
"What are you doing? Vicdor, didn't you just say that you only love me? Why did you..."

With a devastated look, Leyi turned around and was about to run out.

Worried that she would do something out of line because of the heavy blow, Vicdor Blake grabbed her arm and pressed her against the wall. He comforted her apologetically, "I was just angry for a moment. What I said to you is true. I must have only you. I was irritated..."

"What irritated you?" Leyi raised her head and asked deliberately.


Vicdor Blake wanted to say that he was irritated by the fact that Snow Cecy didn't come back all night and spent the night with that Terrence Edmin.

If he said that, was that showing that he cared Snow Cecy very much?

He directly held Leyi in his arms and said, "don't think too much. After what happened at the banquet today, I have always wanted to vent my anger. I just want to humiliate her!"