Chapter 20 - Beast Continent.

The Silver White Wolf clan gathered 450 wolves and sent them off to gather in the new land that they would soon be going to.

Shawn who had seen this gave a nod. He had used Unchosen Chat/Floating Eye which allowed him to be seen by the silver white wolf clan.

"You have chosen almost one fourth of your clan members for this process" Shawn said and his consciousness projected into a floating eye that appeared in the sky.

"We are ready to visit this new land that you speak of with great eye," said one of the silver white wolf clan elders.

"Alright then" Shawn said as he still kept Unchosen Chat on while searching for a power to use.

"System what power can I use to transport people to another place" he said

"Here it is!" The system said as the rows of power tabs suddenly switched to a single power tab given the name 'Teleport'.

"Oh then allow me to see what this teleport does" Shawn said as he read the info.

"0.5 CP deducted for each living being transported. Still trying to scam me system" said Shawn.

*Well if you don't spend then the CP's are useless*

"Whatever poke noser"

"Use teleportation," Shawn said.

*Location of teleporting to and from where along with how many creatures*

"From the Eastern Plains of the Northern Continent to the New western continent also called the beast continent, 450 wolves." Shawn said.

The Winds blew across the 450 wolves as the clouds suddenly turned darker and started swirling. A bright ray of light was let out from the dark clouds sky onto the ground where the wolves stayed and the grasses were blown away from the force it released onto the ground causing strong winds to emerge.

The Elder Wolves all looked at the phenomenon in awe as their skin was hit by the strong winds and they had to close their eyes.

The bright light slowly began to recede but as it did it dragged wolves with it and soon disappeared into the clouds who also dispersed as the weather returned back to normal.

"They are gone just like that" One of the elder wolves said.

"Yes. But so has our power force" said another elder wolf.

"Well as long as one of us is with them then all should be well" said a third elder wolf.

In the Western Continent now renamed the beast continent the wolves were suddenly dropped into a region with trees.

They had been transported into a forest region unlike the plains that they had lived in before.

A voice was heard from the clouds "This is your new home. Enjoy your time here and thrive in the new lands" the voice said and before they knew it, the floating eye vanished.

Shawn who had used teleportation.

*Ding* You have used up 225 CP on transporting creatures. Deducting CP...*

"The total CP that I have now is 6,475CP."

*Ding Congratulations you have transported creatures from one place to another in your world and completed the specific action quest*

*Ding* You have received 1,500 CP*

"Alright then I'll see what else can be done" Shawn said as he checked the quests.

Requirements for Upgrading - Complete Six or all of these quests.

1. Earn at least 22,000 CP - 15,400/22,000

2. Have at least eight races on your world - Currently 7/8

3. Complete at least ten quests - 8/10

4. Have two overseers from a race, your world or realm - C

5. Have an evolved race -

6 Perform a specific action on your world - C

7 Have one or more higher beings in your world - C

"I think that it is time to check on the Jury Realm. But before that I have a few more beasts to send to the beast continent" Shawn said.

He did the same thing for the crocodiles, bears, cats and other beasts in the world.

"At least they will be able to evolve from a better view rather than me straining my eyes to stretch to other places" He said.

Then he clicked on the World Panel and chose the Realms and chose the Jury Realm.

"Can I come with you, master?" said Blan.

"Of course" said Shawn as the surroundings around them changed to reveal a world with stars on the outside but a plane on the inside and creatures with completely white eyes.

Blan the silver white wolf was terrified by what he saw. He moved back to stay behind Shawn.

"Who are they if I may ask, Master?" He asked.

"They are soul hunters, the bringers of souls to be judged for their deeds while still being alive" Shawn said.

The wolf gulped.

"I understand why you will feel terrified. But you fought snakes" said Shawn.

"I doubt if the snakes were any way close to being as dangerous as these ones," said Blan.

"Alright" said Shawn who made a mental note to let Blan be informed when he was going to be traveling to the jury realm.

Shawn made his way to the large building in the realm that was held by pillars made of white stone and gave the feel like one had entered Olympus. This was the Court House.

When Shawn and Blan stepped into the realm. Five creatures with yellow and white clothing and a brown eye in between their black eyes appeared from the building and bowed to Shawn while the other soul hunters around them also did the same.

"You have done well by introducing ourselves properly" Shawn said.

"You have returned back, master. Is it time?" said one of the Five Top Soul Hunters.

"Of course I've come to see which one among you has been the most dutiful in order to pick as the ruler and boss of the jury realm"

The Soul Hunters had increased in number from 500 to 2,000.

"I must also say that you have been doing a good job with your groups but today one of you will be picked" said Shawn.

Then at that moment, Shawn noticed the looks on their faces.

"What is it?"

The five top soul hunters bent their heads and cupped their fists as they spoke.

"Master, we will really appreciate it if you let us rule the Jury realm together," They chorused.

Shawn who heard their proposal began to consider the words he heard.

If he allowed them to rule the soul realm together things might get troublesome as they might be unable to reach a certain agreement concerning an issue or topic.

Should it be a system of one rule then it would be easy as decisions will be made as quickly as possible.

However, that one also had its own disadvantages as no one would be able to point out the flaws in a decision and they would have to follow the orders of an autocrat.

"It seems like I'll have to do something else," Shawn thought.

"I want to spawn a new soul hunter but I want this one to be different but also similar to the five top soul hunters" Shawn said.

*Describe this Soul Hunter*


In front of the Five Top Soul Hunters stood a soul Hunter with Wings also dressed in white and yellow and with white eyes and a brown eye in the middle.

She had long flowing dark hair that was tied into a bun and at the same time had parts of it that covered the top of her face.

"You are Six. The final decision maker of your siblings when they are unable to make a decision and do not have any group to be under you.

However, you are also the strongest among your siblings. But should you turn into something else, the joint effort of your siblings is more than enough to stop you and vice versa. Do your job and help in giving guidance to your siblings." Shawn said to the figure kneeling before him.

"I am grateful towards my master for bringing me into existence. I promise to do my best to not let you down" Six said.

"Good. As for the five of you, the name top soul hunters is no longer to be used. It is now the honours as six will be called the sovereign"

*Ding* Congratulations you have made completed the quest of having two overseers into your world, race or realm*

*Ding, Congratulations you have been given 1,000 CP*

"Great" said Shawn as he smiled.

He was getting closer to completing the quests and with each step he was closer to he was slowly entering the next rank.

He turned to the honours and sovereign.

"My job here is done. Goodbye and manage the jury realm well"

Just as he was about to leave, one of the honours shouted "Wait master?"

"What is it?"

"Please take your time to look around the courthouse" the honour said.

Shawn looked at Blan who was still looking scared at the figure of the soul hunters, especially six.

"How did he even become the first overseer? he is literally a scaredy cat"