Chapter 7

Emanda White took the opportunity to take out her hand and quickly turned to help Brook White's shoulder.

"Mom is here, don't be afraid."

She hurriedly held the child in her arms. Her eyes were red and tears were in her eyes.

In such a large living room, there is only a sound that is known to be more and more restless.

Emanda White picked up the child. "I'm going to take the child upstairs to sleep."

The voice fell and the living room fell silent.

It was also after this silence that William Spenser spoke again.

"Did you ask Nicola Green to do it?"


Emanda White frowns at William Spenser.

What does he really want to ask?

Emanda White half narrowed his eyes and turned to leave.

No matter what William Spenser wants to do today, she, Emanda White, will not accompany her today.

She looked down and saw that there were still scratches on her arm left by the attack of the well-known disease.

"I'm going upstairs to have a rest."

William Spenser angrily rushed over and tried to catch her again, but Emanda White stepped back and dodged.

This frustration of not catching something made William Spenser glare at Emanda White angrily.

Emanda White pursed her mouth, clenched her fist tightly, and raised her voice. "I want to go upstairs!"

"If it wasn't for you, how could Nicola Green take you back? The whole party was talking about your relationship with Nicola Green. No one believed that the Spenser family could take the land of the new district. Wouldn't it be called ruining the party?"

The banquet was originally intended to strengthen people's understanding that the two families could win the land in the new area, but now the appearance of Nicola Green has destroyed everything.

Everyone thought that the relationship between Nicola Green and Emanda White was not simple.

Everyone looked at him like he was wearing a hat tonight.

But what about Emanda White?

When he looked at Emanda White, he still had a cold face.

Is she still so calm at this time?

Why can she always keep such a calm appearance? I wish someone would destroy her completely.

William Spenser's eyes made Emanda White smile.

Emanda White went upstairs without turning back.

It took her a long time to calm Brook White down.

The child's condition is getting worse, but she has no clue.

First, it is really hard to find a doctor. The only doctor who can treat Brook is firmly controlled by the White family and the Spenser family. If you want Dr. Herme to take care of Brook, you can only obey them.

She did not want to be held in the palm of her hand by William Spenser.

Second, she has not been able to be completely independent from the two families.

If she wants to break the game, it seems that her chance is in the hands of that man.

Emanda White sat beside the bed and touched the sweat on the child's forehead.

For the sake of children, be his lovers.

The next day, before the sun had completely risen, Emanda White had already got up.

She has been busy these two days. She hasn't sat down to draw on the paper for a long time.

The last time she started writing, she was called to night bar by William Spenser.

However, the light purple dress at the party surprised everyone.

She raised her mouth, took out a new drawing and painted on it.

It's such a dress every time. In fact, you can try the clothes for ordinary travel.


Emanda White thought of her children and thought that she could design a set of parent-child clothes for herself and Brook.

"Mommy ~

The child on the bed shouted.

Emanda White hurried forward to hold the child and asked him if he felt any discomfort.

Brook White shook his head.

He just look a little depressed.

The scene of adults quarrelling yesterday must have frightened the children.

Emanda White sighed with a flash of inspiration.

"How about mom take you to the amusement park? There are many delicious and fun things in the amusement park. How about mom take Brook?"

Brook White looks up and blinks at Emanda White.

It looks like he is interested.

Emanda White felt relieved and rubbed the child's hair. "Then mother will take you to..."

"Where are you going!"

Mrs. White directly smashed the door and entered, as always.

All the tenderness of Emanda White disappeared, and he looked at the so-called precious lady coldly.

"What are you looking at? Is that the way you should look at your mother-in-law?" Mrs. Spenser threw some of her clothes on the ground. "I washed them, including those in the bathroom."

Does that mean to let her work?

Emanda White held back her temper and then asked Mrs. Spenser: "is there no servant in the Spenser family?"

"What’s wrong with washing two clothes? What big deal I ask my daughter-in-law to two clothes for her mother-in-law?" Mrs. Spenser put her hands on her waist and pointed to Emanda White. "Is that how the White family teaches you the rules?"

Emanda White lowered her eyes and told Brook White not to listen.

As a result, Mrs. Spenser came and grabbed her hand and tried to pull her out of bed.

Emanda White raised her head and looked at her.

The Mrs. Spenser, who was looking at her, was inexplicably frightened and silently put away her hand.

Mrs. Spenser was afraid, but still she said, "don't pretend. Go wash the clothes for me. Take care of those expensive dresses! If they are damaged, I will ask Dr. Herme to stop the treatment of wild bastard."

"Dare you?" Emanda White just chuckled, "if you have anything to say, go outside and talk."

She looked at Brook White again and rubbed his head.

"You stay in your room. When mother finishes work, I will come to you and take you to the playground."

Brook White nodded.

She just got out of bed and left.

Mrs. Spenser was afraid of the look just now and left the room.

Standing on the second floor, Emanda White stopped.

"Why are you standing here? I have nothing to say to you. Go and wash my clothes now!"

"Why should I work for you like a servant?"

Emanda White looked at her calmly. The angle of her mouth raised made Mrs. White feel mockery.

Just as she was about to shout, Emanda White blocked her mouth with a look in her eyes.

Emanda White took a step forward. He could reach out and catch Mrs. White's distance.

"If you threaten me with my son's illness again and affect the child's treatment, I will never let you go easily."

She raised her mouth slightly, but it made Mrs. White feel afraid.

Mrs. Spenser choked her neck and shouted, "don't think that Nicola Green seemed to know you yesterday. You can be so proud! You are still a daughter-in-law of the Spenser family! Sooner or later, I will let my son get rid of you!"

"I'd love it."

Emanda White just gave a look, which made Mrs. Spenser back several steps in fear.

Mrs. Spenser shook her head, mumbled a few words of "madman" and quickly went downstairs.

Emanda White's eyes seemed to push her downstairs at any time.

Looking at the back of Mrs. Spenser who hurried away, Emanda White felt quite funny.

She does have this idea, but if she doesn't want to start at this time, she will only dirty herself.

To leave the Spenser family, she took the initiative to leave.

She was not abandoned by the Spenser family, but she abandoned the Spenser family.