I already have a wife

After washing up, Ye Fan came to the living room, sat on the sofa and waited for Lin Ruowei.

Women wash relatively slowly, and they have to put on makeup after washing, which takes a lot of time.

Ye Fan felt deeply about this.

When he and Lin Ruoxue lived together before, after the other party got up in the morning, he would definitely not be able to leave the house for less than an hour.

Instead of sitting and waiting like this, it's better to call home, because he also has something to look for at home...

So Ye Fan took out his mobile phone and called his father.

After a few rings, the phone was connected.

"Son, why did you call home so early in the morning?"

"Mom, why did you answer the phone, Dad?" Ye Fan asked.

"Your dad, what else can he do, shit, every day, there is endless shit. It really answers the old saying that lazy people poop a lot."

Ye Fan burst into laughter when he heard his mother's complaints about his father.

As expected of his mother...

"By the way, son, what's the matter with you calling home this early in the morning?"

At this time, Ye Ma, who brought the freshly made breakfast to the restaurant, asked.

My son usually calls back at night, but this time it was uncharacteristic, and he called home early in the morning. I guess what happened?

Ye Fan organized the language and said, "Mom, I want to buy a house. How much money can the family spend?"

Naturally, he asked his family for money not to really buy a house, but to put the money into the futures market together with the two million that Lin Ruowei had transferred to him last night.

Everyone already knows that corn will soon rise sharply, so of course, the more principal you invest, the more the final income will be.

Originally, Ye Fan planned to apply for a small loan from the bank and cash out with a credit card to make money.

But later the system reminded him that these means of making money from financial institutions are not allowed.

But borrowing money from relatives and friends is within the rules.

Therefore, if Ye Fan wanted to make money, he could only ask his family for it.

Ye Fan didn't plan to borrow money from relatives and friends, although he could borrow some money if he opened his mouth.

But in Ye Fan's view, this is not necessary.

Borrowing money from these people is a debt of gratitude.

This year, human debt is the most difficult to repay.

Moreover, as he is in charge of the system, he thinks that there will be many ways to make money in the future.

There was no need for him to catch the dead corn futures for wool.

The reason why Ye Fan asked the family for money under the pretext of buying a house was because Ye Fan was afraid that if he told the truth, the family would not give him the money...

In the past few years, in their hometown, many people ended up with a tragic ending of bankruptcy because of playing futures and stock trading.

Therefore, stocks and futures became the "snakes and scorpions" in the eyes of his parents.

If he said that he wanted money this time to play futures, there is a high probability that his parents would not give him the money.

So, he had to tell the lie.

In fact, it can't be said to be a lie, after all, his original intention of buying futures this time was to make money to buy a house.

Hearing that her son wanted to buy a house, Ye Ma suddenly became energetic, "Son, you are in such a hurry to buy a house just after graduation. Are you planning to marry Xiaoxue?"

"Mom, I've separated from her."

"What? Are you separated?"

"When did this happen?"

Ye Ma was shocked.

She thought that her son was in a hurry to buy a house because he wanted to get married, but now her son told her that he and Xiaoxue had broken up...

During the summer vacation of my junior year, my son brought his girlfriend home.

The son's girlfriend is beautiful, knowledgeable and polite, and is a special match for his son.

Both she and her husband are very satisfied with the girlfriend their son found.

They even thought of each other as their daughter-in-law in their hearts.

Now, however, the cooked duck flies?

"Mom, she and I broke up peacefully yesterday. As for the specific reason for the breakup, don't ask more."

"Oh, okay, we've been talking for more than four years, and we can only say that you and Xiaoxue have no fate."

After Ma Ye sighed, she regained her energy and said, "Son, you have to buy a house first. In today's society, men don't have houses, so it's hard to talk about girlfriends later."

"Mom, I already have a daughter-in-law."

"Son, what did you say?"

Ye Ma patted her head, thinking that she was going to take a vacation and rest at home for two days.

The business of the family's furniture store has been very good recently, but she has been exhausted, and she has begun to have auditory hallucinations.

Earning money is important, but health is more important.

She's only in her forties, and her grandson hasn't reached her yet. She doesn't want to be tired so early.

"Mom, I said I already have a daughter-in-law and a wife."

Ye Fan held back his smile and said word by word.

At this time, although he is not by his mother's side, he can fully imagine his mother's expression now.

Absolutely shocked and confused.

Ye Fan's imagination was absolutely right.

Ye Ma is indeed in a state of confusion now.

Son has a wife? ?

Didn't he break up with Xiaoxue, and it was only yesterday, why does he have a daughter-in-law now?

"Son, didn't you make fun of your mother and me in the morning?"

"Mom, why would I joke with you about this? Really, I really have a daughter-in-law. We all got our marriage certificate yesterday."