Chapter 10

"Aren't you going to divorce him? Why hasn't he let you go yet?" Thomas sighed as he stared at her

"Who knows? He is no longer the man who cherished me, nor the man who has a connection with me. What happened before has changed us. I won't figure out what he wants to do. I just want to leave."

She had nothing else to ask for.

There was only Mike to support her.

"Snow, even if you don't divorce, I can take you abroad and settle you down in a place no one can find." Thomas Reagan said sincerely, grabbing Snow's arm.

Snow knew that Thomas Reagan was good at it.

But if he did so, Vicdor Blake's anger would shift to Thomas Reagan and bring him a lot of trouble.

Therefore, Snow shook her head and refused directly, "no, I'll arrange everything by myself. But if I die of illness, I'll ask you to take care of Mike. I don't dare to keep him in the Blake family. I'm sure that Vicdor Blake won't care about him, and the child will be destroyed directly."

As she spoke, her eyes turned red.

Thinking of the father son relationship, she felt heartbroken.

"Don't worry. I will definitely do what you ask me to do. But are you sure that Vicdor Blake won't find out that you are selling off the Cecy Group and going abroad?"

Hearing this, Thomas was a little worried that this matter would be known by Vicdor Blake. According to his character, he would definitely not let Snow leave smoothly.

He looked at Snow worriedly and said, "you must be careful."


Snow nodded at him with a smile and said, "don't worry. I've been well prepared. I can deal with it even if I'm discovered."

She looked at her watch and said, "I'm going back.I had to pick up Mike from school."

What happened yesterday made Snow worried that Lecy Sherry would play tricks on Mike when she was not at home.

"Let me drive you home." Thomas Reagan put away the folder and stood up.

Snow thought of what Vicdor Blake had said last night. She didn't want to let Thomas meet Vicdor.

Then she shook her head and said to Thomas Reagan gratefully, "thank you, but no, thanks. I can take a taxi home."

Hearing this, Thomas felt a little disappointed.

In the past few years, the confident Snow had been completely smoothed out by the reality, and now she looked so cautious.

After sending Snow to the taxi, Thomas Reagan looked at the back of the taxi for a long time before he looked away.

In Blake family's house.

When Vicdor Blake and Lecy Sherry came back from the hospital, they asked the Butler, "where is Snow?"

"She went out not long after she got up. Maybe she went to the company." The Butler said in a low voice.

Lecy Sherry felt jealous when she saw that Vicdor Blake was still so concerned about Snow.

She held his arm and said in a sweet voice, "it's none of your business, Vicdor Blake. Why do you care about her so much? Do you still miss her?"

"How is that possible?"

Without hesitation, he shook his head and denied, "I just don't want this bitch to go out. What if she gets them into trouble again?"

She was a woman in jail, which had caused so many disputes in Blake family.

"HMM..." when Lecy Sherry saw the obvious dislike between Vicdor Blake's eyebrows for Snow, the corners of her mouth immediately rose slightly. She leaned weakly on his arm and acted like a spoiled child. "Then why don't you just let her not be a member of the Blake family anymore? Then you don't have to worry about her causing trouble to the Blake family."

Her voice was soft and sweet.

But now, he didn't care about her at all.

His heart tightened.

He looked at Lecy Sherry and said, "I know how to arrange these things. Since the doctor asked you to have a good rest, you can go back to your room to have a rest."

Then he withdrew his arm.

His attitude gave Lecy Sherry a sense of crisis.

In the past, she could use her child to tie up Vicdor Blake, but now she had no child, she was a little uncertain.

She had to kick Snow out of the house as soon as possible!

Otherwise, she didn't know when the title of Mrs. Blake would fall on her.

When Vicdor Blake came out of the warm house, he happened to see that Snow get off the taxi.

When she closed the door and turned around, she met Vicdor Blake's eyes.

Being stared at by him like this, Snow felt a little flustered.

Vicdor Blake mocked, "are you going to see your lover?"

"I don't want to talk to you." Snow didn't want to argue with him. She just wanted to see where Mike was.

She was about to enter.

When she passed by Vicdor Blake, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her arm.

"You don't want to admit it? That man is really your new love? Don't forget that we are still a legal couple now. You can't wait to see him every day?" Vicdor Blake's tone was full of disgust and ridicule.

There was another obvious jealousy that he didn't notice.

Snow didn't think whether he was jealous or not.

She looked at Vicdor Blake with a smile, "do you have any standpoint to say that? Have you forgotten how you and Lecy Sherry showed off their love in front of me? You said we are a legal couple. Do you guarantee my legal rights and interests?"

She struggled.

She couldn't get rid of him at all.

Vicdor Blake grabbed her arm as hard as iron, which made her feel very painful.

"Vicdor Blake, will you die if you talk to me nicely? Let go of me!"

Snow thought that she might not die of illness in the future, but be killed by this bastard.

"Talk nicely? You deserve it!"

Seeing her pale face, Vicdor Blake pursed his lips and shook her off!

He looked at her with mockery and said in a low voice, "you are really good at acting, but you are malnourished and look weaker than a miscarriage. You have applied a lot of powder, right? Are you going to make people think that the Blake family is not good enough for you, Mrs. Blake?"

Snow couldn't help but sneer. She thought to herself, 'is Blake family good to me?