Swords meet hard sparkling fire, both women step back and charged again. The General is a skillful and seasoned in battle she used her skills to evade her daughter's hits, her method was to tire her out but also beat her into submission. Noorebella was fueled by anger and rage, and because of that was out of balance but she had the advantage of her youthful and unyielding strength.
Rotama advanced and sliced Noorebella's thigh, the first blood hit the ground, pain streamed through her, but she still lashed out and connected her sword with Rotama cracking the General down and forcing her to kneel, gasps were heard around them, the General was made to kneel, impossible.
Noorebella was full of bloodlust and adrenaline, she pressed hard and disarmed the General. She also dropped her sword, fists up, the General timed her foot works and swerved her blows, she swept her legs down and had her head in a joint lock. Noorebella struggled to get out of the lock, trying hard but all her attempts where futile, she poked the General's eyes and got free, coughing out and massaging her neck quickly, she stood up and she landed the first punch into the General's ribs, the second to her nose bleeding it out. Rotama staggered back. Noorebella side kicked the General who blocked and caught her foot slamming her into the ground. Rotama took a minute to catch her breath, enraged by the dirty move, she approached Noorebella who got up and took her stand.
Onlookers, intrigued by the strength and skills that were being displayed. Both warriors breathless and bruised, the General fend of Noorebella's back fist attacks and counter attack with an elbow hit straight into her chest adding a dead blow to her head, she groan in pain and spitted out blood, she charged head-on into the General strike blows into Rotama's guts, the General tackled her to the ground from behind but Noorebella head smashed the General's lips into releasing her, jumped back on her feet , she strike a hard blow into Rotama's head and it opened up, blood tickled down her face , Noorebella lifted the General and threw her over her own body crashing Rotama's neck on the hard surface, she went behind her and bone crashed the General with her strength but that was a mistake and vulnerable move.
Rotama connected both her hands and nudged it hard into Noorebella's belly ,she felt a sharp deep pains course through her and went down, the General continue to inflict strong and powerful kicks upon kicks into her stomach, she dragged her on the floor by her hair, pulled her up and head butt her hard, blood sprayed out of noorebella, Rotama lifted her up and catapulted her high into the air, she collided with one of the ships, her leg dislocated and her ribs was broken causing her to scream out painful into the night but Rotama was not done with her yet, she was the General for a reason and will never tolerate any disrespect.
Noorebella waked up she was bandaged beyond recognition. Trying to remember what had happened but no clue came to her " I cannot believe you are alive" her eyes snapped to the voice seeing Lua the healer, " you were really damaged badly, your leg was dislocated, broken ribs, your thigh has a deep wound that will take some time before it heals completely, you bleed out a lot, you should have collapse sooner into the fight". Lua was fascinated like everyone; she was beaten but she stood her ground with General Rotama for hours even inflicting wounds and scars on her. That alone gained her much more respect from the army. Images and memories forced themselves into her mind, she pressed her eyes shut by the sudden invasion, she was remembering everything, and her hand jolted up and touched her hair, finding it cut short. She sighed and closed her eyes.
Loud wave sounds hitting their ships as it forces to part the sea, made her know they were back into the boat and sailing home. she tried to get unto her feet, but the pain was excruciating, she gave it a second try and her muscles yelled, stretching them after being dormant, blood dashing out, she reopens her wounds. Sitting up she pulled her leg down and relocated it making a popping sound, she shrieked. Lua stood by the entrance, shaking her head " all you warriors think you are immortal or gods, not wanting to rest properly for your body to heal thinking it means weakness, the body is a vulnerable suit, if you don't take extra care, it will be damaged beyond repair and it is irreplaceable too, think about that". Lua lectured her, she pulled her back unto the bed and reapplied medicine on her torso. She hates when all her hard work is wasted, and these women don't care about their appearance or scars, always training and battles but she rather stays here than work in the city, those ladies there were such a pain in the ass, always coming in with a few scratches, grazes and light burns, screaming their head off, making unnecessary and dramatic noise when they are touched. It sure is hard to be the dragon army healer they don't listen to her at all, but it is an honor to serve them and her Kingdom.
Noorebella got up after Lua left , she stepped out , round of applause welcomed her, She had an unexpected look in her eyes, "what is going on here ", her mind asked her she was intrigued and curious , she turned around to make sure they were clapping for her and not someone behind her, Zara came and kneeled in front of her, many followed and declare her as their Captain for standing up against the General in a one-on-one fight, Which was unheard off, even if she was beaten, she fought until the end that showed bravery, courage and determination. The skills that were made known during the fight was memorable and they all wanted to learn from her. Noorebella watched the horizon and saw the countless ships heading home. In the Dragon army, they had a military standard which signifies themselves from others. And everything was earned from the best food, the armor, to the weapons and even the formations during battles, the best was in unit with their own regiment and the captain has to trained them to be the best to hold a higher ground in battle and respect in the army. New trained warriors are added to the main army, but they are not properly treated or acknowledged unless you perform well during battle and a Captain will take you under his care. After the fight General Rotama released Noorebella and her troops to form a unit. They were more dependent now, and can have their own captain to lead them, ships and own quarters to train in, more will be added by victories you will win. " I cannot accept this honor, i was defeated and disgraced in front of all the camp, you will be looked down upon in all the army". She turned back and head into the room.
General Rotama was notified of her daughter's consciousness, on the outside she showed no concern but inside her she heaves a relief moan, after the fight she was out cold, and she realized she went too far but that made everyone around her become more vigilant and cautious.