Chapter 40 - Sensory Energy

Garvin looked at the young child "You are my descendant and the one that will inherit my job after my death" He said.

"Father what do you mean?" The child looked at garvin in confusion. "I am currently going on a long journey. Before I come back I want you to learn how to use sensory energy, the energy given to only our family" He explained.

"But father where are you going?, I have no idea on how sensory energy feels like. How can I even use it?" The young child explained his condition to his father.

"Raynard. Where I am going is not something that you need to know now. As for sensory energy. You have seen and watched me long enough to know how to use it"

"Members of our family are known to have the potential for sensory energy the moment they are born. It's time for you to know what you are capable off" Garvin smiled as he and and raynard walked into the tribe which has grown from the size of a village to a large town and would soon reach the level of a city.

While they were inside the town, four humans walked towards them. "Sensory Mage, everything is ready" They said.

Garvin looked at raynard who sighed upon seeing this. "Father I wish you good luck on your journey" Raynard said.

Garvin proceeded to pat his son at the head "In the family residence, you will see writings on slates and slabs concerning sensory energy recorded. Read and understand them, you can do it" He smiled as he looked at the humans and said "Let's go" And like that, raynard's father left the tribe.

A few days later when morning came, raynard rose from his bed to go towards the obelisk. He wanted to put the information that he had gained from the writings into use. But there were a few problems.

Raynard POV

"From the writings, the new messenger of the Queen of Hunt must first be contacted by the Queen of Hunt before they can access the sensory realm later on when they stay beside the obelisk.

But I haven't been contacted as my eyes must first turn completely white, however I had sensory energy when I was born.

If that is the case then how would my sensory energy potency be dormant from birth if I have to wait for glowing eyes to unlock it if I can absorb it and use it" I said to myself.

"Since one requires the power of the queen of hunt to access the sensory realm can't I just use the obelisk since it is also infused with her power" I thought.

"Only one way to find out, why wait for glowing eyes. Besides, the writings never stated that there were side effects from trying this technique out so it's worth a go"

So raynard sat on the ground around the obelisk and changed his position to a meditating one before he closed his eyes.

Semna who was in the higher being realm could feel a strange force trying to enter the intermidary realm. What was weirder was that the force came from her power.

By one of Shawn's law which was the law of transcension and astral projection stated that for one to access otherworldly worlds or realms while being in a spiritual state.

They needed to have the energy of that realm gained from the aid of an higher being or a material that had it's power, possess a bloodline that passed down the energy of that realm or be given access by whoever was in charge of that realm.

Since the intermediary realm was typically a no man's land. Only the other two options were practical for the situation.

"Who could it be" She said as her eyes turned completely white. *You have activated the skill 'Eyes of Prospection'*

Semna's vision provided a birds eye view of the toris tribe from the obelisk which had developed. Under the obelisk sat a young child who was meditating.

Semna could see the white aura that surrounded his body. "He is using the aid of the obelisk to gather energy to access the realm. Since he isn't using my awakening or can't wait for his eyes to turn white. I will like to see him try to enter the intermediary realm"

Raynard who was thirteen years old remained in his meditating posture for a while and focused on absorbing energy from the surroundings. He could sense particles entering his body and each time he did that, he felt revitalized as he tried to guide the energy till it reached his mind.

It was here that a problem arose, the sensory energy seemed to be bent on avoid been controlled as it just stayed dormant upon being absorbed.

"I can absorb but I can't control. From the writings, the energy must be gathered to the mind to bring it to a heightened state" He thought as he tried to control the sensory energy.

Beads of sweat formed from his head as he tried and tried but to no avail.

*Bloodline Activated. User can now absorb and control surrounding energy using power of bloodline*

Raynard sighed. He could have avoided the problem if he waited for his eyes to turn white then he could absorb the energy from and around the obelisk since it meant that semna had contacted him and that way he could absorb energy from objects infused with her power.

But now, the energy he was absorbing had detected his bloodline and was trying to activate it. That explained why he couldn't absorb it.

Using what he had learnt from the writings, he felt the energy enter his body through the specific points and parts. Although he was only at level 9.

(From Shawn's law of energy absorbtion - The level number is directly proportional to the radius starting from the body to the point where it completes the level number in meters at which energy can be absorbed by the user)

Since he was in level 9, he could only absorb energy from a 9 meters radius.

He continued to absorb energy from around the obelisk until he heard a notification.

* With this amount of energy from the higher being semna gathered, you can project into the sensory realm*

*Do you wish to enter the sensory realm?*

Raynard who was excited replied "Yes!"

Raynard opened his eyes but rather than seeing the normal physical world he was used to, he only saw white coloured particles around him.

Close to him stood a large structure that emitted an even stronger glow from it's top to the bottom.

*These white particles must be sensory energy and that must be the obelisk* He thought as he remembered what he had learned from the writings.

Once one's eyes had been turned white before regaining their normal colour you could enter the sensory realm consistently while being around the obelisk and absorb the energy from it to project yourself into the sensory realm.

"Father I finally did it" Raynard thought.

"Hmmm. He managed to enter the intermediary realm without my direct aid or without his glowing eyes. An impressive feat for a child that young" said Semna.

Raynard continued to absorb energy from the obelisk for an hour or so. Until, the surroundings around him changed to reveal a garden and in it was a woman.

Raynard felt this change and opened his eyes before he jolted and got on his knees.

"Greetings Queen of the Hunt"

Elsewhere, Garvin and his four allies left another human settlement and continued their journey.

Alston was a 1.70 m tall human male who held a longsword made from the basic ore around and that was copper.

"So where are we heading to next?" Alston asked garvin.

"To the tribe of thumas" Garvin replied.

"Wait don't we have to pass the thicker and denser forest of moss deep before we get there?" said wesley, a 1.65m tall female whose weapon was a bow.

"Yes it is" Garvin replied.

"Ughh. Do we really need to go there?" Wesley complained.

"Why not?" Alston said.

"Are you living under a rock?. Haven't you heard about the monster that lives there" Wesley scolded alston.

"Oh" Alston said as he scratched his head.

"What monster lives there?" Alston asked.

"The Gish" Shelton replied.

Shelton used a long spear and he was a bit taller than Alston with a 0.3 meters height difference.

"It's a scaly lizard with two heads. Travellers say that it spits venom capable of killing it's opponent within five seconds and has thick scales. Within three months"

"But I had no idea that monsters especially lizards could grow to be that powerful in such a short time" Alston said.

"That's why they are called monsters you air!" Wesley yelled.

"Cut it out you two" The last human in the group spoke. She had long blonde hair and her face gave off a mystical aura that made anyone. She was 1.58 meters tall and her weapon was a wooden staff that was surrounded with vines. Yup she was a mage.

"Ok Doanne" Alston said.

"Wesley, I think that it would be cool to fight a monster like that" Alston said excitedly.

"Forget it" Wesley gave up.

The group continued to walk until they reached the outskirts of the forest. And then Alston knew why it was called moss deep.