Chapter 1:

My name is Octavia Hope. I am 20 years old, with long brown hair, gray eyes, 4 foot 7 inches, slim, and fit. I work as a waitress in a small town. I live by myself in a small 2 bedroom trailor, with my dog hercules. Hercules is a my pit he is 3 years old and full of life. He is solid white.

I ran away from home when I was 16 years old because my father decided it would be a great idea for me to marry Orpheus Black. An arranged marriage. He is mean, vial, and dark. When I was only 13 the whole tribe watched him beat a man to death and walked away and did not care one bit when his wife cried in the middle of the street because she lost her one true love. Her solemate. Then still did not care when she grieved her self to death 3 weeks later.

I had my essence removed by a witch so that i can blend in with the human race. I smell human i look human everything says human. So the only thing different between me and a human is my gifted ear and sight.

Gifted ear and sight will let me hear the creatures of the night. In their truest forms. The goblins, werewolves, vampires, anything that is a creature of the night. The creatures cant show their true form during the day.Were as humans can not hear or see their true forms at all, unless they are a hunter, hunters are human, but stronger, and that's what I pose as. A hunter of my own kind.

You can hear them in the woods all night, the monsters. Scratching, fighting, and moaning. It always starts after dark. It keeps me up at night. Werewolves are very load creatures. But they throw their scent out everywhere so I never have to worry about the trackers finding me.

I live between the human lines and the werewolf pack borders. Just outside the Hurricane and the Willow Packs. The hurricane pack is a smaller werewolf pack. That pack border is 6 miles threw the woods behind my trailor. Beside that pack is a massive pack, their strong hostile and hate humans and fairies.

So here I am just got done running with hercules. We run before dark everyday for a few hours in the woods behind my trailor. I run every day to stay fit incase i have to fight to stay alive. I head for the shower the minute I walk in the door, while hercules goes to his room.

Yes I know what your thinking. Why did she give the dog its own room? Well he is huge. Very muscular with a broad chest and very muscular legs. He is built like a train, and hes a bed hog. He needs his own space. Plus he likes to stay by the back door because that is were Damon comes sniffing. He sleeps by his window every night.

Damon is a wolf. A werewolf I have never met his human side before. He is a black wolf with red eyes. The colored eyes is a sign of a werewolf, that and the fact that they are huge. I mean almost as tall as me. I don't know his status because I don't know enough about their species.

I grew up being raised on knowing mainly one thing, Orpheus was supposed to be my husband when I became of age. So I dont know much about any other species. I don't even know much about my my own species. I barely was aloud to leave my home. My father wouldn't even let me see another person.

Damon is the only werewolf hercules and I like. He is nice, sweet, and very lovable. He acts as a guard dog outside our trailor every night. It is ok because his human self is dormat when the wolf is out. I learned this threw a hunter I met a few years ago. He moved for some reason 3 years ago. Just up and gone. He taught me a little to help me survive. He took me in when he found me. Instead of killing me. He helped me become human. He always taught me, an alpha werewolf can shift and still be present with the wolf side. The rest of them once shifted, their dormant. That is their curse. Every creature has a curse.

Damon bit me after I met him the first time, but I was running from him. It never really healed, I still have the scars on my shoulder. I remember that day, I was running, I got a little far from the house, and the night hit me quick. It was the whole reason I decided to adopt a dog. That is when that horrible night came back to me in a rush.


3 years ago

I am on my normal run threw the woods. I got started on my run a little late. I am pushing it back home as fast as I can. It is completely dark right now. I already heard the howls I know the wolves are on their nightly run.

I pick up my pace, and run harder and faster when I hear the thumping of a wolf running behind me from a distance. I am scared to death, I have not been this scared since I was 13 years old when I ran away from home with nowhere to go.

My heart is racing, I do my best to keep my breathes as even as I can. I hear it catching up. My heart pouded in my chest so hard it hurt. I can't look over my shoulder. My luck I'll trip or run into a tree.

Thump... Thump.... Thump.....

I heard its roar right behind me, thats when I felt its claws in my back as it knocks me to the ground. I fall flat of my stomach. With him above me.

I roll to my back and saw the massive charcoal black wolf with red eyes right in my face. His teeth is not even an inch from my face. I immediately submit. I turn my head and cut my eyes away from his. He is growling in my face. I am so scared right now. My heart is beating harder now, beating so hard it takes my breathe away.

He leaned back a little an quit growling then so fast I barely saw it, he bit me on my shoulder, sinking his canines into my shoulder. I screamed out in pain, screamed to the top of my lungs.

He let go and sat on his ass. Right at my feet, whinning. Staring right into my eyes. As if he can see my soul, and for some reason. I felt safe with him. Like I've known him my entire life. He just bit me, I shouldn't feel so safe, and yet I do.

"What the fuck? That hurt so bad!" I moaned out in pain. I looked down at the bite and saw all 4 canine holes were they broke threw my skin. It was bleeding pretty bad.

I submitted why did he bite me. A werewolf usually only bites if you do not submit to them. Unless it's a female they are very territorial, they will kill. So I was left very confused considering this is a male wolf.

He just sat there watching me with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. I took a few deep breaths while I watched him to make sure he was not going to bite me again. I don't have my healing ability so I can not heal myself. So I'm left holding my left shoulder with my right hand.

He seems to be relaxed now I may can get away now. Even though I don't want to leave him. So I get up and start slowly backing away. He gets up and starts following me with his tail wagging like he's a young pup. He barreled to me his massive frame bouncing around whining and barking trying to play he kept him head towards the ground showing me submission.

"What the fuck?" I said. I'm so confused. I don't understand why he quit being hostile when he was just attacking me. Why is he trying to play with me now. It doesn't make sense.

So I stand up straight, and walk up to him slowly. My heart pounding in my ears. I stick my hand out and look deep into his eyes. I touch his forhead and stroke the bridge of his snout.

He is staring right into my eyes with his big red eyes so bright and playful, it actually touches my heart. His eyes also show something else. I'm not sure what it is.

He's so beautiful. "Damon, it fits you perfect. You look like a Damon." I whisper, smiling at him. I turn and walk away. I heard something thumping behind me. I turn and look, he's walking with me, looking around sniffing the air and ground.

I snicker "you can't stay, your human will report me, ill get turned in. I can't go back they will do bad stuff to me. You mustn't let him know about me."

He stared into my eyes as if he understood. It almost looks like he's smiling at me. So I turn back and start jogging home. With Damon, as I call him, on my heels.

"you cant come Damon." His name has stuck with me. I don't know his real name, I can't communicate with him. So I decided to start calling him that.

He followed me all the way home. Like he was protecting me. Ever since that night he comes an hour after sundown and stays guarding the trailer every night.

That's why the scratching, growling, moaning, and howling keeps me up at night. I'm worried it's him getting hurt. I'm too scared to let him in yet. I'm scared he may bite me again. Even though that was the only time. I'm still skeptical.