A new maid

She panted heavily, short of breath. Being chased all the way from the kingdom's entrance by the city guards, took a lot out of her. She had such distinct features and was easily spotted as a foreigner, her looks were disadvantages interested this situation. This kingdom looked nothing like her own world, or the kingdom, Shiza, where she just got out from. Everywhere seemed dark, but surprisingly beautiful. It was a dark type if beauty, like a rose flower hidden in the bushes.

Qi Quinn heaved a deep sigh as she reached the gate. It stood tall and huge. It looked thick enough for any small animal to comfortably sit on the edges. She wondered why a kingdom rumoured to be so powerful had to install such security.

Qi Quinn calmed herself down as she scanned the area. Seeing no one, she raised her hand to knock on the gate,but was stopped by approaching sounds behind her. She quickly hid behind some bushes and waited to see what it was. A figure, probably a man approached the gate. The way he was dressed gave her the conclusion that he must be of royalty status or someone of high class.He took out a ring, and fixed it into a cavity in the gate, and the gate opened. He removed it, quickly entered and the gate shut back.

Qi Quinn came out of hiding, shocked. That must be the ring Laura talked about. And he must be a member of the royal household to have that ring. " But how do I get in?" she muttered aloud.

She went close to the gate a felt around it.She touched the gate and it shifted, implying that it was opened

" That's strange". she said, and opened the gate wider, and quietly went in.

She scanned the area and found no one, not even a palace guard. Usually, she would have been heading tho the palace room, being dragged roughly by two guards like a thief. Qi Quinn immediately smelt a rat and she decided to tread with caution. Her mission required her to be captured alive, not shot dead.

She walked a little further, and reached a door. It was locked so she knocked lightly. No one answered so she knocked again. The door opened.

A middle aged woman dressed like a maid appeared at the other side. She looked Qi Quinn up and down, scanning her.

" Who's this scanner" she thought to herself.

" Who are you" the maid asked, talking down on her. Qi Quinn kept quiet as many thoughts came to her mind. She wasn't sure of what she was doing, but this was what she had to do if she was to complete the mission.She wondered how she got herself into this mess, or what deity must have cursed her, but nevertheless, she was already here so she had to play her cards right. The game was already on and she couldn't back out.

" Who are you, I ask again?" Qi Quinn was cut off from her thoughts by the maids voice, which sounded angry now. She put herself together and put on her act.

" Good day ma. I came in search of a job in the palace, ma" Qi Quinn said, looking pitiful. She put on a sad but mature face, as if she wanted a job badly, but was also aware that the palace was no ordinary hiring house. Looking at her, one would pity her at first sight.

But the maid would not be deceived. The young maiden standing before her did not look like your regular maid. All the people who came to take on jobs as maids all looked tardy and rough, but this woman here looked so clean, and beautiful, almost like a princess.

" A job? " She asked. The young lady nodded. The maid looked around, there were no guards, or she would have been escorted here by one or two of them.

" How did you get in here"

" With my legs ma. The gate was opened so I walked right in" Qi Quinn answered innocently.

The maid gasped as she held her mouth. No wonder everywhere was quiet. She held Qi Quinn by the hands and took her inside. She met another maid inside

" Where are the guards, mandu? where are they?" she asked in fear. This should not reach the ears of the First young master, or they would be all dead. They had caused enough trouble as it it, by letting one of the prisoners escape, anymore problems and their heads would have it.

" I have not seen any of them, that's the reason I came to you ma". the young lady said in fear".

" What?! " the maid, who was the chief maid, shouted in fear.

Suddenly, Gu biang came running towards them. Other guards came running behind him, they all looked like they had woken up from sleep.They came to the cheif maid

" We are sorry, Duo ling. We don't know what came over us. I woke up and found the others sleeping. I don't know how or when we got to the court yard or how we fell asleep this afternoon, we were not ourselves" the guard said bowing down in apology.

" You were not yourselves?"

They all turned to the direction of the voice. Their heart went to mouths as they turned and found out that it was no other person but, Lin xiang, they one person they didn't want to see now. He was with his brother Lin Cheand....who was it beside them??. Seo Jun??

They all gasped as they saw him. When did he get here? How did he get here?.