
Laura walked closed to Qi Quinn and held her face in her hands.

" You've grown up, Chen Zhi. You were so little when your mother sent you away" Laura said going round her and inspecting like a nurse inspecting her patient.

Qi Quinn looked with confused eyes. "Chen Zhi? My mother? My name is Qi Quinn, so wha..what are you talking about?"

Dae Jung rose up from his seat" Your real name is Chen Zhi and you are a princess of this kindom, or would I say, universe. Your mother, Wang Zifu was a secret mistress to your father, Chen Nimu. She became pregnant for him, was found out and locked up in a dungeon till you where born.

Qi Quinn eyes open wide in shock. My mother, a mistress? Then who were the people i called my parents? "So..so does this mean the people i stayed with, all my life, till they passed away were not my parents??. My loving parents? How do i know you are not lying?". She shouted in anger. All this information and revelations were too much for her to take in.

"How do i know you are not scams or con artists?! For all i know you all could have planned this together to.. to what? Get money?? Let me give you guys a heads up because i dont have a dime for myself talk more of any you guys can steal,so you can just take me back to where you brought me from before its late, i dont walk out late!" Qi Quinn thundered. If she was a cartoon character she wiuld have smoke coming out her ears.

Laura waited silently for Qi Quinn to finish her tantrum. She understood how she felt as she would have done worse if she was spoon-fed all this shocking news. She stood up from her seat and went to Qi Quinn.

" Hold my hands" She said stretching forth her hands to Qi Quinn.

Qi Quinn shifted" How am i sure you wont do anything bad to me"

Dae jung shook his head. This young girl sure has serious trust issues.

Laura smiled softly " Just trust me. You wanted to know if we told the truth. Hold my hands and you will find out"

Qi Quinn reluctantly laid her hands on Laura's. Immediately a strong electric sensation went through her hands and into her body and a strong wind began to blow. It felt as if an electric eel slid through her body and she began to shake slightly.

" Wha..what's happening?" she stammered. She looked at Laura who was glowing and her hair flew up as the winds went through it. She felt the winds in her hair too. Suddenly she felt her mind being clouded and her eyes turned white. Then her eyes open and she looked around. The wind was gone, the tingling in her hands stopped and she couldn't see Laura or Dae jung anymore.