colonel were a little fast in reaching their understanding and confessing undying love, but I need them to get engaged now. And for all you moaning and groaning about the last chapter I expect to hear raptures about not just one engagement, but two in the same chapter.